Just had a gender scan done today! :o

i do not see why anyone is offended and taking this so personally. I was asking myself the same question because all my friends and family wanted me to have a girl, even going so far as to roll their eyes when I made the comment "I think it's a boy
Everyone wanted me to have a girl first time too which I did, second time nobody seemed too fussed either way and from my third on everyone has wanted baby to be a boy. I think it's natural that most people have some kind of preference as to the gender.

Congrats on your little girl OP :)
Congratulations on your little girl :) xx I found out last week im having a little girl after 3 boys ! I'm actually still in shock :) xxx
My family and OHS family are the same, they all want girls. I have two girls already and I do personally want another girl. That being said, I wont be disappointed if I have a boy, not at all.

I think you have been jumped on a bit for something that is not your opinion, but the opinion of those around you, not your fault.

Congrats on your baby girl x

The original post has been changed. Heavily edited I'd say. So I think lots of people on here are justified in being offended.

It's not my fault. People in my real life should not be giving me the impression that people hate boys because every time I mention it, as someone else said, they raise an eyebrow and ask why. Personally I like boys. A friend of mine has 3! It's kind of discouraging.

Thanks everyone for the congratulations and all that! xoxo
Second trimester is making a lot of you hormonal!

OP, nothing wrong with what you said, you were simply stating that everyone around you wanted you to have a girl and you were making a comment that is in my opinion a standard comment to make, I probably would have said a similar comment had I been in your position!

Ignore everyone, glad they are happy with their boys.. and girls, come on, why are you all behaving like the mum brigade. always someone to pick on the OP. I laughed my way through the thread!

Good luck on team pink, its a wonderful team!

Im actually hoping for a boy second time round, not that that makes any difference to your comment!

Thanks dear! Yeah, I didn't mean to offend anyone. My comment was worded they way I felt people were treating the whole boy girl thing in real life :( It's just sad that in my family and friends circle no one wants me to have a boy. And eventually I even asked them why! They said girls are easier according to them omg. But I always thought from what some friends tell me it's easier to have a boy but they still like girls. I am truly blessed though no matter what gender I was having. Good luck to you and your little boy! <3
I love my boy but both pregnancies I wished for a girl. I don't see why this would offend anyone? You deserve to have your own preference it doesn't mean you would love your child any less at all. Preference doesn't mean lees love or less excitement but it means you thought of having a child in a specific personal way. Some ladies picture baby boys and others picture girls.

I've never seen any mom hating her child because of their gender.
Nobody cared what I had first time around- they were all in disbelief that I was "with child". I was just glad for the miracle of pregnancy after chemotherapy and a number of health issues. I think people are entitled to their own feelings. If somebody is offended by the comment then that is absolutely fine- all people are fighting their own battles and emotions- equally I imagine gender disappointment is a real and difficult thing to handle.

But, people do need to take care with the phrasing of their comments and their posts. Good grief the fact that I am pregnant with my 3rd boy ( my second grew his wings) is an absolute miracle ( I am not religious either) I could not give a poop what the gender was going to be. I know its probably hormones but I often feel like weeping with joy after the several crappy hands I seemed to have been dealt through my life that I have one son and am tentatively waiting for the next..... Whatever will be will be. Enjoy your pregnancy. I wish you all happy and healthy journeys.
My family and OHS family are the same, they all want girls. I have two girls already and I do personally want another girl. That being said, I wont be disappointed if I have a boy, not at all.

I think you have been jumped on a bit for something that is not your opinion, but the opinion of those around you, not your fault.

Congrats on your baby girl x

The original post has been changed. Heavily edited I'd say. So I think lots of people on here are justified in being offended.

It's not my fault. People in my real life should not be giving me the impression that people hate boys because every time I mention it, as someone else said, they raise an eyebrow and ask why. Personally I like boys. A friend of mine has 3! It's kind of discouraging.

Thanks everyone for the congratulations and all that! xoxo

You know what your original post read like & you know why you changed it. If it wasn't offensive why change it.
I feel sorry for your family & friends who HATE boys hopefully no one gets pregnant with a boy around you.
Life is short & beautiful why anyone would HATE a certain gender is beyond me.
Wanting a specific gender isn't a crime but stating people HATE boys is very sad.
I won't be commenting on this again.
Nobody cared what I had first time around- they were all in disbelief that I was "with child". I was just glad for the miracle of pregnancy after chemotherapy and a number of health issues. I think people are entitled to their own feelings. If somebody is offended by the comment then that is absolutely fine- all people are fighting their own battles and emotions- equally I imagine gender disappointment is a real and difficult thing to handle.

But, people do need to take care with the phrasing of their comments and their posts. Good grief the fact that I am pregnant with my 3rd boy ( my second grew his wings) is an absolute miracle ( I am not religious either) I could not give a poop what the gender was going to be. I know its probably hormones but I often feel like weeping with joy after the several crappy hands I seemed to have been dealt through my life that I have one son and am tentatively waiting for the next..... Whatever will be will be. Enjoy your pregnancy. I wish you all happy and healthy journeys.

