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Laurens Getting Married - 15th June 2013

I want to do more things lol! I'm thinking about that kind of budget for our rings too, and if they did happen to be any cheaper then thats cool too :) xx
Love those rings. Sounds like a very productive day :) x
Yesterday I went and got the photo frames for the table numbers and menus and we also got 3 lanterns and candles to go out on the little tables on the patio area :)

We were meant to be going to order the wedding rings today but we are snowed in so that's not going to happen now :(

We spent last night doing to table plan, it's so stressful but we managed to do it so it all works how we would want people to be seated, so at least now we have a rough plan of everyone we have invited and if people can't come then we can just chop and change a little!
Ooh well done on your table plan! I'm dreading that part! I want to order my rings but I think that is something I can be doing later in the year... otherwise I will be wanting to wear it now haha! I still think I'm going to have to steal your table plan idea because I haven't thought of anything I like better! (the mirror and pens) xx
We tried doing it before and it was just going over our heads but this time OH payed some attention for once and we managed to do it! I just hope there's not lots of people that can't make it so it doesn't mess with it too much!

Aww you should, when I seen it I just thought it looked fab, saved loads of money too cause getting them printed seems to cost a fortune!

I know, I said I would wait til after the baby was born but now I can't even wait the 2 weeks, I just wanna get it ordered now! It will kill me having it sitting in the house though, might have to send it to my Mums!

I've been trying to persuade OH to start looking and thinking about his speech as I know he'll leave it to the last minute and won't know what to say :haha:

Ohh god I don't know if OH will give a speech, and I can't imagine his best man doing one either hahaha. I'm not that bothered about the speeches but hey! Thats his call not mine, so he can take responsibility :) xx
I keep mentioning the speech my my OH too. He's not taken much interest yet. Think I'll just write it myself. Haha

I might steal your lanterns idea :thumbup: your patio is going to look magical.

And well done on the table plan. Fingers crossed you get all your RSVPs with as many people a possible
Haha well my OH is getting petrified about it already, I keep telling him the grooms speech is mainly thank yous, handing out gifts etc which we will do together!

I hope so too, we handed out save the dates and no ones mentioned from them not being able to make it! All our guests are family, family friends and close friends so I'm thinking if they couldn't make it they would probs mention before as they are all close!

I got the proofs for all the wedding stationary today, I'm so excited seeing them all with our colours and info, just can't wait to have them now! They came to £177 and that was for.....
- 50 Day Invites
- 50 RSVP Cards
- 40 Evening Invites
- 120 Place Cards
- 50 Order of Day Covers
- 11 Table Numbers
- 11 Menus

So I'm really happy I got all that for the price!​
That is a very good price, I'm glad I don't have to spend that on stationery though lol! xx
Well I've just replied to the lady about the proofs and payed her so hopefully she'll get back to me now and let me know how long it will be until I receive them! I'm so excited :happydance:

I've also just order 5 engraved tankards for the best man and ushers! I got them off eBay and they came to just under £55 posted for 5 which I thought was amazing, most places charge atleast £20 not including postage!

Has anyone seen any shabby chic/vintage looking signs that say 'cake' I really want one to obviously go next to the cake but can't really find anything!
Why don't you make one? You can get those mdf little wooden boards on ebay for less than a fiver, and it would just need painted then obviously cake written on, you could stand it up against something, or hang it from the table. xx
Ohh that's a good idea, I will have to have a look! I might also message the person who done my 'Mr & Mrs' one to see if they do different wording because its lovely!

Last night I ordered the bunting for along the top table, round the cake table and around the gift table! I went for one made of paper instead of material because I loved the pattern and thought it would sit around the tables well! Then ill get material bunting for outside! This is the one I got for the tables -


I also won on eBay some more table confetti because I didn't order enough when I ordered them ages ago, I ended up finding some which were £2 for 8 bags and they're usually £1/£1.50 a bag! Also got 3 little bags of some more table gems for £1 from the same seller!
I was watching some of those shabby chic style signs on eBay until last week. Now I can't remember who the seller was :dohh:

I'm still amazed at how much you've got sorted already. Amazed, and impressed. And nervous. Haha x
I've found a few on eBay, spent so long today looking I've ended up watching god knows how many of them so I can go back and look properly!

Haha I stopped doing anything for ages but then since OH had that time off its kind of kick started me again! How far along are you now?

Well I'm having Hen Weekend issues what a surprise!! So it was about 6 weeks ago I booked the hotel on my Mums credit card but said to everyone ill give them Until the end of January to pay with it being before Christmas! I do all the talk for it on a Facebook group and have told people god knows how many times to pass along the info to those who don't have Facebook, my Mum does this to my Aunties and OHs cousins is meant to pass this along to her Mum (the Auntie who you may remember keeps trying to get far too involved) well after receiving most people's money OH text his Auntie because she wanted his bank details to pay for her 2 daughters bridesmaid dresses (her offer we didn't ask) I told him to say about the hotel money too as I haven't heard anything from them! She then text back and said she's not going anymore so how much for just her daughter, well her daughter was meant to tell her 6 weeks ago that it was paid for and they owe me the money, OH text her back saying it was paid for so they either have to pay in full for the room or the daughter would have to sleep on someone's floor! She then went on about how she didn't know and she isn't on Facebook etc etc, so basically their drip of a daughter hasn't bothered to pass the message on to her Mum and now she's trying to make out she doesn't know because she hasn't got Facebook! I do wonder how she knew about the hen weekend in the first place and about the show tickets we booked if she's blaming it on not having Facebook! I'm so glad OH has said though that its pay for the room or sleep on the floor for the daughter, OH said she doesn't deserve a bed for being so stupid and not telling her Mum! Still drives me crazy though!!!!

