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Daisy's Mummy and TTC!
Jun 9, 2008
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I know there is a section for this in the welcome to BnB section but i thought as we have a few regulars and people joining us all the time we should have our own little getting to know you thread???? so i will start us off...

My Name is Sara i have a little girl who is just over 5 months now (was born june17th 2009) i am engaged to Daisy's daddy Rob who is also on BnB but isnt on here as much as me !!! (bobbert)

We have been cloth bummed since daisy was about 3 weeks old and we also Baby Wear i currently have a Moby which i love and i have just sold my Baby Hawk as i'm looking for a new more girly one!!LOL i combine BF and FF for various reasons but mostly because of my nasty PND and Daisy losing weight:cry: we plan on BLW in a few weeks when Daisy reaches 6 months:)

others in our family include 4 dogs - 2 Labs Chloe and Toby and 2 yorkies - Tiah and her granddaughter Lucy:) we have 2 rabbits Genie and Eve and one gorgeous horsey Kyte. i am currently looking into keeping some chickens for eggs and i am going to be producing our own fruit n veg next year for Daisy :happydance:

erm think thats all really :)


Ooh good idea Sara!

I am Kirsten, 24 years old, have been married to Jake for just over 2 years. We have a daughter Freya who was born 10th May so will be 6 months in a few days :cloud9:.

Freya has been in cloth nappies since she was about 2 weeks old, but we only started going overnight in them when she was about 3 months ish. I looooove using cloth nappies and so does Jake, we were both cloth bums when we were babies, my mum thought she was well cool and dyed all her terries bright colours, lol.

I like to wear Freya as much as I can, I have a Simply Mei Tai and a Maya Wrap ring sling and love them both. I have tried a few different slings and these are my best yet!

I reluctantly formula feed due to medical problems after Freya was born, I am attempting relactation at the moment but finding it hard whilst looking after Freya too. We will be starting BLW in a few weeks, Freya has had a few goes at playing with veggies but has not seemed bothered, so I think it will be past 6 months when we actually get going! I can't wait 'til sh eis eating our food as a lot of my family and friends are very sceptical of BLW and don't think it's a good idea! We will show them!

We will be using gentle discipline with Freya and any subsequent children we have. I would love to homeschool Freya but have more research to do on it before I decide if I will or not. I would also love for her to go to a Montessori school, as I did when I was young. This depends on whether we can afford it or not though.

We have a cat, Ellie, and three chickens, Bellatrix, Narcissa and Bruce. I want to get a dog and horses again but we will have to move to a bigger house first :dohh:. I grow my own veg in the garden and I'm on the waiting list for an alloment. We have a few fruit trees and one of the first things Freya tried was an apple from our garden :D.

Good idea :)

I'm Beth, 23yrs old and live in Texas. I have 3 little boys, Landon who is 6 1/2, Casen is 4 1/2 and Hayden who is 25mo. I'm a stay at home mom to them. We "practice" AP parenting in many ways.

I cloth diapered Hayden from 2mo, that's when we started, went full time at 4mo then until 21mo then we were battling rash after rash, one that just would NOT go away so we switched back to sposies and it cleared up :( But now a few months later we are doing some cloth and some sposies to see how he reacts. He will be potty training soon though.

I also babywear, I have tried out a few different carriers but by far my favorite is our Babyhawk. We still use it now with Hayden :)

I also breastfed all 3 boys. Unfortunately it didn't work out with Landon and he only was able to nurse maybe about a month then was full time formula. Casen nursed exclusively until I did introduce some formula at 7mo then at 11mo he weaned. Hayden nursed exclusively until he self weaned at 19mo :)

We also cosleep, use gentle discipline, we don't vaccinate, we also practice extended rear facing...I only put that in here because it's not the norm.
Hi i'm Donna, wife to Jon and mom to Beth 16, Joe 14, Jay 12, Deon 11, Shannon 10, Scott 8, Karlum 5, Jack 3 and Harley 9 months tomorrow.
I have used cd from beth all the way to Harley but where as it was terrys with all the others i am now addicted to all but terrys haha, i so blame this site for my addiction :haha:
I have breast feed all my tribe until self weaning and mr h as everyone knows him by is still bf, he is exclusively bf and only takes from me he refuses sippy cups etc so it is me only, we co-sleep and i wear him as much as possible i have a ring sling, a kids kangeroo sling and i have just made a mei tai and i'm making my second one now, and i hope to start selling them very soon.
We are following blw and it is going brilliantly, messy but brilliantly and he eats everything.
We followed an alternative route with vaccinations and will continue to do so.
We have 2 dogs sam and spot, a guinnie pig called pepper, and a parrot called michael.
We follow attachment parenting as closely as we can and mr h is now our velcro baby haha he loves been in our arms or in his slings.
mmmmmmmmm what else o yes mr h has spina bifida occulut which in his case has left him with a lower body weakness and a right hand side partial weakness but he is finding his own way around things and is just an adorable lil man :cloud9:
Hi!! I'm Stephanie! I'm 29, currently live in Greenwood, Indiana. Married to my wonderful husband for 11 years now. I have one son, Cohen 4yrs and our newest addition, Emmalyn 3 months. My husband is currently serving a tour of duty in Iraq. He began training last September, popped home for Thanksgiving, knocked me up and took off for Iraq. Lol. He'll hopefully be home in time for Christmas and we are so excited to be a little family again.

