lap and dye this Friday (19th)

Hi we are ok! We live only 4 miles from where the jersey shore was completely destroyed. We are heartbroken, and I can't even imagine how the people whose houses were completely washed away must feel. Our power is intermittent, so I am trying to conserve my laptop's battery power. I work for a local university and we will be closed until Monday. Some houses were washed right down the bay when the ocean and the bay met on Monday night.

Wishin - I am so glad you were finally able to go to the bathroom. My RE told me that he recently had a patient whose bladder would not wake up from the anethesia and she had to use a catheter for a week or so before she could actually go on her own. SO happy for you that you are ok, and that you got some good news.

I am feeling much better. Bloating finally seems to have gone down. I wore jeans the other day but only for like 2 hours, then back into yoga pants, but I figure that is progress. I am glad to hear everyone is feeling better.

SOOO glad you are ok! I'm sure its devasting to see the wreck around you. :hug:

I hear you about the comfy pants I'm getting tired of wearing them but still a little weary about jeans or work pants right now lol.

Stay safe hun.
Curlygurl, glad to hear you're all ok.

I ended up having to stay overnight to make sure the waterworks were ok. Got home this morning, and have been resting all day. I am back working from home as of tomorrow, and am due back in the office on Monday, so fingers crossed I'm up to it. Having only started this new job 4 weeks ago, I don't want to go calling in sick so soon.

So the results so far are that there are at least 4 fibroids which are (thankfully) all outside my uterus and quite large. Doc didn't remove them, will only look to do so if I miscarry twice in a row. Having never had a BFP, I can't see that happening soon. The doctor was on-call in the labour ward after my surgery so I didn't get to speak to him, only one of the junior doctors involved. I'll have a follow-up appointment with him in a couple of weeks to find out more The NP said there was something in the notes about IUI or IVF but couldn't tell me more. So I guess it's recovery and rest for me and a bit more of the unknown until I get my follow up.
hey ladies glad to hear everyone is doing well. feeling pretty much back to normal now. Bring on those :bfp: :)
evening ladies. I really need to have a vent, so I hope this is the place to do so.

I had a really awful weekend. Well, that's not entirely true, but I was feeling really out of sorts Saturday evening, had a bit of a cry as I was going to sleep, then Sunday morning I just couldn't stop crying. DH was wonderful as ever, but just couldn't do anything to help me snap out of it. I think it was a combination of recovery from the surgery (which I actually feel fine now - a bit itchy, but that's just the scars healing), AF had arrived and I'm only allowed to wear pads this month so I felt all yucky and gross. And I felt like the surgery had been completely pointless - they hadn't removed any of the fibroids that they already knew were there, and didn't discover anything else new. I know that's probably a good thing, but I just felt so disappointed. I was under the impression the reason for the laparoscopy was to remove the fibroids they'd detected on the U/S. It was also my 35th birthday on Saturday, and I think subconsciously, I'd always said to myself that I didn't feel pressured to have children because my mum didn't have me until she was 35. But now that's come around, and we're no closer, it feels like it's all gone horribly wrong.

I just got my follow-up letter from the hospital, and it's not until December 6th! That's 5 weeks after my surgery - I thought they were supposed to follow-up within a couple of weeks? So frustrated!!!

Anyway, enough from me - thanks for letting me vent. I'm sure in a few days I'll snap out of it, and get back to the BDing. It's our 1st wedding annivesary tomorrow too - it really can't be all bad, can it?! :winkwink:
evening ladies. I really need to have a vent, so I hope this is the place to do so.

I had a really awful weekend. Well, that's not entirely true, but I was feeling really out of sorts Saturday evening, had a bit of a cry as I was going to sleep, then Sunday morning I just couldn't stop crying. DH was wonderful as ever, but just couldn't do anything to help me snap out of it. I think it was a combination of recovery from the surgery (which I actually feel fine now - a bit itchy, but that's just the scars healing), AF had arrived and I'm only allowed to wear pads this month so I felt all yucky and gross. And I felt like the surgery had been completely pointless - they hadn't removed any of the fibroids that they already knew were there, and didn't discover anything else new. I know that's probably a good thing, but I just felt so disappointed. I was under the impression the reason for the laparoscopy was to remove the fibroids they'd detected on the U/S. It was also my 35th birthday on Saturday, and I think subconsciously, I'd always said to myself that I didn't feel pressured to have children because my mum didn't have me until she was 35. But now that's come around, and we're no closer, it feels like it's all gone horribly wrong.

I just got my follow-up letter from the hospital, and it's not until December 6th! That's 5 weeks after my surgery - I thought they were supposed to follow-up within a couple of weeks? So frustrated!!!

