*Leeds ladies*

Oh thank you so much for the warning bernie :kiss: I was wondering what the effects on me and baby would be if I did go overdue and his EDD is 16th April cause by the scan EDD of 29th April I might already be well overdue if he def is due 16th and they would leave me too weeks after 29tIh April I reckon :shock: I will def bring this up with my MW no doubt :thumbup: I also have a consultant appointment on 3rd a week before my MW next to dicuss whether I want to go ahead with the growth scans or not so I might get the MW to measure me then too to compare with my MW!
Hopefully Charlie will decide to come mid April, i'd def mention it to midwife and see what she thinks.
I'm really uncomfortable 2nite, babies head is well and truely wedged in my ribs, plus i'm having strong braxton hicks and low down stomach and back ache, i don't think its anything to worry about at least i hope its not, backache could be my spd cause it does effect my lower back too but this pain is different. I'm picking hubby up from work at 8 then i'm going to have a bath and go to bed, hopefully pain will go away xx
:hugs: Tell me about it hon I feel like my VJ is been split in two with the damn SPD today :( I had a crap nights sleep last night because of it and am like an old biddy when I get up off sofa :lol:
I know that feeling, i wish the next 8/9/10 weeks would hurry up now, i'm fed up of been in pain and uncomfortable. Well i forgot i was at work this evening so i went for my eyes testing this morning, then walked round a few shops, then took the kids to the park, i then remembered i'm at work at 4pm so already i'm in pain and could do with a nap because i've overdone it today but instead i get to stand at work for 3 hrs, so that should be fun xx
I know its a good job i remembered otherwise my boss would have been ringing me wondering where i was lol x
:wave: sorry Ive not updated for a few days, been trying to keep my looooong days busy with random coffee catch ups with friends/family :D

OMG!! I have been unemployed for a whole week and my BP has dropped loads already :happydance:

I got an email from my old H/O saying they had taken advice regarding my SMP and thet they could pay me the lump sum as a tax free element on my wage sooooo today I had just over £6600 paid into my account :happydance: gonna transfer the SMP (around 5.5k) into OH's account he doesnt use and set up a transfer of £100 per week once my wages are gone, that way I cant go and spend the lot... cos I will :rofl:

Sorry to hear you're all in pain, I dont have SPD and im aching in my hips/pelvis - I cant imagine what you guys are going through :hug:

Hope everyone is well otherwise? xx
hi ladies...hope your all OK, some of you sound in a lot of pain. Just wanted some advice....i havent bothered weighing myself since i fell pregnant cos ive generally eaten OK and dont feel that big.i know ive put weight on but felt it was normal. i was a size 10 before but have always had to work pretty hard as ive got pcos and for some reason losing weight is a massive battle.
anyway i weighed myself this morning, im only 24 weeks and ive gone from 8stone 10 to 10 stone 9! thats nearly two stone...will my midwife tell me off on Monday? Should i be making an effort not to put on too much more? i just dont feel like ive even been bad...i cant exercise too much cos ive bled quite a lot during this pregnancy and it only stopped a while back and dont want it to start again.
aww hun, try to not worry - I dont know what the average weight gain is as I was around the 18 stone mark before I concieved :blush: I dont weigh myself and can only go off my weight gain at 16 weeks which was 4.5lbs xx
aw thanks...i really wasnt worried till i hopped on scales. i think id convinced myself it was about a stone..i really dont feel two stone heavier! lucky you only putting on 4.5lbs. I hope im not risking baby in anyway!
i think i will put the scales back under the cupboard where they belong!! :)
thanks xxx
Hello ladies,
How r u all?
cbmd because u were slim pre-pregnancy u can allow yourself to put more weight on overall than someone like myself who's overweight/obese. Try not to worry about it too much xx
Rwll thats great about ur bp coming down and even better about ur tax free smp, i'll admit though i wouldn't be able to not spend it and then regret it later, i'm terrible with money, you've obviously got ur head screwed on xx
How r u Madly? xx

I've been at the hosp today, part of my plug decided to come away last night followed by pains this morning, been in and had internal done, everything looks ok, apparently losing some plug is ok at this stage and some ladies lose it earlier. They took some swabs to check for infection and did a swab that tells them in 15 mins whether labour is imminant in the next couple of weeks, luckily it came back negative so that was a relief. I've been sent home with cocodomol (which make me feel drunk, so will only be taking as a last resort, maybe on a night to help with spd) and i was told to go straight back if anything else happens. The annoying thing is when i got home there was a message on my answer machine from the day unit at same hosp asking me to ring them on Monday to arrange to go in to have some bloods re-done because there was a error with the ones they did on tues, i can't believe i was in the same building while they were leaving me that message, thats now more petrol and parking money i've to waste, it wouldn't have been too bad if i hadn't already had the bloods repeated since they were originally done because of a error, i'll have no blood left at this rate xx
Hello ladies,
Hope ur all having a good weekend, i can't believe its sunday already and i'm at work this evening yay i can hardly wait, never mind i've only 5 shifts left but cause i've hols in the middle of them they still take me to the end of March :-( at least if i'm focusing on getting to the end of March and finishing work i'm not thinking about getting to the end of April and having a baby it still seems so far away. x
:wave: sorry Ive not updated for a few days, been trying to keep my looooong days busy with random coffee catch ups with friends/family :D

OMG!! I have been unemployed for a whole week and my BP has dropped loads already :happydance:

I got an email from my old H/O saying they had taken advice regarding my SMP and thet they could pay me the lump sum as a tax free element on my wage sooooo today I had just over £6600 paid into my account :happydance: gonna transfer the SMP (around 5.5k) into OH's account he doesnt use and set up a transfer of £100 per week once my wages are gone, that way I cant go and spend the lot... cos I will :rofl:

