*Leeds ladies*

Hello ladies,
How r u both?
i've got my scan 2moro so no doubt i won't sleep 2nite with excitement lol i'm like a big kid, i hope they can confirm the sex i hate calling baby it, we have picked a name (Jack) for a boy as the sonographer at my 20 week scan thought it could be a boy but we've no girls names if they surprise us 2moro lol.
Hope ur both ok xx
ohhhh good luck at your scan tomorrow Bernie :)

Not bad over here...oliver has a viral infection so no school for him :dohh: did a whole lot of nagging today though for a sick child :rofl:
James had 1 runny poo this morning and tummy ache so i kept him off school, since then he's had nothing but complained of headache and tummy ache occasionally throughout the day, i'm just hoping he's ok in the morning otherwise hubby will have to miss the scan ans stay at home with him :cry:
Ooh hope they can confirm the sex hun and hope James is better by morning.

Ive been having really bad back ache all day and have been going light headed and feeling sick - gonna call up to doctors tomorrow if it isnt any better.

Finally got all Lukes newborn to 3 months clothes washed and dried today and his hospital bag re packed :happydance:

Hope youre both well xx
Hope ur feeling better today Rwll and ur son is too Madly xx

James has gone to school he said he had a bit of tummy ache this morning but he wanted to go to school cause its photo day and he doesn't mind lessons on a Wednesday, i'm just hoping if he does become ill again and need to come home its after lunch, my scan isn't till 11.10am and then i've to see consultant so we aren't going to be contactable for a while, they have his Grandma's phone number too so i'm just going to give her a ring and warn her just in case.
Hope u both have a good day. i'll update on scan later xx
Thank you Ladies :hugs:

Oliver is alot better today more precautionary than anything that we have kept him off but he will be back at school tomorrow which is just as well because I have MWs in early aft :thumbup: We have parents evening today and will have to take him with us :dohh: even though he hasnt been in school!

:wohoo: for washed clothes and packed bag rwll....not long to go for us all now :dance:

Hope you managed your scan Bernie :kiss:
Hello ladies,
How's Oliver today Madly? and how was parents evening? x

We spent 3 hrs at the hosp cause of delays yesterday i can't believe they can get so far behind. My bp was high again and i was starting to panic they'd keep me in again but when they took it again a bit later it had come down a bit so i've just to see my midwife regularly to have it checked and like they said at weekend if headaches or symptoms get worse go straight in. We had the scan, she said baby was measuring at about 37 and a half weeks but didn't say approx weight and it wasn't till i come out that i realised i hadn't asked, baby is now back head down so a vbac is possible, we then saw the consultant who discussed delivery options and we've agreed if i have not gone into labour naturally by the 21st April (39 weeks) i will have a c section that day, but if i go into labour before that i will give vbac a go unless any problems arrive. I can't believe by 3 weeks today i'll have my baby, i feel like a fraud opting for a section at 39 weeks but i'm in so much pain with spd and so uncomfortable the thought of going another 3 weeks is bad enough with looking at going overdue and then maybe ending up with a section anyway. I'll just have to hope baby decides to come in next few weeks xx
Hey Bernie :wave:

Thanks for asking :hugs: Oliver is back at school today so well on the mend and parents evening went really well, hes going great by the sounds of things especially where his writing is concerned :) We are so proud of him :lol:

Sounds like a great plan hon :thumbup: Did you find out your babies gender or did you not ask in the end? I can sympathise this SPD is nasty and am thinking UGH 4wks possibly and then going over so maybe 6wks :wacko: Charlie is now breech :dohh: He has one big head under my right rib .... I have Midwife at 1pm so I am going to see what she says :thumbup:
I'm glad Oliver is feeling better and parents evening went well, how did ur midwife appt go? does she agree Charlie is breech? upto yesterday i was certain this one was still breech cause what i thought was a head sticking in my ribs was really hard and uncomfortable but i had felt a couple of big movements this week so did wonder if it had turned. I can't believe i forgot to put about asking about the sex :dohh: (pregnancy brain lol) i asked and she looked and once again its legs were crossed and this time a little foot was blocking the view, this baby obviously doesn't want us to know what it is lol, i'm starting to doubt now that it is a boy after all at 20 weeks she only thought she could maybe see a bit of something and she kept backing up her answer with statistics etc so i came out a bit deflated, at 20 weeks i wasn't bothered what we had and b4 scan even said 3 boys would be lovely, i have since got it into my head it is a boy, we've picked a name and worked out who will sleep where when its older and now i'm back to the wondering and stressing about having no emergency girls names picked, no girls clothes (although not many boys either, we mainly bought unisex for this reason) and where will we all sleep now? so now i've another reason to be excited about pregnancy been nearly over we'll finally have a answer :happydance:
Thank you Bernie :hugs:

