Laparoscopy & Endo Removal.... pregnancy?

Hello ladies.

I also want to know if I can possibly join your thread?
I am also one of the many woman out there with endo - I have stage 4 though, and it has caused me nothing but pain & misery.
I have a gorgeous 7 year old son, and have tried for 5 years (with a break inbetween while going through a divorce) to have another baba. I have had 3 laparoscopys, and have been on Clomid 5 times. I ovulate on my own now, and still no bfp for me.

Plasikpony : I see you are also in JHB, SA. So nice to "meet" someone so close with such similar circumstances!
Which gynae are you with, may I ask?

Hoping to share ALL of your bfp's with you!
Hello ladies.

I also want to know if I can possibly join your thread?
I am also one of the many woman out there with endo - I have stage 4 though, and it has caused me nothing but pain & misery.
I have a gorgeous 7 year old son, and have tried for 5 years (with a break inbetween while going through a divorce) to have another baba. I have had 3 laparoscopys, and have been on Clomid 5 times. I ovulate on my own now, and still no bfp for me.

Plasikpony : I see you are also in JHB, SA. So nice to "meet" someone so close with such similar circumstances!
Which gynae are you with, may I ask?

Hoping to share ALL of your bfp's with you!

Oh HECTIC!!! Nice to meet you TraceyMol! And the more the merrier :hugs:

Wow, sounds like you have had quite a rough time!! Sorry about the endo and divorce! My endo was only stage 2, but the doc said that coz it was pretty much all over both of my ovaries there is no way I would have been able to conceive coz the egg wasn't getting to where it needed to go!!

I am with Dr E Divanovic at the MedFem clinic. He's been amazing. He didn't want to waste any time and just did all the tests right away, lap included. Good thing too, otherwise I would be miserably carrying on trying with no hope of anything actually happening!

3 laparoscopies?! You poor thing!! I thought I was going to die after mine, I was in so much pain!! Secretly hoping the clomid does some serious magic and we have twins, becaues I don't know if I'd be able to go through another lap. I mean, I know the recovery time is really quick, but those 5 days after with the shoulder pains that feel like someone stabbed me with a broadsword was just not cool!!!

When was you last lap? Are you taking clomid at the moment? Did you have your son naturally or did you know about the endo then already?
Amazing how people find eachother on eachothers doorsteps in cyberspace!

As much as lap's are painful, and the recovery SUX....I fortunately recovered quite well after each one. I had my first one done when I was about 20. At that stage it was "mild" endo. They said there was a chance of it getting worse, obviously, but they didn't think it would hamper my fertility at that stage. I eventually fell preggie's without trying, and it was one HUGE shock!!
I had previously TTC with my ex-fiancee...needless to say it never ended in a BFP, which I know now obviously wasn't meant to be, as we broke off the engagement after a few years.
I then found my husband (now ex-husband....sounds terrible, I know, but I've only had 3 long serious relationships in my life, and I'm 30 now).
I was on the BCP, and had just swopped over to another pill, and was sick so on mild anti-biotics. And wham-bham-thank-you-maam, I ended up finding out I was preggies at 6 and a half weeks. Went to the doc the very next day (due to him knowing my endo etc) and baba already had a heartbeat etc. It was MINDBLOWING!!!

But of course, now the endo is stage 4 (had my last lap a year & a half ago), and TTC is mission impossible for me.
I am not on any Clomid now, just Pregnacare Conception & StaminoGro.
Had CD21 bloods done 2 months ago, and I'm still ovulating on my own beautifully. But alas, no BFP.
I'm wondering if I should try your doc. My new gyane has said he would rather refer me straight to a fertility specialist tham bugger around himself. My endo grows prodominently on my bowels, so with the last lap, they couldn't remove as much as they should have because you need a bowel surgeon there to sort that part out.
He said most specialists have them in their surgeries as they know bad endo grows on the bowels, so they tackle it all in one shot.

