*Leeds ladies*

Think im gonna put some washing out before we nip into town, cant believe how nice the weather is - ive been walking round in summer dresses for the past few days :) its lovely. All 3 babies need to come quick before it decides to rain :dohh: xx
All my washing has been on the line hon :) its a lovely day....not sure I can imagine giving birth in a heatwave :rofl:
Not done a lot today, went to supermarket and accidentally walked into a metal bollard with trolley therefore ramming trolley into my bump :dohh: its a good job my placenta is prosteria, was secretly hoping this might have encouraged something to happen but as yet no. Just been to my dad's for a cuppa and now i've come upstairs for a lie down while hubby cuts the grass and makes tea.
I don't want to give birth in a heat wave but it would be nice for warm weather to stick around now, it'll be a lot nicer bringing baby home and going for our 1st walk with them in weather like this.
Hope you've both had a good day xx

Im a little scared right now... been having really bad period type pains for the past two days that have been getting worse. This morning ive got awful dull lower back ache that just wont go - ive had a warm bath, paracetamol and tried laying down but nothing takes the back ache away... a friend has said it sounds like i could be in early/slow labour .... aaarrrggh!! Aaron has just ordered me a madras :haha: he's determined he isnt gonna be doing his full week of 12-8's bless him.

Hope youre both ok? xx
How r u today Rwll? did u eat ur madras? Aaron sounds so much like Allan everytime he leaves for work at the moment he's telling me to ring him at the slightest sign and if he's dur to do a long day the day b4 he's talking to my bump practically begging it to do something lol x
How r u today Madly? hope ur ok and surviving the school hols x

I had another trip to hosp last night with reduced movements, on Sat night baby was having a party in there but then all day Sun and yesterday i had the odd movement in the morning and then nothing till i forced loads of coffee and chocolate down me in the evening and even then it was just a little squirm rather than the huge movements it was doing on Sat. As usual as soon as i got there and monitor was put on baby moved loads. While i was there i mention the part of my bump directly under my scar (on the inside of bump) was painful like sharp pains so dr had a good prod which hurt like hell and said as there was some tenderness there i could either be kept in for monitoring or come home and keep a eye on pain and go back if it gets worse or i'm at all worried, he said the time we really need to be keeping a eye on it is in labour. I came home as Allan is at work today and i don't want to be relying on people too much to have the kids until i'm actually having a baby xx
Aww bernie :hugs: sorry to hear youre having pain x

Yep had my madras :rofl: but dont think its worked, although I did time my pains (not using the "C" word lol) and theyre lasting about 30-40 seconds and are about 30 minutes apart so gonna keep an eye on them.

They do sound so alike hun, Aaron keeps telling Luke to hurry up :haha: bless them

Hope youre feeling better soon hun x

Hope youre well too madly? xx
Ooh good luck, maybe the madras did work after all and its just taking its time, i don't do curries i'm a wuss and my limit is a korma lol but last week i had my 1st ever tikka masala and almost cried eating it lol i've never drunk so much milk with a meal. Pain isn't as bad today so maybe it was how baby was laid it could have been putting pressure on internal scar. I forgot to say when midwife felt babies position last night its head is very free so i'm starting to think i'm not going to be doing this natural its now 9 sleeps to my section and i've a horrible feeling i'm going to make it x
Sounds like things are moving Ladies :)

rwll sounds like it could possibly be early labour...I started on the Monday aft with Oliver and it took until the Thurday night for them to really kick in :thumbup: fxed its that :happydance:

Bernie sorry to hear you were at the hospital again :hugs: it seems no matter what plans we have these babies have a total different one :dohh:

