*Leeds ladies*

Hope everyone is ok today :)

We're ok, Ive gone a bit paranoid tho, Ive felt baby moving every day for about 3 weeks, until the last 3 days Ive not felt a thing. So hubby is taking me to Mothercare at Crown Point to buy a doppler :dohh: Ive gone crazy, I know I shouldn't be feeling something everyday but I have been and it was the same at this point with Seth. Just want to put my mind at rest :)

Hope everyone is having a nice relaxing sunday :) x
Hiya hun :wave:

Im not too bad, got my 3D rescan tomorrow so hoping they can get some decent pics this time.

Hows you?? Hope youre feeling better. How did it go with the consultant? xx

How did ur scan go? Consultant was a waste of time, i saw registrar and first she moaned about my size so i mentioned the last time i was weighed which was when i was in hosp in Jan so about 23-24 weeks i think i'd put 13 and a half lb's on from the start of pregnancy and was this ok, i then got a lecture on not putting on enough and i better not be dieting (which i'm not) i was going to ask her to weigh me again cause its been a few weeks since then and i can tell i've put weight on but i chickened out so i could do with asking midwife to weigh me when i'm there a week 2moro. I also mentioned that i'm scared i'll have another big baby that if bigger than last time i'll struggle to get out, i mentioned my fears about trying a vbac and ending up having a emergency section anyway when a planned one is safer but she was adament i should still try a vbac and apparently we will discuss it again at 36 weeks. I know there are pros and cons to both a vbac and planned repeat section but i just feel deep down if they push me into a vbac i'll end up having a section anyway. On the plus side she mentioned i should now be seeing my community midwife every 1-2 weeks i told her my midwife doesn't want to see me very often cause i'm consultant led and i see someone at the hosp every now and then, she wasn't impressed with this and said told me to tell her how often i've to be seen and if she won't see me that often i've to let her know so that'll be interesting lol xxx
I have my 3d scan on 17th march cant wait they have to do it at 26 weeks with twins as after that theres no room to see lol

Im achy, I have to use the headboard as a winch to turn in bed now, but its so worth it
Ive found sleeping wrapped around a 5ft long pillow in front and another the same behind lets me get a decent nights sleep

people are now commenting how big I am, and thats from one trip to tesco, I go out once a week lol

been merrily ordering baby clothes etc from america for my parents to fetch over for me

my boys are doing good, cept morgan thinks bloody hell is a common saying!

hows everyone

I know how u feel with pains, i'm in pain all day long but by the evening i'm crying, even when i'm sat with my feet up its still throbbing, i remember now why i wasn't going to have anymore babies, bit late now though. I don't really notice my bump changing size as i'm with it all day but my hubby and friends keep commenting on it getting bigger daily and when i'm at work space is tight so as i only work Sunday and Thursday i'm noticing every week space is getting tighter, we have one little area where we butter the bread rolls that on Thursday i could only just wedge my way thru, i'm off for a week now so it will be funny to see whether i get stuck when i go back next week lol.
I bet u can't wait for ur parents to bring ur clothes back with them xx
Bernie hon I cannot believe you got a lecture for not puting on enough weight in pregnancy :wacko: I have been worried about only putting on 4lb at 29wks (although my MW reckons I was measuring more like 31wks) and was told this was great :dohh:
Hye Ladies :wave:

How are we all?

Feeling very achy today and plan on just putting my feet up ALL day :)

Hope you've had a relaxing day, me and the kids have been to a pantomine in Morley with our neighbour, it was about 2 and a half to 3 hrs long including interval i was numb by the time i got off the uncomfy chair, its a good job i took my crutches xx
Bernie hon I cannot believe you got a lecture for not puting on enough weight in pregnancy :wacko: I have been worried about only putting on 4lb at 29wks (although my MW reckons I was measuring more like 31wks) and was told this was great :dohh:

Sorry u posted while i was replying to ur last post, i wish i'd only put 4lb's on, i'm dreading getting weighed next week, i've taken to eating buttery mash this past couple of weeks which i think may have added a few lb's. I think the dr would have moaned at me no matter what whether it was too much weight on or too little. I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead too, although i don't think the flabby belly i had to begin with helps lol xx
Hope everyone is ok today :)

We're ok, Ive gone a bit paranoid tho, Ive felt baby moving every day for about 3 weeks, until the last 3 days Ive not felt a thing. So hubby is taking me to Mothercare at Crown Point to buy a doppler :dohh: Ive gone crazy, I know I shouldn't be feeling something everyday but I have been and it was the same at this point with Seth. Just want to put my mind at rest :)

