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Just got referred for IVF

aleja - How did your FET go? How many embies did you transfer? Good luck in the TWW. Sending a truck load of sticky baby dust your way. You are in my prayers.

Me- I just picked up my meds for next cycle.I have to get my first shot of Gonapeptyl CR on Saturday and then start on Provera.
Aaaawww drsquid!! I had been wondering if you had caught a peek. Glad you will have your girl you wanted.

We want to find out and hopefully will on the 8th when we see the perinatologist. If not that day we have to wait till first week of Nov. I feel like its a boy. Me and DH do not agree on names at all but I have a list for each.
Honey - Yay for starting again!
Aleja - How are you?!?
Hi girlies how are you? I have been off bnb for a few days due to work occupying my lil brain!!!
Yes I did have the FET last Saturday , just one "collapsed" blastocyst defrosted and straight into the oven. The word "collapsed" freaked me out but the scientist said that embys collapse and expand as the start redividing again . It certainly looked different to the other two perfect looking blastocysts that had previously been transferred ... Ahh well only time will let now. I am on the pessaries again so I am grateful for some kind of LP support .
I warned my FS that I already have another consult booked with him in October (I am not feeling very confident at all) He said that's great as it may end up being the pregnancy scan!!! Well at least he is feeling positive :)

Stinas and Honey GL with the start of the FET cycles, I am thinking of you ladies.

And too Sheri, Noasaint and DR Squid it's so amazing that you are already thinking of names and finding out genders.. I can only hope to join you soon

Thanks for checking in aleja, glad you are PUPO. Sending baby dust and prayers your way!
aleja - Yay for being PUPO!!! Lots of prayers your way!
Hi there it didn't work again . Had enough - I need a new plan of attack .
Honey and stinas how are you going ?
Hi there it didn't work again . Had enough - I need a new plan of attack .
Honey and stinas how are you going ?

oh dear, im so sorry it dint work. Take your time to pick yourself up. You so deserve a BFP. I am hopeful it happens soon for you. :hugs:

Me- Waiting for the witch to start my FET cycle. I am nervous. Cant think of how i am going to survive another tww.
aleja - Im sooo sorry! This sucks! Did they tell you why they think it didnt work?

I am also waiting for AF to come...hopefully mid week?....with my luck it will come on my busy work weekend....but who knows.

Honey - Hopefully we can be FET cycle buddies!
Hey thought id come say hi.ive just been referred for IVF and am waiting for the documents to come through the post. The wait for it is a nightmare!
Welcome bernardblack! Lots of great info here on IVF, meds, etc. Do you know which protocol you will be on?

Stinas and honey...................waiting just stinks I know. Hopefully the time passes quickly so you both can get the show on the road as they say.

Drsquid, are you feeling any kicks yet? Nothing here.
Hi noasaint ive no idea on my protocol. I hope for the easiest and painless one,hehe.

My FS referred me Monday just gone and im waiting on the paperwork. I have an Endometrioma on the left ovary and have been TTC for over 2 years now. Clomid did work but 2 pregnancies resulted in 2 losses. Ive also been on HCG injections but they all failed so here i am nervous as hell about the IVF (mainly because im bad with needles and internal scans cause a lot of discomfort) - got any good tips for me?
Aleja, im sorry your FET failed :hugs: i hope your FS has something different for you too try next time.

Honey & stinas good luck with your FET :dust:

Noasaint & drsquid how are you both feeling?

Bernardblack, good luck with your ivf journey & yes the waiting is the worst part!

Nothing much new with me just having lots of flutters & popcorn feelings.
noasaint- i dunno. i thuoght i felt a pop from a last night. but some much of the time it feels too rhythmic so im sure it is my pulse or gas/
Bernardblack, have you tried icing the area before injections? Helps for some. Is there a reason internals are uncomfortable? I got so used to them after a while. I know for a friend of mine she would take a low dose valium before her gyn appointments because she tended to tense up her pelvic muscles. Not sure if that's an option for you. The more you practice with needles the easier it gets I think. In the end I found giving them to myself was better than DH doing it.

Hi Sheri!! So jealous you're feeling flutters!!!! No movement here yet. Had my 16 week checkup today and all is well. I'll have the results of the glucose test by friday probably and hopefully the 2nd part of the screening as well. Next week we find out the gender :)

Drsquid, what's exactly involved in an anatomy scan? I mean, what do they look at as I know it's an u/s. Do you think 17 weeks is too early for me to see a perinatologist to check the baby's heart? I thought they said 20 weeks but here I am scheduled for next week.
i had my full scan at 17 weeks. the only downside is that sometimes they wont see everything and you have to come back. i dont know when they do fetal echo. at my anatomy scan they checked 4 chamber heart, left and right outflow tracts and the aortic and pulmonic arches. they also check for a 3 vessel cord (2 vessel cord can point towards possible heart problems). they also look at the brain and measure the ventricles. make sure the heart and stomach are on the same side. check the kidneys and bladder. measure the head circ, belly circ. femur length etc to assess gestational age. make sure there are 2 upper and lower limbs.

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