Just got shouted at


& one in the oven <3
Jun 19, 2008
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...in Tesco carpark because I parked in a mother & child space! :-s

I pulled into the carpark and saw that although the spaces were full there was a family just about to leave, so I waited for them to leave. As they left some guy quickly pulls in the space!

Once I found another space I look over and see that he has no child or car seat, so I questioned why he was parked there, his answer 'I'm waiting for my wife & I want to listen to the football! You shouldn't be parked here anyway, you have a baby NOT a child' :saywhat:

Just thought maybe you should all be aware that 'parent child spaces' are actually for middle aged men picking up their wives and who want to listen to the football, and not for women with babies :hissy:

My mistake :dohh:
Oh that really riles me. At my local supermarket every one seems to just park in the mother and baby places. So when it chucking it with rain you have to run from the other end of the car park. Grr...
Huh? Is he God's gift to the world or something?

I hate confrontations but find it hard not to tell the lazy twats who park in P&C to move their asses elsewhere.

...in Tesco carpark because I parked in a mother & child space! :-s

I pulled into the carpark and saw that although the spaces were full there was a family just about to leave, so I waited for them to leave. As they left some guy quickly pulls in the space!

Once I found another space I look over and see that he has no child or car seat, so I questioned why he was parked there, his answer 'I'm waiting for my wife & I want to listen to the football! You shouldn't be parked here anyway, you have a baby NOT a child' :saywhat:

Just thought maybe you should all be aware that 'parent child spaces' are actually for middle aged men picking up their wives and who want to listen to the football, and not for women with babies :hissy:

My mistake :dohh:

:shock: How rude!! So it's fine to struggle to get a baby out the back of a car with a six inch gap between you and the car next to you, put him into the buggy next to the boot with cars driving past and push him across a busy car park just so he can listen to the football?! :grr:
I have made it my mission in life to hunt these tossers down:hissy:

themen are the worst, normally my scowling face actually makes them reverse out:lol:

:hugs: hun
This really irritates me aswell people are so lazy and cant be arsed to walk a bit furthur as if these spaces arnt limited enough!
Omg! What an absolute ass!
The Sainsbury's near me has a policy of enforcing the disabled and parent and child spaces. Maybe next time report it to the staff at the customer service desk. Some people are idiots and selfish.
The Sainsbury's near me has a policy of enforcing the disabled and parent and child spaces. Maybe next time report it to the staff at the customer service desk. Some people are idiots and selfish.

I actually did this and the staff agreed with me! They called security down & he asked the man to move.

I just can't believe that he thinks I had no right to park there with a baby, but that his reasons for parking there were acceptable :hissy:
Ive actually gone up to someone and asked why they were parked in the child parking spaces without any kids and he said "coz im disabled and need to"...I APOLOGISED for being so upfront as i felt a bit awful...but he said "yeah love, dnt you know mentally insane people get to park anywhere they like?"
I was like "ok, bye" thought better not to mess with someone like that...

And another time...there was a disabled badge holder in a babyand child space and i didnt say anything, as well, i think they need to use the space more...but there was like 4 spare spaces closer to the shop for disabled parking..??
Before I started working in Morrisons, I'd gone shopping with my mum and dad nad this fella pulled into the parent and child space before my dad got chance to and got out the car with no kids. I was fuming!

I stormed over to the man and told him he was 'a complete inconsiderate prat' parking in a parent and child space when he clearly had no children with him, whist my mum, me and my dad had to struggle getting caitilin out of her carseat. And all he could say was 'sorry' and walked off!

Needless to say I went in store and complained and the security guard went and asked him to move his car.

I heard that thye may be bringing a law in to stop people aprking in them, basically the same as disabled parking spaces. And people who do not have children with them can be fined like disabled spaces. Not sure how true it is or when I heard it, but I hope it is true.

It still aggravates me now when I walk past them into work and see them with no kids and they are just sat in the car!

Errr.... ok rant over :blush:
The Sainsbury's near me has a policy of enforcing the disabled and parent and child spaces. Maybe next time report it to the staff at the customer service desk. Some people are idiots and selfish.

I actually did this and the staff agreed with me! They called security down & he asked the man to move.

I just can't believe that he thinks I had no right to park there with a baby, but that his reasons for parking there were acceptable :hissy:

I am glad the staff did something about it. I mean, come on, is he that dumb that he cannot understand a baby is a child? Oh wait, he IS that dumb!!!
Omg, this really gets me annoyed!! Grrr! glad u said something to him,some people are down right rude! x
I've seen a collegue of there park in parent and child parking spaces before i went to the desk and asked to talk to the manager she said she wouldn't do anything because she might not know they were for parent and child, i even said to her well you should go tell her, she said their was no inforcement on them so she couldn't do anything.

I was Bloody out rageours.
bloody cheek! :grr:
we was only talking about this yesterday - me, oh and maddi went to sainsburys and a perfect fit, able young couple felt the need to park in the SEPARATE carpark for parent and child and disabled! even though we have the biggest sainsburys in england near us with LOTS of spaces, most undercover, and on a completely separately rant - loads of undercover spaces - NO undercover spaces for parent and child and disabled!!

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