Awww hun I can't even imagine! I'm so sorry for your loss and congrats on your pregnancy, hope your little rainbow boy makes it here all nice and healthy! <3
I changed my first because people were being nitpicky at my post. I WOULD of kept it as it was but something told me if I didn't I'd still be getting harassed. Can people stop getting so offended over something that was out of my control? I'm sorry I had the impression people hate boys because of how my family and friends reacted when I mentioned I like boys. It wasn't my fault, I'll still love my child no matter what people think. It's my first child, give me a break. I'm going to make mistakes. I'm new to this whole thing. So please for heaven sakes, try to understand? I wanted reassurance, not negativity :/
Nobody cared what I had first time around- they were all in disbelief that I was "with child". I was just glad for the miracle of pregnancy after chemotherapy and a number of health issues. I think people are entitled to their own feelings. If somebody is offended by the comment then that is absolutely fine- all people are fighting their own battles and emotions- equally I imagine gender disappointment is a real and difficult thing to handle.

But, people do need to take care with the phrasing of their comments and their posts. Good grief the fact that I am pregnant with my 3rd boy ( my second grew his wings) is an absolute miracle ( I am not religious either) I could not give a poop what the gender was going to be. I know its probably hormones but I often feel like weeping with joy after the several crappy hands I seemed to have been dealt through my life that I have one son and am tentatively waiting for the next..... Whatever will be will be. Enjoy your pregnancy. I wish you all happy and healthy journeys.

I forgot us being pregnant we can be really edgy about different things especially on the subject of childbirth. I'm glad you're healthier and happier now :) I really hope when we try again I get a boy! Just so I can tell my family and friends how amazing they are! Best of luck with #2 <3
I reeeeeally wish I wasn't commenting on this again because I don't want to come across as a troll, I'm not like that at all, but please just stop using the word HATE! Nobody "HATES boys!" People and family members, even mothers do have preferences when it comes to the gender and I think that's completely natural but it's not that people don't like boys or worse Hate them!
Omg people chill
Out!! This post has nothing to do with you or YOUR boys!!

OP, huge congrats! I can't get enough of girls myself we are having our third :)
I never once said it had Anytning to do with me or my boys, wether or not I have boys is irrelevant I would think it was just as bad if somebody was saying that people "hate girls" I don't understand how anyone thinks it's ok!!
To defend the OP I think people are taking whatever she said a bit too far, I don't think she meant to come off rude or mean willingly otherwise she wouldn't have even posted it as a public post, right? She didn't say she hated boys, she didn't say she hated anyone's boys or anything like that.

She probably just misspoke about what she has heard, we have all done that at one point in our lives right!? So just let it go, we are here to be supportive to one another and if one posts ticks you off so bad, don't look at it again is my personal opinion.

Everyone means well I'm sure so let's just enjoy this journey we are on, boys or girls it doesn't matter we all love our kids no matter what! :)
I do understand what you are saying campn and had half come to the conclusion myself that OP didn't mean anything by it and myself and other had taken to heart what had been said, but she continues in recents posts on this thread to repeat that "people hate boys" ! I just think it's an utterly ridiculous thing to say surely nobody hates either sex of babies! I won't comment again full stop, I don't want to be mistaken for a troll I just can't for the life of me understand what she persists in phrasing it in such a way :(
Think there are a few ladies on this post with their knickers in a twist, blame the hormones shall we. Totally get what the OP was saying, i have a boy and wanted a boy first and didn't feel offended. No offence to the OP but couldn't care less what she or anyone else thinks about boys, i think they are pretty awesome. I actually wanted another boy this time over a girl and not ashamed to admit it.
Congratulations babyjan you will love having two little boys, I have three and they are so close :) I recognise your username is your eldest an 2011 baby? X

Aww thanks! I can't wait to see them together :)

Yes he is! December 2011 baby... Did you have a 2011 baby too?

Thought I had already replied to this, yes I sure did :) Jackson is a 2011 baby although he was due in May...I wonder where you on the cerezette thread for ladies who had taken that pill and struggled to get cycles back? If not must have just been around the forum at the same time :) X

Im sure I was on a thread about coming off bc and ttc! Btw I had my baby boy on Thursday and my boys are just perfect :cloud9:
Congratulations &#128513; &#128513;

Baby girl due here too 29/8 &#10084;
It's the same here but the other way round - most people in our (uncharacteristically large) social group/group of connections have girls, I think most people in the area in general have girls tbh - I haven't just had people tell me they hope I'm having a boy, they tell me I HAVE to have a boy! I've had people moan at me for not having a boy! So if people in OP's life are reacting in the same way (only in favour of girls rather than boys) I can see why she'd wonder why people seem to have such a strong opposition to one gender!

I mean I totally get that we need some little boys around here to even things out but I'm wondering if some of the people I know slept through the part of biology class where they learn how gender is determined XD

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