*Knock knock* I think I'm allowed back in here now!! Looking for a buddy!

It's quite nice at the moment as we seem to get a bit of an evening. She feeds at around 6 which is great and we eat HOT food and then she sleeps till bed time.
Well Ruth, you have 2 hours left to give birth (if you haven't already) before your LO becomes an April baby :) how are you doing? Really hope he has arrived now but if not I hope you're having a lovely Easter weekend and are being distracted by lots of chocolate eggs :)

How are you Jen and Martha and Laura and Eva? Hope you're doing well.

We're all doing well, we went to my mum's for Easter roast dinner today which was nice. Jake slept through it all, even meeting his great grandma for the first time x x x
Lol Bec snap we went to see Martha's great gran yesterday and then to my mums for lunch. My sister was home too and it was great to see her as she lives about 4 hrs away.

Ruth I do hope things have happened for you over the weekend.

Martha seems to have a good night ever other night at the moment which is fine but poor OH seems to spend it on the sofa with her. Goodness knows what will happen when he goes back to work next week.
Nope, no March baby for me!! I'm beginning to doubt it will even be born this year!!!! Had a semi successful sweep on Sat morning, she could stretch but not sweep or something. My cervix felt soft but still long, i don't really know what that means. I'm booked in for induction on Weds anyway so he will be here by the end of the week by the latest.

Glad you mummies and babies are doing well xxx
Oh Ruth, poor you still waiting. At least you have an end in sight now the induction is booked if he doesn't arrive before Wednesday. You've obviously made him a very lovely home over the last 9 months :)

x x x
Fab news for us today we have been signed off from the midwife. Martha went from 7lb 13 to 7lb 8 when she was weighed last thursday, today she weighs 7lb 15 :happydance: so very pleased with her.
That's great news Jen, well done baby Martha :)

We had our first visit from the health visitor today. At 20 days old my chunky monkey now weighs 9lb 9oz! So he's put on nearly 1lb since he was born. His thrush has gone but he still has blocked tear ducts and poor thing has just developed a cough and sniffle so it seems he finally may have got our awful cold :( I'm better apart from a lingering sore throat. He has been having a major growth spurt and has been feeding loads so I'm quite tired from that but I know it's a temporary phase so trying to keep that in mind.

So, unless you've had your baby Ruth you'll be going in to be induced today. How are you feeling? I hope you're ok and that everything goes really well. You'll have to tell us all about it afterwards. Will be thinking of you x

Hope you and baby Eva are doing well Laura and that you're enjoying mummyhood :)

x x x
Well done Martha and Jake!! That's lovely news.

I'm sat on the hospital bed right now waiting for someone to come and see me. Think today will be predominantly waiting about!! I feel sick with nerves. I was very tearful last night putting Frankie to bed and i cuddled him until he fell fast asleep which was lovely. We had a big family cuddle in our bed this morning before ask getting ready and leaving the house at about 9:30. He is at nursery today, which is hisnormal routine. My Mum will pick him up and as long as I'm not in the throes of labour he can come and visit me this afternoon. Then i don't think I'll see him until he is a big brother!!

Will update as and when xx
Awh, thanks for the update Ruth, hope you're alright. Try not to worry too much, I'm sure you'll be well looked after and it'll probably happen so quickly it'll be over before you know it :)

It's good that Frankie is able to carry on with his normal routine today, I'm sure he'll be fine with your mum if you are in labour later and he'll be so excited to be a big brother :)

Not long now and you'll be holding your beautiful baby boy. He'll bring you all so much happiness and love x x x
Thanks Bec :-) just had a visit from my boy who was impressed with my new slippers and the pink birthing ball I was bouncing on (mine at home is blue). He was happy enough but stalled a little when he was leaving saying, "Daddy stay by himself, Mummy come," but of course I couldn't.

Had the pessary put in at about midday, they will remove it and check me at the same time tomorrow. If my cervix is still unfavourable they will try again and they can do so up to three times before putting me on the drip, so potentially three days of sitting in this room with nothing to think about but how bored I am!! I am having some tightenings accompanied by some pains but they are mild and I did experience similar on Thursday night last week and they tailed off street a few hours so I'm not getting giddy!! Xx
Oh wow Ruth I had no idea being induced could take that long to work. Lovely that you and Frankie got to see each other, I hope it doesn't take too long now and then you can be back home with him. Good luck :)

We went to see my brother in law, his wife and my niece today as they're visiting from Plymouth and staying with my MIL. It was good to get out and have a change of scene and they loved Jake.

Anyway, I'm shattered, late night x x x
Think/hope things are happening. Went for s walk yesterday afternoon and started with tightenings about 3 pm. Soon became uncomfortable and then painful. Took some painkillers and s sleeping tablet about 11pm, got some sleep but woke up at 1.30am. Been having pains ever since in my pelvis and back, pretty bad but barabe lasting around 40 seconds and coming every 3-5 minutes. I won't be checked again now until midday. X
All sounds positive Ruth, I'm sure if you're in active labour they'll check you again before 12pm if you ask? I know it's a bit different but when I was in labour with Josh I was begging them to examine me again after 2 hours even though they said it was procedure to check every 4 hours I thought I was further on and wanted to get in the water. My instincts were right as I was 8cm and allowed to jump in the pool then. So ask if you feel you need it, the good thing is you know what it feels like as it's not your first time. Hope your DH can be with you today and that things progress quickly so you don't have to spend too much time away from Frankie.

Lots of love, hope you're not too bored x x x
He's here!!! Mickey Westbrook (Michael Patrick) made his big entrance this afternoon at 15.15 weighing in at 8lbs 5.5oz exactly 2oz heavier than his brother. Will post more details later but he is lovely!! Xx
Brilliant news Ruth, congratulations :) hope it all went well in the end and that you're both doing well. Hope you manage to get home soon so you can all be together.