I formula feed my daughter as breastfeeding turned out to be a huge challenge for me with postpartum depression and no family around. I initially felt guilty, but I've come to terms with it. I've discussed relactation with my doctor, but I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. She has severe reflux and needs a thickened feed and I'm not sure that I could make pumping and thickening work for her. Suggestions welcome on that!!

I do use cloth diapers exclusively and have since birth. I absolutely LOVE it. I'm really trying a different, more natural approach to parenting this time and it's working out so much better for me. I'm a happier mommy with happier children. I worked full time when I had my son, but now I'm able to stay home and it's wonderful!!

I have suffered multiple miscarriages over the years and I'm so blessed to have my beautiful children. I would love one more, but my husband is not yet convinced. I was terrified myself until I realized I've raised these two on my own for the last 3 months and I'm still alive! I think I could handle 3..... Right?

Love learning about all of you!!
Ok well i'm 21 and i'm engaged to Robin and we're getting married in June :cloud9: My little girl is called Tabitha and she's just over 1 now...
I tried to use cloth when she was born but i didnt like them not thinking that i could try other types :dohh:
Then i went to a baby show in Glasgow and saw bumgenius nappies and i loved them soooo much and she's been wearing them ever since :)

I BF her, she wont drink formula or drink at all from a bottle :lol: It took ages to get her to drink from a sippy cup she would only drink from a doidy cup :dohh:

I used to co-sleep with her until she decided she didnt want me anymore ha ha ha! She is really quite independant which is nice but sad also.

We live on a farm where we have free range Turkey's Chickens Guinea fowel and Geese at the moment..its so nice to know that all the meat we eat is kept nicely and happy :) Also we only eat meat from the farmers market where we know all the farmers...
Uhmm...we have about 13 horses 1 who is our broodmare who has one foal at the moment, a nanny horse who looks after the foals when we wean them and we have about 5 eventers and the others are older horses that we keep in the fields cos we love them so much he he he! Also we have 6dogs and 3 pet ducks though the fox keeps getting them :cry: We used to have 50 a few years ago as they lay eggs for us...

Think thats everything

Oh also my OH obviously is a farmer :lol: i WAS doing law at uni though i now have decided to do a midwifery course and i run a baby group and am on the under 5s committee and i'm going to do a BF course to help other mums..

I'm Holly, I'm 27. Married to Andy for 5 years and together for 10, he's sometimes found on here posting as Phoenix. We have one little boy, Jack, born in March.

I'm into natural childbirth, breastfeeding, cloth nappies, baby wearing, baby led weaning and bed sharing. I love my Bum Genius nappies and am currently in the market for a mei tai or other carrier as I have fallen out with my BabaSling! We started BLW when Jack was 6 months and it's brilliant, so easy and so far Jack has eaten everything we have offered him. I'm a really fussy eater so it was important to me that Jack not be held back by me, so he gets lots of variety along with DH, which is also making DH happy! We buy cruelty-free, organic and fair trade wherever possible. We also selectively vaccinate and tbh next time we'll probably be even more selective and also give the vit K a miss.
Hi :wave: I'm claire 26 married to Joe for 19 months but together for 9 years. Mummy to Jack 8 months.

Jack has been in cloth fulltime since 14 weeks and we mainly use fitteds, With home made PUL/fleece wraps.

I work full time so baby wear as much as possible when not at work. My favorite is the babyhawk although we use the hotsling too.

I BF for a few weeks but found it very hard and switched to formula. I felt very guilty about this and attempted relactation for 7 LONG weeks. Although I never got my milk back I did increase my bond with Jack and got closure on the subject. I will BF next time thou (now I have you lovely ladies for support)

We are BLW'd and I have yet to find a food that Jack wont eat. It really is amazing to watch him took into a sunday roast with no teeth.

We grow some of our veg although this year the catapillars got more than us.

We have a Jack Russell called Narla that is more trouble than Jack and loves harassing our rabbit Guiness
Hiya! I'm Laura, 21 and I live with my fiance Rick and my beautiful little princess Olivia Rose. Olivia was a surprise baby, but now we have her we can't minagine life without her! She made us move back home uuuppp norf from our expensive cardboard box in London :dohh: and we are much happier back here.

