*Leeds ladies*

Still here :dohh: and now grumpy too :cry: i hope this isn't going to be my routine now till baby arrives, i can't cope with been kept up most of the night having pains and then having to function during the day especially as its the school holidays. I'm shattered this morning, hubby got up with kids b4 he went to work and sorted their breakfast etc he then told them to watch tv for a bit while i tried to have a lie in but that wasn't meant to be not long after he left the house phone started ringing and didn't stop till i got out of bed to check my messages, it was the cardiology department asking me to go in for a appointment at 2pm 2moro apparently at the request of my consultant they are squeezing me into their clinic to discuss my heart rate and palpitations, i only got a letter from them last week saying i would be waiting upto 13 weeks for a appt, which i mentioned on Wed to my consultant so at least he's been able to speed things up.
How r u both today? xx
Oh thats good about the appointment hon but crap they disturbed your sleep in :hugs:

Am not doing so bad so far today (fxed!)....I only had a couple of attacks yesterday and I slept so well last night :wacko: Went to bed just before 11pm and woke up at 7am for a pee I didnt even wake up for a pee in the night as per norm :dohh: I must have really needed the sleep and do feel better for it :) BHs have been getting more and more intense over here too!
great news about your appointment hun.

im feeling a little strange today, im still absolutley shattered but all the BH's and pains have seemed to vanish today... plus I only made around 3 toilet trips last night instead of my usual 10ish. I was also laid in bed this morning and felt a little trickle of something come out of me, I went into the toilet and it was a tiny amount of clear fluid so think my waters are slightly leaking again. I have a sanitary towel on and checking it regularily, Luke is still wriggling around though so not too concrened though.

Been doing more in the bedroom for Luke, got some more of the Pooh vinyl stickers onto the wall so now just waiting for the last lot to arrive then his corner of the room is finished :happydance:
oooooooooooh love the sound of `lukes corner` hon :) mmmmmmmmm maybe we should do Charlie a corner in our room too :) its a great idea :thumbup:

Its funny I was only saying earlier I got two really good nights sleep and havent slept with my `between the thighs` pillow for two nights either and last night no pee trips during the night either :wacko: wonder if this is the calm before the storm :shrug: I have had leaky discharge watery for most of my pregnancy although its gotten worse in 3rd tri :wacko: I now regularly wear pantyliners because I was finding my pants were getting a little damp and it was causing soreness :blush: throughout the day. I am much more comfortable now but I have noticed a very clear discharge on wiping in the last few days which is def something new :blush:

Bernie its funny we were talking about your appointment about these palpitations and 10mins later my phone rang :wacko: it was ANC asking me to attend an appointment on Wednesday at 10am to discuss mine :dohh: How freaky!
This is what we have got done in Lukes corner of the room so far - Im a huge Pooh fan, well more so Eeyore (hence the HUGE eeyore in his moses basket)

I've had an increase in discharge over the past month or 2 but this is more fluid. Will just carry on keeping an eye on it.

Maybe it is the calm before the storm :shrug: but other than Luke kicking and wriggling and tiredness, I have very few pregnancy symptoms today... fingers crossed we dont have long left :happydance: xx


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Oh that is so cute hon :) and its the exact same corner Charlie will have :haha: near the window on my side :)

