Laparoscopy & Endo Removal.... pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
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Hi all,
Looking to get some advice from all you TTC'ers who have had the laprascopic procedure done. I had mine last week, and still only have spotting even though I was due for AF the couple of days proceeding the op. I've read that your system can go 'into shock' but would be keen to hear how long it took other's cycle's to regulate, and also how successful this was in an attempt to get preggers...I am dying to get BD'ing again but think I may have to count this cycle out...
ohhhh id love to hear as well, i had mine last week too just before i was about to ovulate in this cycle so i know im out this time! shame cause af due on my birthday!! we did try but it was a lil sore on my tummy i asked before we bd and my nurse said that this surgery has no way off effecting ur cycle so we went for it incase hahaha. sorry im not too much help but i didnt want to r&r! but still try if ur feeling ok! baby dust to u! xx
Interesting, thanks for that! If that's the case then I am thinking I may be ovulating any day now, best get BD'ing ;)... Did you have spotting after your procedure?
hey little, how are u feeling? i did lots of light brown spotting for a few days! just got my first af since so im looking forward to start bding real soon! i hope ur feeling better now! :)
Hi 'love', I am all ok. The spotting would you believe lasted over 2 weeks in total, so I am tending to think that AF ran into the bleed I had after my op, which would have been right on cue. We have been :sex: for the last couple of days, so I think we're covered IF my system didn't get disrupted, but I am not holding out hope or anything for this cycle. You must be wrapped that AF arrived, now you get tracking with things! so exciting, to think we have the best chance we have had for a long time for the next 3 months, hopefully our :bfp: come REALLY soon! Are you going to do OPK's for your next cycle? I am thinking I will, just so we don't miss the window. What were your cycles like before your Op? What sort of symptoms did you have, if any?
I had my second lap and excision of endo back in 2005 and fell pregnant with my first child within the 4 weeks after (can't remember the exact timing but it was less than a month I think it may have even been 2 weeks). I was told I wouldn't be able to conceive naturally and was booked in for egg harvesting ( I was 17 at the time so she felt fairly sure that I would have trouble) so I didn't bother with contraception, I have a feeling I wasn't meant to be having sex that soon after and I remember feeling really guilty ! but any way it can happen !
Thanks for that MrsKA! Sounds like there is hope for us yet then. Did this procedure remove much Endo? Did you conceive naturally with your second?

So sorry to hear of your loss last year :( . You must also be glad that your AF has arrived, so you can get tracking with things...

Baby Dust to you hun! :)
OMG!! I think I must be ovulating, as I am in a world of pain today.... aarrrghhhhh. They did say that it was going to hurt, but oh man! Sore and bloated!!
hey little, sorry i took so long to write back and now i just finished cleaning up dinner so tired after work! i had 5 laps all up and although one was for my appendix so 4 was for my endo, my cycles were great when i first came off the pill which was in april last year then the went crap like this 24,32,26,31,27 but since jan there've been 26 days i started seeing a new doc in the end of jan who preformed my last lap and sent my hubby for sperm tests and was really helpful to us. ive been using opks since november i need to im so bad with the whole ovulation with weird cycles. Im happy ur using them too there great im excited for us as well! keep me updated!!!!! ohhh ur ovulating woooohooo have u been bding? i hope so i really think u have a great shot at it this month, im feeling more positive since my op! baby dust to me an u!
MrsKA i cant believe how quick u feel preggers i wishhhh that happens for me an little! thanks for keeping me positive1
Hey Mrs, yep, I am with you with the positivity, I have heard so many success stories of those who have had much success after this procedure, so fingers crossed we become one of these success stories.

We have been Bd'ing, but I am kind of not holding out hope for this cycle, so I would be VERY surprised if I got an:bfp:

How was your AF after the procedure, more painful, heavy bleed? I am dreading mine, as if the ovulation I have just finished is anything to go by, I think I am in for a dooozy! :wacko:

Oh I hate the waiting... it drives me nuts EVERY month....:brat:
hey little,
my period is still going 7 days today!! im only spotting yesterday and today but its like everything is coming out its really weird, ive been wearing libra liners! i'll start opk testing tomoz morning. have u ever heard of af lasting long after a lap? i seriously think thats the only reason it has. when is af due for u? i hate the waiting too, i just want my baby now :( im going bd my butt off this month!
Love, 7 days, wow! That's great that your body is doing a clean out, means your lining will be thin and healthy for your little egg to implant itself... I think my AF ran into my post op bleed, mine lasted for that long too, even longer, it was like 2 weeks of spotting. I think I am due for AF in the next 1-1.5 weeks or something, but as we all know this could well be delayed due to the op, so just going to sit tight and wait. I am with you about the BD'ing, when/if AF arrives we will be well and truly on the wagon, I think my OH is going to get a shock about how much of a mission I am going to be on ;).

