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Laurens Getting Married - 15th June 2013

Ahhh I was having another look at invitations on eBay and instead of trying to cut down the price I've fell in love with some others! I really love these two, especially the first one! They would be done in our colours! I have emailed the woman as she does all matching stationary to them in hope that if I do an order with a few bits on she'll knock the price down!



I can't even think what I need to do at the minute, the venue said we'd have to go back with 6 months to go to sort things And pay more but I've heard nothing from them, fair enough if they are waiting til after Christmas/New Year but I would have thought they would have let us know! I really want to get that all sorted because once we go we will know times, lay out of the day etc which we need to know before we can sort stationary!
I like both of those, but the second ones are my fave. I'm sure you can negotiate a lower price too. Especially if the lady doing them operates away from EBay too because you could go to her direct which would save her listing and selling fees :thumbup:

I'm at the same point about meeting the venues. We don't have to pay anything until 2 weeks before but still need to meet them and sort timings and what we can/can't do etc. Considering they're the ones making money out of this you'd have thought they'd have made some sort of contact :wacko:
That's what im thinking, she has a website and a Facebook page and looks like she has a shop too so I hope so! I also wouldn't mind spending a bit more on things like place cards to get some discount from her and have it all matching!

I thought that too, I even looked through our stuff and it says they will contact us, just incase for some reason we needed to arrange with them! We have to pay 50% now and then the balance just before the day! It's really annoying me as I kind of feel I can't do much without meeting with them, it's like I can't move on to the next things I could be doing! Hopefully they will be in contact once New Year is out the way and hopefully we can go and get it sorted! OH is off work after having his appendix out so I might see if they're any cancellations to give notice too!
I would contact them. That's what I'm doing with ours. I'm going to email them both today to arrange a time to go in and discuss plans. As for payments, I'm winning the lottery tonight so that isn't an issue :haha::haha: I wish! But I know what you mean about not being able to move on. I can't complete our invites until we've decided food and timings etc :wacko:
Did you win then ? :haha:
Did they get back in contact with you?

I think ill give them til the end if this week and then if I haven't heard anything ill give them an email, doesn't fill me with much faith if they can't even get in contact with us though!

That's the same with us, can't sort the invites out, can't sort evening invites, I wanna know how many people they sit at tables so I can start having a little look at a rough table plan as I'm sure that is going to take us a long time! The main thing is I wanna know how the day will run, what will happen when and what times I think once I know that ill feel more relaxed!

I emailed a lady this morning who makes custom garters for a really reasonable price! I have seen her company mentioned a few times on different things and after having a look I'm deffo going to go with her! Here's the link to her Facebook page!


This is the style I'm going to go for but instead of the purple I'm going to have Turquoise, that way it matches our colours and also it'll be my something blue!



Haha I meant tonight :blush: We've gone in on hat Euromillions '25 millionaires' thing at work. So each put £2 in and have ende up buying 28 lines...probs only win £2.40 back :lol:

I also didn't email my venues :dohh: I'll do it tonight! I agree with you, give them until the weekend then if you've heard nothing you approach them. Have you got the payment ready for when they ask for it? I know what you mean by not feeling confident by them not contacting you, but I've got a feeling it's standard as far as weddings go. You'll probably get an invoice in the post in the next couple of weeks and that's it!!

I'm stuck for garter. I'm gonna have a nosey at her FB page now :thumbup:

How are baby plans going? x
This may sound a bit silly, but what is the point/use of a garter? I personally am not going to have one... unless I need to have one that is :haha: xx
Haha well you know where I am when you win!

Yep we've got the money for them so its just a case of when they ask for it! It's a bit like my wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses were meant to be paid off before Christmas but they haven't been in contact and neither me or my mum can remember what they said to do so that's just waiting for them!
I know what you mean, I'd even rather them send me what will be going on, anything just so I know haha.

Baby plans Ahhh who knows haha, the babies a bit like the wedding I don't know if I'm coming or going, what's ready and what's not :rofl: we will know when it arrives if I'm ready for it or not hahaha!!

