*Leeds ladies*

I think it probably is normal hon....With my DS once I got my bfp I had a sort of `clear out` for a few days and my body did the same again once labour pains started :wacko: It sort of reminds me of that :thumbup: plus I guess baby is now growing bigger and shoving all organs up so bowel is squashed and not happy :lol: I am finding that I am able to go to the loo better than before pregnancy and considering constipation is common and not nice :nope: I shouldnt really complain :dohh:
Evening ladies,
Have u all had a good weekend?
Rwll thats great news about ur gtt how long did it take for results to come thru? i'm having my gtt on friday and then i'm seeing consultant the following Wednesday, i hoping she has the results by then otherwise i'll be waiting ages for another appt to discuss it with her if it comes back positive. I saw ur friend on total wipeout last night the kids love that programme so we always have to watch it xx
I've been having a upset tummy feeling this past week. i've felt really sick and have opened my bowels more but not had the runs, i thought maybe i'd picked a bug up but maybe it is just pregnancy related? xx
I had the test on tuesday and got the results through yesterday (sat)

New Balls Barry is a legend :rofl:

Ive been feeling a little ill for past day or so, but i usually do this time of year - oh how i miss beechams :haha: xx
Hello ladies,
Isn't it funny what silly things u miss Rwll? i bought some cold sore cream when i was in 1st tri only to discover u can't use that, it always seems to be the things we takr for granted when we r not pregnant.
I had to ring physio today for a follow up appt after last weeks group appt, we were told if after a week the exercises we were given were not helping to ring up and get a single appt, i expected to be waiting weeks and as the pain is starting to become unbearable i thought i best make a appt asap, i couldn't believe it when they offered me a appt 2moro morning, talk about quick u don't usually get that from the nhs lol, so hopefully they can help me a bit more, i'm clutching at straws here as i already know from having spd in my other pregnancies there's not a lot that can be done apart from a support belt and crutches xxx
Wow, that was fast! Good luck bernie, hope they can do something for you? Let me know how you get on.

OMG i cant believe im officually in 3rd tri now... im sooooo excited, nervous, scared lol! But i just cant wait to hold my baby :D

The things i miss most us being able to walk into boots and buy anything and not having to stand for an hour reading the box or asking the pharmacist, only for them to say "No" im also really missing cashew nuts, everytime i walk past them they seem to wave at me and shout to me :haha: xx
sorry i havnt been round its been a long week, with both boys having chest infections, thankfully they are both looking better today

its my 20 week scan at pontefract today and then the consultant, happy and scared lol

Ive just been doing some online shopping, from america as my parents are going over next montha nd theyre going to pick it up from my friend for me, got two lovely girls outfits from carters, and a fisher price rainforest changing bag so far

hows everyone
No not on my mums side, but i kniw nothing about my dads side, so darent risk anything :( xx
Hello ladies.
How r u all? sorry i've not been around much i've been so tired and my spd is well and truely kicked in, i'm in agony especially on a evening, even just sitting with my feet up on the sofa and not moving at all its still throbbing and making me want to cry. I went to the physio and got a tubi grip and crutches not that either seem to be helping but i just keep thinking it might be worse without them so perservere. I've been busy this week with appt's i've been to the dentist, had my 28 week bloods and mw appt and today i had my gtt, the midwife said she will get the results this aft and if they r positive she will ring me by 5pm, if i don't hear from her then everything is fine, so i'm sat here clock watching and hoping the phone doesn't ring.
Hope ur boys r better now Anna its awful when they r poorly xx
ugh physio today
theres nothing more they can do, gave me crutches and a tubular bandage and said good luck
im sore from the exam, they tested how far i could move without pain well i cant
howd i go on crutches with two boys
Oh no lots of love to you Ladies with SPD and crutches :hugs:

I personally have found the tubigrip bump support a godsend :wacko: sorry thats probably not a great thing to say considering you ladies are suffering :dohh:
Oh dear, poor everyone!

Ive had an awful tummy bug for the past few days, not been able to keep anything down :( now ive got awful toothache :( but ive got 3D scan on Sunday and then the dentist to look forward to on Monday :'(
Hopefully finally get to find out what team were on and see if madly is right with :pink: will let you all know xx
ugh I have an head cold and sore throat :( seems it is the season for nasty little critter bugs Ladies :wacko:
Hi guyss :) havent popped in for a couple of weeks but Im officially 2nd tri now! yippee!!

sorry youre all feeling rubbish :( hope it passes for you soon xxx
Hello ladies,
Anna I thought i was struggling with crutches but it must be alot harder for u with 2 little ones. i can't get used to using them i'm not very co-ordinated and am struggling to get used to having these extra things to control lol. I also keep worrying that my tubi grip is too tight although baby is still moving in there so it can't be that bad xx
Rwll sorry you've not been well and now have the dreaded toothache i really feel for u, i'd rather give birth than have toothache, hope they sort it on Monday. Hope u have a lovely scan and finally find out the sex, i still holding out hope that i'm offered a growth scan and they will have a quick peek inbetween the legs for me while they r there xx
Madly sorry ur not well too, its just been bad timing for us all that we have to go thru pregnancy in winter when our immune systems are low and we can't take anything, hope u feel better soon. How tight is ur tubi grip? xx
Linzi, yay ur finally in 2nd tri, i hope we r not all putting u off with all our aches and pains lol, it is lovely been in 2nd tri really xx

Well i got no phone call yesterday so unless the results were delayed and i hear from them on Monday its looking like i don't have GD! which is a relief i have big babies to begin with without any extra reasons for it to be large. We got up this morning to find that the fence between ours and our neighbour is down and completely ruined, so we now have one big back garden to share, we both have dogs that usually run free in our own gardens so until we put up a new fence we are having to take the dog into the garden on a lead inbetween walks. I've just spoken to my neighbour and we r both skint at the moment so its going to be fun replacing a fence between us anytime soon, why does everything always happen at once? if me and hubby hadn't have both been off sick recently money wouldn't have been so tight, i was hoping the fence would hold out till the summer when we'd bought all the baby stuff and we had better weather to put one up, our plan of action at the moment is we r both getting quotes for new fence and i know i'll have my share of money in 2 weeks i'm just hoping neighbour will too. My garden looks a right mess today not only is there bits of fence everywhere the wooden play house we had is also now in bits everywhere the wind certainly had fun last night, tbh as hubby is at work and there is no way i'm attempting to lift anything i've closed the curtains and am ignoring the mess lol xxx
Bernie hon :hugs: Why does crap like this happen when you are skint :wacko: Its like the worst timing ever :( I was told this week I am to be made redundant one week after my mat leave starts thankfully I will get my SMP mat pay as planned so things will be as planned but then towards end of year I will have to scout for a new job :sad1: The last thing I want with a new baby :nope:

My tubigrip does feel quite fitted esp when I sit down but I can still feel Charlie kicking through it and I wouldnt image it to be an issue because otherwise am sure they wouldnt give them to us pregnant ladies. I think mine is great if not a bit shabby looking from all the wearing and washing :haha:
Ive been in 2nd tri before & love it hun!! Best part was 3rd tri I found but still loved 2nd!!

Not so much this time though :rofl: I feel like Im so much further on already than last time! Im bigger already, heartburn, really uncomfortable sleeping, weeing loads. Very strange!!

Hope you've all had better days today :hugs:

Hello ladies,
Madly thats awful news about ur job, its good u can still get smp although u could have claimed ma if ur smp was stopped, just a pain for u having to think about job hunting while ur on mat leave. i'm glad u mentioned washing ur tubi grip, i've had mine since Tuesday and was thinking today i wonder if it will withstand the washer or should i handwash it, i need to try and buy a new one cause at the moment i'm not wearing it to work in the fish shop cause anything i wear to work still stinks of fish and chips even after washing lol so i have specific work clothes, i can't risk my only tubi grip smelling but work is probably the place i need to wear it most :dohh: xx
Linzi, i was obviously having a blonde/pregnancy moment when i typed yesterday, of course you've been in 2nd tri before, ur little boys picture is staring me in the face:dohh: i say some right stuff at times. I've heard u do tend to get bigger quicker with 2nd and subsequent pregnancies its been a while since i was last pregnant so i'll be honest i'd forgotten most of it especially the downsides so its been great fun discovering the joys of pregnancy again xx
Rwll good luck with ur scan today, i can't wait to hear what team u r on xx

Well i'm going to have a lazy morning, i had to get up early to take hubby to work and this aft i need to do the food shop and go to work myself, think i might try to squeeze a nap in before work i'm tired already xx
:rofl: dont worry hun I do the same allll the time :)


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