fxed its the calm before the storm :winkwink: Charlie has been sooooooo quiet today :dohh: I have felt him move got a bit panicky earlier but hes def moved although not as much as norm :dohh:
Hello ladies,
how r u both today?
well once again last night the pains returned to begin with they were about 25-30 mins apart but got down to 12 mins apart b4 stopping :dohh: i'm starting to think this is going to be how i will spend my nights till baby come so i'm hoping baby doesn't make me wait till c section 2 weeks on Thursday.
I had a long lie in this morning apart from nipping for a wee several times lol, i then got up and felt shocking my palpitations were bad, my head was killing, i felt sick and dizzy and was having hot flushes, hubby came with me to the cardiologist appt cause there was no way i could drive. At the appt they took my pulse rate and bp and my bp was really high so after talking to the cardiologist he sent me round to the antenatel day unit to be checked out. The cardiologist said he couldn't put me on medication to prevent the palipitations and fast pulse cause it wasn't very good for baby, but if i have any bad episodes to go straight to my GP where they have a ecg machine or A+E if GP is closed, if ecg points to medication been needed then i can take something but he did say i managed to go thru most of pregnancy coping by myself with it and if i can cope for last couple of weeks its best for baby not to take anything. He then said if it continues after baby is here to go back and they will look into causes and medication but he thinks it is prob just pregnancy causing it.
At the antenatel day unit they took my bp another 3 times and it eventually came down, they also monitored baby and my consultant came and spoke to me, he decided that as it had come down i could go home and see my community midwife weekly until delivery but to go back if symptoms return. I did however get told off for not having my hand held notes with me because i was only going to a cardiologist appt i didn't think to take them but the midwife was horrible and told me they should be in my handbag permanently so thats me told :dohh: xx
Forgot to say, Luke's corner is gorgeous xx
Hi Ladies :wave:

Well I had my appointment at antenatal clinic this morning follow up after my brief hospital stay last week over the palpitations and racing heart/pulse.

Last night was terrible I couldnt get rested and not because of the SPD for once :dohh: Every time I laid down my heart/pulse started racing making me feel dizzy/sick and out of breath :shock: on laying down....I could understand if I was over exerting myself but :nope: all this on laying down which became quite frightening :( I got up about 3 times in the night for a pee and stretch mainly because I felt so bad and felt for sure they were going to admit me again this morning so when I got up to get ready I packed the rest of my hospital bag because I honestly thought I wouldnt be coming home :cry:

At the hospital the HCA did all the usual checks and everything was fine....my BP had risen although is still low and my pulse and heart reading was quite high. I had a nasty palpitation attack in the waiting area and am sure people thought I was in labour cause I was breathing heavily through it like you might a contraction and people were really staring :wacko: Then in came my consultants registrar :) an extremely lovely lady....It was the first time I had met her since I had switched consultant teams (long story but I asked to be switched to the team who delivered Oliver!) She was really reassuring and pretty much said what the Dr told me on Friday night...that my ECG and all bloods were fine and it seemed pretty conclusive that I am suffering these attacks because I am in the latter stages of pregnancy and the pregnancy is now taking its toll on my body :dohh: She said if I suffer another attack I am to go down to be hooked up to the monitor but I told her the likelihood is by the time I get there the attack will be over and I am happy with the explanation provided :thumbup: She told me once I deliver my Son these attacks should stop :thumbup: She asked me lots of questions about Olivers birth and asked if I had any worries or concerns over Charlies delivery. I told her I didnt and had my birth plan written which I am happy about except that been as I am now nearly 37wks my only concern would be Charlies position which I thought may still be breech. I explained that last week the MWs struggled to gage his position and mostly I was going on the positions of the hiccups Charlies suffers which leads me to believe he is head up :dohh: She palpated and said she `thought` he was head down but would do a scan right there and then to check :happydance: She took us across to the scan room and sure enough my Son is now head down :dance: he has his bum under my ribs in the centre and is curled to the left with limbs on the right....from movements this all now makes sense :) She showed us everything and we even saw his heart pumping away. She says the reason why it is so hard to palpatate and gage his position is because he is well head down now and she would be extremely surprised with how far down he is if he manages to turn :wohoo: She we are systems go :winkwink: She offered to book me in for a sweep at 39wks but I declined because I feel sure I will go into spontaneous labour as I did with Oliver and have no concerns over that :thumbup: So thats me...all I need now is my Son :rofl:

Sounds pretty much what you were told Bernie hon :thumbup: What a pair we are :dohh:
I know it was like reading my post again Madly lets hope we r both problem free after delivery. Charlie is laid in the same position as mine too lol x
Hi ladies :wave:

:hugs: to you both!!

I woke up feeling really wierd again this morning. I was really shakey and felt really light headed and Luke hasnt moved very much either :( Gonna go have a cold drink and lie down and if he doesn't start moving im gonna call the MAC and get checked out. He's usually such an active little boy, especially if im on my laptop, he usually starts kicking it off... Mum said to try and not worry till this afternoon as he might just be having a lazy day but it doesnt stop me worrying - gonna tell OH once he calls me on his lunch break.

