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Just got referred for IVF

bernardblack - Welcome on this thread :hi:

hey ladies - I had my appointment today as witchy showed up early and dint keep me waiting. FS has me on estrogen tablets starting from cd4, and prenatals and metformin. No more needles, im relieved.

Stinas - Hoping to be FET buddies.

Sheri _ You really are making everyone else jealous with your flutters and popcorns. Im so happy for you. You really deserve them.

drsquid - that was one bit of useful info there. Thanks for sharing

How have you been preggo ladies? How much weight have you gained. What is your diet like and are you really eating for 2? Just curious to know if life has changed a lot with pregnancy?

Drsquid - Did you show earlier with the twins?

Aleja - how are you? I hope your FS will work out the best plan next time around. Keep faith.

littleangel _ how have you been?
honey-= dunno about earlier this is my only pregnancy. i wasnt really showing til last thursday the day after amnio. i weighed myself yesterday cause i have popped out and wanted to make sure it wasnt just all fat. im up 13 lbs from where i started. not too bad. i have my ob appt on thursday and im constantly paranoid ive gained too much (even though i know i havent).
Hi Honeycheeks, thanks for thinking of me :hugs:

I'm really well thanks. Just finished work yesterday and I have a few weeks holiday to use up before starting my mat leave. Feels so early, but I'm glad to have some time to rest and do all the little jobs I've been keeping.

Been to see my FS yesterday, he's been following me through pregnancy as my NHS Obstetrician. It was lovely to see him and everything is on track.

I still lurk on this thread and keep up to date with what is happening with you all, I just don't comment often.

Good luck to you and Stinas and anyone else who has a cycle coming up :dust:
Glad AF showed for you honeycheeks so you can get moving. How's the metformin treating you?

Hi littleangel! So glad you checked in, you're so close!!

So far I've gained 2.5 pounds according to the OB, my scale at home shows 0 but I think it depends on what time of day I'm weighed. I drink tons of water before noon. Got the call and I passed my early glucose test and all genetic testing came back normal. My thyroid is right on track too. Monday is the perinatologist appnt, not sure if I will find out the gender as DH can't make it. Boo.
Hi Noasaint. I can't believe you have gained so little! I have now gained 3 stone, 10lbs of which was in 1st Tri. I'm blaming having to give up running.

Glad to see things are going well for you xx
Honey - We are pretty much cycle buddies!!!! Yay!!! I got AF yesterday....I started the estrogen tablets today. I go in for bloodwork the 16th which is when I should know when transfer will be. How about you?
Awesome Stinas!! It will be a busy few weeks for you and Honey, can't wait!

We are on a little vacation right now, maybe our last before little bean gets here. I'm trying to relax and enjoy things but there's not much to see in this rural area. And let me say I do not understand this fruit/vegetable ticker. Where we live oranges are bigger than onions! LOL
Noasaint - I have been on Metformin for more than a year now. So its not a problm any more. you gained so little, im really surprised. I hope you get to find out the gender soon. Enjoy your vacation
Stinas - We are cycle buddies. I started estrogen tablets yesterday and I have my u/s on 15th when they decide when the transfer will be
Hi ladies :flower:

Stinas & honey, very excited for your FET's wishing both lots of :dust:

Noasaint can't believe how fast time is going now only seems like last week we were both waiting for beta results...

Littleangel not long for you now I hope the last few weeks are nice & relaxing...

Aleja, have you had your appt with your FS?

It's school holidays here so I'm on 2 weeks break again, my OH & I are going to Bali on Tuesday with my brother & SIL to attend a memorial service my sister was one of many australians killed there 10 years ago in a terrorist attack & hopefully I can find some closure... On a happier note when we come home we have the anatomy scan & will hopefully find out if we have a lil miss or lil man :) :flower:
noasaint - I hope you are enjoying your time away!!! I agree, oranges are bigger than onions.

Honey - YAY!!!!!!! FET buddies!!!!!!!!
Hi girls hope everyone is well

Sheri, I can't believe your sister was one of the Bali victims that is so sad . It feels surreal that it has been so long but i am the pain doesnt go away . i hope you have a good chance to reflect and remember your sister x

My FS appt is this week and I am feeling very anxious about it. Not sure what he will say but ideally I want to plan for another stim cycle in Jan/feb. I still have 2 frosties left but I doubt they will stick (maybe FS will let me transfer both?)

Stinas and Honey!!!!!! Yay it's FET time!! GL girls x
Aleja - Good luck with your appointment. I hope you could transfer both and give it a try.
Sheri - Sorry for the loss of your sister. It must be hard still, though time has passed.

Stinas - I am so excited for this cycle. I have a feeling this is going to work. i am already pretending pregnant..lol. If FET works then technically i am one week pregnant today :haha:
Aleja - I dont see why they wouldnt allow you to transfer both. I am young and they let me transfer both. I know every clinic is different, but if it didnt work last cycle and you only have 2 left, I just dont see why not.

Honey - LOL I am trying to take it easy...just going with the flow this time. I got wayyyy ahead of myself last cycle, even though naturally thats just me, but trying to do different this time. I stopped drinking coffee once I started stims last time, I think im just going to do my regular routine this time. I only drink one med blk coffee a day, so I dont think it will make a difference.
Im praying FET works!
Aleja - I hope they allow you to transfer both. I am also hoping to transfer 2 this time. I have talked about it to my FS, though she doesnt want to encourage with for 2, I hope she agrees. She thinks I am young and also small so one is better. Lets see. I am forever hoping to transfer 2.

Stinas _ the stress of FET hasnt gotten to me yet. I guess that is probably because I dont have as frequent appointments as the stim cycle. So it is easy to take it out of my mind and just live in the fantasy world of pregnancy. I am not known to have a sane mind when i get closer to transfer date.
Honey - lol I know what you mean....FET is sooo much easier! I hated going to the doc daily for bloods and ultrasound.
Honey - When is your ET? Mine is next wed 24th.
Honey - When is your ET? Mine is next wed 24th.

good luck Stinas. My ET is on 20th saturday. I have started progesterone pessaries, they are such a huge mess, but i am glad i dont have to do the PIO shots.
Thank you Honey!
Yeah, I start PIO on friday and im not looking forward to it at all. pessaries are a mess, but I dk which I rather do. Once you shoot up its over with, so I think I rather do the PIO and not have to wear a pad all the time. It all just sucks lol
Good luck to you too!
Hi ladies, hope you are all well :flower: Home from Bali & a bit exhausted! Had my anatomy scan this morning & everything is going great baby is measuring spot on 19 weeks & we are having a little girl :pink: it still feels very surreal so maybe it will start to sink in a bit now...

Honey & stinas good luck with your transfers :dust: will be thinking of you both...

Aleja how did your appt go?

Noasaint did you have your anatomy scan last week? Can't believe we are almost half way!!!

Drsquid & littleangel how are you both?

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