Labor Watch!--MY UPDATE, hes here!!! pictures page 50-51. birth story somewhere befor

Eek Drudai, gettin there sweetie, gettin there!

Wilsey, definitely looks like plug - exactly what mine looked like, so glad you shared lol :sick: ha ha ha

Amsam, lol at ur boy farting before he has even made an appearance; he's probably in their scratching his nuts and picking his nose too ha ha ha ha

Crafty - walking wind loooooool :rofl: I swear to god my DH was downstairs and I passed wind so loudly in the loo that he said it sounded like I had dropped something in the bath :shock:

Oh well - happy due date to me :D
Well my due date today and nothing :(. Im booked in for a sweep on Monday. And if that doesn't work induction booked for 22nd!
Hope everyone is ok though, not long for us. X
Well my due date today and nothing :(. Im booked in for a sweep on Monday. And if that doesn't work induction booked for 22nd!
Hope everyone is ok though, not long for us. X

Exactly the same here sweetie - due date and nothing to report! I have a sweep booked next weds and induction booked for Sat 19th so whatever happens I guess we're now on the home straight! Hope you're feeling ok? Baby is currently using my cervix as a trampoline :/ ....
Well my due date today and nothing :(. Im booked in for a sweep on Monday. And if that doesn't work induction booked for 22nd!
Hope everyone is ok though, not long for us. X

Exactly the same here sweetie - due date and nothing to report! I have a sweep booked next weds and induction booked for Sat 19th so whatever happens I guess we're now on the home straight! Hope you're feeling ok? Baby is currently using my cervix as a trampoline :/ ....

Its really got me down, I know a due date is not an exact date but I thought I would have her by now. I can see that you had your daughter early? I had my son 2weeks early so I think I was expecting the
Im getting loads of lightning crotch and im going to the toilet ALL
Not long for us now though. :)
Have you had any examinations tp know if your dilated or not? X
:rofl: walking farts. I totally understand what you mean!!!

And he probably is in there scratching himself too!!! I am Sooo gonna have my hands full with this one I'm sure lol.

No baby, no contractions, but having some definite cramping and lightning crotch. He feels so much lower in my pelvis now. Having lots of back pain still too.

I hope the sweep goes well for you!! I'm gonna ask today about getting one...
I want a sweep :( :brat: I should have just sucked it up and begged her for it... Maybe I should ask DH to do it LOL. "Just stick a finger up there and twirl it, I'll let you know if it hurts yet." Bah. I woke up to zero contractions. Slept like the dead straight through from about 11pm until 5:30am without waking to pee, and lemme tell you when I woke at 5:30 it was painful to walk my bladder was so full. I don't know how I made it without wetting myself. What's with all this teasing we're all having? These babies aren't being fair.
I think we are pregnant with the next generation of lawyers and politicians!!
Well Im 4 cm, waters were broken by doctor, now jsut waiting and my contractions are increasingly stronger/closer! Hopefully by this afternoon :)
Ooooh can't wait for your update!!!!
Ohhhhh can't wait for your update Newatthis!!!!

After being woken up with strong contractions around midnight last night, they died down and I was able to sleeo through the night. Back to mild ones this morning and feeling crampy again. Going to take a long walk in a bit. Maybe some of the steep hills will give me some progression.
Wow newatthis, not long now!!

Am I the only one sitting one her ass waiting for baby to find his own way out? Lol. Literally, have not been out of the house in 2 days, it's sad.
Yay!!! Good luck newatthis!!

LOL Sheldon, I currently am doing the same. I'm getting mild contractions and doing nothing to help them but sitting at this computer sulking over my fantasy football team and drinking water. I need to get my ball out... at least I can still sit at the computer that way HAHA.
I just tried "running" (hopping) up the stairs at work, not only did I just manage to "run" (hop) up three steps out of 20, I'm completely winded, and the guys here just laughed at me. Never. Again.
Just had my bloody show. Contractions seemed to have picked up a bit more.
Goof luck newatthis. So excited for you.
Still nothing to report my end :(.
I hope soon for you Jodie!

I just want all this cramping to stop!!! It seriously hurts so bad! Or at least turn into actual contractions! :cry:
Ooh seems like things are moving for ppl.

Go newatthis...hope it all going well.

Well just ordered a hot curry. Then got a hot bath with clary sage for afters.
Chain reaction!!!!!

Personally I'm over it. Contracting for a while 4-5mins apart then nothing. She can just stay in there!! Got a few days until my due date so going to stop worrying about getting her out early.

Lost of bit more mucus plug this morning.

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