Ladies 29+ TTC - let's chat here!

leelee - I hope for an unexpected rise then for you tomorrow!! Keep us updated :) Oh yes, I've already had a few glasses of wine and I thoroughly enjoyed them :wine: ;) xx

Good for you. Glad you enjoyed them, you deserve it. Will defo keep everyone updated!
Hiya PetiteMoi, I hear ya! Totally understand how you feel .. I was just telling DH the same thing a week back. I'm totally crushed whenever I get pre-AF spotting because I know that's the end of our hopes (for that month at least), but I'm extremely thrilled when AF finally gets me, because it's the start of a brand new cycle! A new cycle that is filled with renewed hopes & dreams!

Oooh and yes, I do rush out to buy a few bottles of wine once I've confirmed AF. Then I'll drink to my hearts' content while counting the number of OPKs I've left and also calculating my next OV date, so I know when to get the ball rolling :rofl: Just to keep myself busy with lotsa PMA!

Sorry to hear about the :witch:. But glad to hear you are taking it so well. Staying relaxed is KEY to the whole fertility thing (or so everyone keeps telling me!!!) :wine: Have a few for me if you will.

Worrisome and PetiteMoi,

Girls lets rally for July. Nothing like :sex: on those hot, sticky summer nights (or mornings, afternoons, whenever!!!)
:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: to us all!!!
Hi ladies,

Had a bit of a temp rise today, but not getting too excited yet. Tomorrow's temp will tell a lot I think. Either way it looks like my LP is getting a bit of an extension, which is good!
Hooray Leelee,

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust: stay little sticky bean!!
Sorry to hear about the :witch: Petitmoi, was wondering about you yesterday. Enjoy a few drinks and PMA for July!!

Good luck to everyone x x

Doing well today. Have tons of PMA (except for those random moments of sheer hormones where I want to explode:hissy::hissy:). Still holding out that I am in the game for this month.

Hope everyone else out there doing well. Here's to June girls! Come on :bfp:!!!
Bugger it PM I really thought you'd nailed it this month...

OK well maybe next month is your month... hopefully mine too! Still no AF or withdrawal bleed though after 35 days...
Ah sorry about af Petitmoi, next month is OUR MONTH GIRLIES.
Leelee, the temp rise sounds fan hun, fxxxxx and little toys crossed.
Dragonmummy, sorry about your missing af hun, its bloody annoying isnt it, mine is still awol after the lightest bleed. God knows whether to count it as a period or not.
Ponymomma, Im with you with the pma just wish I knew either way if I ov'd or not.
Twiggy on the other thread made me feel better getting her bf at cd85.
berrukins - sounds like we follow the same pattern when it comes to thoughts and feelings when AF shows! How many days before AF are you spotting? I've only had spottings before AF since the beginning of this year - I never ever had it before. Not sure why it's started all of a sudden. I get it 2-3 days and then AF comes. Sorry lots of 'AF' in that paragraph!

leelee - yay!! Fingers crossed it will keep rising/stay high!!

ponymomma - I will definitely enjoy a few glasses of wine this weekend!! I agree, July will be our month girls, let's go for it!!

smileybird - thanks hun!! How are you doing??

DragonMummy - thanks :hugs: How r u today?

Someone's got to get a :bfp: soon in this thread!!
Hi girsl. I'm back on-line after a hectic week. Good to get a chance to catch up. Petitemoi, that's rotten for you, it all seemed so positive last time I was here. You go for it with the old vino, you too ponymomma!-quite relieved to know I'm not the only one who thinks like that!
Dragonmummy things are sounding good at your end :dust: and poitive vibes coming your way!
I'm into my 2WW now but not expecting anything to happen this month since this is my first cycle since laparoscopy-not to mention that on my most fertile day DH and I headed to bed nice and early and promptly fell asleep!! :rofl: (I have to laugh or I'd cry!!) Anyway, it's time to look forward to next month's attempt and devise a new battle plan! Good night and good wishes to all you 29+ers out there!
:wave: PetiteMoi, how are u feeling today? Same here with me! I would get spotting before AF for 3 days the very least, sometimes even longer althought the spotting gets more as it draws closer to CD1 ... I only count CD1 as the day I finally stain my liner/pad (sorry for TMI)

Were u on the pill before? Before I went on the pill, I don't remember having so many days of pre-AF spotting, perhaps just 1 day before red flow, so now my body is certainly giving me many days of "heads-up" before the old witch arrives. But I've gotten used to it; during pre-AF spotting, it's very depressing for me but once I am hit with the red, my spirits are lifted ... which plenty of my gfs who aren't trying for babies think I am crazy to be so delighted with getting AF - they don't understand how TTCing screws your mind! :rofl:
Hi everyone

Leelee, how is the temp doing this morning?
Noja, it only takes once and gets you when your least expecting it, fxxxxxx
Berrukins, I have had spotting, never had before I wonder if it is a side affect from coming off the pill, still no af though, or was that it ](*,). How long is the longest would you say you had spotting and then af got you, if you don't mind me asking?

Dragonmummy anything yet hun?
Petite how are you doing hun?
Morning Ponymomma and good luck to everyone else this month :dust:
Daft I know but I keep thinking about that baby physcic reading and she said conceive July bfp August so Im going off that one :rofl:
Hello Worrisome :) I usually spot 3 days before AF ... the very most would be 4 days before I get red flow. My LP usually lasts for 14-15 days, so I'll usually expect spotting to happen from 11-12DPO onwards. The crappy thing is I'll be hoping for some spotting during 6-10DPO cause that might be a sign of implantation, but anything after 10DPO, I WISH that spotting would never come cause that spotting would be pre-AF! Hahaha, what a drastic twist I go through every month!

How long has it been since you've stopped the pill? When I was on the pill, I had spotting mid-cycle occasionally too. I know that's nothing to do with ovulation since the pill doesn't ovulate you ... Spotting is an indication of decreased pill effectiveness, so I guess that means good news, now that the pill's synthetic hormones are wearing off & your natural hormones are building up??

Well but I just thought of something - spotting can also mean implantation ... could that be just it? :winkwink:
Thanks Berrukins, cant you tell it was a man who invented all this :rofl:
I thought that was what you would say but had my "af" on Tuesday (I think) and now nothing, not even cramps, very strange. I did have ewcm when I was due on the 2nd June so bdance so I suppose it could have been implant weird. Im trying to temp but as I dont know if beginning of cycle or not cant really tell.

I like the idea of the hormones coming out, youve made me feel better thanks

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Now look at this post carefully - from now on every other post starting with "got my AF" will be followed by this :hissy: rather than this:happydance:

Really pleased though but in fecking agony. Was up all last night in pain and just staying in bed today. Poor Harry is bored but I have a bed covered in toys and Cbeebies on to try and numb the boredom. We had an active day yesterday so won't hurt him...

:dust: to everyone - how are we all today?? Big love to all....
Hi ladies,

Well took my temp this morning and it was gone up again so took an IC and thought I saw a faint line. I went and asked OH and he could see it too. Very faint. He told me to take a Superdrug FRER and I did. Well a line came up within the 3 mins and it was a good line.

Can't believe it and keep thinking there has to be a mistake. Went and bought a first response FRER and will do that either tomorrow or Sunday. Am in shock, my first :bfp:
Oh LEELEE!!! Well done hun! We were just saying that our little posse needs a BFP and you are it!!!!
Oh LEELEE!!! Well done hun! We were just saying that our little posse needs a BFP and you are it!!!!

Thanks! Am so thrilled. It is cycle 3 for me so not a long long time but I have been so worried so it was so nice to see a :bfp:

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