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Laurens Getting Married - 15th June 2013

Ahhhhh now ive just come in from the kitchen to a missed call and voice mail from the Auntie asking me to ring her back to talk about the make up!!

Ive text OH to tell him cause theres noway im speaking to her, im fuming!!!
Yeah I would ignore her for a while, that what I do with SIL because I know if I speak to her I will just blow up at her. Try to get OH to speak to her - if she wants her own people she will have to leave then come back! Stupid woman!! xx
Well OH rang her and she didn't answer so ill be leaving it with him, especially seen as though he never even told me her tried to ring her to sort it! We had a big argument this morning because they had stressed me and they were making me worse through the day so I think he could see what she was doing to me! Even my Mum said she'd deal with her :haha:

See them going and getting it done with someone else would be the other thing but then I thought if they do that then I'm going to have to sort the hairdresser around them and also we get married at 12, I don't wanna spend my morning getting stressed if they get stuck or their running late! I think all this is because she wants control of something she has nothing to do with at the end of the day!

Anyway the invites and all the stationary arrived today and I am so so happy with it! I can not recommend her enough, they are beautiful and her service has been out of this world! Ill add some pictures when I upload them :)
Yeyy for invitations :) :) She sounds like a control freak, this is the part I hate - people wanting a piece of a day that really is no concern of theirs!!x x
Yay for finally having the invites and stationary sorted :happydance:

But your OHs auntie is seriously out of order :gun: I agree with your mum. Tell her if they want someone else then they'll have to organise that themselves away from the hotel. Then I would confirm the numbers with your lady as just you, your 2 BMs and your mum. If OHs auntie then changes her mind then that tough, she shouldn't mess you around. I think you've been more than lenient with her and her ridiculous requests. Don't go out of your way or add to your stress. If on the day they get stuck in traffic or whatever and they miss your ceremony it won't change the fact that you will look stunning and will be marrying the man of your dreams. No-one else will even notice if they are there or not xx
Well she never rang OH back so I just went back to my make up lady and told her the situation as it stood and just said I was waiting for 2 people to get back to me!

I have had though one of the bridesmaids (OHs Aunties Daughter) text me and ask me the date of the hen weekend, if she looked at the group on Facebook which she does look at cause I can see whose read what it says on there, straight away me and OH said she'll say she's not going cause her Mum ain't! I really really hope she doesn't! OH spoke to his Mum about it too and she said J was round earlier saying she didn't know if she could go cause had exams around the date! I'm just sick of the bullshit, I'm sure they think we're thick!!

Went to the dress shop today with my Mum, she payed off my wedding dress and I payed off the bridesmaid dresses so they are all payed for! They also said wait til after baby is here and get back in contact with them about fittings but she said probs around beginning of May which is great and hopefully gives me enough time to loose my baby weight!

My cousin is a singer, he lives in mainly in America but comes home and London throughout the year! He said he'd be coming to the wedding but he has just landed the lead role in Once the musical in London so he's coming back to live in the UK, thing is though i don't think he'll be able to come to the wedding anymore and we wanted ask him to sing :( my Mum said to ask my Auntie (his Mum) because I said I don't want to ask him and then make him feel awkward if he can't even come! Ill be gutted though if he can't!!

How are you doing? x


Good thAnk you apart from the stress you may have read above!
Seem to be well on the way to getting everything sorted so just waiting for this baby to be born now :haha:
Quick update on the OHs Auntie situation! She rang this morning again while I was asleep and left another message to ring her, then later on she rang OH and left a message asking for me to ring her! After a day of arguments between Me and OH because of it all he told me to text her, so we sat together to word it right without being harsh so i just text her saying it was the person I have chose or they do their own!
She then text back a huge text still going on about her make up lady telling me she was lovely and wouldn't get in the way and would come to the hotel and at then end she said she doesn't want to seem like she's butting in or telling me what to do she's trying to help - to me to say that you know you are butting in and trying to tell me what to do!

