*Leeds ladies*

Hello ladies,
How r u Linzi? i remember when the boys were little they were a handful i can't believe i'm doing it all again thru choice lol x
Any news Madly? how did the midwife go? x
Did you go into Leeds Rwll? I'm sure throwing up is a good sign, although i'll admit any slight thing i'm jumping on as a good sign lately so i'm def not best to advise lol x

Well so far today i've had a curry, not one that normal people would find very hot it was a medium chicken curry from takeaway but for a wimp like me believe me it was hot. I've since been on my gym ball for a hour and now i'm thinking of going on wii fit for a bit (nothing too bad of course), i've also just rung my sister to say if i can still walk when her hubby gets home from work a half 10 we r off to asda for a wander round, i'll prove that midwife wrong if it kills me in the process. Only prob is i won't be able to walk 2moro but needs must xx
Yeah i had a wander around town, came home and completely rearranged the apartment... oops, i guess nesting has finally set in :rofl:

Been having some pretty strong BH's since ive finished moving everything :dohh: i just hope things start going now. Weve made plans for the weekend and im meeting a friend on thursday for lunch, well unless Luke decides its finally time... im hoping he's here by thursday as we then start with all the bank hols so no doubt skeleton crew on labour wards :roll:

Oooh fingers crossed the curry works hun, maybe get OH to pounce on you again ;) xx
Well i'm still here minus a baby :cry:
I'm shattered and can hardly walk, in the last 2 days we've :sex:, had a curry, been on will fit, bounced on gym ball, walked round asda for 2 hours last night and achieved nothing :brat: I give up now, if baby wants to wait till Thurs then so be it but if it fancies coming sooner then thats great, i'm causing myself too much pain and am getting too stressed, i've also got plans for next week so i'll be kept busy if baby decides to wait.
I ended up been up all night in agony with toothache so today i'm shattered and grumpy. I can't get into dentist till next week so i've made a dr's appt for this morning, they normally refuse to see you for dental reasons but i'm hoping if i explain about section been booked for Thursday and not been able to get into dentist till next week hopefully they'll take pity and give me antibiotics, surely its best i have the course over and done with by Thurs and am infection free. I have been wheezy this week and have asthma so if they start getting funny i'll ask them to check i'm not starting with a chest infection cause that would be a problem for having the section.
I know what u mean about been worried about skeleton staff over the bank hols Rwll, i mentioned this when they booked my section for the day b4 good friday, i'll have to stay in at least 2-3 nights i hope its not really busy and short staffed.
Hope you have a good day xx
Hi Ladies :wave:

Well seems like we are all in limboland still :hugs:

I was yesterday diagnosed with a uti :cry: no wonder I was feeling so ill :( I have only ever suffered from uti`s in this pregnancy never had before in my adult life (since I was really little!) and they have an habit of attacking me and leaving me unable to walk :sad1: I havent had one since January when there was talk of putting me on long term antibiotics for the rest of my pregnancy and it didnt really occur to me it was a uti simply because it didnt feel like one :dohh: the protein in my urine was really high so am now on antibiotics and a low dose of painkillers to help with the pain mainly during the night because on top of SPD OMG :cry: Today I took my lad shoe shopping and then we had an afternoon play date with a friend and her boys so I have been on my feet an awful lot :winkwink: Still lots of pressure, cramping and stretching feeling going on over here and this aft a streak on blood on the tissue when wiping and it was a little pinkish after wiping.....thinking its probably the uti although not much and havent noticed it before then and I wear pantyliners so :shrug: we will see it `my` edd tom/sunday so we will see if anything kicks off although I have started making plans for next week and plan to do a spot of retail therapy on Wednesday ( its pay day :winkwink: ) so if he wants to wait for another week I`m ok with that :haha:

Ladies I really hope something kicks off for us all really soon :kiss: I cant believe we are so close to finally holding our little ones :)
I'm in agony the left side of my face is huge and painkillers are doing absolutely nothing! I went to the dr's and he wouldn't give me anything for it as i have to see my dentist, i rung my dentist and was told i couldn't be seen till next week, i ended up begging the receptionist to at least ask my dentist for a prescription for amoxicillion which they r given me b4 in pregnancy, she went away to talk to a dentist cause mine is on maternity leave and came back to tell me that as none of the other dentists had seen me and mine wasn't avaliable they couldn't prescribe me anything with me been pregnant and i could either make a appt for next week or call the emergency dentist 2nite after 6pm, i'd even explained about my section and how i needed to sort the abcess out b4 then but she wasn't interested. I ended up ringing nhs direct in tears who have sorted me a emergency appt out at lexicon house 2moro morning, i'm glad i didn't leave it till after 6 2nite to ring or i'd be waiting even longer for the appt. I can't believe my dentist and gp would let a heavily pregnant woman suffer like this! To top it off i feel really sick 2nite, i don't know whether its the codeine, the abcess, a bug or the start of something, at least if its the start of something i can have stronger painkillers and beg the hospital for antibiotics xx
Hi Ladies :wave:

