
LMAO! Brilliant, I love it.. people's reactions must've been amazing.
lol, walking into the hospital and torturing innocent questioners? You mean thing, you =D

I have a few questions of the night.
1. I still havent gotten my strep b test?
2. I have already gotten an internal, but no strep b test?? (yes, i know its the same question, but still????)
3. I am 5'0 and mostly legs. And I can feel her down low and its hard to walk, and I can feel her up high and its hard to breathe. So I was wondering if anyone knows anyone with dwarfism (or has dwarfism themselves) who has carried an average sized baby, and how they survived??? How does that work, physically??
4. with the new update on BnB, some posts I reply to say "thank you for replying to this post! blahblah 30 seconds return you blah" and sometimes it just posts my reply. Any idea why it's only sometimes polite and the other times just wants to get on with it?
1. Maybe you'll get it next appt since you're 36 weeks? But IDK your doctor might not do them? That'd be odd though..
2. Uhm same question goob :p
3. I'm 5'4 and mostly all legs, my hands are the size of little kid hands (I wear kid sized gloves) and they can encompass my entire torso, so I have a very short torso, I too wonder why I feel pressure but hes still high, but then I wonder how hes going to drop when it looks like theres nowhere to drop to..

4. Maybe it's a man? Ooooh Zing.. I have no idea =/ maybe your internet connection is too fast for it to be polite all the time?
1. ARGH! this goes back to the whole "baby will come when baby will come and we're not going to blah blah blah blah" thing with the due dates. For real. Maybe they just wont admit me into the hopsital when my water breaks because it's too early and and baby will come when baby will come even if its on my FREAKING COUCH!!
3. No kidding. You wobbling yet? I'm like a weeble. Or a very fat turtle. Watching me get off of chairs is amusing. Or bending over.
3.5 . It took ten minutes for me to get my socks and shoes on this morning, and I thought I had thrown myself into labor there for a bit. Ack.
4. BOOM. but it really couldn't be my internet connection. it's not very fast at all. And oddly enough, my phone does it too.
Course I wobble.. lmao my husband finds it amusing my doc thought I'd measure big just by ny tummy but when she actually measured I was 1cm ahead.. she then commented that my torso is really short
:( probably why we wobble so bad... Your duedate situation is really odd and what if you go too overdue and they don't know it... Scary :(
I must have missed something. What's the due date situation?

PS: I have a SUPER long torso, and I still wobbled. I don't think it's a torso thing. ;)
It's like navigating around a beachball filled with sand :(
Course I wobble.. lmao my husband finds it amusing my doc thought I'd measure big just by ny tummy but when she actually measured I was 1cm ahead.. she then commented that my torso is really short
:( probably why we wobble so bad... Your duedate situation is really odd and what if you go too overdue and they don't know it... Scary :(

I'm personally more worried about if something happens and she comes really soon! In one, that'd be fine, she'd be full term and developed and ready and goo. In another, she'd still be early. Not early enough to be anything really really serious, but still early enough that shed prolly be in the NICU for a while. After obsessing over it for a long time, I've decided that if she doesnt come out before, any time between april 4th and april 25th will be okay, and if it's the 24th and she doesn't seem to be coming out any time soon, I may lie to the drs. I know thats awful but in one scenario, thats 2 weeks late. I'll say i'm having super pain or I'll eat too much licorice or something.

Gah i dont know.
I must have missed something. What's the due date situation?

PS: I have a SUPER long torso, and I still wobbled. I don't think it's a torso thing. ;)

This is a weird question, but does not having a tiny human living inside you anymore sort of feel like the feeling you get after you puke a whole lot? Or take a large poo? Is it all empty and light and stuff?

Due date situation is that my hospital, me, and my dr all have completely conflicting ideas on when my little person is supposed to make her arrival, and I dont have the first scan. Upon asking my doctor to clear up my confusion, I was told "the baby will come when the baby comes" and to "not stress". Which totally pissed me off because I'm having internals (doesn't happen in the US in a low risk until after 36 weeks) but I havent gotten my 36 week scan, or my group B, blah blah blah
ooh i remember you not being sure about when you actual due date is because the date frame was wonky i think?

