*Leeds ladies*

I thought Luke was going to be a Mummy's boy but looks like he's gonna be a Daddy's boy - every single night as soon as he hears Aaron's voice he starts bouncing around, bless him.

I have my 36 week MW appointment tomorrow but not really looking forward to it as I have a new MW from tomorrow and Aaron cant come with me - im dreading them saying anything about my weight, i'v been quite surprised up to now as theyve said nothing at all to me, but Aaron has been there with me at every appointment.

Oh it is soooo glamorous :rofl: i've lost count of how many times i've peed my pants and I dont even have to cough, sneeze etc :haha: xx
Glad Luke got moving rwll, aren't babies great u spend 9 months carrying them and going thru all the stress and pain and its their dad's they get excited about hearing/seeing, my 2 r right daddies boys, their faces used to light up when he got home from work when they were babies. The oldest is also his double :dohh:
Hope ur pains r a good sign Madly, i can't wait for one of us to get to put on here "this is it, i'm in labour" i'm just as excited for u 2 as i am for me lol x
I know what you mean hun, im soo excited for all 3 of us :haha:

Im hoping I don't go much over 37 weeks as it's starting to really wear me out now - don't know where i'm gonna get the energy from to push this little man out :shrug: it takes me all my time to get dressed these days :dohh:

Come on babies - stop making your Mummy's wait :rofl: xx
I know now i'm 37 weeks i want it over with, i'm so tired even though all i seem to do is rest and i hurt everywhere. When i go to bed on a night i lay there wondering if i will wake up in a puddle of water or with contractions, i then think i'm way too tired to go into labour 2nite i need more sleep. TBH i think no matter how tired we r or what little sleep we've had our bodies will take over and the adrenaline will get us thru it xx
I certainly hope so Bernie cause I am damn whacked out :dohh: My eyes are so sore and I too wonder where all the pushing energy is going to come from....red bull maybe :rofl:
Think im gonna start stocking up on lucozade and take about 20 bottles in with me then keep sending Aaron down for more :rofl:

Ive just walked to morrisons and back and i feel like ive walked a marathon :(

I will be happy anytime after tuesday for Luke to come lol xx
oh walking is crap hon I feel like a floating barge and even Oliver has complained how sllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllow I am :rofl: thats seriously bad when your 5yr old complains :haha:
I need to go for a walk to the shop 2moro with the kids, hubby gets paid 2moro and i've a few bits to buy and some bills to pay, i've had to stop driving now as i'm struggling to fit behind wheel and even when i do its too uncomfortable especially when turning corners etc so hubby now has sole use of car and its driving me mad already, another reason why i don't want to get to my section date i won't be able to drive for another 6 weeks xx
Hi :wave:

I had an awful day yesterday, went to see my new MW and she told me to go straight to the antenatal day unit for monitoring. She got my BP at 159/107!!! She mentioned pre-eclampsia :cry:

So rushed down to Jimmys and was monitored for about an hour. They did another urine test and found a trace of protien, which my MW had tested an hour previous and was negative :shrug: my BP was taken about 5 times and each time it was about the same as it gas been throughout my pregnancy, slightly high but my old MW and the doctors at Jimmys werent too concerned.

I left hospital fine but since lastnight ive had an awful headache that just wont go, dont kniw whether its just with the weather and me worrying from yesterday or whether its anything to do with my BP. If it doesnt clear by tomorrow/Monday im gonna call the hospital again.

My MW hasnt made me any more appointments and told me if i need them i have to go to the Woodhouse medical centre - wherever that is :shrug: im sure its further than The Light and I struggle walking to there at times... oh i was also informed that i should have been getting physio for SPD. Any other time ive mentioned my pelvis/hip pain they said "pregnancy weight plus as your overweight its all excess weight on your pelvis" never any mention of physio or SPD....

Just hope things get better today... xx
Rwll :hugs:
Sorry u had a bad day yesterday, keep a eye on the headache and call hosp if ur worried, its not easy working out whether headache is just stress from worrying or from weather or if its to do with blood pressure. I've been going thru the same thing especially on days when i've been to hosp/midwife and bp has been high but come back down, i get paranoid that its gone back up and i don't know I'd forgotten how scary and stressful pregnancy can be at times, thank god we r near the end now. Have u had a good day? xx
:hug: rwll sorry to hear about your trip to Jimmies hon...please do keep an eye on things and get checked over if you dont feel good tomorrow/Monday :thumbup:

How are you Bernie?

Not too bad here still getting the palpitations and heart racing attacks :dohh: SPD kicks in on and off and I have been getting alot of tightening and pains :blush: so am hopeful things are on the move in preparation :winkwink:
Thanks to both of you :flower:

Im feeling a lot better tonight, my head ache finally went around teatime :happydance:

Im so glad we dont have long left either.

Hoping to have a nice day in Leeds with Aaron tomorrow as its supposed to be gorgeous again isnt it? Was gonna go to Roundhay but if its that nice it'll be packed up there.

Ive been having an increase of orange/pinky discharge so hopefully its a sign that the end is nigh lol xx
Well 2nite baby is having great fun with me everytime it moves i'm getting a shooting pain in my lady bits and bum, its agony and i'm almost leaping off the sofa when it happens. I've just been googling it and found a few different answers some suggest baby has engaged and its the pressure on cervix especially when baby moves, others have suggested cervix starting to dilate, i hope its the latter, been having braxton hicks again all night and just getting some lower abdo pain so fingers crossed its starting. If it is starting the weird thing is baby is very very active 2nite its not stopped moving for a couple of hrs and i thought they went quiet in preparation so maybe it is just pressure thats causing the pain? x
Ive been getting pressure on my cervix too hun but my MW yesterday said Luke was head down but "free" :shrug: he was 4/5 engaged at my last appointment with my old MW... :shrug:
I dont have a clue hun but mine have been so bad that they take my breath away and make me jump at times.

Gonna go try and get some sleep now. Night night xx
Hopefully something will kick off soon, ki'm fed up now. Hope you get some sleep, goodnight xxx
Fxed Ladies the end if high for us all :winkwink:

I noticed this morning when striping the bed that when I slightly bent over it felt like I was crushing Charlies head in my pelvis ekkkkkkkkkk! Am guessing hes well :blush: now and the cervix pains and sort of stretching achiing feeling has upped its stakes too :dohh: Am hopiing for us all if this weather keeps up our babies arrive sooner rather than later because it has certainly been soooooooooo HOT!
Well my shooting pains must have been normal cause i still don't have a baby :cry: I have however made a few small plans for next week to keep me busy and take my mind off it, nothing mega just taking to kids to park with friends, meeting a old school friend for a cuppa that sort of thing, so its upto baby it can either come along and interrupt my busy week or it can stay put and let me get on with things, I hardly had any plans this week so baby obviously had nothing to interrupt and decided to stay put xx
Ive had that too madly, it feels like im actually forcing him down if i bend too far or even if i have a full mug of coffee resting on my bump.

Ooh good idea bernie, think im gonna get next week booked up and see if Luke wants to interupt my pplans - im hoping he comes pretty soon, preferably before Friday so i dont have to go see my useless MW anymore...

Hope you both have something nice planned for today? Were gonna head into town soon xx
Bernie dont feel down :hugs: it may well be your cervix getting ready :thumbup: These pains are def different over last few days so :thumbup: I reckon things are moving for us all and remember in subsequennt pregnancies labour can kick in at the drop of an hat :winkwink:

No plans today rwll just doing a bit of washing nothing heavy and then putting up my feet ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL DAY!

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