Anyway, enough from me - thanks for letting me vent. I'm sure in a few days I'll snap out of it, and get back to the BDing. It's our 1st wedding annivesary tomorrow too - it really can't be all bad, can it?! :winkwink:

:hugs: I'm sorry! I was very emotional too after my surgery! I felt clingy and anything would make me cry! I understand just be patient with yourself! My surgery was Oct 19th and I have to wait till Nov 26th for my follow up :nope: I'm on CD43 right now and AF looks to be on her way :cry: I feel like my surgery was for not as well because nothing "new" was discovered making me feel like I'm back to square one and its sooo oooo oooo frustrating!

I'm here for you, we all are. Patience is something we have to try and keep hold of and just continue to reassure ourselves that we are doing everything we can to make little families for ourselves its just all in good and due time :hugs:

Oh P.S its our 1st anniversary this month too! Try and "forget" about the TTC and just enjoy DH and have a fun month let loose a little bit you never go what mght happen if you ease the pressure off yourself a bit :)
Thanks HearMyPrayers - that was exactly what I needed to hear. These annoying doctors, making us both wait for so long! Happy anniversary to you both, here's to lots of tension free BDing, and fingers crossed for BFPs! :-)
oh i totally get it hun. I had a complete emotinal breakdown to my mum on sat night and i mean totally, absolutey sobbing, shouting, asking why over and over again. She just held me and let me get eveything that had built up over the past 16 months off my chest. i feel soooooooooooooooooo much better for doing it. Sometimes its best to have an outlet for all of the emotions we're feeling, other wise they fester and build and leave us feeling negative, exhausted and without hope. I got my af yesterday so cd2 and for the first time in a little while i'm starting to look forwards and truly thinking that it could happen.

So whenever you need to huni, just get it all of your chest, better out than in :friends:
thanks Lau :-)

I'm feeling much better, although AF won't go away which is annoying. I was hoping to start BDing again tonight, but I think it'll be another couple of nights.

Here's to lots of happy-go-lucky BDing and some BFPs for us all in the very near future!
Yeah its wierd the first af after the op. I must admit though i have had a good experience, (well as far as af goes) this month. I didnt get hardly any pains at all and usually i am throwing up, doubled over on the couch, medicated to death with a water bottle on my stomach. Seriously they were that bad!!! But this month was a breeze. Also, and sorry for the tmi but the blood was bright red with no clots and no old brown blood. I just feel that the op has gotten rid of all the crap and now my af is back to normal. Another positive sign that things are on the right track :) Also my af was going from like seven days, then to five then to a non existent two so i think its good hun that its lasting a little longer, so dont worry huni and just look forward to having lots of fun bd'ing :thumbup:

hey hearmyprayers, curlygirl how you doing ladies?
Yeah its wierd the first af after the op. I must admit though i have had a good experience, (well as far as af goes) this month. I didnt get hardly any pains at all and usually i am throwing up, doubled over on the couch, medicated to death with a water bottle on my stomach. Seriously they were that bad!!! But this month was a breeze. Also, and sorry for the tmi but the blood was bright red with no clots and no old brown blood. I just feel that the op has gotten rid of all the crap and now my af is back to normal. Another positive sign that things are on the right track :) Also my af was going from like seven days, then to five then to a non existent two so i think its good hun that its lasting a little longer, so dont worry huni and just look forward to having lots of fun bd'ing :thumbup:

hey hearmyprayers, curlygirl how you doing ladies?

I'm alright. CD46 and started spotting this morning, bbs are sore....AF is on her way not sure how I feel about it now, this is the second month in a row that my period has been coming on cd45+ :shrug: So now that I got the all clear my cycles are screwed! :cry:

I still have my stitches in too! does anyone else still have their stitches? I thought they would have dissolved by now :dohh:

I'm feeling a slight downhill decline on my optimism but I'm trying to stay "focused" :huh:
Yeah its wierd the first af after the op. I must admit though i have had a good experience, (well as far as af goes) this month. I didnt get hardly any pains at all and usually i am throwing up, doubled over on the couch, medicated to death with a water bottle on my stomach. Seriously they were that bad!!! But this month was a breeze. Also, and sorry for the tmi but the blood was bright red with no clots and no old brown blood. I just feel that the op has gotten rid of all the crap and now my af is back to normal. Another positive sign that things are on the right track :) Also my af was going from like seven days, then to five then to a non existent two so i think its good hun that its lasting a little longer, so dont worry huni and just look forward to having lots of fun bd'ing :thumbup:

hey hearmyprayers, curlygirl how you doing ladies?

