Labor Watch!--MY UPDATE, hes here!!! pictures page 50-51. birth story somewhere befor

Aw poo :( I was hoping to come find exciting news. Are these the pregnancies that never end? Lol.. I've been awake for 2 hours choking on nasty heartburn...I'm soooo sick of heartburn. Even when I take the pills twice a day I have issues between pills. I better see that old wives tale be correct for once and have a baby with a full head of hair......

I was up at 3 last night snacking on some tums. I could sleep propped up last pregnancy, but this time around if I do that I wake up walking like a person with scoliosis due to all the kinks in my back.
Very, very mild contractions here since like 630ish. I'm certain they'll stop, but I'd jump for joy if I could be a queue jumper today lol.

Soooo sorry they stopped drudai! I thought for sure this was it for you! :(
Nothing new for me either, but dr. appt soon and we will see if ANYTHING happened over the week with all these damn pains. I am hoping to just have the baby tonight or tomorrow. I wish I could be patient and let it come whenever, but hell maybe it just won't! haha
I'm with you New! Lol. I don't like surprises or this suspense lol.
I've been contracting all night, maybe 2 on a scale of 1-10 (0 being painless BH and 10 full blown contractions) but they haven't been getting worse or closer together. Sigh :dohh:
Ha ha, lost a bit more plug today and I was so happy for just a bit of progress I did an air punch sitting on the loo!
Just stalked practically this whole thread good luck hun hopefully baby will be here soon XxXxXxXx
Ha ha, lost a bit more plug today and I was so happy for just a bit of progress I did an air punch sitting on the loo!

That's an awesome mental image! :haha:

I think I'm having a contraction right now. Not painful at all. But I can't tell for sure if its contraction, braxton hicks, or him stretching because I can feel it in my back a little bit too. Again, not painful at all, just uncomfortable. I thought I had one in the middle of the night but it obviously wasn't too painful because I was went right back to sleep lol.
I haven't really felt either one in so long I don't remember what they feel like...

It was more so painful on the under side of my bump, where I have period cramps.. but the top part of my stomach was pretty tight/hard at the same time. With some pains in my back as well. :shrug: I haven't had another one since then so who knows.
Well i had my appt. I am 3 cm dilated, still just about 50% effaced or so and I didn't even ask, he just said he is going to give me a stretch and sweep-omg they hurt!!! When I stood up I had bloody mucus come out and have been cramp/contracting since then. However, if baby doesn't come by itself today/tonight then I am going in at 7 am!!!!
Well i had my appt. I am 3 cm dilated, still just about 50% effaced or so and I didn't even ask, he just said he is going to give me a stretch and sweep-omg they hurt!!! When I stood up I had bloody mucus come out and have been cramp/contracting since then. However, if baby doesn't come by itself today/tonight then I am going in at 7 am!!!!

Omgomg good luck!!!!! :happydance:
Suuuuuuper jealous!
Thank you :) I am so happy I'll be giving birth at the latest tomorrow!!!! AH!!! It is crazy, I jsut packed my daughters bag for her grandma's house and she is going over there later this afternoon so I can just rest and do what I want..scary thought that I will have two kids by tomorrow! Another happy note the doctor said he really doesn't think this baby is much bigger than my daughter (she was 7lb 2oz) he said maybe 8lbs....we will see! I tore so badly with her :(
Awwww you're gonna be awesome! Can't wait for the update and pictures!!!
Yaaaaay, finally a baby enroute!! Good luck!!! Xxx
Thank you I hope I do awesome.. I wanted epidural free this time as my last one failed, but I still couldn't get up and walk and they foley catheterized me. So....we will see how this labor goes..eek!
Good luck newatthis awesome news!!! Here starts the domino effect right?!? How are those contractions coming Wilsey? I have had weak ones off and on all day. Too irregular and weak to time, but hopefully doing SOMETHING.

As for the contractions, the real ones do go into your back too a lot of the time. I can always tell it's real because I feel the pain radiate from the underbelly to my back, it feels like my lower abdominal muscles are squeezing very tight and there's even a squeeze or cramp sensation in my bottom when they start to get stronger, and my entire stomach is hard as a rock. With BH I just get the hard belly and the tightness feels uncomfortable.

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