Ladies 29+ TTC - let's chat here!

Hey your lucky it wasnt the man bashing aka :grrr: You know Im only joking hun dont you, I peed on so many sticks last month, I was getting deranged, and I think I poas at 5dpo lst month
I know hun - we all do it, bunch of saddoes that we are.... is always worth a try though, I might have ovulated right at the end of my AF!!!

Worrisome, yes the instead cups are the period things but apparently if you insert them after doing the deed they trap the :spermy: and making sure none escape. I'm a bit unsure about the thought of them but hey anything that helps!!!! :happydance::rofl:
Ahem, I have bought a fertility spell, that should make you feel better
hmmmm know what you mean Noja, worth a go though. I have read about tampax, but wouldnt recommend that to anyone, as could be dangerous if you forget about it. ey at least you wont have to stick legs in air
Wow DragonMummy - that is some bump!!!

Was feeling queasy around lunch time and it wore off and then came back around an hour ago.
Yeah, dear husband thought I was bonkers last time I lay with my legs in the air for half an hour afterwards :rofl: He fell asleep with me still there!! Anything gotta be better than that except knowing me I'll do that too.
After you so that bump Leelee, :rofl: sorry couldnt help myself.
Ginger is good Leelee
the bump and the space hoppers sitting on top of it....
Seriously, I looked beautiful at 20 weeks. Properly radiant with a lovely bump. Then at about 26 weeks I just EXPANDED. And itwas rock solid too as it was just water! teh MW kept saying he was 2 weeks over what he should have been size wise and he was gonna be at least 10lbs. So imagine my surprise when I woke up from the general and was handed this tiny little 6lb scrapling....
There we are - normal and radiant....
Incredibly normal and enviably radiant DM. I don't care if I get a huuuuge bump tho as long as I get one :D I'm leaving now to dream about babies and bumps. Night night xxx
Yes agree you look lovely and radiant there, although I thought you looked great with the big bump.
Well I’m still around just not been on here much. Am really feeling quite down at the moment

I gave in and bought some ovulation sticks which I started using last week, we had a big party at the weekend for hubby’s birthday and we got no time alone together because we had people staying over which was annoying as Saturday, Sunday, Monday were my fertile days according to Fertility Friend. I think I got a positive on my ovulation test on Monday but when I got home from work I ended up passing out on the sofa so that was another missed opportunity.

Due to AF then a couple of other things which have happened this week (family death) having visitors tonight then hubby going away straight after work on Friday to a stag do it’s going to be 3 weeks since we baby danced. I know we just haven’t done it enough this month and it’s our own fault really but I am so annoyed at myself for letting another opportunity slip past us. (sorry if TMI) This bloody heat isn’t really helping either!

Once hubby gets home on Sunday I’m really going to work at getting into a better routine – we need to be doing it more otherwise we are never going to get pregnant at this rate!

I am new to this site, I started trying only two months ago and fell pregnant straight away but miscarried at 7 weeks last Wednesday.

I am 31 this month really think I should have started sooner!!!

Good luck!!
Hey smiley,
I think the heat has got everyone a bit fried. Read back a few pages, and you will see that these girls have gone quite mad!!! Don't get too down. :hugs::hugs: Life will calm down soon I'm sure, then the :sex: can come back full force!!!

Welcome L-C,
Please honey, at 31 we are still just babes. Sorry about the mc, but fx'd it will happen quickly for you again.

And the rest of you crazy girls,
My goodness you ladies had a busy, crazy night last night. Has everyone's paranoia subsided a bit? :hug: to all of you as I had a rough night at work, and laughed my a** off when I got home last night. Thank goodness we can do this w/ a sense of humor!!
Welcome LC. :hi:

Am also fairly new to this site.

Sorry to hear about you mc.

Am sending loads of :dust: your way.

Hopefully we will both get :bfp: soon and be moaning on the other side about stretch marks and swollen ankles.


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