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Last provera pill. Welcoming the witch!

No news can be good news, FXed!!!

I might have to take clomid myself, I think my FS wants me to take it after I get the HSG test, which Im dreading. But I hear some women get pg fairly quickly after that. But hopefully, I get pg this cycle and won't even need it. :) I'm so glad to see us all getting closer and closer to OV, and OV :dust: to everyone so that we do :hugs:
i had my HSG done before the clomid, and it was over and done with VERY quickly, the whole procedure took 5 mins, but when he was injecting the dye. i did find it very unfomfortable. like a really bad cramp, but before i knew it, it was done, so it really isnt bad. and everyone is different. so i hope it goes well for you!! do you have it planned yet?
No, I haven't scheduled it yet. I'm hoping I don't have to schedule it due to being pg. I'm really hoping that this is all of our month! :dust:
Hey ladies I'm on CD9 with sockritease :) I have one more day of clomid tomorrow, then babydancing :) i think the clomid is working cause my cm is different... I dont keep up with it but it was noticeable today lol that's the only thing i've seen since i started it.. and some cramping so fingerscrossed...

how is the other clomid ladies doing???

i'm not doing the ovulation test... doctor just said to babydance for five days after my last clomid.. me and dh are going to throw in an extra day lol never can be too safe :)

I dont blame you ourfate i would keep taking it too especially if they havent called you yet :)

I will also have to say my cm has been different also. I'm noticing i'm getting more of the fertile cm. So hopefully this first round will work for me!
That's when they test with dye to see if you have any blockages.
Thanks! I've always heared of people mentioning it.. But I still wasn't sure what it was.
i dont understand the whole fertile CM and not fertile CM... very confused I guess i'll be researching it tonight!
I just know when it's clear watery and stretchy.. it's fertile :)
im hoping to see some fertile cm this time, seeing as i have only seen it once this whole TTC journey and at the time i didnt know it was!!!!
I can't find my thermometer so I am not charting :(
I am trying to look out for fertile CM tho. I don't think I will O this time. I don't think I have ever O'd :(
glad the witch is on her way out ourfate, i hope everyone ovulates and it is everyones month for bfp's!

my doc wanted to do a hsg on me but he wanted to get me on a natural cycle to do bloods on certain days to see exactly what my body is doing and then do it but he never got me on a natural cycle, we waited for four months and then he just gave me provera and clomid!

i am getting my scan tomorrow night but i already know he is going to tell me it hasnt worked again, i just know it! i will update you tomorrow anyways and let you all know
Hope your scan goes well lily!! And I hope you have ovulated this month! And you have a little sticky bean in there!!! :dust: keep us posted!!!
hope it goes good lily... :hugs:

Well Tomorrow is the start of babydancing for us... fingerscrossed really hoping between the clomid, softcups and preseed we'll get lucky and have a surprise in a few weeks :wohoo: trying to stay positive but 8 yrs of being hurt kind of pops up in the back of my head...

Praying for all my ttc buddies let's all have baby dust and fate on oursides this time...

Outfate ~~~ glad to see the :witch: is leaving.. anything from the doctor yet???
I haven't read through all the pages, but may I join you ladies? I'm finishing my progesterone on Thursday, then just waiting for AF.
welcome Jess137.. :hugs: You'll come to find out that we're all very supportive here :)

tell us alittle about yourself?
Well, I am 23, DH is 22and we are TTC #1. I havn't been diagnosed with PCOS or anything, but we have been TTC for 6 cycles. I temp and use OPK's, so I knew I wasn't ovulating. I switched OB/GYN's because the office was more convenient, and I love my new OB. Since I knew I wasn't Oing, she went ahead and started testing. I had a abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound that confirmed I wasn't Oing. It did show that I had lots of clusters of follicles, more than normal, but that they weren't maturing. I then had a CD21 progesterone test, which also confirmed anovulation. So I started Provera. My last pill is on Thursday. On CD3 next cycle, I'm getting a bunch of hormone tests done. My OB said that there are medications to make a follicle mature but did not mention a specific medication. But I'm assuming she means Clomid. I guess that all depends on what the next tests show. DH is getting a SA Thursday. She wants to make sure that there isn't anything going on with him, since it would be sort of pointless for me to go through all this, and take meds, etc. if there is an issue with him too.

So that's about it for now. I'm just waiting...and spending way too much time on B&B (not that it's unusual!)

I know we haven't been trying as long as most others who have to go through all this stuff, but I feel lucky that I have a doctor who listens and is willing to help get some answers.
glad the witch is on her way out ourfate, i hope everyone ovulates and it is everyones month for bfp's!

my doc wanted to do a hsg on me but he wanted to get me on a natural cycle to do bloods on certain days to see exactly what my body is doing and then do it but he never got me on a natural cycle, we waited for four months and then he just gave me provera and clomid!

i am getting my scan tomorrow night but i already know he is going to tell me it hasnt worked again, i just know it! i will update you tomorrow anyways and let you all know

I hope you ovulate!! But I also have a feeling 50mg isn't working for me :( but well see.
Thanks girls I will let yous know after my scan tonight, welcome jess, I am sure you will love it here, I do! Because everyone is so nice and helpful.

Ann don't give up hope! I know I know your thinking I should take my own advise! Lo but you are right ....... We will see, good luck, I hope you do ovulate

babydust to all my buddies x
welcome jess :wave:
Lulu it must be hard to have been trying for so long and no outcome! im going crazy at 10 months, i couldnt imagine how you must feel and have felt at times :hugs:

i know we all say this all the time, but i really hope this is our month, and all the clomid ladies, i hope the clomid works this month aswell! and the other ladies, hope yoou will have a little sticky bean aswell!!! :dust: :dust:
im on CD6 and cant wait to start! and a little worried for my test i have on CD10, i hope they dont say nothing is happening! but i will stay positive!!

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