Ladies 29+ TTC - let's chat here!

Off to work. Just had a major bout of organization freak out. For some odd reason, all the old tax papers had to be gone through. And definitely needed to go through all the stuff under the bathroom sink. Think I'm trying to keep my mind off something?? I'm losing it ](*,) girls. Actually hope the ER is busy tonight.
Evening ladies - am just in from work. As predicted couldn't resist another POAS this morning - another neg, thoroughly deserved!

I have been nauseous all afternoon and peeing every 45 minutes or so (driving me MAD!). Had a couple of dizzy spells too.... the signs are looking so good but I wonder how much is psychological?

PM that story you posted looks promising - keep your chin up for now- am all cross-fingered for you!

Worrisome - It seems REALLY unlikely that you could have that many duff tests mate. I reckon you ovulated later than you thought and you are early on. Plus, your previous two pregs were both boys - is very likely if you get a pink one you'll havea a whole different experience. Also digitally crossed for you.

All others - big love and baby dust!!!!
Oh Sorry Dm, still early for us though like you said. Someone on here posted that they got there bfp only after being 2 weeks late so hope for us all, lets all try the pma route.

What does digitally crossed mean, lol
my digits are crossed! Fingers!

Sorry that was a bit vague wasn't it???

Still feeling rotten sick....
Ah thought you mean temps, ie digital thermometer :rofl: hopefully pregnancy mush brain.

Im feeling a bit gippy too. I am wondering though if it could still be the pill hormones. As I felt sick and was actually sick last month also.

Not going to stop me having a glass of wine tonight though.
Pm how you doing hun, any symptons?
Ponymomma, hope er not too busy but busy enough.
Quail, just seen that you have 9 children OMG
yeah she's trying to conceive #10.... if she leaves her home she risks being sectioned PMSL!!!
Gonna have to go to bed in a minute - I feel terrible....
DM - I could bet money your preggers!!!! How exciting!!

worrisome - good to hear someone else is still on the vino! I'll enjoy one in a minute ;)Today my stomach is very bloated (I definitely LOOK pregnant - as i was standing on the tube earlier I even held my hand on it to pretend I was, as people probably thought it anyway lol) - I haven't had any blood or spottings during the day but after a dance class this evening I had some brown streaks in my knickers (TMI!!!), that's all.

My boobs were bigger and felt heavier for a few days like they normally do before af but they now seem to be going back to normal :( That would mean I'm not pg right??
hi all well ive finally o, on cd23 so now in the 2ww,hope you feel better tommorow dragonmummy ,i also think im mad sometimes having 9 but i actually found it harder when i only had 2 .xx
quail - you've got some experience being pg :D - have you ever had spottings or bleeding before :bfp:??
ponymomma -you've gotta do something to keep your mind off it all!!! Do you work in ER then? What do you do? xx
Thanks petite - currently stuffing down a bowl of rice crispies mixed with coco pops (makes the coco pops a bit healthier PMSL!) to stop me feeling sicky plus I am RAVENOUS!!!!

If I'm not pregnant after this I am gonna be PISSED!!!

Did ANOTHER POAS tonight - stupidly did the Saino's one which is 50miu so no chance of that showing anything on weak, diluted pee when a 10miu was a bfn on FMU!!!
Good Morning All,

Made it through the day w/o completely losing it. No testing yet. So far I've made it through this whole experience w/o testing, stupid witch has shown every month w/o fail. Have no idea what was wrong w/ me yesterday.

Must have been a full moon, cause the CRAZIES were out in full force:loopy:. At least it made the night fly by. (Trauma nurse in ER of only hospital in quite a large town)

Alright Petite and Worrisome, Any good news? I can't stand this waiting business. Ooh, petite. One of older coworkers was telling me that she had spotting throughout the first two months of 4 out of 6 pregnancies. Had no other problems or complications and 7 healthy babies!!!!

Dragon, Mmmm- Coco pops, my fave! Woke up this morning and my whole pillow was soaked w/ drool. Kind of gross, I know. But that's supposed to be a good sign, right? You sound like (oh what did you call it?) you got 'one up the duff' (sure if I butchered that!! ha ha, sorry!!) We don't have any cool sayings like that around here.

Quail, Hope your TWW flies by! If you have figured out any good hobbies to occupy your time while waiting, we would LOVE to know.
quail - you've got some experience being pg :D - have you ever had spottings or bleeding before :bfp:??

hi petitemoi,ive never had spotting or anything before ive got a bfp,but i have had bleeding in pregnancy, i ve my fxd for you.xxha
DM - you've GOT to be pg hun!! Exciting!!!

Thanks Ponymomma for filling me with hope! I love hearing about other people who've had spotting and got a healthy child. I hardly slept last night, although I think it was because I exercised in the evening as that normally makes me quite awake, and had to go to the loo once but that happens every so often anyway. Boobs are a little bit tender and a bit heavier but they seem less heavy now than a few days ago - that's bad news isn't it, when symptoms disappear??
No bad news!! Symptoms can come and go w/ early preg!:happydance: Hang in there, you'll know soon.

Just as an aside. I've been getting my period for close to 20 years. How come until I started TTC I never noticed things like boobs getting bigger, sore, veiny or nausea, sensitivity to smells, headaches, etc. Maddening to think that all this was going on and I never noticed. Personally I don't think it was, I think it's just my body's way of playing a cruel trick on me, and it never happened until TTC. All I ever remember before the witch came was cramps and occasional bloating.
Ponymomma - thanks :) I know what you mean - I never ever had twinges in my stomach before my period before, but now I have them every month. Also, I started having spottings before af in January this year and have had it since, that's never happened in my life before!! My body is sooo cruel!! So this may well just be a strange spotting period, the strange this about it is it came on far too early - a week after ov - and has not come on yet, I usually just spot for 3-4 days and it's been 8 days now.

Going to the loo now to check if anything's
Had blood on the tissue again. This is driving me insane. More than just spotting if by spotting you mean 'spots'. She is probably on her way now :(
Had blood on the tissue again. This is driving me insane. More than just spotting if by spotting you mean 'spots'. She is probably on her way now :(

Join the we hate the :witch: crew.

:hugs: for you. xx

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