Kate McCann could be charged

what I always found strange 'bout the whole story:

if your child gets lost...

(I think everybody who lost somebody very, very close can understand what I mean...)

how can u be in front of every camera?

I would feel like hiding at home as I would have to deal with the worries, hope, fear, pain...
thats the same thing i thought mickey, everybody who has lost someone wants to find them but don't go on every news possible to go about it do they, and leaving their kids with relatives while they follow the police, and the maddie's father goes round where ever he went to tell people about it. you wouldn't leave your other children you would want to know where they were at all cost.

but hey thats just my thought
Personally I would be everywhere, in any place I could be, trying to get as much attention as possible to ensure my child is found. So perhaps we don't all work the same way!
I would actively put myself in the public eye also .... might not bring my baby back but hiding in my room certainly wouldn't either

Don't get me wrong i would do everything humanley possible to get my child back safe and sound but my other children wouldn't leave my sight for a second

I also believe that if Madeliene was abducted all the huge publicity at the start would have made that person run, go underground so to speak or even worse.
I still don't see what visiting the pope and doing a world tour was hoping to acheive TBH, i know it got people seeing her face but so does news flashes without travelling thousands of miles
Did they only visit places they suspected Maddie could be or erm was it really a world tour :shock:

If religous I can maybe see why the pope.

You would have to have time for your children at home and Maddies disappearance I guess.
The Pope thing was because they are catholic. Perhaps they drew comfort from being near him, as a Cathoic he is a very important person and to have his blessing and prayes would be very comforting. I am not religious but I think even I might be praying to God. As for my other children I suppose I am in a slightly different position as I don't know my second baby yet know Seren but if they were safe I might consider leaving them. They could have been told that going to the different countries would help raise her profile, if I was told that I would seriously think about going. The point is they are not guilty of murder just because they have behaved in a way that is different from how you would behave. If they are guilty it is because they have been found guilty in a court of law, faced with evidence.
I'm not a very religeous person so maybe thats why seeing the pope doesn't make much sense to me

I'm not saying for a minute that they are guilty of anything other than maybe a moments stupidity in leaving the children alone, but that is by the wayside now, I also don't think they are guiltty because the haven't reacted how i would, everyone deals with grief and stressful situations in differant ways we know this.

Ok it wasn't a world tour that is an exaggeration i am sorry i think they went to Madrid, Berlin and Amsterdam, The 1st too close by i think( geography crap) so i can understand that but Amsterdam? is that close too?

See this is what i mean i don't know what to think we are faced day in and day out with it, all conflicting reports etc... it is hard to not think about it at least a bit
Don't you just love serious online discussion :lol: We end up explaining more than we planned incase etc.

I hope they can lay this case to rest one day just every day that passes you start to believe it is the body that needs to be laid to rest.

I recall something at the start but we all know rumours so I thought I'd ask ... does anyone recall something about Maddie being adopted by Kate & Gerry? Or was that bull!
The thing that gets me is the blood in the car, I always had a sneaking suspicion about the parents (but only since the media brought it up), yet at the same time I really hope its not true. Its amazing really how the media can influence you and put thoughts in your head.

How on earth did that blood get in the boot? it just doesnt make sense, but then like wobbles said earlier it doesnt add up becuase they hired the car 25 days after she went missing so where was the body for those 25 days, surely they wouldnt get away with it being hidden somewhere when a huge search for her was taking place. It doesnt add up, but then we dont know whats going on behind closed doors, there will be alot more to it that the police know about, and we dont! so until the truth comes out all we can do is pray and have that last bit of hope that she is alive and well somewhere and that whoever is resonsible for this will be severely punished!
Amsterdam might be 'cos it's a shipping knot for continetal Europe. So if she would have been sold (for organs e.g.) they possibly would have found a trace in Amsterdam!

but I believe to remember that there was also a photograph in the media with arabic architecture in the background!

don't remember where this was, but they also went somewhere to Africa or Asia (was it Marocco?)

I personally also wonder...

people of their status, I am very sure will have enough pennies to book the baby-sitting-service which was on offer at the holiday resort when going out!

so my first question is: why they did not???

I would not leave kids of these ages on their own at all!!!
Perhaps they felt it was safe enough, who knows. I at times leave Seren in the car when I go to pay for petrol. I always make sure I can see the car, that there isn't a long queue etc and I feel she is safe. However my friend thinks it is terrible I do that and frequently reminds me that it would only take a seond for someone to steal my car etc. No-one but the McCanns (and I think there were others who had left their children in their beds???) will know the rationale behnd their thinking that night. I doubt they would have even considered what could happen, very niave but people are, and if they knew what was going to happen they would not have done it.
I've kept very quiet on this up until now, due to being very close to it. I do not personally know the McCanns, but I know people that do, and they are all adamant that neither parent has anything to do with poor Madeline's disappearance.

I live in the next village to Rothley, my ex-SIL runs the pub in the village square (where all the tributes and yellow ribbons were) so my 2 nieces bedrooms look out on it, Madeline was due to start primary school last week - and it's the same catholic primary school Kayleigh went to, therefore I know lots of people that know them. Not one of these people will hear anything bad about the family, and no-one will hear anything about them being involved. All I have heard is what loving parents they are, and how they are both completely devestated with this whole thing. They are really beating themselves up about leaving the children there. But, as Beanie says, I'm sure we've all left our children somewhere for a very short time thinking they were safe.

If I am wrong, I am wrong. But I do not, in my heart of hearts, believe that either of them had anything to do with this tragic event.

The blood in the apartment could easily have come from a scratch or fall, that can be explained. The DNA in the car could have come from anything, not necessarily blood. Kate has been carrying around Madeline's cuddly toy since she disappeared. That could have had skin, hair, anything on it, and it could have been put in the boot of the car. Remember that in this day and age, it only takes a spec of DNA.

I only hope that Madeline is found alive soon.:hugs:
This is the thing that worries me, people seem to be so fixated on whether they are guilty or not it seems as though the fact that her body has not been found has been forgotten.
Ok this WHOLE story does not make sence and i like amanda don't think for ONE minute that either of those parents had anything to do with madeleine dissapearing ... if i am wrong then im wrong but until then i stick with what i say.

DNA found in a car 25 days AFTER her dissaperance?? they were in the public eye that much AND had a british family liasion officer with them 24-7 from the 3rd week of her dissapearance hoow the hell could they have "disposed" of her body??

Sneezing if you have a nose bleed sprays minute specks of blood yards so that could explain the apparement.

Where on earth would they have hidden her body for 25 days .... under the bed???

There is no proof that the parents are invloved and i think media speculation has put alot of ideas into peoples heads ...

The only thing they are guilty of right now is leaving there children alone while they went out .... and im damned sure they are paying the price and beating themselves up over that a million times a day.

I read an article and it said it wasnt acually blood that was found it was bodily fluid that matched Madelines DNA, so there we go another example of the media making things sound alot worse and like Imi said that could have been from sneezing or anything.
Could well be from sneezing or coughing but, i also read it was in where the spare tyre is kept, which confuses even more
Think this is the difficult thing, different newpapers and news channels report differant things, I guess its a good way to sell apapers or get ratings up :roll:

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