Hi ladies, long time no see.
As some of you know, I am/was the most paranoid person you will EVER meet, so labour and pregnancy for me was possibly the worst thing I was going to go through in the 22 years I had been on this earth (exageration you're thinking?)
Anyway, all through pregnancy, I was terrified- I thought my baby was going to die, I thought I was going to die during labour, the whole experience (at the time) was a nightmare for someone like me.
When I FINALLY was admitted to the hospital with contractions, I was ready for it being bad, and I could never see me getting passed the labour stage, I just couldnt see my baby being born because I could not imagine going through something so shocking (this was all in my head of course)- but after that epidural went in (that wasnt pleasant as I kept throwing up and it only froze one side of my body) I was ok- I was sat in my bed for 2 days (gross) pooing myself lol, being sick, I couldnt eat, could only drink water (which makes me gag) and was having tubes shoved up my pee hole every few hours (NIIIICE) but couldnt feel much pain at all.
I had labour complications, my babies HB dropped dramatically and that was my worst fears confirmed- dr's were running in and out all over the place and I thought we were both going to die (you're probably thinking "this aint helping", but wait a sec

) anyway, within seconds my lil boy was out, screaming like a trooper and althouth my worst fears were confirmed, when I saw my baby I didnt even feel like I had just given birth- (sounds silly I know) This of course was until I tried to walk (I had an episiotomy)
I think the point im trying to make is that no, in my opinion its not that bad- I feared EVERYTHING going wrong, but at the time when I knew things wern't going to plan due to a couple complications, I dealt with it brilliantly and the dr's (despite not speaking much english) were brill.
There's really nothing to fear at all-- I miss being pregnant, so much so that I want to go for round 2.
If I can do it Steph, you can;
Having a baby totally changed me.
PS: Make sure you have someone there supporting you. I could not have done it without my dad- even though he wasnt with me when I gave birth. I would not have done it on my own....