Hope you're both enjoying the lovely weather? xx
Bernie its funny I read your post to DH and we both agreed it was like I had written it :wacko: Certainly seems to be true though if we have both been told the exact same thing :dohh: Glad both of our LOs are all prepped and ready to go fxed your LO arrives before the scheduled c-section hon :kiss:

Rwll Charlie had a quiet day on Monday it really freaked me out when I realised cause he kicks seven bells out of me normally and def has ants in his pants :lol: Turned out he was `sleeping in` and by tea time he sure made up for his quiet day the little monkey :lol: I hope Luke is just having a lazy day too and everything is ok :hugs: Do keep us posted :thumbup:
Thanks hun, he's had a bit of a wriggle but only for about 10 minutes or so. Hope he's just being lazy and wakes up properly soon. He usually gets very active when he hears his Daddy's voice so we will see at half 5 when Aaron comes home.

A friend has been on the phone to me and she said that once a baby is engaged their movements become more restricted so she said he has possibly got himself into position and is ready to come. I think im gonna go have a nice cool shower and another lay down. If he hasn't started kicking the crap out of me by 6 or 7 im gonna call the MAC and get their advice. Will keep you posted xx
I agree hon about the engagedness restricting the babys movement plus dont forget things are getting a little tight in there now for space :thumbup: My movements have certainly calmed down since it seems Charlie has been engaged and although he still moves I have noticed this week not has much as he was :thumbup: I agree though best to monitor how things go over next few hours and if in doubt go get yourself checked out :hugs:
Hello ladies,
How r u both?
Rwll, any news? how is Luke moving about today? all babies have quiet days but it doesn't stop us worrying and there's nothing wrong with ringing midwife or day unit for advice if ur concerned, i do xx
Madly, i feel more reassured that everything must be ok and quite common in some pregnancies if we've both been experiencing the same symptoms and have been given the same explanation by different dr's in different hospitals. Not long now and we'll both be back to normal xx

Well i had my hair cut and coloured yesterday (my friend is a hairdresser so she comes in handy) and i had my eyebrows waxed on Saturday, so baby now i've got nice hair and eyebrows feel free to join me b4 they start to look a mess again!
:rofl: I said the exact same thing to Charlie hon :winkwink: I had my hair cut other weekend and its coloured and I have my nails all painted and the house I cleaned on Monday so come on Lad :happydance:

I had a bad night suffering with the odd front pain and lots of lower back aching :dohh: gave in at 6.40am and got up still suffering with this lower back pain now ekkkkkk I feel like AF is on the way :wacko: So heavy and full and achey in my lower back am hopeful its the start of something or could just be my body playing silly beggars again :shrug:
Hi, sorry have been so busy catching up on washing all day - such a shame to be stuck in on such a beautiful day :(

Luke started kicking as soon as Aaron came home last night and, just like you Madly, didn't stop for a good couple of hours :roll: typical lol!! He's been active today too, so think all is well with him :cloud9:

I also had a bad night lastnight. Was up every half hour or so for the toilet and have been suffering with awful lower back ache and so much pelvic pain :cry: my hips have started creaking and lastnight there was a loud click!
I also woke up stuck to the bed sheets thinking "OMG my waters have broken!" I then realised I had just been sweating in bed and because I sleep with a pillow between my legs I had sweat even more there :dohh: :rofl:

Im hoping to get my hair coloured next week, might even treat myself to a nice shorter cut as I doubt I'll have time to do much with it once Luke is here and having super curly hair it takes so long to look decent :roll: xx
So glad Luke was having a lazy day just like Charlie hon....they do worry us though :wacko:

You sound just like me with the hips and pelvis clicking it really is freaky :( and as for the sweating with pillow between legs you dont want to know how many times I have woke up expecting to be lying in a large wet puddle only to find my nether regions are swetaing big time because of the extra heat and blood circulating :rofl:

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