Hi: It has just been crazy here with power outages and crazy weather. Finally feel like everything is returning to normal. I think I am CD 33 today, and AF is still not showing her face...I AM PRAYING that means I will soon have a BFP. Although, it might just mean I didn't O this month or I O'd much later. Only time will tell I guess. MY cycles are usually between 29 and 31 days. I did take a test yesterday and BFN. :dohh: My stitches are also still here, and honestly, I am finally feeling more like myself - three weeks later! So it does take time, we have to remember to give ourselves a break. What we are all going through is extremely emotional and stressful, and so we are allowed to break down, and when we do we have to be caring to ourselves. I think we are going to see a lot of BFPs soon from all of us! I am glad to hear that everyone's AFs havent been too bad - I have seen some horror stories on other forums, so that is good. :hugs:
Curly - glad to see your doing well and feeling back to yourself! I actually went to my FS today and he took my stitches our for me as they were causing some inflammation of the skin. AF still hasn't show CD47 now....symptoms are there light spotting WICKED sore bbs and random cramping which doesn't last too long so not sure what is going on she just hasn't shown her face yet!

I hope your right and we see lots BFP's here very very soon!
Hey girls, i had the dissolvable stitches in and they have all gone now. The're still a bit itchy though!!

Cd6 today and hoping that the op wont have messed with O, we will see?

Hearmyprayers that sucks about the long cycles and having to get your stitches removed. Hopefully af comes and you can start afresh fx

curlygurl, i hope that the witch stays away huni and you get your magical :bfp:
hiya girls. Sounds like things are looking up for us all. First BD today after the surgery and AF and all ok I think....

Stitches still there and I definitely get the itchy thing! I hope AF comes along soon HearMyPrayers so you can start afresh.

Fingers crossed for us all, lots of BDing and hopefully some BFPs in the wings :winkwink:
Hello everyone. Hope you can help with a wee question. I had a hysteroscopy on Thursday as my lining was really thick (1.7cm) and even Provera didn't help much. The Dr said she removed the lining and didn't find any polyps etc...

My qu is, I had some spotting on Thursday afterwards but it's more like a light period yesterday and today, maybe a few table spoons full. I was worried as it was getting heavier and I thought if she removed everything I should have very little. I rang the ward and they said unless it's really heavy or there are clots it's ok but still a bit concerned.

How long is it normal to bleed and is it normal to get a bit heavier before it goes away?
Hello everyone. Hope you can help with a wee question. I had a hysteroscopy on Thursday as my lining was really thick (1.7cm) and even Provera didn't help much. The Dr said she removed the lining and didn't find any polyps etc...

My qu is, I had some spotting on Thursday afterwards but it's more like a light period yesterday and today, maybe a few table spoons full. I was worried as it was getting heavier and I thought if she removed everything I should have very little. I rang the ward and they said unless it's really heavy or there are clots it's ok but still a bit concerned.

How long is it normal to bleed and is it normal to get a bit heavier before it goes away?

Hey hun i wouldnt worry at all. I had bleeding for a week after a hys/lap/hsg
It was light to begin with then got a bit heavier then slowly went away. Like the docs said as long as there isnt any clots or it isnt very heavy then just keep an eye on it but don worry. Any other questions just fire away hun :) hoe that helps?
Hey hun i wouldnt worry at all. I had bleeding for a week after a hys/lap/hsg
It was light to begin with then got a bit heavier then slowly went away. Like the docs said as long as there isnt any clots or it isnt very heavy then just keep an eye on it but don worry. Any other questions just fire away hun :) hoe that helps?[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the reply. It's got a bit worse, not much on the pad but when I got to the loo there's about 2/3 second of flow. Sorry TMI!!! Though my periods before were about 4 days were I would soak through a tampon and pad in an hour for a few hours each day so my version of 'heavy' isn't normal! I had hoped if she removed most of lining I would get to 'skip' a period.
I just want it to be over and back to normal!
i hope it goes back to normal soon for you huni fx. Its not very nice i know but hang on in there chic :hugs:
Yes! I just got in from my follow up. So I had endo pretty much on everything in that area, it was around my (SORRY TMI) rectum - which apparently was like pulling my uterus, and it was around both ovaries - he removed everything, and we are no longer "unexplained" he said my endo is definitely the reason I miscarry so early, and why I have had difficulties getting pregnant. He wants us to try naturally until January, and then if I don't get pregnant on my own by then - we will go in for some fertility meds. It sucks for sure, but I am SO happy to finally have a reason! To know that it is not in my head, it is not me not "relaxing" that is causing me to miscarry - I feel validated. I am on CD 36 and still no AF - I am really hoping this is my BFP month. I will take a test in a few days if AF doesn't show. I have no PG symptoms which is making me think I probably didn't O this month. So I am trying not to get my hopes up.

How is everyone else doing/feeling?

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