I am still in two minds whether I am going to take some clomid, as I have some left over, or if I should just let my system ovulate naturally. There is conflicting stories, some doctors put their patients straight back onto Clomid, and other just go 'al a natural' . decisions decisions. Guess I need to think about the possibility of Twins too if I do take them... aaaaaargh, I don't know...
Hi ladies!! May I join you?

I had my lap on 15 March and my gynae removed quite a bit of endo on my ovaries and some on my uterus. Even though our blOods and SA all looked normal, he said there was no way I would have conceived like that!! My cycles are super regular, ov on cd13 every month, AF on cd 27. I have also been temping so I know that I ov naturally.

After the lap I bled for a few days, but I'm only due for AF in a week. I have a feeling it's going to be a few days late, but looking at my temp this morning I can tell I've ov'ed already. Which means nO chance of getting pg this month as i was way too sore to bd until this last weekend. Doc said that this AF would be abnormally heavy and sore. Oh joy!!

Doc has also prescribed me clomid for my next 3 cycles. He said he doesn't want to take any chances and wants to make the most of the next 3 months. I'm hopeful since I already ov on my own!

Good luck ladies!!!!
hey plastikpony, of course u can join us, ive been searching for this thread in the forums to write back to little. plastik at least u no ur ovulating, my opks say i do so did my blood test on cd21 so i havent been prescribed clomid. so girls are both due for af soon? i should be ovulating this week so we are bd every second day with conceive plus! little u should ring ur doc and ask about ur clomid twins are a handful lol, yes im on a mission this week im going to make a baby!!!!! i like our little thread! xoxoxox baby dust....
Welcome to you Plastik! Great to have you here with us :thumbup: Its great to hear you doc got you in for the lap, and it was a success :happydance:. It is unbelievable how much Endo can lie dormant in our systems, and you appear to be a prime example of that, given that everything else appears to be working fine. I am due for AF any day now, and I am also dreading the time, as it has been said it is going to be a very uncomfortable one. I am kind of hoping it comes over the weekend, so I can ensure I can stick around home just-in-case, it is going to be a little more difficult if I am at work, but I guess that is just he way it goes. I am interested to hear that your doc is going to put you on the clomid for 3 cycles, as there are conflicting reports.

Hi MRS, great to hear from you again. Ahhh, you and the OH are on the wagon huh!! YAY for you guys. I have everything crossed for you :winkwink: I have my specialist follow-up appointment on Friday now (has been moved forward), I am wrapped, cos now I can ask her the million questions I have in my head since the op. The clomid thing is something is on top of the list, and after hearing about PLASTIK's doctor putting her on it for 3 cycles, I am kind of leaning toward the idea. I hope the conceive plus works for you, did you say you have used the pre seed too? (sorry I can't remember :wacko:)

Bring on our BFP's girls! :)
yes im soooo happy ur doc appointment got moved forward u should write down everything u wanted to ask cause i no every time i walk in the docs room i go mind blank. Yep ive used both preseed and conceive not sure what one to use this week! i hope ur af isnt a bad one maybe it will just heavy rather then painful that sounds better, i cant believe u were on clomid for 4 months, were u ovulating? if its not rude to ask did u take long to fall pregnant with ur little cherub?
Hi Ladies!!

It really is awesome to find some people to talk to who are in more or less the same boat as me! It's taken a while but I'm finally feeling normal again!! Really excited because today is the first day in nearly two weeks that I get to go horse riding again!! YAY!!

