Ladies 29+ TTC - let's chat here!

hm what page were we on before??

Got such an af belly now, if she doesn't show up today I doubt she never will!!!
ha ha, your on page 89.

ooh got this today its off a baby physic, I have done 2 now and one said July/Aug and now this, so Aug it must be lol

They show me a GIRL and relate her to AUGUST so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in. They show this linked around the 16-23rd so not sure if you can look ahead and see if this would line up wtih either testing or ovulation time?
Let me know if you have any questions
Best Wishes
Oh worrisome exciting!! How did you find this girl and did it cost anything??
No she does free readings but you have to wait months, I will find her email for you. Just going to do the school run.
Well I saw a psychic last month and she was shit. Making it up as she went along.

OK the cramps have stopped now and I am back to being nauseous. And all I have done all day is doze on the sofa....
hey ladies,

I like the idea of the reading....I got one last week from some women and all it said what that I am in a 44 day cycle at work :S which, if I follow "instructions" clearly, will shower me with financial rewards......

The instruction was to join her site and give her money!!!

I've got bad af pains now. I was really hoping that, although this is our first TTC month, this would be THE month. But there you go. Over for month number 1.

I am positive though. Visualising a baby is a lovely thing but I just want to be pregnant NOW dammit!!

Still, the weathers nice ;)

Nicola xx
Nausea - check

AF pains - check

Migraine - check

Going to bed....
Hi Laidies, I'm a newbie, and I just turned 34 years old a month ago...I am trying for my third child (I have a dd 7, a dear angel son who passed from CDH on August 1, 2008 at 7 weeks old) and I am soooo scared that I won't be able to conceive...but then again I thought that for the first two, and I had no problems conceiving whatsoever...I am just so overly paranoid I guess. We were going to try in July, but made a half hearted effort last month so I am not expecting a positive...but you never, never know! if not, then I will get SERIOUS for the next cycle!!

Good luck to all...
Just a quick note while at work to say 'hello ladies!!'

Welcome, Banana. Good luck this month!! You never know(half hearted or not, an attempt is an attempt!).

Embozstar- Of course we should join her site and give her lots of money. Then we would all be just about to get pregnant :dohh:! Didn't know it was so easy!

Dragon- Good god girl, get back in bed. Pull the covers up, and don't move till morning. Your sharing the nasuea and headaches though, have felt like s**t all day. FX'd these are good signs!!

Cramps have been on and off but quite fierce. Pretty certain it's AF though so all set to start again. But the fat (evil, hideous, ugly bitch-troll) lady ain't singing yet!

Am going to start temping every day now as well. Might as well, then you can all have a good stalk of my chart.

Just dragged myself out of bed as I have had a sleep then woken up so not gonna be sleeping again any time soon. Watching Love Actually (JOY! My fave film) and hiding my bank card to stop me buying baby clothes. I am really tempted!!! All Harrys are in the loft so I cant fawn all over them!

Had to take parents to airport at a ridiculous hour this morning. Don't know how I pulled it off, cause I felt like I was going to hurl the entire time (have been burping like a trucker since yesterday, I mean loud enough to break glass!!TMI). Got all these odd little pains last night, right under ribs. Trying to torture myself and looked online, which of course mentioned a myriad of horrible things (ectopic included). Still have AF symptoms off and on. Good thing is I am always an emotional wreck the week before AF, and I have been on cloud 9 all week. Course if the witch shows up tomorrow or this weekend, stay out of my way :hissy::hissy::hissy:.
Oooh sounds promising PoMo.

Was trying to think how to distinguish you and Petite when abbreviating as I call her PM. I think PoMo is pretty cool - sounds a bit JLo!!!! The dangerous thing here is that I think I am funny....
Hello ladies not been on in ages, what have I missed? Are there any BFP's in the 29+ club?

Dragonmummy your signs are sounding promising, I'll keep my fx for you x
Love it!! Yo, PoMo in da house!! (Alright, obviously an old, white woman here! he he!! Call me twisted, but I enjoy your humor:rofl:)

Ooh, two Smileys in the forum. Doesn't that bring us good luck?
Hey mama pomo, yo whats happenin (Worriesome, trying to sound young and happening).

Sounds very promising hun fxxxxxx.

SmileyBird, nothing as yet but weve got a few contenders ha ha. Contenders ready! (off a programme but cant remember what)

Had a shock today, did a daft ic again (doh) anyhoo, a bright pink foff line came up, even rang my friend back whoppppee, but then realised that the flap on the end was up and the dye had stuck to the glue where it must be, if that makes sense argghhhh.

On a good note temps still high today and think now 11dpo.

But on a baaaad not got some af pains.
The smileys may becancelled out by the presence of a Dragon PoMo - sorry!

Smiley thanks - I keep getting BFN's and I was cramping like heck yesterday but its subsided now so I have no idea what to think!! I just work here guv'nor.....

Feeling a bit better now so going to take my darling Dragontastic into town and do some grocery shopping. Might go into superdrug for a load more FRER's... nothing like buying 500 HPT's to guarantee a pregnancy!
Just a quick note while at work to say 'hello ladies!!'

Welcome, Banana. Good luck this month!! You never know(half hearted or not, an attempt is an attempt!).

Embozstar- Of course we should join her site and give her lots of money. Then we would all be just about to get pregnant :dohh:! Didn't know it was so easy!

Dragon- Good god girl, get back in bed. Pull the covers up, and don't move till morning. Your sharing the nasuea and headaches though, have felt like s**t all day. FX'd these are good signs!!


You're right ponymama! it's not over until it's over!! and I'm still in the game so far...dying to test, but not wanting to dash the wee bit of hope I have left! Not feeling the :bfp: real signs to speak of other than the sore nips, but that comes with AF also...thanks for the words of encouragement though!
Hey Nana, how's it going. Sorry to read about your DS - that must have been excruciatingly hideous.

When is your AF due?

Mine is due tomorrow girls - I had a some crampage yesterday and a migrane which is a bit of an old skool symptom of AF for me but a sign nonetheless. But today no cramps at all! The headache is still present though but at least I can open my eyes in a well lit room today! V confused....gonna try another HPT tomorrow.... might as well torture myself!
Hi Nana, Im so sorry for your loss hun and welcome to the slighly mad house.

We can do this girls. PMA PMA PMA PMA

DM did you stock up?

PM how are you today hun? Dont like it when your quiet on us.

PoMo you still in da house lol

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