I have been a full time cloth bum mum for about 3 months now! Started on and off when she was around 2 months with some bamboozles which I hated, and then the addiction started!!! I haven't really spent tooooo much money on my cloth because I love a bargain, and preloved nappies...but I spend far too much time oggling fluff on t'interweb! I think using cloth was a natural progression for us really, because both OH and I are obsessed with recycling and are really proud when we put out a wee small bag of actual landfill rubbish each week...the rest all goes into one of the recycle bins. We both nearly cried when we had literally trippled the amount of rubbish we put out on bin day when she was newborn and in disposables :cry:

I have been blessed to have been able to breastfeed Olivia, and I'm so lucky that she took to it so well, and I had such amazing support from my OH and the bf helpers at the hospital. Olivia has decided that she won't even take a bottle of EBM, which is fine by me...I get to use it as an excuse not to leave her!! We follow a lot of the principles of attachment parenting, but have adapted it using Olivias lead. She hates co-sleeping, and much prefers her big girls cot to stretch out in and wriggle to he hearts content, but she is still directly next to my bed in our room. I love to wear Olivia, and she is rapidly quickly outgrowing her bjorn...so it's going to be new sling time very soon!!

I'm very excited about starting BLW with her in the next few weeks when she hits the 6 month mark! I'm also thinking of getting my name on the list for an allotment as we have a shared garden and I can't dig it all up to plant furit and veg :lol:
Hello i am Sara and i will be 31 on 16th Nov. Currently i am overdue as baby due on 8th Nov so i am being grumpy as i am suffering from SPD and i really want to meet my baby.

Been with OH for 9 years not yet married as was getting married this year but i got pregnant.

We have 2 gorgeous rescue lurchers Diggery and Leo and 3 black cats Fat Sid, Spudulika and Shep.

I am really wanting to breast feed and i have a big stash of cloth nappies which my dad bought as his first grandad gift.

I will be baby wearing as i have a closer wrap and mei tei carrier but i also have an all terrain pram.

I am not a veggie but i only eat free range meat and tbh alot of it comes from my dad at the minute i have the worlds biggest trout in my freezer!

I forgot to add i am addicted to knitting and crochet and have been making loads of stuff for the baby too
Hi girls, I'm Vici, i'm 29 and live in rural Suffolk. I have been with Shaun for almost 5 years and we have been engaged for 2 1/2 years. Imogen Grace was born in August after LTTTC and fertility treatment. We are hopinh to marry next year but it is money dependant :)

Imi has been in cloth since she was about 4 weeks old (first 2 of which were spent in hospital!!) and we love our fluffy bum :) Imi was BF for 1 day but after falling poorly and spending a week in SCBU, this sadly came to an end (despite the best efforts of me, MW, HV and BF counsellor!!) so instead I exclusively expressed for 6 weeks. She is now FF. WE baby wear alot out but rarle at home as she is such a hot little girl!! We use a Moby :D We have 1 dog, our precious springer spaniel Tilly who we rescued at 4 months - she is now 4 :D
:hi: My name is Samantha (Sam), im 23 and ive been married to my Dh Mark for 1,5 years now!

We moved from Holland to New Zealand (Dh's home country) 2,5 years ago and decided this was the place to be to start our family and have a more outside life..

We have 2 dogs, our pitbull Cookie (2 years) and our Husky Indy (1 year), and of course our beautiful baby boy Cole, who is still on his way, due 4th of Dec 2009!

Decided to use cloth diapers after some research. I never intended to be a completely eco-friendly, attached parenting person and kinda rolled into it all via research and the lovely girls in Natural parenting!!!!

Ill hopefully be BF my boy and am eying to get a moby soon too :)
Planning to use cloth after we get back from hospital, we will see how it goes :thumbup: am taking it easy as it is our first after all :flower:
thought i would Bumpy as we have a few new Natural parents coming through recently:) ....................... :howdy:
appreciating the bump ;)

Wont bore you with who I am (haha) mum to 5yr old boy with another boy on the way any day! Was a baby wearer last time (though didnt have my head into all the pretty slings and wraps...shame!) and an exclusive BFer, more or less did BLW even though Id not heard of it as an official term, just did what was natural for us.
Looking forward to lots of cloth nappies, lots of baby wearing and definately BLW 6 months or later.
I grow my own veg and as much fruit as I can manage in my little garden, most of my produce is grown in tubs and my son loves helping....unfortunately most of my carrots dont get to full size before they get pulled out and eaten but hey nothing better than fresh organic home grown veggies! Next year I will be attempting cucumber growing for the first time...eek!
Also have 4 dogs and 7 horses (does OH count as an animal?)
Hello ladies, I'm new to all this but I'm planning to spend a lot of time in this forum so I think I had best introduce us!