Ugh on a scale of 1 to 10 I feel like a beached whale today! I am only 5' tall and on top of it plus size with a huge DDD chest.. it feels like lo's feet are about to burst through my sternum! Ha I'd rather be a weeble.. they wobble but they won't fall down :p
ooh i remember you not being sure about when you actual due date is because the date frame was wonky i think?

Ugh on a scale of 1 to 10 I feel like a beached whale today! I am only 5' tall and on top of it plus size with a huge DDD chest.. it feels like lo's feet are about to burst through my sternum! Ha I'd rather be a weeble.. they wobble but they won't fall down :p

lmao and you topple? =) Do you have a butt to even it all out?

One thing I have found nice in these last weeks has been that I cannot slouch. I mean, I really, really want to, but I can't. I had good posture pre-pregnancy, but now if I slouch, I cannot breathe. At all. So straight back for me! wooooo lol
ooh i remember you not being sure about when you actual due date is because the date frame was wonky i think?

Ugh on a scale of 1 to 10 I feel like a beached whale today! I am only 5' tall and on top of it plus size with a huge DDD chest.. it feels like lo's feet are about to burst through my sternum! Ha I'd rather be a weeble.. they wobble but they won't fall down :p

lmao and you topple? =) Do you have a butt to even it all out?

One thing I have found nice in these last weeks has been that I cannot slouch. I mean, I really, really want to, but I can't. I had good posture pre-pregnancy, but now if I slouch, I cannot breathe. At all. So straight back for me! wooooo lol

lol do I have a butt? HA I have junk in my trunk lol and perhaps a few semi's lol I love it when we go out and my OH will point at plus size ladies and say honey see her butt it's bigger then yours lol as if it convinces me that mine isn't huge lol But I can't complain lol he loves my rotund size lol

Posture is no longer an issue either lol if i lean forward i swear lo karate chops my lady bits and I lurch to sit up as fast as i can :p
lol i just cant lean forward, or else I pee and have acid come up. Seriously, i'm a lovely creature. I'm actually amazed that I don't have suiters lining up and down the block for the chance to rub my swollen feet why I cry and sniffle and fart. *shudder*

"look hunnie, her butts bigger than yours!" <--lol..guys are weird, weird creatures, aren't they?
shit, i'm gone for, like, half a day and I miss 2.5 pages of responses. :dohh:

First of all, my deskmate and I decided today that any time someone comes up to my desk and says, "you're still here?!" I reply with, "No." and my worker then says, "who are you talking to?"

Yeah, I know my little guy's going to make a stupid appearance on stupid sunday just when i don't stupid want him to. Yeah, you're right MIL probably will still attach "birthday gift" to any of his birthdays, but it'll be extra "special" if he comes on her actual birthday. UGH the idea kills me...hubs is actually considering having sex with me now to avoid it. He actually propositioned me for it this morning. He's been avoiding it due to all my aches and pains...plus my vagina looks angry and like it might bite off his junk so this is a huge statement.

I'm saddened that here is really no magic jumpstart to labor...

I just need him out because he's huge. So I'm told. And before anyone says "oh those scans vary" he's been measuring upwards of the 80th-90th percentile since 23 weeks. PLUS the "give or take a pound" could mean that one more is given...which makes him huge.

SPEAKING OF PEOPLE WITH NO FILTERS. I have stopped telling people how big this baby is. I'm sick of people telling me how wrecked my vagina is going to be. They say, "WOW" or "Holy crap, that's going to suck." My dad said, "oh, laura..." in this disapproving tone like I have done something wrong, then tells me how it's going to be tough. THANKS. dick.

I imagine dwarfs with normal babies end up on bed rest...or with early deliveries and NICU babies.

What is everyone's worst symptom at this point? Mine has got to be the swollen feet and hands...and other parts, but namely those. It hurts to make a fist and I can't fit into any of shoes or sandals anymore. Sometimes I wear slippers. I can push my finger into the tops of my feet and it leaves a dent that takes awhile to...refill? with the swelling...how else do i describe it? I said it's EXACTLY like those gel-coated handles on brushes, you know, the "comfort grip" things? that you poke and it leaves a dent for second?