So I text back saying not being funny but I only want the one person there, it will be awkward and there will be a lot of people there already, as she mentioned the money thing again I said we're happy to pay the £30 difference or pay in full as we never expected them to pay for the bridesmaid dresses!

She text back just saying she'll speak to the girls and let me know - now I was expecting a bit of a sorry or maybe I understand but no!!

In the mean time earlier MIL was at OHs Nans with the 2 girls that are bridesmaids and she told them that they are doing their own make up because its not fair for us to pay that kind of money for something they don't need, apparently the girls didn't care at all and were happy to do their own! But when it was brought up they said their Mum had organised it with this other lady so this is obviously why the Auntie still kept going on about it because she must have booked it thinking she could do what she wants!

Well that wasn't much of a quick update but a long one :haha:

On another note, all being well we are hopefully going to order our wedding rings 2moro :happydance:

How are you doing? x


Good thAnk you apart from the stress you may have read above!
Seem to be well on the way to getting everything sorted so just waiting for this baby to be born now :haha:

Yeah, looks like your hands are full!
Aww yeah just seen your due date, all the best for that :hugs:
Enjoy ordering your rings x
Your OHs Auntie is a nightmare. It does sound like she's gone ahead and either booked this other woman or at least promised her the business and now she's putting the pressure on you to save face! Good on you for sticking to your guns though :)

Fingers crossed for wedding rings today

And soooo close to meeting your babba :happydance::happydance:
That's what it sounded like to me but there was no way I was going back my decision! There's already going to be me, my mum, 4 bridesmaids, a baby, a hairdresser and a make up artist in a room let alone with there own little make up artist, also it's not fair on everyone else, what would i do if everyone wanted to bring their own person!

We ordered the rings today and they should be in on Saturday but OH is working so w may be able to go Sunday, if not it will be the weekend after! Hopefully I still love mine and its sits properly in the right size!

I know, due date 2moro but I don't see baby coming anytime soon! Went to the midwife today and it wasn't my usual one and she was rubbish, didn't do all the checks and according to her I'm not any nearer to labour than what I was 2 weeks ago so that's made me more fed up that what I already was haha!
Oh no, what a crap midwife! But remember, just because your the same as two weeks ago doesn't mean he/she won't surprise you in the next few days :thumbup: are you booked for induction? Was Bobby late?

Oooh I wouldn't be able to wait that long if I knew my ring was in :lol: Can't you go and get yours by yourself? :haha: I'm sure it'll sit perfect and will look lovely with your engagement ring

You absolutely don't need to justify your decision to anyone, and certainly not her. I assume she is taking it all personally and can't see the bigger picture. Why would you even want someone else there who you've not asked for?! She's mental. Don't let her stress you out, especially when baby makes an appearance. If you have to (hopefully she's got the picture now) then get OH to deal with her

Are you still doing sweetie table centres? Do you know where you're getting the sweets from yet? I've been looking for our sweet buffet but don't know what is/isn't a good price :shrug: hoping you will point me in the right direction :flower:
I know, fingers crossed it comes sooner rather than later, I've got this belly to loose :rofl:
With Bobby i went over then I went in with reduced movement but I had been in slow labour for like a week so they just kept me in and broke my waters just to make sure he was okay!

I know :( I was like yaaayyy can't believe there in so quick and OH was like well I'm working at the weekend, I was gutted haha but he's only working Saturday so hopefully we can go Sunday! The other thing is though they didn't go as small as what the measured my finger so I had to get the size up and then they said they'll send it away to be resized if I still want it but I'm hoping it fits me cause I don't wanna wait again!

I said that to OH because he was starting to back down a bit and was kind of saying just to let them but I said no its not fair, I've never known anyone to do that! Like I said too if we weren't getting ready at the hotel we would have been getting ready at my Mum and Dads house so would they have done the same there?! I said I'm going to be nice but I'm going to tell her point blank no and to the point and OH agreed its the best thing to do! We decided as well that because of what's she's done I'm not getting the girls involved in anything anymore, I wanted them to be included, get excited and know what was going on but OHs Aunties ruined that now!