I cant believe your LO has played such a monkey seems like s/he def doesnt want to reveal what `flavour` they are before they are born :lol:

Well Charlie did a huge swivel this morning and my MW had him back head down at the brim with butt near my right rib ..... he sure likes to keep me on my toes :dohh: He seems to have soooooooo much space in here I wouldnt put it past him to turn time and time again before I go into labour :wacko: My MW measures my fundal height at 40wks :shock: so it seems I may well be right about my EDD been approx two weeks before my scan EDD so am saying better be ready for him by 16th April cause I reckon he will arrive between then and the 29th April I really dont think I will go past the 29th April :winkwink:
Just think if ur right about ur edd then you could literally go at any time, how exciting is that? :happydance: I was laid in the bath last night and was getting some really strong and quite painful braxton hicks every 14 mins, i laid there for ages willing them to become something and they carried on for a bit once i got out so i bounced on my ball for a bit and then they stopped :dohh:, i was gutted. I did however learn that once on the ball it is agony on my pelvis trying to get off and at one point ended up on the floor trying to heave myself back up and once i'd gone to bed and tried to get up for my 1st of many wees my hips were more painful and stiff than normal so i'm starting to think the ball isn't such a good idea. I'm off into Morley later for a walk around to see if that encourages baby to join us this weekend.
What you were saying about baby still having room to turn etc i was thinking about this after the scan, if the baby had enough room to turn back to head down this far on surely it can turn again and i've no more scans now to check, i just have this horrible feeling i'll go into labour naturally and try pushing it out only to find its the wrong way again :dohh:
My dad tried to get me with a april fool this morning but i was sat here waiting for him to ring cause he's so predictable so it backfired lol, i was considering texting people to say i was in labour/had the baby but i knew they'd fall for it and end up disappointed lol so thought it would be best not to xx
Morning hon :wave:

Well still not good over here :( had two more `episodes` since my MW appointment yesterday when my bp was low and my pulse racing :wacko: Spoke with MW this morning and shes sending me to see my Dr to get checked over, my appointment is at 11.30am....its scary now and I dont like it :nope:

ohhhhhh BH you just never know if they were quite strong you might just be onto something :winkwink: Funny you have said that about the birthing ball because it was tens machine or birthing ball for me because due to my no work situation I couldnt afford to buy both so I opted for tens machine thinking that a birthing ball may bugger my hips too much :dohh: I struggle to get out of bed too but I think I have lost that much sleep with my pelvis and hips my body has started to except this now :loopy: and I dont quite feel so bad at the loss of sleep :dohh: Charlie did a flip again last night and was once again breech ... not sure where hes at this morning but my MW said she will send me for a scan at 38wks if hes playing at been a monkey still.....hon he def has loads of space in here which I find highly bizare cause I was expecting a 10lber again...DH reckons he wont be bigger than 7.7-8lb :lol:
Hope dr's go ok, let me know how u get on x
well I think I have given up trying to comment on here via my mobile... I type a reply then i must touch something and Im onto amazon kindle, then I have to start again from scratch, gets annoying when ive been typing for 5 mins on my phone then it all vanishes :(

I would be lost without my birthing ball, am sat on it right now trying to ease these BH's!! Im thinking about hiring a TENs machine, have either of you used one before??

I know every pregnancy/birth is different but what do contractions feel like? are they just like strong BH's but more painful? also do you get pain around your cervix area when dilating?? Only asking as yeaterday I noticed sharp pulling/stretching pains around my cervix, one of them actually took my breath away. Ive also been having quite strong BH's for the past 2 days. I had a bit of a show on Saturday and since then I havent had the discharge but have been wearing a sanitary towel and have noticed light brown staining to the pad. My mum thinks Luke will be here soon, she's adamant he wont last till May.
Im back at MW next Friday, but as my usual MW isnt there any longer I dont have a direct contact number for my new one and I dont want to bother the MAC just yet...

Hope all goea well at the Dr's Madly - keep us updated :hugs:

Do they not offer you another scan Bernie if they suspect LO is breech nearer to due date?? Luke is still head down ant partially engaged but keeps sticking nis bum into me ribs lol.