Sorry to hear you're all in pain, I dont have SPD and im aching in my hips/pelvis - I cant imagine what you guys are going through :hug:

Hope everyone is well otherwise? xx

OMG hon how did you manage the tax free payment of SMP? I am recieving my SMP as a lump sum too because of my redundnacy and my SMP is 6wks at 90% and 33wks at 128.00ish totals to about 5.5k too however I am having to pay deductions of nearly 1.3k which I work out to be equivalent to 7wks SMP pay :cry: I am coming away with just under 4K after all the deductions my work place are making AND I was due some extra pay on top of my SMP payout because they messed up last months wage :( I am only getting SMP as dont qualify to recieve any holiday pay or redundancy pay for them :nope:

I dont know what to do because by losing 7wks SMP I am going to have to look for a new job around the Summer time but apparently because my workplace claimed SMP until end of Nov for me I cannot work until at the earliest December....I have spoken with both the tax office about the tax payments and also ACAS but no one seems to be able to help.....really :sad1: because I was initially suppose to be returning to work Feb 2012 inc my hols entitlement now I will be lucky to get through to July after all the deductions I have to make :hissy: I dont understand how any workplace can get away with treating a mum to be in such appallling ways :nope:

EDIT forgot to day the `high` deductions are because am been paid my SMP in one lump sum so effectively counts as one months wage and also because am getting it in March this tax year when it would have been nearly all my earnings for next tax year :thumbup:
I dont know hun, i emailed my HR and told them i would rather be paid my smp monthly so i dont lose too much on tax, he got in touch with the accounts dept and they got advice and was told they could pay it like this :shrug: im still waiting for my pay slip.to come to see exactly whats happenedthough... xx
:wave: sorry Ive not updated for a few days, been trying to keep my looooong days busy with random coffee catch ups with friends/family :D

OMG!! I have been unemployed for a whole week and my BP has dropped loads already :happydance:

I got an email from my old H/O saying they had taken advice regarding my SMP and thet they could pay me the lump sum as a tax free element on my wage sooooo today I had just over £6600 paid into my account :happydance: gonna transfer the SMP (around 5.5k) into OH's account he doesnt use and set up a transfer of £100 per week once my wages are gone, that way I cant go and spend the lot... cos I will :rofl:

Sorry to hear you're all in pain, I dont have SPD and im aching in my hips/pelvis - I cant imagine what you guys are going through :hug:

Hope everyone is well otherwise? xx

OMG hon how did you manage the tax free payment of SMP? I am recieving my SMP as a lump sum too because of my redundnacy and my SMP is 6wks at 90% and 33wks at 128.00ish totals to about 5.5k too however I am having to pay deductions of nearly 1.3k which I work out to be equivalent to 7wks SMP pay :cry: I am coming away with just under 4K after all the deductions my work place are making AND I was due some extra pay on top of my SMP payout because they messed up last months wage :( I am only getting SMP as dont qualify to recieve any holiday pay or redundancy pay for them :nope:

I dont know what to do because by losing 7wks SMP I am going to have to look for a new job around the Summer time but apparently because my workplace claimed SMP until end of Nov for me I cannot work until at the earliest December....I have spoken with both the tax office about the tax payments and also ACAS but no one seems to be able to help.....really :sad1: because I was initially suppose to be returning to work Feb 2012 inc my hols entitlement now I will be lucky to get through to July after all the deductions I have to make :hissy: I dont understand how any workplace can get away with treating a mum to be in such appallling ways :nope:

EDIT forgot to day the `high` deductions are because am been paid my SMP in one lump sum so effectively counts as one months wage and also because am getting it in March this tax year when it would have been nearly all my earnings for next tax year :thumbup:

Hope u get it sorted, it does seem unfair how they r treating you xx
I dont know hun, i emailed my HR and told them i would rather be paid my smp monthly so i dont lose too much on tax, he got in touch with the accounts dept and they got advice and was told they could pay it like this :shrug: im still waiting for my pay slip.to come to see exactly whats happenedthough... xx

I see :wacko: Well my workplace have flat our refused a monthly payment now even though they initially agreed with me in writing they would do so...they are now saying it is not an option :shrug: I do know that any payments made due to redundancy of position are NI and Tax free and therefore maybe this is why your workplace have paid you after seeking advice that they shouldnt be deducting you :thumbup: I only wish my workplace were as helpful as your seems to be hon :sad1: As I stated I am not getting any holiday entitlement or even the week in lieu payout I was initially told I would get either now...I have a distinct feeling they are trying to take as much cash off me as possible even taking 10hrs holiday pay out of my SMP payment because although I had to take before my Mat leave commenced I have effectively overtaken my hols for this hol year up to my redundancy....it bloody stinks!

I have just emailed my boss questioning it because the more I think about it the more me and DH are convinced that I cannot be expected to pay over and above the `normal` taxable limits of SMP .... I mean its a tiny amount in comparision to ones normal earnings anyway and tax and NI is minimal for this reason :thumbup: Makes me bloody mad :trouble:

Thank you Bernie hon :hugs: Hope your fairing up well?
I dont think theyre allowed to not pay you a weeks notice pay or withold any holidays - this is the sevond time ive been made redundant, first was with zavvi, both times ive had notice pay and unpaid holidays. Id speak to the CAB hun, im sure they cant do that to you. Once i get my payslip ill see what it says and let you know hun xx
Thank you so much hon :kiss:

Everytime I speak with ACAS I seem to get different info from them :wacko: I feel like am going around in circles :(

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