May I ask how much your doc is, and do you pay upfront and claim back, or do they claim for you? Have to ask all of this firstly as I have spent so much this year so far on blood tests, hospitilization (had an abscess in my kidney 2 months ago - very very scary!!!) etc, so finances are watched very carefuly right now.
I know, it's actually great to be able to chat about these things to someone in the same country, nevermind city!! I find some of the products etc that gets spoken about on this forum we don't have here, so I struggle to find the alternative here.

I think my doc is R950 for a consultation and scan, R450 for just the consultation. We pay upfront and then claim back from Momentum. For my lap we had to make a co-payment of R1500 and I had a helluva time getting the authorisation number for the ablation. Apparently Discovery is much easier to deal with, and I'm considering moving to them. I want to upgrade anyway before we get our :bfp: !! The only reason I've been happily going along and paying is that I sold one of my horses last year, and we've been using that money. I figure the horse wouldn't mind being used for a good cause :haha:

I don't think Dr Divanovic is strictly speaking a Fertility Specialist, but really its as near as dammit is to swearing! He's just brilliant. He's not monitoring me on the clomid, and I know a lot of ladies don't like that, but we already know that I ov and I'm on the lowest dose, so it's really just an ovulation boost. He did ask if I was desperate to be monitored but he didn't think it was neccessary, so I decided not to.

I'm also taking Staminogro! And feeding it to my hubby! 4 pills every night. Honestly, my skin has cleared up since taking it, so I reckon its magic :thumbup: . Also read loads of good reviews on it! Other than that I feed both myself and hubby a bunch of nutrilite vitamins, iron, folic acid, omega 3 and a daily supplement. Hope it works!!

Honestly, I would recommend Dr Divanovic with everything I have. He's been brilliant and everyone I chat to who knows about him says he's fabulous!! Also, it's not that difficult to get an appointment with him, and when I was struggling with authorisation, he actually phoned me at like 6.30am in the morning to help me out. Not many doctors I know do that! I thought he was a bit aloof the first time I went, but the more I see him the more I get to understand his sense of humour. He's just brilliant!!

Keep us updated with what you decide to do!!
I actually wanted to ask you about your horse/s.....ironically I have had a passion for horse riding all my life, and also had my own horse a few years back when I lived in the Drakensberg. Unfortunately I had to sell him to a resort when I moved back to Durban because the stabling was too expensive for me back then.
Do you breed & sell, show jumping...???
Not many people I know have the pasison for horses the way I do, so that I found to be a little amazing too...

Will definately go see your doc, thanks so much for the info!

As for changing to Discovery, I say go for it. I am on Discovery, and have had only a few issues, nothing major as yet (touch wood). I have also always had a co-payment for the lap's, but other than that everything has always been covered (my sons birth included, every cent).
So I say go for it :thumbup: Just choose one of the higher plans to make sure you are covered properly.

Where are all the other ladies from?
Sorry for busting onto the thread like this ladies :blush: So nice to chat to new "friends"....
Your onto a great thread here, Little and Mrs are really AMAZING!!! :hugs:

I do t breed, but I do jump competitively. Currently don't have my own horse but am riding a friends mare for her because she is preggers (oh the irony!!) It's something I've been passionate about my whole life!! Real expensive hobby to have though!
Hey Girls!!!! how are we all!!!!
Tracey u are more then welcome here with us the more the merrier please feel at home this thread has helped me alot, I was saying to the girls how much I love getting on here, as soon as I got prescribed clomid I said to my Hubby oh i cant wait to tell my girls he was like who? (no one knows were trying) I said u no the girls on B&B hahaha. I have also had a few laps 6 all up so i know how u feel, how funny u and plastik are from South Africa and little and I are from Australia hahaha!

Little thank u for getting so excited about my clomid!! CD2 today YAY! have u BD ur heart out? so do u get any cm? sorry if its tmi.

Plastik I have had a headache today but Im feeling okay once I took so pain killers I probably shouldnt though, how are u going? Bding yet??

