Hi ladies
This is my first ever post on a forum like this, so please excuse any faux pas. I'm going in on Tuesday for a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, and reading all your posts has put my mind much more at ease. We've been trying for almost 2 and a half years now, and never even made it to the positive test result so hopefully this will identify any issues. HSG and internal US identified cysts changing the shape of my uterus which the doc thinks might be making implantation difficult. Hopefully he can remove them and anything else he discovers. All other things they can test have come back fine, so I'm really, really hoping this is the cause.
I just started a new job about 3 and a half weeks ago, and have told them I'm going in for an operation, but not what it's for. I'm the only female in the office, so feel a bit uncomfortable discussing this, especially as it clearly indicates we're TTC. I'm taking the Tue and Wed off work, then working from home on the Thurs and Fri, and hopefully will be back up and able to get into work again the following week.
So anyway, my fingers are crossed, and thank you all for your posts - they have helped me heaps!