As for the DH begging for Charlie to arrive hes actually specified this Thursday :rofl: stuff to do with whats going on at work but he said it would be great for me to ring him sometime Thursday morning and call him home....nothing like pressure then :dohh: I`m still suffering what I would really liken to period pains :wacko: I feel like my period is about to start you know heavy lower back ache and I feel bloated in my lower tummy all classic period type pains...I get the odd cramping and shooting pains and the BHs are keen but nothing other than that :dohh: Oh a nasty snot when I wipe after going to the toilet (sorry tmi!) which am not sure if its a little of my plug coming away each time or if its actually just discharge...nothing offence so am not worried but its there :thumbup: I was grumpy as hell yesterday and had a good olde :cry: so I reckon am on the road to labour all classic signs....I am constantly making sure the house is clean and gosh help DH or my lad if they make a mess am like a bear with a sore head at it straight away with the cloth or vac or whatever :rofl: Am thinking Charlie had better arrive soon or I will be knackered with all the nesting I wont have the energy to push him out :haha:
Hello ladies,
How r u both?
I'm at midwife today, i know she won't do a sweep yet but i'm hoping she'll have a quick look for me and see if cervix is doing anything at least that way i'll know whether the stabbing pains in cervix are anything to get excited about. We have 2 midwives at our practice one is really nice but a bit ditzy and then a horrid one, obviously depending on which one it is depends on whether i ask her to do it lol.
My friend rung me this morning to say her cousin had a little girl today, she was due to go in to be induced today but after getting pains since early hrs yesterday went down to the hosp last night and was in labour, i so jealous. One of the mum's from school was due last week and is having a scan 2moro cause they think baby is now transverse so therefore will need a section i can't believe she might have her baby very soon too. xx
Goodluck at MW Bernie hope you get the nice one and she has a peek :winkwink: Am there tomorrow wondering should I ask too mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
I got the nice one but she wouldn't look cause babies head is still free and quite high up so she didn't see the point, she told me as baby is not engaged she thinks i'll def be having my section next week even with all the aches/pains/braxton hicks i'm having :brat: Baby was 4/5 last week and i thought 2nd+ babies pop in and out all the time and engage fully when ur in labour but she was adamant i had no chance of going into labour naturally anytime soon :shrug: So i'm pee'd off and fed up but hoping i can prove her wrong. So i'll be attempting to :sex: 2nite, we are ordering a curry on Friday when hubby gets paid and if it doesn't rain we r having a long walk round the car boot on Sunday i don't care if my pelvis hurts its tough, think i'll give my gym ball another go 2nite too.
Hope u have more luck 2moro Madlly xx
The madras didnt work for me hun :cry: ive had nothing since, except more discharge and pinkness when i wipe :( think im gonna jump on Aaron tonight to try and get things moving :haha: mum told me tp take castor oil in orange juice but i dont think i can bring myself to do it :sick: xx
Oh no Bernie :hug: My MW told me that babies can pop in and out with 2nd+ pregnancies right up until labour starting and infact now as I type this the senior MW at the hospital when I was admitted the other week told me exactly the same thing when I enquired about Charlie still been breech :thumbup: I was concerned about going into labour and not actually knowing if he was breech or not because the MWs have all struggled to gage his position and asked what would happen should labour start...she said if when I came in he was breech only then would they agree a plan of action because spontaneous labour in 2+ pregnancies nearly always causes the baby to turn and engage no problem and the likelihood would be that Charlie would turn on his own :) mmmmmmmmmmmm I think youir MW got it wrong either that or I was fibbed to twice :wacko: I agree with your plan of action though hon :thumbup:

AFM tomorrow I will have Oliver with me so am not sure she will be able to do an internal as I dont deem it apprporiate if hes with me but I might ask her to fit me in early next week when hes at school :thumbup:
I had 2 MWs telling me different over 2 weeks - the MW ive had since the start told me 3 weeks ago that luke was 4/5 but my new MW (who to be honest doesnt seem much use :roll: ) told me " hes head down but free, not engaging at all yet" :shrug:

Hope you get the appointment next week madly :hugs: i was thinking about asking about a sweep soon, it cant hurt to ask can it...? Im doing everything i can now... spicey food, pineapple, walking as muvh as poss etc :rofl:

Come on babies,do your mummy's a favour xx
The advice is never consistant which is what gets me confuddled :dohh: I mean its really not that hard surely :shrug:

rwll no I agree no harm in asking....I am going to tomorrow but I have my 5yr old boy with me so I dont really want her to do it with him been present so I will see if she will be willing to stick me in next week if Charlie is still no-show although :winkwink: hopefully with all the signs we have none of us will need it :)
Rwll i took castor oil with my eldest and all i got was hrs on the loo i still had to be induced, i've read on here recently it can cause baby distress and cause it to poo so i'm def giving it a miss this time x
Madly i hope ur midwife books u in next week for a sweep or even better Charlie comes b4 next week and the sweep isn't needed x
Well i'm going to watch desperate housewives and then attempt to seduce hubby, the fact that i've seized up and don't think me actually moving the lower half of my body is going to be possible is not going to stop me, he's just going to have to do all the work lol after all he wants this baby here too xx
Bless you Bernie :winkwink: go seduce your man.....am not sure I could manage it tbh I feel like I have been run over by a bus today :dohh:
I'm not sure i can manage it but i'm determined to get his stuff up there, i've a midwife to prove wrong. No doubt i'll be back 2moro moaning it didn't work lol. I've just taken my painkillers hoping by the time desperate housewives has finished they will have kicked in x
:rofl: am tempted Bernie I really am :lol: but DH just made a riddick comment and peeved me off so no passion here!
Oohh good luck bernie - go seduce your man :D

Told mum im not touching castor oil, she used it with my youngest brother she spent that night on the toilet but went into labour the following morning. But im still not trying it :nope:

Lets hope it all kicks in for the 3 of us soon, im seriously fed up now xx

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