Hi Rwll,
I wimped out of trying a tens machine with James the thought of having little electric shocks terrified me, after experiencing labour with James i did hire one to try with Harry but still wasn't 100% sure it would be for me but thought i might as well give it a go, as it turned out i had a section and didn't get to try it :dohh: this time round i have wimped out again lol.
When it comes to explaining contractions i'm no good there either, i was induced with James so never got to experience going into labour naturally, my contractions came on at their peak so i have absolutely no idea what early labour is like, i'm hoping i get to go into labour myself over the next couple of weeks to to experience it but like u everytime my braxton hicks feel different i'm wondering if this is it. As for the cervix pain i've been experiencing this for a few weeks so i'm assuming that is normal and maybe its cause the babies are low down and putting more pressure on it, but surely its got to be a good thing the babies putting pressure on it :shrug:
I think at Pinders now i've had a scan saying its head down they will wait till i go into labour and then if the suspect from feeling my belly and from where they are finding heartbeat its back breech they will do a quick scan then, when i stayed in on Saturday night i heard them telling the lady in the bed at the side of me that they were taking her round to labour ward to break her waters but b4 they did they were going to do a quick scan cause they were unsure of what way baby was xx
Hi Ladies :wave:

Well I ended up been admitted to St James after my Drs appointment yesterday for tests on my heart :wacko: full story in my journal click link in my siggy but basically it all turned out to be a nasty pregnancy sympton and I discharged myself about 10pm last night.

I had a tens machine with Oliver rwll and it was the best decision I made :) I got to 10cm dilated and pushed for an hour with just that as pain relief and the odd puff on G&A :happydance: I have managed to be lucky enough to win a fab one of ebay this time for 14.00 however they can also be hired if you dont want to shell out and pay for one. I would highly recommend them to every lady as a `give it a go` before turning to any other pain relief because for me I was amazed how well I did :lol: As for contractions my BHs are very much like a contraction only not as intense....I tend to think of a contraction as a `wave` starts off slowly coming in hits a peak of pain and dies away :thumbup: I never had BHs with Oliver so I just `knew` as soon as the contractions started however I compare my BHs now with the early contractions with Oliver and wonder if I will ever know the difference they seem so much alike :rofl:
Thanks Madly, think im gonna hire a TENs machine then as I dont want to have any drugs other than gas and air unless absolutley necessary lol!
My BH's are getting stronger by the day but still think im quite a way from hospital yet lol even though my mum and everyone seem to think im gonna drop soon :rofl:
My mum said contractions feel like waves that go across your bump, but she never had BH's so couldnt compare them :shrug:

Hope you're ok hun :hugs: what a day you must have had...

Ive had a very dull day today. OH has to work all weekend and Im stuck in the flat all weekend bored as I struggle to walk into town alone :cry: OH did buy me some flowers yesterday though as an early mothers day gift - my first ever mothers day :happydance: although im not officially a proper mum for a month yet lol

My SIL had a scan when she was induced to see if my niece was breech still but this was at Pinderfields and 6 years ago now... you never know bernie, they might do one for you if they cant feel what position your LO is in xx
Madly is ur heart rate fast? i was admitted in Jan with a fast heart rate but we never got to the bottom of it, i had blood tests for thyroid ans aneamia, i'm slightly aneamic but apparently not enough to make my heart rate too fast, i also had ecg's ans a mri, dr's r now just putting mine down to pregnancy and i'm hoping it returns to normal after baby comes. Hope u start to feel better soon xx
Rwll its still nice to get flowers for mothers day even if Luke hasn't arrived yet, he still exists after all. Yeah i think they will scan me if they r worried baby has turned again, i'm just hoping now they stay put xx
Well since about teatime i've been getting pains with my braxton hicks and horrendous back ache, tried timing but still very irregular, i've come to bed to try to get some sleep just in case i need my energy but when the pain hits its too painful to lie in bed and even when pain as gone my back is still making sleep impossible, i just hope if something is going to kick off i at least get a bit of sleep 1st before the hard work begins xx
oooooooooooooooooh sounds promising Bernie :winkwink: maybe this is it for you :dance:
Well i'm still here, i fell asleep last night still having niggling pains and then woke up for a wee a couple of hours later and they had stopped :dohh: gone all day with nothing and the just as i got into bed 2nite they r back so i've come downstairs to see if they become anything, i didn't want to wake hubby up as he's back at work 2moro and if its another false alarm he needs his sleep so i'm going to stay down here till i can decide if anything exciting is happening. Weird thing is the dog who isn't allowed on the bed and has never even tried to join us in bed cause she knows better not to, followed us to bed 2nite and as we were getting ourselves comfy jumped up and laid on my feet, she then looked at us as though this is a normal thing wen we told he to get down, they say dogs sense things don't they i wonder if she knows something i don't? either that or she knows something is going on and is just reminding us she exists lol xx

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