Do you know what Mummy May I have no clue :rofl: I wasn't sure to get one or not but I'm using it as my 'something blue' having the turquoise on it and also I wanted it to have as a keep sake!
The garter is a tradition. As the bride tosses her bouquet to all the single women, the groom is supposed to toss the garter (which is why you can find garter sets that contain one keepsake garter and one smaller 'toss' garter). The bride and groom would make a spectacle of removing the garter, either by the bride standing on a chair/table to reveal the garter to her husband or with the groom disappearing under the brides skirt. I think it's very rarely, if ever, done in the UK though and we have them more for the keepsake/traditional value. And I don't think anyone has an actual need for leg garters these days since 'hold ups' exist :thumbup:

Grrr Lauren, thatd bug me. I'd rather just pay the money and know its done. Can you not call the bridal shop and ask them?
Thats quite interesting lol! I might have one now... though oh certainly won't be going up my skirt for it :rofl: xx
I'm trying to convince OH to toss my garter. He says no, but I'm hoping on the day (once he's had a few drinks ;) ) that he'll change his mind :lol:
Well you learn something new every day :haha: I won't be tossing mine though, I don't even know if ill actually wear it, I just want one haha.

Well the bridal shop have been closed for a few weeks over Christmas and don't reopen until 2moro so I'm sure ill be on their list of things to sort, they are VERY good there so ill just go with the flow!
Lauren, did you pick your dress before you were pregnant? Interested to see how it would work as I'm rather pregnant too, so I assumed I would need to give birth then lose all my baby weight before I went dress shopping? xx
No I ordered it when I was pregnant but in early stages, if I remember rightly I was about 11 weeks when I first went looking and then I was 15 weeks when I ordered the dress! They took my measurements at 15 weeks as they said I'm not how I was before being pregnant but I've not put on enough to make a massive difference! The other problem with me was I had lost a hell of a lot of weight from being ill before getting pregnant again so even though I had only a little bump I had to think of how skinny I was in other areas and they wouldn't stay like that!

The shop were fab though, they weren't 100% on which size wouldn't be best so they ended up getting the lady who does the alterations out and she said she'd rather go for the bigger size (only a inch difference) so then she can custom fit it to me!

If I was you I'd wait til baby is here and then go and have a look and try on and speak to the shop as each shop is different to how they work and what they'd do! Dresses usually take 6 months again depending on the shop so you can go and have a try on see what you like and then you can always leave it til you loose the weight you want or see what they recommend :)
I found more invites I like! I remember seeing these when we first started planning but was gutted because you wouldn't change the colour of the bunting on them! I then came across them when I was looking at invites again and they said you could now change the colour of the bunting! Before I wasn't bothered about stationary matching but now I want it all the match and tie in!

I have just ordered a sample of them and she's going to send a swatch of the bunting in pastel pink and turquoise!

Here's some pictures of the Invites, RSVPs, Night Invites, Table Numbers, Place Name Cards and Order of the Day Covers!








Best Man and Usher Thank You Present!

OH has finally decided what he wants to get them after changing his mind so many times and not being interested in the slightest! He's decided on personalised tankard glasses for them! I found these ones on EBay which look really nice, they are about £11 each with postage which I think is good! Hopefully I will get them ordered in the week!


Extra Thank You - Best Man and MOH

We wanted to get our Best Man and MOH a extra thank you for helping us out! We have decided to just get them a bottle of something! Best Mans favourite drink is Jack Daniels so he will have that then I think ill get my MOH a bottle of a Moët or something :)
Love those invites :thumbup: hope the sample looks good when it arrives.

How did you get OH interested enough to decide on gifts? I can't get OH revved up enough to think about them :wacko: I've got my BMs a load of things but don't want to give them gifts and for the men to be left with nothing!
I hope so too, ill pop a picture up when they arrive, hopefully the colours look good too!

Hahaha well lets just say I went on and on like a nag for ages day after day! He's also off work at the mo and he said he wants to help with wedding things which was a step forward but he still needed a nagging :haha:

Still no contact from the hotel, I think I'm just going to email them 2moro and see what they say, with OH being off work we can go at anytime but when he goes back to work it'll be a struggle!

Not really sure what to do next, I wanna do something though haha!

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