Well seems like we are all in limboland still :hugs:

I was yesterday diagnosed with a uti :cry: no wonder I was feeling so ill :( I have only ever suffered from uti`s in this pregnancy never had before in my adult life (since I was really little!) and they have an habit of attacking me and leaving me unable to walk :sad1: I havent had one since January when there was talk of putting me on long term antibiotics for the rest of my pregnancy and it didnt really occur to me it was a uti simply because it didnt feel like one :dohh: the protein in my urine was really high so am now on antibiotics and a low dose of painkillers to help with the pain mainly during the night because on top of SPD OMG :cry: Today I took my lad shoe shopping and then we had an afternoon play date with a friend and her boys so I have been on my feet an awful lot :winkwink: Still lots of pressure, cramping and stretching feeling going on over here and this aft a streak on blood on the tissue when wiping and it was a little pinkish after wiping.....thinking its probably the uti although not much and havent noticed it before then and I wear pantyliners so :shrug: we will see it `my` edd tom/sunday so we will see if anything kicks off although I have started making plans for next week and plan to do a spot of retail therapy on Wednesday ( its pay day :winkwink: ) so if he wants to wait for another week I`m ok with that :haha:

Ladies I really hope something kicks off for us all really soon :kiss: I cant believe we are so close to finally holding our little ones :)

Hope u feel better soon xx
Must be something in the air...

Ive woken up this morning with what feels like the flu and a throat infection. Cant get through to my doctors so went to boots and was advised to buy glycarol and paracetamol. Tonight im feeling even worse, Aaron is concerned and wanting me to go to hospital. Gonna see if i start to feel better and if not will call the hospital in the morning.

Ive also been having what feels like spasms on my cervix, not sure whether theyre connected...?

Im seriously fed up now - I just want to be in the delivery room in pain and screaming... xx
I've had spasm like feelings today too, come on babies we r fed up now x
Oh no Ladies :hug:

Seems like we are all in the wars :cry: damn uti over here and blocked sinues I can hardly bloody breath....I also long to be in pain and labour now rwll....come on babies get a shift on :thumbup:
Hello ladies,
How r u?
do u think we r all getting run down cause our bodies are concentrating on doing something else?
Well i spent another night in agony they tell u to sleep propped up when u have a abcess so i tried to sleep sat up but because of the pain and i was uncomfy i was awake most of the night, it was awful and i felt so ill this morning. Been to emergency dentist and got antibiotics and tbh i'm starting to feel the effect of them already pain is no where near as bad, just need to catch up on sleep now but hubby is at work and kids are determined to make as much noise as poss its not looking like i'll get a kip this aft.
I went to the loo earlier and my knickers were alot damper than usual so i've put a pad in and going to keep a eye on it, also my lower stomach and back ache have changed the pain is now different, so maybe something is thinking about starting which would be typical when i've not slept for past 2 days, i can't decide whether to bounce on my ball, do housework etc to try and help things along or try and have a nap just in case i need my energy later xx
Hello ladies,
How r u?
Turns out my pains were nothing and i'm not sure what extra dampness was either probably just extra discharge maybe?
We went to car boot this morning for a walk around but it was heaving and i ended up getting stressed out cause i was trying to hold youngest's hand and keep up my hubby and eldest son who were practically running on ahead, hubby's idea of walking round a car boot is do it as quick as poss and get home again whereas i like to stroll round looking at everything. I've just come upstairs for a lay down cause i hardly slept last night as ended up snoozing on and off yesterday afternoon so at bedtime i was wide awake :dohh: i'm going to only lay down for a hour now and then get back up and go for a walk with the kids and dog so then hopefully i'll sleep 2nite.
Hope ur having a good weekend and enjoying the weather xx

Ive had an ok weekend but am currently in quite a bit of pain - not sure whether its just from walking loads over the past few days and having a bit of a cold or whether its something starting...? Gonna go jump in the shower and keep an eye on it all. Also had some extremely wet pants today too... time will tell i guess.

Ooh i love a good stroll round a car boot sale but not been to one in ages - where abouts are they in Leeds?