I think I might just be talking crazy talk now. Sorry for all the ranting ladies...
OH STREP B TEST. it's a breeze. seriously, no biggie at all. they just graze over your bits with a q-tip and that's all. the internal exam is waaaay more invasive.

Katie, the OB that would do the test, do they think you're due later? that would explain why they haven't gotten to it yet. Maybe ask at your next appointment though...they may just wait because sometimes it can come back positive closer to delivery so they don't deal with it until you're further along...though I got my at 35 weeks :shrug: or your OB is just lazy.
last comment, I swear...

I waddle. A lot. I swear my hips have doubled in width...and now I feel I walk like Tik Tok from Return to Oz...which if you haven't seen it, you should. It's about Dorothy going back to Oz after her aunt tries to get her electric shock therapy to cure her of all her Oz fantasies. I shit you not. The movie is deeply disturbing, but we LOVED it as kids (my brothers and I). It's not a musical but it IS amazing!

Here's a picture of tik tok: https://www.toplessrobot.com/Tik-Tok.jpg you can imagine what a robot with such wide set lets might walk like.
shit, i'm gone for, like, half a day and I miss 2.5 pages of responses. :dohh:

First of all, my deskmate and I decided today that any time someone comes up to my desk and says, "you're still here?!" I reply with, "No." and my worker then says, "who are you talking to?"
Yeah, I know my little guy's going to make a stupid appearance on stupid sunday just when i don't stupid want him to. Yeah, you're right MIL probably will still attach "birthday gift" to any of his birthdays, but it'll be extra "special" if he comes on her actual birthday. UGH the idea kills me...hubs is actually considering having sex with me now to avoid it. He actually propositioned me for it this morning. He's been avoiding it due to all my aches and pains...plus my vagina looks angry and like it might bite off his junk so this is a huge statement.

I'm saddened that here is really no magic jumpstart to labor...

I just need him out because he's huge. So I'm told. And before anyone says "oh those scans vary" he's been measuring upwards of the 80th-90th percentile since 23 weeks. PLUS the "give or take a pound" could mean that one more is given...which makes him huge.

SPEAKING OF PEOPLE WITH NO FILTERS. I have stopped telling people how big this baby is. I'm sick of people telling me how wrecked my vagina is going to be. They say, "WOW" or "Holy crap, that's going to suck." My dad said, "oh, laura..." in this disapproving tone like I have done something wrong, then tells me how it's going to be tough. THANKS. dick.

I imagine dwarfs with normal babies end up on bed rest...or with early deliveries and NICU babies.

What is everyone's worst symptom at this point? Mine has got to be the swollen feet and hands...and other parts, but namely those. It hurts to make a fist and I can't fit into any of shoes or sandals anymore. Sometimes I wear slippers. I can push my finger into the tops of my feet and it leaves a dent that takes awhile to...refill? with the swelling...how else do i describe it? I said it's EXACTLY like those gel-coated handles on brushes, you know, the "comfort grip" things? that you poke and it leaves a dent for second?

I think I might just be talking crazy talk now. Sorry for all the ranting ladies...

Bolded=nearly made me pee. I kept composing myself and then two sentences later, nearly died again. Sleep deprivation might be getting to me finally, as i'm normally not this excitable lol
Underlined=It's called pitting edema. Pitting is such a sexy thing, isn't it? Put on socks and take them off and you've got an outline of every thread...Glorious, glorious pregnancy. How is your BP/vision/head feeling, just to make sure?

My worst symptom for this trimester is the uncomfortableness. I have trouble sleeping in not-pregnantland, but when you add the fact that it feels like my hips are going to collapse and I wake up with sweats and pukey and tiny little fists trying to beat their way out, i barely get any at all. Its turning me into a grumpy bitch. Well, grumpier and bitchier than I was before.
Still better than the puking, though.