Hope everyone is having a nice relaxing sunday :) x

Its hard when you've been feeling movements and then they stop and when u mention it to midwife they just say its too early to be worrying, i went down to hosp about 20 weeks cause i'd not felt anything and they said it was too early to be worrying about movements and not to start thinking about it till 3rd tri but then went on to say but if ur ever worried come in and get checked out wtf? :dohh: i hope ur doppler puts ur mind at rest xx
The consultants are never happy Bernie hon :nope: I think 13.5lbs isnt a lot of gain some ladies gain 4 stone in pregnancy my stick thin cousin did :wacko:

I am currently weighing up wether I except growth scans at 32wks and again at 36wks to find out if my baby is HUGE again albeit I do not have GD this pregnancy. However my consultant tells me that if my baby is HUGE no action will be taken because they do not induce simply because you are having a big baby unless GD is a factor....so the only thing I gain from knowing he may be big is the possibilty of freaking out when I do go into labour and worrying about delivering him....I do not understand the point of having a growth scan if by doing so it increases my stress levels :wacko:
Pinders haven't mentioned a growth scan to me unless they do at my 36 week appt, i know what u mean about freaking out about babies size and getting them out, i suffered a 3rd degree tear with my 1st son he was 9lb 7 which nowadays isn't huge but if i tore badly with him i dread to think what getting a bigger one out will do to me but the dr said i'll stretch more this time and if i tear again its no prob, it might not be a prob to her but it is to me lol.
I put 4 stone on with number 1 and 3 on with number 2 so i don't want to go anywhere near that again xx
I gained a stone with my son and he was 10lb 5oz GD was diagnosed on delivery as I never hit the risk factors in pregnancy for a GTT so was never picked up...I was cut to deliver with ventuose in the end but also tore....I also had a retained placenta so lost lots of blood an experience I wish to avoid this time :thumbup: The consultant told me then to make sure I was monitored properly for GD in further pregnancies because I would not be able to vaginally delivery a bigger baby which was why I had a GTT at 16wks and again at 26wks surprisingly not GD this time :wacko: However of course great concerns over a vaginally delivery if he is bigger understandably so although my consultant now says she would love to know who this consultant was because it was a load of crap....I never know what to believe but I do know lots of risk with having a big baby again but then am not sure it warrants worry if they wont induce me early anyway :dohh:
I didn't go thru all this worrying about size with number 2 i was so relaxed and didn't have a care in the world as it turned out i didn't need to worry about delivering a big baby vaginally cause they decided to do a section at 34 weeks due to his heart playing up, this time i'm dreading it, i just know its going to be another big baby and am not looking forward to it one bit, i think i'm turning into a wuss as i get older lol x
:hugs: Am with you on been scared about delivering a big baby hon but I keep reminding myself that our body only grows a baby as big as we can manage to grow although right now more scared than not :dohh:
Hi hope u don't mind me posting from the 1st tri but just wanted to say hi :wave: I live in leeds just near leeds bradford airport! And will be having my 2nd at harrogate hospital. So just wanted to say hi to the leeds ladies xxx
Hello ladies,
How r u all today?
Madly I keep trying to tell myself the same and everything will work out in the end, i think the thought of labour altogether terrifies me, its been almost 10 years since i last gave birth vaginally and i've forgotten most of it, i feel like a first timer again. I jusgt need to remember it doesn't last forever and if i can do it once i can do it again, i just wish it would hurry up and get to April so i can get it over and done with xx
Welcome Jacks mummy and congratulations on ur pregnancy, how r u finding it so far? xx
Well, my 3D rescan was rubbish - we did get confirmation on team :blue: though :happydance:

Had a growth scan today which was fantastic :D he's measuring perfect for his dates and weighs 2lb 14oz :) awwww such a lovely Valentines pressie

Hope youre all well? xx
Hi hope u don't mind me posting from the 1st tri but just wanted to say hi :wave: I live in leeds just near leeds bradford airport! And will be having my 2nd at harrogate hospital. So just wanted to say hi to the leeds ladies xxx

Hiya :) I work right next to the airport!! :) xxx
Well, my 3D rescan was rubbish - we did get confirmation on team :blue: though :happydance:

Had a growth scan today which was fantastic :D he's measuring perfect for his dates and weighs 2lb 14oz :) awwww such a lovely Valentines pressie

Hope youre all well? xx

Thats a shame about ur 3d scan but great news about confirming its a boy and ur growth scan xxx

could it get any worse????

I have just been made redundant!! I have been told that I will be getting my full SMP but in one lump sum. I arent entitled to any redundancy pay as I havent been there for 2 years...

so i guess after tomorrow I have officially finished work till little Luke is here

Hope youve all had a better day than I have? xx
hi ladies,
sorry not been writin much!
hi jacksmummy - hows things coming along?
bernie p - im worried about giving birth too and ive never done it before. at my 20 weeks scan his belly was 2 weeks ahead so im hoping he isnt going to be a big chunky monkey!
rwgoodchild - oh no!! im sorry you have been made redundant, i work for council and they are making loads of cuts at the moment...are you ok? when do you leave?

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