Ladies 29+ TTC - let's chat here!

Noja - oh no how annoying, why did that mum keep staring at your stomach? Do they know you're ttc?

DragonMummy - wow still no af, good news!! Annoying though how you get :bfn:'s. When was af due again?

I haven't got any symptoms really, just looking for them all the time so that every single little thing in my body I overanalyse and I know it's just imagination. *sigh* These 2ww are so boring without symptoms. AF is due 31 May if my cycle is 34 days, BUT it can be 29-39 days so you never know. I want to test tomorrow but dh doesn't think there's any point yet. Aarrrgh it's not him who has to refrain from drinking and not knowing what's happening with his body!!

Btw, do you girls drink in your 2ww?? I've had a glass of wine every now and then, mostly because it's so bloody difficult to hide it from people, when I don't even know I'm pg or not! Hubby thinks I should have a couple of glasses of wine tonight as we're going to some friend's house but I'm unsure... how much could it harm the little bean if there is one??

Well am not due - only came off the pill on the 7th so waiting for it to come back....

Just had another look at my test before chucking it and there is a bloody line on it now!!! Just doing another one as I think it is just because it has been sitting around...
:bfp: ? How long til you saw the line?!!
what did the 2nd one say?!!
The Suspense!
Noja ... I haven't got any symptoms really, just looking for them all the time so that every single little thing in my body I overanalyse and I know it's just imagination. *sigh* These 2ww are so boring without symptoms. AF is due 31 May if my cycle is 34 days, BUT it can be 29-39 days so you never know. I want to test tomorrow but dh doesn't think there's any point yet. Aarrrgh it's not him who has to refrain from drinking and not knowing what's happening with his body!!

Btw, do you girls drink in your 2ww?? I've had a glass of wine every now and then, mostly because it's so bloody difficult to hide it from people, when I don't even know I'm pg or not! Hubby thinks I should have a couple of glasses of wine tonight as we're going to some friend's house but I'm unsure... how much could it harm the little bean if there is one??


Oh PetiteMoi, I know how you feel! I also feel equally bored during my current 2ww .. I've got no symptoms to date as well, cept a little bit of nausea yesterday morning and getting hungrier faster, but I wouldn't count them in as possible EPS, since my nose has always been sensitive to bad smells (which probably explained the nausea) and as for the hunger bit, maybe I am just getting greedy, hahahaa ...

I haven't drunk this cycle cause I've been telling peeps I'm on medication, and now people are probably wondering if I've got some weird illness that constantly has me on medication, hahahaa ... but usually I'll have a glass or two during my 2ww ... it's really hard to avoid especially at weddings, so I take a glass and try to drink as slowly as I can, or I'll have half a glass and pass the rest to DH when no one's looking. But when I'm home, it just kills me not being able to unwind after a long tiring workday with wine .. although a glass won't hurt but I'm temping, and it would certainly give me a false high temp the next day which I don't want to confuse any readings on my chart.

A few glasses shouldn't be a problem, but if possible try to limit yourself to 1-2 glasses and make up some lame excuse like, you're driving? (would you be?) or you've been developing some nasty rash lately each time u drink too much ... hahaha anything to protect the baby if you could!
:hi; just wana say goodluck ladies and dont give up !! my first pregnancy was at 27 and we sadley mmc, took us 7mth to fall again and im not 28 1/2 and due in july .......... so dont give up !!
some tips if u want any ........
*i charted on fertilityfriends,
*both of us were taking folic acid and maca tablets (macas herbel and can help with sperm/egg etc)
*dont get to wrapped into ttc,after 3mth of no drinking etc,it jsut felt like we were *having baby makin sex,so we started aving a good drink once/twice a mth :D
*using insteadcups !! google them, i truly belive it helped lots :D

erm think thats it for the moment, keeping everything X for everyone :hugs:

ps i never got :bfp:till 16dpo !!!
Hi, yes, admittedly even during the 2ww I'd have a few wee glasses of red wine, usually maybe a glass and a half on a Saturday night, but definitely no spirits (I'm a gin and tonic girl-or at least I was until starting TTC! ).

Hang in there ladies, the 2ww is a drag but some of these days it'll all be worth it. :hug:

Petite-moi, I guess cause people know how old I am and that I adore kids (I've always been a sucker for cooing over all the little baby brothers and sisters of the children I teach) so they assume-quite correctly into the bargain-that a baby would be the next natural step. Along with that I teach in a small country school with only 19 children and 2 teachers so it's a small, close knit community and people do talk. I don't mind what people say or think when 'm not listening but a little bit of subtlety would go a long way!! I know there was no harm intended but it was a bit hard after everything that has happened.
Did you do the test? How did it go? Really hoping for you.....and if not we're still here for you.
Hi Ladies,
Erm I feel a bit of a plonker :blush: The other day I posted when I was all emotional. I think you can count hormonal as one of my pregnancy signs, :rofl: What I thought was the start of AF was actually implantation bleed which didn't amount to very much at all and the cramps have lasted for a few days and feel different. I had a feeling and tested on Thursday :bfp: :happydance:
I wanted to make sure so I tested again today with the same result.
I don't think it has sunk in yet.
Good luck to everyone. It's not over until AF arrives. I really haven't had many symptoms at all. I'll be hanging around TTC for a while yet as it is such early days. Thanks for all your kind words over the passed week.
Baby dust to all!!!
Congrats R8ch!!!!! Excellent news!!! No time to write much but tested neg this morning, but af isn't due until tomorrow at the earliest - but the test was an extra sensitive one, does that mean it should be neg? :( xx
lynne_1979 - welcome and good luck ttc for your second! I can imagine how you must miss the baby days and long for a little one again!

