Ladies 29+ TTC - let's chat here!

Got a :bfn: yesterday morning :( Still no af, on day 42 today and still got sore nipples. No idea what to think and I'm in no man's land at the moment which is just sooo frustrating! Could I still be pg or would it have shown by now? Tested with a cheapie test and a more expensive test, both :bfn: Just want to know either way now!!
Gutted mate... But it could show late if you ov'd late maybe? Or like the great big bugger that life is, you could have just skipped a period. Deep joy.... I understand though and will keep you company in nomansland.... would you like a crisp?
:) Thanks hun, I'll have two if that's okay? I guess it could be one of 3 reasons:

1) I'm pregnant but don't get a :bfp: due to low hormone levels
2) I'm pregnant but ovulated late so it's too early to show
3) AF is just late or like you said I've skipped a period plus I'm imagining my pg symptoms

Probably number 3 :(
Probably hun but nothing like a bit of nagging optimism to get you through. It's got to be right ONE month so why not this one?
DragonMummy- yeah you're right, but I've been feeling positive up until now and I just keep getting disappointed after those :bfn: so I might just wait for AF to show now...I guess if I actually AM pregnant, some negative thinking won't hurt ;) How are you doing? How do you know you're not ov'ing? xx
Got a :bfn: yesterday morning :( Still no af, on day 42 today and still got sore nipples. No idea what to think and I'm in no man's land at the moment which is just sooo frustrating! Could I still be pg or would it have shown by now? Tested with a cheapie test and a more expensive test, both :bfn: Just want to know either way now!!

I hope you find out one way or another soon, the worst part is not knowing! x x
Hey PetiteMoi, you might want to consider arranging for a blood test to be done if AF still doesn't show, esp if you got some lovin' during your fertile days! Or you could have ovd very much later this cycle, for April my cycle was 44 days long, and my ov date was 1.5 wks late, although I got a +opk on CD16! So it can be anything! I always get sore nipples after ovulation, so perhaps the soreness could be due to the fact you've just ovulated?? Just a guess!

Did you scrutinize the HPT results? Any signs of a possible faint 2nd line?? If HCG levels are lower than usual, you would most likely still get a very faint 2nd line ...

In any case, still keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you, sweets! Anything is possible in the TTC game! :winkwink:
Petite Moi,

Sorry to hear of the :bfn:, but DragonMommy might be right on either late Ovulation or the skipped period. Here's to hoping it's the first one.:hugs:

Oh ladies, I feel so bad today. DH and I went out for date night and I drank WAY WAY too much. Stupid, I know. So now I'm guzzling the water trying to make my head stop pounding. Ugh!!:dohh:
DragonMummy- yeah you're right, but I've been feeling positive up until now and I just keep getting disappointed after those :bfn: so I might just wait for AF to show now...I guess if I actually AM pregnant, some negative thinking won't hurt ;) How are you doing? How do you know you're not ov'ing? xx

Frequent and obsessive OPK testing, lack of EWCM and the fact that I have been pre mental for over a fortnight! :hissy:

Shrivelled prune. For now... Hopefully this :witch: will spring on me soon (might leave my Tampax at home tomorrow - that'll do it!) and put me out of my dried up misery!
Hi girls,

I've started spotting like I always do just before :witch: :( Had some blood on the tissue today and yesterday. So she's most probably on her way. Unless it's implantation bleeding if I ov'd late, but I don't think so. I won't wave my white flag until she's here properly though, like the optimist I am ;)

Thanks for your support, you're great!!

ponymomma - aw hun days like that are awful but I hope you had a great time so it was all worth it?! I will definitely be having a drink or two when AF decides to come on properly - can't wait!

Berrukins - your theories sound good and I think I probably did ov late and either am pregnant or have now got AF - which is obviously a lot more likely!! There wasn't much to scrutinize on the tests as the test line was extremely absent! But I know what you mean, I did check them carefully :D

Ah well, by now I'm just hoping AF will get here so that I can get on with life and not having to worry about not drinking, or deal with getting my hopes up and get disappointed etc...

How are you all today?? xx
Oh PeiteMoi, sorry to hear about the spotting but it ain't over till you see full red flow, so we will still hang on the faith that this spotting might just be due to implantation!

Big :hug:
:hugs: Petite Moi, as Berrukins said, maybe it is implantation?

Hi ladies, I am 8 DPO today and no symptoms to report. My temps are not looking particularly encouraging and I expect them to start dropping tomorrow, as that is what they usually do.

How is everyone?
Hi everyone

Petite sorry about the spotting, but still not over until full af arrives hun (remember the pma lol)

Dragonmummy how are you today?

We really need a bfp in here to chear us all up lol

Well I got my af today, well spotting anyway cd41 out of cd32, I was quite pleased though ifykwim as could have missed periods for months after bcp, just need to try and get cycle sorted now. Also going to give temps and charting a go.
July will be our month girls, pma pma pma
hi ladies i got a bfn today so my other lines must have been evaps but i think im only 8dpo not 10dpo so fxd.xxsorry witch got you worrisome fxd for next month.xx
Ah quail, sorry hun but like you said early doors yet. :dust: to you hun

:hugs: for you. So sorry to hear about the spotting. Let's hold out that you Ov'd late.


Sorry to hear about the :witch:. July will be your month!!!!!

Feeling pretty down right now. Must be that awful :witch: on her way to take me down as well. Even have a little cramping to boot. Oh, well. PMA PMA PMA for all!!!
:hug:Sorry your down at the mo Ponymomma. July will be OUR MONTH
:witch: is here properly now. It sounds strange but I'm really relieved and feel happier and more relaxed than I have since we started ttc. It was so stressful not knowing and having to think about not drinking, coming up with excuses, etc, and not being able to live my life normally ifywim. It was just our first month as well so I'm still feeling positive about our next try!!

Thanks for all your support girls, what would I do without you!! :hugs:

leelee - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you hun!! Temps don't necessarily need to stay high do they? xx

worrisome - hey sweetie, I know what you mean about the good feeling as :witch: finally decides to show, good luck with getting the cycle shorted, I'll keep you company on that one! I might try OPK next month just to make sure I'm actually ov'ing - I've no idea as I keep getting ewcm during a week or so and that doesn't even have to mean you're ov'ing, does it? xx

quail - still early doors yet, keep up that pma :) xx

ponymomma - those signs might as well be pregnancy signs!! Fingers crossed for you!! Like worrisome said someone needs to get a :bfp: soon to cheer us all up! xx

berrukins - how are you doing sweets?? thanks for all your support lately hun!! :hugs:
Hi PetiteMoi,

Glad your feeling more relaxed. Don't forget to enjoy some drinks while you can!

No temps don't have to stay high but the pattern is very similar to previous months. I am expecting my temp to remain the same tomorrow and then it drops again and AF arrives. What would really excite me tomorrow would be a rise, even a little one!

How is everyone else?
leelee - I hope for an unexpected rise then for you tomorrow!! Keep us updated :) Oh yes, I've already had a few glasses of wine and I thoroughly enjoyed them :wine: ;) xx

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