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Last provera pill. Welcoming the witch!

That's awesome for yall!! I hope he can do it. Running is NOT fun, for me anyways. I can walk all day long, but running, not a chance lol. I have heard so much about retirement plans changing and such.
Ya the run you have to do a mile and a half under 13 minutes and 36 seconds.
My ex-husband is active duty air force and he didn't have to do all of the running and stuff before but now he runs all the time. It was nice being an air force wife I must say. :wacko:
happy Sunday to all the ladies :hugs: I see yall gave me alot of catching up on my reading lol...
So I'll catch up on my response about my furry babies~ two was born here and the rest people have talked us into taking. lol but i wouldnt give anything for them :loopy:

Ourfate~ I pray you get the ok from your doctor on starting on clomid sweetie, and you know all of us are here for you. :friends: :hugs:

Ann~ power to ya'll for the running, i used to walk 3miles a day but after having terrible pain in my feet i had to go the doctor and found out i have heel spurs, so the doctor say no more for me for awhile..

update on whats been going on here.. the :witch: is finally gone :wohoo: got two more days of clomid. and this morning I got baptized at church for the first time :) that's pretty much all :)

going to try to keep up with yall tonite :rofl: doubt that I will be able to but I'm going to try
haha yeah sometimes its hard to keep up with everyone on here!!
that's what i'm finding out :rofl:

but it's great cause i cant wait to see what ya'll post :friends:
LuLu, so happy to hear that :witch: is gone! I hope you told her good riddens for the next nine or so months! Oh, and way to go on getting baptized :thumbup:
thanks sockritease :hugs:

Hopefully she will stay gone for 9 months fingerscrossed
I'm just at work on lunch break. No call yet, so I took my 2nd clomid. Hopefully they don't call later! :haha: how's your day?
cd8 here! I take my last clomid tonight.
CD9, and I'm surprisingly well for a Monday :dance:. Is it bad that I've already been poas? :lol: I'm so anxious for a +OPK which I think is gonna happen sometime this weekend which is me and OHs anniversary....very stoked! :headspin:

How are my fave ttc ladies??? :dust:
CD9 as well & I am going to get some OPKs this weekend & start POAS lol never peed on one of those :p
Still amazes me how close all of our cd's are to each other!

I can't wait to see if I ovulate on 50mg clomid.. I really hope so!!

This saturday I go in for an ultrasound to see if my follicles are growing...! I hope so!
no nothing ourfate, i felt more last time on 50mg than i do this time on 100mg and i didnt ovulate then so i am not holding out much hope :(

how are you?
Hey ladies I'm on CD9 with sockritease :) I have one more day of clomid tomorrow, then babydancing :) i think the clomid is working cause my cm is different... I dont keep up with it but it was noticeable today lol that's the only thing i've seen since i started it.. and some cramping so fingerscrossed...

how is the other clomid ladies doing???

i'm not doing the ovulation test... doctor just said to babydance for five days after my last clomid.. me and dh are going to throw in an extra day lol never can be too safe :)

I dont blame you ourfate i would keep taking it too especially if they havent called you yet :)
i was feeling very hot, could have been a side effect but it could have just been hot haha, so who knows. im so excited to see everyone results!!
so all day and no phone call. im going to continue, but do you think it could cause any harm, or get in the way with everything? maybe im just to worried about it,

and lily im hoping you ovulate this round!!!!! maybe your body is just handling it different this cycle.

and lulu, i think a day would do you good! just in case! haha, :haha:

the :witch: seems to be finishing up for me already, so one good note :haha:

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