Lots of love and congrats again x x x
Thanks! Well i am well and truly in love!!! Mickey is just beautiful. He is all wrinkly like a little old man, as most overdue babies.

So, i went in for induction on Wednesday at 10am. They ran some obs on me and baby and inserted the pessary at midday. They continued to monitor me and baby for a while and then at 2pn DH and i went for a walk around the hospital to try and start something. We walked for about an hour and by the time we were back in my room i was having tightenings. They kept going, accompanied by some discomfort but it was manageable. DH went home at about 8pm as nothing really seemed to be happening. I cried when he left!! By about 10:30pm i started to think that maybe this wad the start of my contractions as they weren't slowing down at all, and although still managable, they were getting a little stronger. The midwife gave me some codine and a sleeping pill at about 11:30pm and i guess i had drifted off by midnight. I woke up at 1:30am feeling stronger pains. I got out my phone to use the contractions timer app, they were every 3-4 mins and lated about 30 seconds. i found rocking on my side in bed helped but i knew they were building up. By 3:30 i buzzed the midwife for more painkillers and was given codine again. I was desperate to call DH back but figured at least one of us should get a full night's sleep. Things were growing stronger and more difficult to cope with. I called DH at 7am and he was with me by 8am. At just after the midwife who would be with me that day came in and i begged her to examine me, even though i wasn't due to be examined until midday. She agreed, i was 3cm and she broke my waters. I was so tired, i can't remember the last time i had slept more than four hours, and the contractions were getting stronger now that my waters had gone. I had to be hooked up to a monitor as it was an induction so pretty much had to stay on the bed. I couldn't stand up to rock or get in the pool as i wanted. With my birth plan absolutely then away from me, i decided that the best thing would be to try and rest before having to push, so i asked for an epidural which came quite quickly. Unfortunately, it only worked on my right hand side initially so needed some adjustments. It took about an hour for it to be fully up and running and it was such a relief. However, my blood pressure kept dropping and i was feeling light headed and sickly. Is apparently a pretty common aside effect and after some fluids i soon perked up. By 12:30 i was fully dilated but they left it another hoe out so before letting me push as baby was still write high up in the birth canal and it should allure him time to descend. I began pushing at about 1:45pm and was told i had an hour. Of course, my contractions decided to slow down at this point!! After 45 mins hr still hadn't moved much and the midwife started talking about going to theatre. The doctor came in to have a look, could see baby's head and said he'd leave me a little longer. It probably took about another half hour and the midwife getting a little mirror for me to see his head coming out, but at 15:15 out popped a screaming, beautiful baby boy!! DH and i nth cried with joy. I had skin to skin for over an hour while the midwife delivered my placenta and stitched me up (i had a second degree perenium tear) but i felt nothing of what she was doing, i just enjoyed cuddling and feeding my baby. She took him to weigh him and give him vit k and do little routine things. He weighed 8lbs 5.5oz, exactly 2oz more than Frankie. We were given some time in the room as i needed to come round from the epidural. Frankie came to visit at about 5pm and was very impressed with the presents Mickey had for him!!

We stayed on the ward overnight. At about 5:30am someone came to do his little tests before we could be discharged. There was a little worry as his heart rate is below the average, but after being looked at by the paediatrician who said his heart rate was reactive (increases and decreases as it should) and that everything else was fine that it was all ok and we could go home. He had been feeding well and i felt ready for home.

So here we are. He is still pretty sleepy but is waking for feeds and having a nosy around when he does. He fed a lot during the night but i kind of enjoyed it. I know the novelty will wear off before long and i am already shattered but so far am loving being a mummy of two boys!

Hope everyone else is doing well xx
Wow Ruth, what an ordeal! Hope you're recovering well and getting used to having a newborn again :) now you're home how is Frankie enjoying his new baby bro? Josh is just so sweet with jake, always cuddling and kissing him and gets upset when he's crying. I'm so excited at the thought of watching their relationship grow as they grow.

Jake is getting so big! He's a very long baby so I'm sure he'll grow up to be tall like his daddy :) I'm finally completely better from my cold and celebrated by enjoying some cooking and cleaning yesterday! I've got tickets to see a very good local magician at our town's theatre this coming Saturday so I'm going to be trying to express and bottle feed Jake later in the week to see if he takes it...it feels too early really but don't want to miss the show, he's brilliant and I've been waiting for tickets since March 2011. Fingers crossed :) I could do with a nice night out :)

How are you and babies all doing? x x x
Ruth that sounds very similar to my birth. I had no sleep for over 36 hrs. Glad everything is going well.
OH has gone back to work today but my mum is coming over. Martha still won't settle anywhere but on me unless its the car seat or the buggy but going to try and nail it this week. I can't remember the last time I slept in my bed.
She's feeding well and I'm hoping soon to express some milk so that OH can take over a feed and I can get some more sleep.
Hi ladies and babies :) how is everyone? We're all good here, jake was 4 weeks old yesterday and is gaining weight like a pro- he now weighs 10lb 8oz so nearly a whole lb gained in a week again! He is going through another growth spurt and fed almost constantly from 3pm-9pm last night which got me a bit fed up but I know it's a good thing and will pass. How are the other babies feeding?

We all went out to a soft play centre on Tue and I carried Jake around in my moby wrap which worked well and gave me a bit of confidence for when I'll be on my own with my two monkeys :) DH is back to work on Monday and then the fun really begins! We're in the process of a nighttime routine overhaul with Josh as the disruption from the baby and him being really poorly for a few weeks then impacted on his routine and he has been used to daddy sleeping in his room at night which we really have to put a stop to. So my DH is having fun with that!!

Hope all is well with everyone x x x

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