Awesome news about your doc's appointment, Little! I'm with MRS on this one, write all of your questions down! I didn't when I went for my follow up and forgot more than half of what I wanted to ask. So then at the end of the appointment my Gynae was like "Is there anything else you want to know?" and I was all "YES!!! I just don't know what it is!". Luckily he's really awesome and tolerates my stupid phonecalls every now and then :haha: :haha:

Mrs, I used preseed last month. I really like it! Best part is that my DH (bless him) would start feeling pressure about the baby-making sex. Even though I stopped telling him when I was going to be fertile etc, he knew because of my cm (sorry for tmi!). Now though, I just use the preseed EVERY time we DTD (makes for an expensive habit though) and he's none the wiser :thumbup:

Looking forward to going through this journey with you girls!! I'm really hoping that the next month or two brings what we all want!! My doc said that if I'm still not pg after 4 months then we'll look at other options, which I'm assumining will be IVF, and I'd really rather not go there!!
Love, would you believe we only tried for approx. 3 solid months with our son, which is why I am struggling to understand why it is taking us so long this time round. Understandably the Endo has accumulated over 3 years which is a big factor, and for some reason my OH sperm count has lowered, even though he is now a lot healthier than before we conceived #1. So it has got me stumped to be honest. Given the doc said after the op that my endo was pretty bad, I have a gut feeling this is what our problem has been so far to date. For all we know OH's count was low when we conceived the first time, we just never knew, as we he never got tested :shrug: In answer to your clomid question, I was ovulating every cycle (like massively, as so the blood work showed), but this didn't make any difference. Ho hum, least I gave it a try...

Thanks for your advice about writing everything down, I think I may just do that :)

So, its 4 weeks tomorrow since I had my op, still not one feeling of AF arriving, I am secretly hoping for a miracle BFP given that we :sex: at kind of the right time... I hate the way you try and trick your brain into thinking that you don't care if you get a BFP, but deep down it is REALLY all you think about. The mind is a truly powerful thing!

Mrs, have you noticed any change in your body around Ovulation this time round after the op? I've found in the past that I never actually have the egg white CM that everyone goes on about, I am preying the lap will have sort out this problem.

Plastik, I doubt you will need to go down the IVF trail, sounds like this op is all your body needs to get back into alignment....
good-evening!! little i cant believe u only tried for a solid 3 months thats fantastic, yes i would be so confused as to why its taking so long but if ur endo was bad then i guess thats what was stopping it! how are u feeling today? i bet u get asked alot why ur not preggers yet, What do u say to people? af should be due for u now, i hope it doesnt come for u i want u to get ur BFP! i still havent had a positive opk yet im on cd13 i think there getting darker! we have bd sun, tues, and we were meant to tonight but my hubby thinks tomorrow morning is better seeing how i havent had my positive opk im really unsure on when to bd now i dont want to overkill my hubby sperm arent the bestest i think it was 75% mobility if that makes sense? then my sister was saying that i sound a bit to positive for this month and that i should be a bit more prepared incase i get af i kinda think she is right but i wont no what to do if i get af :( anyways back on a happy note, Plastik i like ur thinking this is nice going through this journey with you girls i get excited coming on here now to have some girls to talk with!! oxox
Haha! I too get excited coming on here, its like my second facebook page..

So ladies I had my follow-up appointment today. She pretty much confirmed what I already knew, Re: having the endo, and removing it etc. When AF arrives, she has put me on 1/2 tablet of Clomid (because I reacted so well with it last time), I then have to have the 21 day blood test to see how my body is reacting to the dose, and if there is any need to proceed with it. She said that we have 3 months to give it all we got, and after that time we need to really think about IVF, otherwise the Endo will begin to grow back and there will be no point. It is all sinking in really, but I am thinking positively and that we won't have to go down the IVF trail. She said it is not uncommon for my AF to have not come yet, she is giving it 2 MONTHS!! Gosh I hope I don't have to wait that long!! :dohh:

Mrs, sounds like your OH is well and truly up to speed with how it should be working. Fingers Crossed you BD'd and exactly the right time. Given that you haven't O'd yet, I am thinking you are setting yourself up perfectly to have plenty of:spermy: in storage and READY TO GO!! haha In answer to your question, what do I say to those that ask 'so when are you having another one' I have told close family we are struggling, but to work collegues etc I just say 'when the baby fairies are kind to us!' that tends to shut them up! ha I just hate this growing gap between our first, and the next one, but I guess siblings always have a bond no matter what age huh?! Hey, i must ask, what country are you from, it doesn't appear to be in your profile on the left hand side?

How are things with you Plastik? Sounds like my doc and yours are working on the same page with the Clomid, which I guess is better than having totally conflicting information. What dose has he put you on again? And what days of the cycle? Sounds like we are going to be going through the whole cycle about the same time, as you are due for your AF within the week.

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