Woo go OH! I think thats only fair too, why should you have to fork out for someone elses mess up? Silly woman! xx
Oh my god, what a muppet!! I bet she did know about it and has just changed her mind. Good on your OH for giving her the ultimatum though. That way the ball is in her court. She either pays double for her daughter or makes her sleep on the floor. If her daughter didn't tell her then that's for them to sort out between them. It's not your fault
I know I'm shocked he said it because before he didn't really want to say! She hasn't got back to OH so I don't know if she was waiting to speak to her daughter or what! We can cancel the room up until the day but I want to know what's going on by the end of the month just like I've asked everyone to pay but the end of this month! She's had ages to tell me, the reason is (even though she didn't say it) is because MIL and her don't talk anymore, but this is since OHs Uncle died (their brother) last year so I'm not being funny she's had a long time to pull out, why is it only when we've hassled for the money that she's said, was she not going to tell me at all!!
The tankards came yesterday and they are great, I've only got round to checking one of them so far as OH wants to see them too and they are all wrapped up well so can't exactly do it with Bobby around and OH has been working lots!

The burning came yesterday too and that looks fab! Just need to sort the bunting for outside but I have to email the hotel and ask them the very weird question of what the measurements are between the lamp posts :haha:

Today the table gems and confetti came, the gems are great but I'm not sure on the confetti, they are pink but like a purplely pink, I'm sure I'm just being super fussy but I don't know to put them back on eBay or keep them!

I got an email off the lady whose done all the stationary saying they have been dispatched today for next day delivery and I will receive them tomorrow, I can't actually believe it, her service is fantastic, I just hope I love them like I did the proofs and samples! I really can't recommend her enough :)
OOh how exciting, its all coming together now!! I'm just waiting on some of my ebayers paying then I will be ordering my cards to make mine eeps :) xx
I'm going to rant AGAIN and what a surprise it's about the same old person, OHs Auntie :growlmad:

The only thing I've asked for my bridesmaids to pay for is their make up, I have chosen the make up lady and it will cost them £40, I've said it's up to them if they have it done or not, they don't have to at the end of the day!

I've told them this months ago when I chose and booked the lady, OHs Auntie if you remember before mentioned about having someone do her girls (2 of the bridesmaids make up) I wasn't happy about this but I didn't feel it was my place with it being OHs family to say no so I just didn't really answer her!

I got an email off the make up lady last night asking for numbers of who it would be for as she has someone asking for the same date and she is wondering if she can fit in both!

MOH already said she wanted hers doing so I text the 3 other bridesmaids and my Mum!

My Mum got back to me straight away asking could she have a trial then decide.
Bridesmaid 1 got straight back and said yes
Bridesmaid 2 (1 of the daughters) text and said she'd let me know 2moro (today)
Bridesmaid 3 (other daughter the one that's a drip, the one who never told her mum about the hen weekend the one that ignores everything I ask her) ignores me!

So bridesmaid 2 text asking if it was £40 each or £40 for her and her sister, I said it was each so she said she'll speak to her Mum (she's 15) she then text back and said her Mum had said £80 is hard to find so her Mum is going to Speak to her friend who works in a beauty shop about doing their make up cause she's like £25 each!

No no no no no no no no no aaaarrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I am not being put in that situation of having a make up person I have booked to do mine, 2 bridesmaids and my mums make up then someone else coming in and doing there's, along with hairdresser, a baby and all the rest of it, there's no room!

I spoke to my Mum as I was fuming and she said to say fine but not at the hotel you'll have to be picked up and took there (we will all be at the hotel) I then spoke to OH and said to text back and say we will pay for the 2 girls as there's no room at the hotel and we're all meant to be getting ready together rushing around!

What's annoys me the most is we didn't ask them to pay for the bridesmaid dresses but they said they would, they said they'd pay for the hotel the night before for them when I said no we are, same with hair and everything else but the one thing I ask them to pay for they won't!

I'm sure she thinks we're thick or something because they have sooooo much money, £80 to us is alot of money, to them it's pennies! I don't understand why if £80 is too much money for them then why are the girls not just going their own make up, really what's the difference if your happy to pay £50!!

My head is banging because I'm so angry that its a pathetic Auntie that's doing all this, not my Mum, not MiL someone who is nothing quite basically!

My Mums fuming because she's doing all this when I'm due to give birth any day now and it's making my Mum worry about stressing the baby!!

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