Ohh im so tired today, Im so excited to get my bding on soon! xoxox
Top of the evening to you ladies!

Welcome to you Tracey, glad to have you here with us! Fingers crossed the last Lap does miracles for you and you get our BFP's soon! :)

so I am CD14 today, so we're in the midst of BABY MAKING heaven! we have been dtd every 2nd day (OH wishes this was every day.. haha) and I am feeling ok. I can't feel any hyperstimulation or anything still so that is good. CM seems to be ok actually, still no sign of the EWCM, which is something I have never had (I thought this was going to change after the Lap/Endo removal etc) I am kind of hoping this does come over the next couple of days, so I know that my body is doing things a little differently if you know what I mean?! I am nervous to be beginning my 2ww soon.... eeeeeek!!!!!
so did u dtd today or yesterday and tomorrow? im still confused can i still use my opks? my dr said for me to dtd 11,13,15 and if i want i can do 14 but im scared as dh sperm is crap! i think im happy that ill have an idea of what dpo ill be on hehe so will u! 1dpo tomorrow! so were on to 2013 babies wohooo!!!
We did it days 10, 12, today and will continue on days 16, 18 & 20! Sh*&^ if we haven't given it a red hot go by doing that I don't know what else we could be doing....isnt it funny, my DH has a low count too!! Oh gosh, we have so much in common huh!?!
wow wow wow thats alot of bding! Its going to work little were going to be pregnant together... Im thinking January babies!!!!!! YAY im soooooo much more confident that clomid will get me my bfp i was in shock he prescribed it to me!!!
Jan babies! YAY! OMG I soooo want to be preggers right now. Don't know bout you but there seems to be babies/pregnancies springing up everywhere around me, so hard to not be jealous, depressed... COOOOOMEOOOON!!!!
so i had Laoerscopy for possible endo removal( ended up not having ay endo) on Feb 29 and was on AF and had been since feb 19 then started next AF on march 10 and was very active with my DH and unprotected the whole rest of the month. i had 1 lite pink/brown streak on April 4 and nothing since, i have been cramping a bit and have soar boobs and odd cravings. im just so confused cause i had a BPN on april 9. and today i had EWCM could i be pregnant?
Hi PDX, you may well be testing too early, if you had a show on the 4th and tested on the 9th, that is only 5 days, you would need to give it at least 10-14 days before you test, so maybe try again? Hope you get your BFP!
ok i bought one of those more expensive tests today that says "pregnant" or "not pregnant" so i will take one in the morning and if it is BFN then i will just wait til the 21 to test again. it is so hard waiting to test. i dont have health ins and i am a planner so i really wanna know so i can start making arrangements
Hi Ladies! I hope you don't mind me joining in?

I had a lap done on March 23 to diagnose and remove severe endo. I spotted for a day and a half but my cycle was set to start 2 days later and it was on schedule. I bled for 5 days (usual for AF) and now I am in my 2ww at 8dpo. I'm nervous amd hopeful. We are TTC #1.
wish i had some good advice but im in a similar boat
Thanks. I was looking for a site like this with similar stories. I figure now I know why we haven't gotten a BFP since we started TTC 8 months ago. I had the lap because I started having horrible pain throughout the month. One of my sisters has had endo since she was in her early teens (she's 33 now) and she is the most fertile person I KNOW!!!! She said she was able to have kids after her laps. So I'm very hopeful that we ALL will get our BFP's!!!
when they did my lap they found NOTHING and have no clue why i have not been able to conceive as well as why i have so much RT side overy pain all the time
Welcome to you Pray! Glad to have you here!
Well that is great that you've had your Lap. Exciting times being within the 2WW!!! Baby Dust to you hun, hope you get your BFP soon :)

PDX - baby dust to you also for your test tomorrow morning! :) I understand what you mean about the planning aspect of things, but you will have at least 9 months to get things sorted! Prior to the Lap, how long had you been 'trying'? If they didn't find
endo during the lap, did they find anything else to explain the infertility?

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