cla- hope the extra lovin leads to a bun in the oven
Sarah- uggh, well you are a strong woman for having come through that experience and you may have to remind your body of that...and go to counseling. A few sessions just talking it out might be what you need...or even talk it out with your hubby, if you haven't already and just take it very slow?
And the little one is looking scrumpcious!
....and sorry to hear about the hours, appeal away and lets see what happens...have I mentioned you are a strong woman?
bea- whats all this trial stuff? And time does fly, 9 months already? I was just thinking how quickly 7 months went for Malcolm and really how fortunate we are to have him.
lyns- we do want another one, but I think i'm going to wait atleast another year and get settled into work...unless thinks just work out otherwise. We did get it on once w/o a condom, but chances are slim that will amount to anything, but I say that to say you never know!....and still no AF yet! I need to go see my gyn soon about that. And the little man is still gorgeous!
so crib time has took a turn for greatness! lol. He sleeps from about 8p till 4:40 ish, will eat and go back to sleep till about 6:30 before I go to work. He does occasionally get up at 1, but will go back to sleep with a quick pop of the paci in his mouth. I'm glad because I was worried he would really fight sleeping throught the night and I was really torn with the crying it out and being to comforting bit.
I've been bad with pics- I take to long to take it off the camera and then dred doing it, and then once I do i'm to tired/lazy to then upload to get it on here.....that said, here you go:
Coming home from surgery last month (the happiest he's been to get in his car seat)
Sitting up: