lap and dye this Friday (19th)

hey hun welcome to the thread. I hope it all goes well for you tue. Just be prepared to be a little sore and uncomfortable for at least 5 days. Have lots of rest and take some mints in with you gor the gas pain in the shoulder, really i promise it helps! Let us know how you get on hun and really dont worry the procedure is pretty simple. Good luck for getting the results you want :)
Oh gosh, well stay safe hun. I live in the uk and i can honestly say we never get anything like that. The most we get is some localised flooding and when it snows, just a tiny bit the whole country goes into a ridiculous panic. I hope that this hurricaine just blows over quickly. Pun non intended! Hope you ladies have had a lovely weekend and curlygurl hope your having fun bd'ing :)

:happydance: Thank you!!! I am thinking now that I may have missed O, but trying is always fun. :winkwink:

We are pretty used to the high winds and flooding here since we live about 2 miles from the ocean...for me its the power outage that I can't stand. Hopefully we will have our power. How are you feeling?

Hear my prayers how are you feeling?
Hi ladies

This is my first ever post on a forum like this, so please excuse any faux pas. I'm going in on Tuesday for a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, and reading all your posts has put my mind much more at ease. We've been trying for almost 2 and a half years now, and never even made it to the positive test result so hopefully this will identify any issues. HSG and internal US identified cysts changing the shape of my uterus which the doc thinks might be making implantation difficult. Hopefully he can remove them and anything else he discovers. All other things they can test have come back fine, so I'm really, really hoping this is the cause.

I just started a new job about 3 and a half weeks ago, and have told them I'm going in for an operation, but not what it's for. I'm the only female in the office, so feel a bit uncomfortable discussing this, especially as it clearly indicates we're TTC. I'm taking the Tue and Wed off work, then working from home on the Thurs and Fri, and hopefully will be back up and able to get into work again the following week.

So anyway, my fingers are crossed, and thank you all for your posts - they have helped me heaps!

Welcome! Good luck with your lap, I hope it finds the answers you are looking for. Be prepared for soreness, and for being very tired. Just rest and take it easy the first couple of days and you should be fine. :hugs:
Hey curlygurl, its so wierd you say that. I have been having major O pains but i'm not due to O for like three weeks yet? Very strange!

Yeah feeling ok now hun. I would say i'm back to about 80% normality. Although i have to tell you guys, i sneezed the other day and i thought the stitches were going to fly out of my stomach hehe bit scary. Taking a trip into town today so i will see how i get on? Got a long road trip up north, back were i'm from to see and old friend for her wedding party and to see my family so i'm just going to do small car trips to prepare me for the journey.

How are ladies getting on this monday morning?
Hey Ladies,

I'm good! Im actually feeling like I'm back to myself! Not so tired anymore and not tender at all anymore! woot woot! Strange enough I had serious O cramps like 1-3 days after the op, I'm day 35 right now! super long cycle, but last month I was too and didnt get AF until day 45!! DH and I actually started BD last wednesday! I was super tender but we managed to do it without any pain or anything and we've BD'd everyday...I'm not sure when the heck I'm o'ing or o'd my cycle is way off now since coming off clomid in July! August was normal then bam September is all messed up! Ladies I hope these means we are gonna get those BFP SOON!!

wishinforbub - I'm more than positive your procedure will go smoothly, as mentioned you will be tender, sore and tired for the frist 4-5 days rest as much as you can and sleep a lot it really helps the healing process! I hope you get positive and awesome results from the surgery! please keep us informed I'd love to hear your story!
wow i am very impressed hun, every day! That is most def commitment :) I think i will do a opk tomorrow just to be sure i'm not O'ing. I not really due O though till around the 19th nov. I think that maybe the lap might mess with my cycle a bit so just gonna wait and see.

Did bit of retail therapy today and got great pair of shoes. I think i might break my neck in them but oh well, they're very pretty :)
wow i am very impressed hun, every day! That is most def commitment :) I think i will do a opk tomorrow just to be sure i'm not O'ing. I not really due O though till around the 19th nov. I think that maybe the lap might mess with my cycle a bit so just gonna wait and see.

Did bit of retail therapy today and got great pair of shoes. I think i might break my neck in them but oh well, they're very pretty :)

I think its a long shot but we'll give it a try and if it doesnt result in a BFP it was fun trying for the most part lol! :blush:

Ohhh neck breaking shoes are the sexiest shoes wear em proud girl!
Thanks so much for the words of wisdom and support everyone. I don't know why I avoided joining a forum for so long - it's so comforting and reassuring to hear other people going through what you are - that you're not alone in your experience. As much as I love DH, he just doesn't understand (and I don't think men ever could understand, if I'm honest).

Very frustratingly, AF is trying to make an early breakthrough tonight. I'm just hoping like hell that AF holds off (not due until Saturday) so that my surgery isn't cancelled...that would be a major blow.