Are you doing any natural induction methods now? I mean, besides discussing the prospect of sex? (Hell, the possibility of getting some might excite me to the point of putting myself into labor just with thought alone. funny to think that sex is what got me here in the first place, as its been so long i'm not sure how it works anymore....)
OH STREP B TEST. it's a breeze. seriously, no biggie at all. they just graze over your bits with a q-tip and that's all. the internal exam is waaaay more invasive.

Katie, the OB that would do the test, do they think you're due later? that would explain why they haven't gotten to it yet. Maybe ask at your next appointment though...they may just wait because sometimes it can come back positive closer to delivery so they don't deal with it until you're further along...though I got my at 35 weeks :shrug: or your OB is just lazy.

NO! Well, yes! Yes and no! Upon asking me when my last period was, she decided that my EDD was April 30th, and thats in all of the papers and everything. At my first growth scan (not my confirmation one) she said "wow, baby is a bit big for this week!" but didn't change it. Then I had to go to the ER for spotting and cramping, and they said "there's no way in hell you're due that late" and called the doctor, and we've been saying verbally that it's April 11th. But now my fundal is measuring short, I havent gotten my test, haven't gotten a 36 week scan, and she wont give me a day. Pick one or the freaking other. I don't know whether she's loony or I'm loony, or she's avoiding being sued or just doesn't want to change the paperwork or whatever, but she'll stick her arm up my vagina.

*bashes head on keyboardasv;lfkjasdfhlkajshdflakjsfh*
last comment, I swear...

I waddle. A lot. I swear my hips have doubled in width...and now I feel I walk like Tik Tok from Return to Oz...which if you haven't seen it, you should. It's about Dorothy going back to Oz after her aunt tries to get her electric shock therapy to cure her of all her Oz fantasies. I shit you not. The movie is deeply disturbing, but we LOVED it as kids (my brothers and I). It's not a musical but it IS amazing!

Here's a picture of tik tok: https://www.toplessrobot.com/Tik-Tok.jpg you can imagine what a robot with such wide set lets might walk like.

I have literally nothing to do for the next two hours, so you can totally keep commenting....

I loved it before i saw it, because its sitename is called "topless robot" lmao
I havent seen it, but I will definately look it up! It sounds wonderful. I started reading a comic once about dorothy because my english prof told me that since I like eccentric and slightly morbid things that it'd do me well, but it was straight porn and I love the WizOfOz waaaay too much to damage it in my head. I mean, I know it's about the gold standard and incest and whatnot in the book, but I like the movie. As is. Humph.
Pitted Edema you say...how nice. Yup, i've given up on socks because when I take them off my legs look segmented. Although the cankles are also gross so...:shrug: all my tests are normal though. BP and no headaches...i do get random spots in my eyes but I had cases of this before being pregnant so not a concern. By all symptoms I should have probably pre-eclempsia with a side of GD but nope! I just have whacked out feet (legs, face and hands) and a giant baby! woohoo!

OK, if you are bored and have nothing to do PLEASE watch return to Oz. I know you don't want to taint the story but I would love to have a discussion about the movie! It actually is much closer related to the books, so i'm told...though I've never read the books. It is NOTHING like the original. If you aren't tempted yet, let me tell you that Dorothy travels with a talking chicken in this one. AND it was Fairuza Balk's first movie (she played Nancy in the craft...or that crazy bitch in the Water Boy...and that crazy bitch girlfriend in American History X...basically she just does crazy well I guess. but you'd have to be crazy after your parents named you Fairuza, right?).

AND i just found a link to it on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zrRzlHW9to so you have no excuse. except maybe lack of time...and maybe the pure desire to not taint your otherwise pure thoughts of innocent, non-crazy dorothy prancing around and dancing with other world fun loving characters.

and maybe i love it because i watch it through nostalgia glasses. still, worth a watch!

btw i had no idea that site was called "topless robot", but when you pointed it out i literally LOL'd.

and onto serious things, that's so frustrating about the due date! wtf! and you're so far along now that purely sizing the baby doesn't mean much...she could be big or small for the due date. i would be SO raging up a storm in your position! when is your next appointment? maybe you should call before you go in and make sure the scan and test are on the agenda. DEMAND THAT SHIT, YO.

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