Yes sweets I'm still doing but I'm really struggling with knowing what to do! That website you mentioned before looks good https://www.aquarterof.co.uk/ also eBay looks good and amazon! The thing I'm struggling with is knowing how much as I have no clue, because I don't know how much to get I can't work out where's the best to buy!
Happy due date btw :happydance: I'm sure he/she will be here soon...then you just have to sort an outfit for them for the wedding. Haha

Oh no. That's good that they'll get it re-sized but means more waiting for you. Have your put on any weight with the pregnancy or is it all baby belly? My fingers turned into sausages when I was pregnant!

That's a shame you don't want to include them anymore :( and all because of their meddling mum!! You've definitely made the right decision. If she keeps kicking off just tell her that no-one else has been allowed to bring their own make up artist so it can't be one rule for some and another for the rest. Then she might actually realise that the world (and more importantly, the day) doesn't revolve around her and her girls. There's nothing stopping her having this woman is there? Or is she going to be at the hotel too?

Ooh, try wholesale sweets :thumbup: you have to sign up to see prices but jellies and things are mostly all under £10 for 3kgs. Another site I saw said an average portion is 180g-200g per person. But we've chosen 9 different sweet types and it comes to £105 with postage :wacko::wacko: That's why I hoped you'd found somewhere cheaper for me to steal. Haha
Thank youuuu! I can't wait to sort it's outfit, that's why I can't wait to know if its a boy or a girl!

I'm just all belly! That's why I waited until now to sort my wedding ring just incase my fingers went huge but they haven't, I still have stupidly skinny fingers :haha:

I know especially with one of them (the youngest) shes is sooooo excited about it all, doesn't stop talking about it and is so happy to help! The other one is the one who ignores me and apparently didn't tell her Mum about the Hen Weekend and started making excuses not to go to MIL the other day, so I'm more than happy to not get her involved anymore, I wish I had never asked her but sadly it's too late now :(

Oh I'll have a look there! With us it's hard though because we just have the one 2 litre jar in the middle of each table, I've been looking to see if I can find any info on how many sweets a jar of that size holds but I'm struggling! I think I may have to buy loads of cheap sweets from the supermarket and see how many bags fill one of them, unless I can find anything online! Ohh my word £105, I dread to work out how much it's going to cost!
I think I calculated that a 2litre would take 2kg of average sized sweets. Obviously flying saucers weigh less and take up more space, whereas boiled sweets weigh more and are generally smaller so it's about a bit of guess work. If in doubt, over order...gives you something to recover with the day after ;)

Aah how lucky are you to be all belly. You'll be back to Pre preg size in a flash. I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl either :lol: Have you got any feelings as to what it is?
:rofl: don't encourage me to over order, I already have been looking and thinking of ordering some just to try so I can eat them after haha!

That's the amount I seen when I looked but seems like loads, I then found the amount for the actual jars we have and it says 1440g so I'm thinking 1.5kg should do per jar! I can't believe I've got to spend so much money on sweets!!!

What amounts do you need in each sweets, going to have a good look today so ill have a look at your weights while I'm looking! Hope we can find some a bit cheaper!

Fingers crossed! I've thought girl all the way along because of how different this pregnancies been to Bobbys but i got that sure it was a girl now I'm thinking maybe boy! Everyone seems to think different though whereas with Bobby EVERYONE said boy!
I'll have a mixture of jars so I have no idea what we'll need :wacko: our biggest jar is something like 4litre!!

Ooh I think boy. Dunno why. But for the record, I always get it wrong ;)
Well sweet wise I spent ages looking earlier!

The website you said seems one of the best https://www.wholesalesweets.co.uk/

Also found this one which look pretty good


But then when I was searching I read a lot of people say it works out cheaper a lot of the time to go places like the pound shop! I was also looking at supermarket own brand sweets which work out pretty cheap! But the thing is with what is you don't get much of a variety! Might be worth it for a few jars though :)

Haha well lets hope we all get to find out soon :)

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