*Leeds ladies*

Sounds like fun hon have a bloody good time :)

ps lucky you getting a leaving do am not sure my colleagues will be so generous :sad1:
Hope ur having a good time RWLL xx
Well i was a little disappointed at work i can still squeeze thru the gap, it was a bit tighter than last time and i don't think i'll still be squeezing thru the gap by the time i leave, i could have sworn i'd got loads bigger, i'm at the midwife 2moro so i might get her to weigh me to see how much more i've put on, i hope its not loads xx
Morning ladies,
Did u have a good night out last night RWLL? xx
I've been to the midwife today and naughty baby has flipped over and is now breech, i said to hubby a couple of days ago i felt some big movements and the the kicks changed position so i had a idea baby had moved, never mind there's still time for it to flip back round although room is getting a bit of a squash in there and if it doesn't move back at least its more ammunition against the consultant on my repeat section request. I got weighed too and was mortified to learn that since i got weighed the beginning of Jan i have put on another 10lb's so my total weight gain now is 23 and a half lb's i'm def going to have to eat healthy now xx
Im a Leeds lady....but I don't live there anymore! I go up there all the time though as all my family and a lot of my friends are three! :) x
Im a Leeds lady....but I don't live there anymore! I go up there all the time though as all my family and a lot of my friends are three! :) x

:wave: hello :D

Hope you're haveing a great pregnancy hun?

Well lastnight was... eventful - lets just say that being made redundant was possibly the best thing that could have happened to me... I felt so unwelcome and it felt like I was only wanted there as I was the store manager and had our christmas do fund in my bag :cry:
We went back into Leeds and called OH as I didnt want to be walking through the centre alone, in a skimpy cheerleader outfit whilst 7 months pregnant! It was clear as soon as he arrived that everyone else just wanted to go and get pissed and that not one of them cared that I was knackered and ready for home. If I hadnt of shouted them back to tell them I was going home I honestly dont think they would have realised I'd gone :growlmad: :cry:

Guess they werent the "friends" they made out they were...

Hope everyone else is having a better start to the week than me xx
Welcome MrsKTB X

Thats awful RWLL u r better off without friends like that, hope the rest of ur week is better xx
Thanks hun, it was hard for me to make friends here as I moved to Leeds from Knottingley (near Wakefield) last year. All my friends are over in that direction and I dont get the chance to get over to see them very often now :cry:
I guess that having a few true friends that I dont see very often is far better than a bunch of users that only want you when it fits them...

I know im better off away from them anyway - Ive never had many friends, and now I know why lol xx
rwll - thats awful about work - sounds like your better off out of there! any plans what your going to do with your time off?
bernie - is 28lbs that bad to say your so far? i think im going to get in trouble for putting so much weight on, but its like my body is clinging to everything i eat! im not even eating that bad but im getting massive! im dreading getting weighed!!! - any plans what your going to do with your extra weeks off?
sorry for not replying much, we have been banned from internet at work and our home one works every now and again!
welcome mrs ktb :)
Oh rwll :hugs: thats is so awful :sad1: but I know exactly where you are coming from....my assistant manager keeps pestering me by text asking me to meet her for coffee apparently shes really worried about me....like hell she is :trouble: She wants the gossip is all :cry: I have realised also I had no friends in my place of work :sad1:
Thanks hun, it was hard for me to make friends here as I moved to Leeds from Knottingley (near Wakefield) last year. All my friends are over in that direction and I dont get the chance to get over to see them very often now :cry:
I guess that having a few true friends that I dont see very often is far better than a bunch of users that only want you when it fits them...

I know im better off away from them anyway - Ive never had many friends, and now I know why lol xx

Ur right a few true friends is a lot better than selfish ones, you'll find once u become a mum and start attending baby/toddler groups you'll make other friends with things in common with you. xx
rwll - thats awful about work - sounds like your better off out of there! any plans what your going to do with your time off?
bernie - is 28lbs that bad to say your so far? i think im going to get in trouble for putting so much weight on, but its like my body is clinging to everything i eat! im not even eating that bad but im getting massive! im dreading getting weighed!!! - any plans what your going to do with your extra weeks off?
sorry for not replying much, we have been banned from internet at work and our home one works every now and again!
welcome mrs ktb :)

I'm going to try to eat better for remaining weeks and not let it get me down, it will just have to be my project once baby is here to get it shifted. I have absolutely no plans once i finish work except rest loads and maybe catch up with friends for a cuppa while i still have chance, how about u? x
Oh rwll :hugs: thats is so awful :sad1: but I know exactly where you are coming from....my assistant manager keeps pestering me by text asking me to meet her for coffee apparently shes really worried about me....like hell she is :trouble: She wants the gossip is all :cry: I have realised also I had no friends in my place of work :sad1:

I don't think many of us ever make true friends thru work you r very lucky if u do. How r u today? xx
Hi Bernie :wave: Thank you for asking....am not feeling so bad tbh now the redundancy situation has sunk in I am feeling more positive and intend to look on it as a good thing :) How are you and the SPD? I was on the floor earlier changing my nieces nappy and OMG I couldnt get back up :( stupid really but its so easy to get down there I forget how hard it is to get back up :rofl:
Hi Bernie :wave: Thank you for asking....am not feeling so bad tbh now the redundancy situation has sunk in I am feeling more positive and intend to look on it as a good thing :) How are you and the SPD? I was on the floor earlier changing my nieces nappy and OMG I couldnt get back up :( stupid really but its so easy to get down there I forget how hard it is to get back up :rofl:

I'm still suffering it gets worse as day goes on till i'm crying in pain on a evening b4 bed, i've been taking paracetomol but its doing bugger all, i really don't want to ask for anything stronger though i feel so guilty. I know what u mean about getting down on floor and then struggling to get back up, sometimes sitting on the living room floor with my back against the sofa is the only place i can get comfy for a little while anyway, its just getting back up thats the problem lol.
I can def tell baby is laid other way round now, its head is stuck in my ribs and most of movements r at bottom half of my tummy where they were mainly at the top, last night while i was laid in bed it felt like baby was trying to play with my cervix which kept giving me shooting pains in my bits, going to mention it at hosp today just to make sure thats normal xx
Bernie hon funny I think Charlie has his bum between my ribs and his head down.....he loves to poke my cervix too which is damn bloody painful and am sure he was playing ping pong with my right ovary last night :dohh: Hope the hospital have some answers for you hon :hugs: Take it easy with the SPD!
Bernie hon funny I think Charlie has his bum between my ribs and his head down.....he loves to poke my cervix too which is damn bloody painful and am sure he was playing ping pong with my right ovary last night :dohh: Hope the hospital have some answers for you hon :hugs: Take it easy with the SPD!

Thats funny about the ping pong, i mentioned to dr about it feeling like baby is playing with my cervix and he said it is quite possible for for babies foot to be pushing against it with plug and waters membrane in between of course and not to worry about it, easy for him to say it hurts. I had a midwife, trainee dr and consultant feel baby and measure my bump and they are 99% sure it is breech and i'm now measuring 35 weeks, i'm doomed its going to be a whopper, plus they now find heartbeat at top of uterus instead of low down like it always has been. He is refering me to a cardiologist to look into my fast pulse and then he surprised me by mentioning delivery options, i didn't think anyone would discuss this again till 36 weeks, he said it was my choice how i deliver unless of course baby stays breech i'm now been scanned again at 36 week appt, if i choose a repeat section it will be booked for 39 weeks, or i can wait and see if i go overdue, if no baby by 41 weeks and i don't want to be induced they will do section then or i can have a vbac. I need to look into it more but because i'm in pain with spd and baby is looking like a big un i def don't want to wait till 41 weeks, i think i will ask to be booked in for section at 39 weeks but if i go into labour b4 then see how i progress b4 rushing for a section and if i need a emergency section so be it xx
Oh wow hon it does sound like LO is biggish....I`m measuring more inline with `my` EDD as oppose to my dating scan EDD wondering if I will be measuring more than the two weeks difference too by the time I go back on 10th March :shrug: Were your boys big hon?
James was 9lb 7 at 41+Weeks and Harry was 5lb 12 at 34 weeks (which apparently is big for 34 weeks) i'm guessing at least 10lb's if not alot more bit of a eye waterer i think lol. If u are measuring 2 weeks over it makes u wonder whether ur dating scan was wrong, its unusual for it to be 2 weeks out xx
mmmmmmmmmm interesting hon wonder just how big this little one will be?....remember it is possible for them to be wrong even with the growth scan. My little sis was told her LO was teeny and she was 7lb 10z so not that tiny after all :wacko:

My EDD by LMP was 16th April but my dating scan said 29th April. Working back from the 29th April it would mean I got my :bfp: a something like 2-3dpo I know when I OV and I had a m/c the month before falling with Charlie so def certain of my dates :thumbup: When I went at 20wks I was expecting my date to change to somewhere in the middle but no stayed the same...I dont not believe my baby is due around the 29th unless I g two weeks overdue seriously I swear by my date of the 16th and my MW is measuring the same by fundal height....cant wait to see what she measures me at on the 10th March :dohh:
mmmmmmmmmm interesting hon wonder just how big this little one will be?....remember it is possible for them to be wrong even with the growth scan. My little sis was told her LO was teeny and she was 7lb 10z so not that tiny after all :wacko:

My EDD by LMP was 16th April but my dating scan said 29th April. Working back from the 29th April it would mean I got my :bfp: a something like 2-3dpo I know when I OV and I had a m/c the month before falling with Charlie so def certain of my dates :thumbup: When I went at 20wks I was expecting my date to change to somewhere in the middle but no stayed the same...I dont not believe my baby is due around the 29th unless I g two weeks overdue seriously I swear by my date of the 16th and my MW is measuring the same by fundal height....cant wait to see what she measures me at on the 10th March :dohh:

When i had my 1st my edd by my period was the 14th of Feb but scan said 3rd of March, by my 20 week scan he was measuring big and even though i told them their original date was wrong they were having none of it and insisted on sticking to their dates, they then let me go 9 day overdue to the 12th of march b4 inducing me and he came along the following night, he was really dry and shrivelled for weeks and when the placenta came out it was a grey colour rather than the usual red, the midwife commented on the placenta dying and it been a good job i was induced when i was cause he was clearly overdue. I don't want to panic you and James was fine at a day short of 1 month overdue but if you r sure on ur dates and midwife says ur measuring big keep a eye on how long they let u go overdue. I'm hoping the reason i'm measuring so many weeks over is the extra flabby belly i already had b4 pregnancy, thats got to account for some of it xx

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