I'll you know my results after surgery - and thank you all so much again :hugs:
ha ha i shall try my very best. Just dont be surprised when i'm telling you gals that i ended up in A&E with a broken ankle and a pair of shoes in the trash he he. I think the older i get, its not the fact that i dont want to wear these body teetring contraptions but that i fear for my life more. A natural instinct to preserve one's self i think :shrug:
Tee hee!! I totally understand! Everything and anything 'sexy' for women these days seem more like torture devices rather than self indulging items to purchase! Just work the shoes if you stumble or trip and fall we are women we can make even that graceful ;)
Ha ha, yes through my haze of alcohol induced irresponsibility, i will just slurrrr, 'ta daaaaa' arms and legs up in air :haha: No actually i am going to be good this weekend, got my mum with me as well so have to be on very good behaviour. Actually since ttc, i have not really bothered with it anymore! :)
LOL!! love it! Sometimes its nice to just get sloshed lol but I agree since TTC I've been very cautious too.
Trying to get through this freakin hurricane, I had 1 beer and my belly, ovaries etc. started hurting! How weird? MY DH said maybe it is due to bloating, it was weird. It sounds like everyone is feeling happy. I really hope we all get our BFPs soon!
Gosh i hope it eases up soon hun. Hey you never know myabe this could be the month for you both fx

Did an opk this morning just in case and neg. Will just wait to see when i get my period.
So, still waiting to go home after getting to hospital 13 hours ago. Surgery complete. Found 6 fibroids (2 quite large, although they didn't tell me exact size. All on the outside, so not necessarily affecting conceiving, but a couple are altering the shape of my uterus which could be causing implantation problems. All else clear - no blockages, removed a little cyst, but that was it.

Now my bladder has decided not to play games and although I've drunk about 2 lt water since coming out, and feeling desperately like I need to pee, no luck for about 4 hours. Has just had a bladder scan indicating a VERY full bladder, and I'd need to be catheterised and stay overnight. Bollocks to that!! Somehow have just removed the mental block and gone twice in 20 minutes. Should be able to go home after all!!

DH has sat by me all afternoon, bless him. And we can start trying as soon as I'm comfortable...yay!

Hope all in the US are safe x
So, still waiting to go home after getting to hospital 13 hours ago. Surgery complete. Found 6 fibroids (2 quite large, although they didn't tell me exact size. All on the outside, so not necessarily affecting conceiving, but a couple are altering the shape of my uterus which could be causing implantation problems. All else clear - no blockages, removed a little cyst, but that was it.

Now my bladder has decided not to play games and although I've drunk about 2 lt water since coming out, and feeling desperately like I need to pee, no luck for about 4 hours. Has just had a bladder scan indicating a VERY full bladder, and I'd need to be catheterised and stay overnight. Bollocks to that!! Somehow have just removed the mental block and gone twice in 20 minutes. Should be able to go home after all!!

DH has sat by me all afternoon, bless him. And we can start trying as soon as I'm comfortable...yay!

Hope all in the US are safe x

:hug: I'm glad it went well and nothing is stopping a BFP for you! I hope you can get out of the hospital tonight that would be nice! I had my surgery on a Friday and DH and I were BDing bu Wednesday take it slow and when you feel comfortable! I hope you get a HUGE BFP soon! I'm gonna be watching closely! :happydance:
Trying to get through this freakin hurricane, I had 1 beer and my belly, ovaries etc. started hurting! How weird? MY DH said maybe it is due to bloating, it was weird. It sounds like everyone is feeling happy. I really hope we all get our BFPs soon!

Hey hon are you ok? give us an update? I'm in Toronto we got really bad winds about 60,000 without power but nothing compared to the east coast! My mother and sister in law both live in NJ and they both faired well so give us an update hun!

Are you still bloated? Mine has gone down alot! thank the good Lord!
hey wishin, glad you got to go home hun and the results were good! Just rast up and then when you feel comfortable, then get back in the saddle :)

Hearmyprayers, i'm also not as bloated but still got a post op pouch going on down there :( Hope it goes by sat :shrug:
hey wishin, glad you got to go home hun and the results were good! Just rast up and then when you feel comfortable, then get back in the saddle :)

Hearmyprayers, i'm also not as bloated but still got a post op pouch going on down there :( Hope it goes by sat :shrug:

It should go down soon! Mine was so bad I looked easy months pregnant! It was depressing because I felt so fat and blah! I hate bloatiness.
Hi we are ok! We live only 4 miles from where the jersey shore was completely destroyed. We are heartbroken, and I can't even imagine how the people whose houses were completely washed away must feel. Our power is intermittent, so I am trying to conserve my laptop's battery power. I work for a local university and we will be closed until Monday. Some houses were washed right down the bay when the ocean and the bay met on Monday night.

Wishin - I am so glad you were finally able to go to the bathroom. My RE told me that he recently had a patient whose bladder would not wake up from the anethesia and she had to use a catheter for a week or so before she could actually go on her own. SO happy for you that you are ok, and that you got some good news.

I am feeling much better. Bloating finally seems to have gone down. I wore jeans the other day but only for like 2 hours, then back into yoga pants, but I figure that is progress. I am glad to hear everyone is feeling better.

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