I'm Michelle, 26, engaged to Kiel, 26 and after leaving my job and moving halfway up the country in march this year (Hertfordshire to Sheffield) to be with him and moved into a 1 bed, penthouse, 6th floor apartment, we then found out I was pregnant, great timing huh! Anyway we manged to move into a house before Chloe arrived (7 weeks early) and now that she is home with us and out of special care, after spending a month there, I am delving into the cloth bummed world!!

As she is only 4lb 7 atm I am starting on Smart nappies, will be giving it a go tomorrow, now that everything has arrived but I am in LOVE with Bumgenius, they look amazing and after a post on here and helpful comments from you all, I am going to be ordering some Organic BG AIO's as soon as my bank manager will let me ;)

I'm also all for BLW (cant wait) and am interesting in babywearing and will deff be giving it a try once she's a little bigger and I've done some research on different types (what would I do without the internet!).

Anyway, hope to catch up with you all soon and some day be a cloth guru and help out others posting questions!

Hello, I'm Michelle, 22 [23 on the 16th] I'm engaged to Liam who is 27 and have been with him for 3 years in March. Caitlyn is a pill baby.

We love to wear her in a babasling [bright pink but daddy WILL wear it as its Caitlyn's only way of calming down sometimes] we partake in child-led parenting.

I only persuaded Liam to do cloth from the 23rd November but since the 24th we have done it day and night and I love it as does Caitlyn! :) she's a lot happier since being in them.

I FF purely down to a lack of support and my partner not wanting me to and body confidence issues but after talking to many people on here I am DETERMINED to do it with my next :) It's a decision I really regret and it upsets me to talk about it so I dont think about it too much. She's also lactose intolerant and had reflux.

I don't do BLW as Caitlyn began refusing her bottles and then began losing weight. She has our meals though and doesn't like purees so she has proper food and knows where it goes, bites off chunks and swallows properly.

I want a Mei-tai but am not allowed! :rofl:

We have two fur-babies: Socrates [in my avatar] and Jemima our ginger kitten. We want chickens but have to wait for permission for our landladies! :)
:wave: Hello!

Won't confuse you with my name - you can all me TL or LadyT. :winkwink: I am 33, married to Caveman who is 39. Our son Lincoln (who I call Otter on here) is 4.5 months old. I live in the mountains of the Western US.

I sorta fell into all this NP stuff by just following my instincts and Otter's lead. I never intended to co-sleep, but he had other ideas. So, we co-sleep (with an Arms Reach) and bedshare.

It just always made sense to me to babywear (even before I knew that was a term!) and BF. Otter is exclusively BFed and starting to get serious food envy and wants to start BLW. Still trying to hold him off for the most part, but have let him have steamed carrots once now (which he immediately picked up and started chewing!) :shy:

I have loads of ring slings (as I make them) and love them. Otter is HUGE, 21 lbs, so had to get another carrier to save my back. I made a mei tai with a headrest that I adore. :cloud9: I think Otter still likes the ring slings best though. I also have a Kelty back pack for long walks and hikes in the mountains. :happydance:

I'm looking into doing cloth bum part time. I can't do it full time as I have to work and Otter can't have a cloth bum at his daycare. :( Still researching that one!

I have 5 cats -- yes 5! -- Stink, Cricket, Nenya, Boris, and Vladimir. 1 old Beagle, Brandy. Caveman loves to garden and has a huge one every summer! I love to sew, crochet, read, snowboard, snowmobilie, hike, camp, and anything else that strikes my fancy! Not that I have time for much of that anymore! LOL
My name is Josslyn... and my OH's name is Tom... We have 1 beautiful baby girl and are TTC #2.

I have been using clothe diapers for over a year and love them. I will definately use them next time. I tried bf but idnt make it past a month for various reason. But I think the most important thing is for babies and mums to be happy.

I work in a hospital on a busy medical floor. I love horses and own one. We are trying to get our town home ready to be sold so we can buy a farm. I am really looking forward to it and I would love to have free range chickens and more horses of course.
Hey :wave:
I'm Bethan, I'm 27 (28 in a few weeks!) and before my gorgeous little boy Josiah came along I was a high school maths teacher. Me and DH met at university and married a few weeks after we graduated, 5 years ago.

Jo has been in cloth during the day since he was a few weeks old, and we love them! I haven't moved over to nightime cloth as I'm scared he'll leak!
I use all fitteds with PUL wraps.
Struggled to BF so we FF now.
I am looking forward to getting a new carrier for Christmas (an ABC buckle carrier) and some books on BLW for when he's a little older.
I love BnB, and its been a HUGE help all through my pregnancy and especially now I have the little man.

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