copied fromGS - I thought i was over it... (sorry about 1 long paragraph am on my phone)
after i had charlie i heamorraged (sp?), lost a litre of blood and almost ended up in theatre because they didn't know what was causing the bleed, eventually they realised i'd retained some placenta so i was rushed from the birthing centre to a different hospital so it could be manually removed. I was given an injection in the ambulance on the way to restart my contractions, and when i got there a male doctor (big hands) removed the retained piece of placenta. I wasn't at any point offered any pain relief (i'd laboured for a littlè while using gas and air but did most of it naturally) and it got so painful i remember begging them to stop and let me rest and have some paracetamol. It was truly horrific and i'd somehow managed to talk myself into believing what i went through was normal and i was just being silly. My way of dealing with it i guess. Anyway, i knew i wasn't completely past it because i've been too frightened to even start having sex again, luckily i have a very understanding husband (he was there in the room when all this happened). Well, today i went for a smear test, and it all came flooding back. My entire body shook throughout and i cried my heart out. The nurse was obviously concerned so i briefly told her why. The first thing she asked was was i given morphine? No, nothing. Then was i given any pain killers? No, nothing. Was i taken to theatre? No, it was performed in a side room. She was shocked at what had happened and has offered me counselling. I don't think i'll take her up on the offer but i need to move past this for the sake of my marriage! No sex for over 6 months? Not many men would handle that. I don't know what to do next. I don't even really know why i'm posting this, i think i'm just trying to figure it all out