I've had a headache today and on Monday without any real reason, I'm hoping this is a pg symptom! :witch: is due 31 May but might be late so I've told myself not to test until 3 June, but we'll see how that goes...![/QUOTE]

Thanks i really do miss them!
I have just joined and cannot tell you how much better I feel reading other peoples posts. Genuinely started to believe I was going mad as this whole 2ww does my head in! Had various symptoms this month but tested today at 12dpo and it was BFN. Wish I could just wait but done 3 tests so far. Anyway, trying to stay positive for next month!
Wish you all the very best of luck.
By the way, I am 34 and spoke to the doc only yesterday about the whole age thing. She told me that there are more women over 40 having abortions than girls under 16. She seemed totally unconcerned about my age at this stage...
Many Congratulations R8ch!!!! Hopefully we'll all get a chance to catch up with you in a different forum before too long!:hug:
Petite-moi, I'm so sorry about your cursed BFN. Chin up and relax for the next few weeks and enjoy a few glasses/bottles of wine in the meantime!! :wine:
And Tateypot welcome to the forum and thanks for the encouragement about the age issue! I's also 34.
It was only a watermark yesterday - I thought as much but just wanted to be sure.

Am testing again tomorrow morning just to be sure. Mainly as I have had AF symptoms all week now and STILL no AF!!! Just want it to come if it's coming - get it out of the way so I can crack on with next month!
Morning ladies! Hope you're all outside enjoying the gorgeous sunshine (well at least it's sunny where I am in South London!) :icecream:

berrukins - how are you feeling today, any symptoms yet? I know what you mean, you try to put every single little feeling down to pg symptom! I had a bad stomach ache yesterday (prob due to gassy stomach haha) and prayed it would be due to pg... My left boob hurts a bit too but I probably just caught it somewhere :rofl:

tateypot - welcome! Good news about your doctor's comments, that gives us all hope! It's great to have the girls in the same boat to talk to, especially as men don't seem to get it at all. My dh thinks I'm mad trying not to drink in the 2ww as, if I'm pregnant, "it's not even a baby yet". :dohh: And I'm not even mentioning potential symptoms anymore as he always sighs and tells me it's most likely something else! Let a woman have some hope!

R8ch - how are you feeling today hun?? That's such great news about your :bfp: - the first one in the thread! :happydance: Spread some baby dust please ;)

DragonMummy - Good luck with your test this morning!!! I'm keeping everything crossed for you, please let it be a :bfp:!!

Noja - thanks hun, I'm not giving up on hope just yet though as I know I tested a bit early. Not over till the :witch: sings ;) Aw I can imagine how everyone must speculate but like you say, it wouldn't hurt to be a bit subtle about it!! It's the last thing you need right now!

We saw two couples yesterday who both had babies recently and it made me ache from longing for a baby. I managed to just have one glass of wine, drinking it slowly!

Btw I'm on CD35 today... My cycle is 28-39 days but usually around 34 days. I have a tiny bit of ache in my lower back, on the right hand side but that's about it when it comes to symptoms. As I said I tested neg last morning on a sensitive test :( What do you girls think, do I still have chance this month..? xx
hello all ladies... i was off for a week.. i was on holidays and now holidays over :cry: and have to go to work tommorow....

so this cycle i did nothing.. no OPK , temps or preseed... so i hv no idea when exactly i O and right now im in ww butnot sure DPO.. im assuming 2-3 DPO ..
we :sex: when we felt like... so if i get a :bfp: this cycle it will be a total surprise.. :happydance:

petitemoi- i hv heard girls getting :bfp: 16-18 DPO and they too had :bfn: before.. so its not over till :witch: comes... im rooting for ya girl...
Bah - another neg this morning. Think I have to face the fact that I am just not preg! Come on AF - get out of the way so we can start again for a June baby!!!
Hi to all the new joiners to the thread.
OOh lots of you are around the same stage and waiting to test - Don't give up - until :witch: comes you never know!! Good luck!
I'm feeling great today. Just been gundog training with my young dog who went fantastically. Nice to get out in the sun and not think about everything. Still such an early stage and trying not to worry.
Spreading baby dust to everyone - I really hope you all see your :bfp: soon!!
Hi PetiteMoi, I've no symptoms yet `cept getting hungry much faster than usual. It's CD11 for me today, so still keeping my fingers crossed. A gassy stomach is a good sign of pregnancy as pregnancy hormones might cause this. I watched "Baby On Board" (starring Heather Graham & Jerry O`Connell) and her main symptom of pregnancy was constant bad farts and burping! hahaa .. so yes this might really be a positive sign for you! When are you planning to test next?
Thanks for the welcome to this forum!

I am due AF today or tomorrow, but already getting cramps so not holding out much hope!
Seem to convince myself I am preggers every month, but not so far!
I do still have few drinks during the 2ww but I agree that you do worry that you might be harming a little bean!

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