Hi Ladies :wave:

Sorry I havent been around much this weekend its been a busy one :dohh: We had a friends birthday party bbq practically all day Saturday and then yesterday I spent the day with my Mum because she flies out to Spain on Thursday for two weeks :dohh: hopefully missing the birth of her grandson whilst shes away :winkwink: I mean this in the nicest way possible of course :lol:

So no change over here either....the :blush: wetness has increased too (I`ve been wearing pantyliners for weeks now regularly!) but its there almost everytime I wipe :dohh: getting through lots of loo roll right now :rofl: Still have the dicky bowels sort of wanting to clear out but not and still getting the regular cramps and stretching feelings :blush: and the lower back pain is almost a constant thing now worse at some times more than others :shrug: Am taking my antibiotics still and although they have kicked in now and some of the symptons have eased the main ones which I didnt think were down to the uti anyway are still there :thumbup: Am taking my painkillers when the pain is worst mostly before I go to bed and on a morning but other than that I am feeling quite relaxed in mood :) I had a curry for tea last night and we :sex: but nothing :shrug: Am still drinking my RLT but as I say I dont feel in any hurry for him to arrive and I suppose resigned myself to the fact that I truly believe hes holding out for the 29th :haha: because he wants to arrive on a `special` day :winkwink:

How are you Ladies bearing up :hugs:
Hello ladies.
How r u?
we've all been a bit awol recently, hoping it means we may have a couple of babies Madly and Rwll? no baby for me yet, i think head might have dropped as i now feel like i've got a bowling ball in my bits and walking is great fun but i still think baby is waiting for Thurs. I'm at midwife 2moro and i'm expecting my bp to be high cause i'm so stressed and nervous about Thurs now, i can't believe i've only 2 more sleeps, not that i'm managing to sleep, hence been up at this time.
Hope ur ok xx

:nope: No baby for me yet :cry:
im in some really bad pain though now, my bump has dropped loads over the past few days and the pressure im having on my pelvis is awful :cry: and to top it off I cant get hold of my MW!! Ive phoned the antenatal clinic at Jimmy's and they've basically told me to keep trying her... :roll: :shrug: - I've left her voicemails and texts and had no reply from her at all!!!
She didn't make me any more appointments after sending me to hospital with the pre-eclampsia scare at my 36 week appointment, so I've missed my 37 week appointment and seeing as my GP surgery only has the MW there on Firdays and the next 2 Fridays are bank holidays they cant make an appointment for me until the 6th May... Im due to give birth on the 3rd!!! She did tell me that I would have to go to the Woodhouse Medical Centre :shrug: IF I needed more appointments with her, but I cant get hold of her to make a bloody appointment!

I think that if I still haven't had a reply from her by tea time im just gonna go up to the hospital and demand someone see's me

Oooh bernie I cant believe its D day for you tomorrow :D Im sure everything will be fine and you will be cuddling your LO in no time :happydance: Im sooo excited for all 3 of us and cant wait to see pics of out babies :cloud9:

Hope you're well madly?? fingers crossed you're busy in hospital bringing Charlie into the world :happydance: xx
Sadly not Ladies :cry: seems we are all still here :dohh:

Bernie your the first it seems :hugs: I know you didnt want a c-sec but you will be the 1st Leeds Lady to hold her baby.....JEALOUS YEAH :haha:

Am not doing so bad but the walking is crippling me too rwll :kiss: so I can sympathise...wtf is your MW up too :hissy: The locum MW who I saw last week tried to book my next appointment for 6th May I was like `hey love my EDD is 29th and I have no further appointments to discuss induction or whatever should I go past the 29th so am not waiting until 41wks before you decide to get your finger outta your butt and see me again` :trouble: It was only cause I put my foot down that she booked me for next Wednesday the silly bint :nope: I`d be making an hospital trip if I get no joy by end of today too hon....good luck :hugs:
Ooooh Bernie hurry up and update :rofl: cant wait to see pics :wohoo:

Nothing to update here except my MW decided to come to me yesterday, she told me Luke was almost fully engaged and that she doesnt think he will drop any further till im in labour, she also made me an appointment for next Wednesday here but thinks I will have had him by then :happydance: fingers crossed :D

Any updates from you Madly?? xx
Hello ladies,
Well about 1 and a half hrs after i last posted my waters broke at 2am on wed morning, they were never ending, they gushed and gushed i lost loads all over the living room floor, i then went to the loo and they carried on coming, eventually after half a hr i put a pad in and phoned hosp where they continued to gush all over the hall carpet, while on phone my contractions started so they asked me to go down and be checked out. By the time we sorted kids out etc it was about half 3 when we got to the hosp, they monitored me and contractions were coming every 5 mins roughly i was told if i still wanted a section i had to decide there and then (by now it was 5.30am), i asked them to examine me 1st to see how many cm's i was dilated and i hadn't even started dilating my cervix was long and closed, i was gutted i couldn't believe i was in so much pain and nothing was happening so at 1st i said i wanted the section cause i'd only had co-codomol at this point and it was doing bugger all, so they started prepping me for theatre but told me they had a emergency to do 1st and i'd be about 1 and a half hrs b4 i went down, they asked me if i would like some pethadine and gas and air to keep me going while we waited, i said yes and they were great i was still in pain but the gas and air made me not care, it was at this point i said to Allan i've made a mistake i want to try naturally as planned, so the dr came back and they moved me to a side room till i was in established labour which they predicted would be at some point wed afternoon/evening. I told Allan to go home and get some sleep as we were in for a long day and i'd get my sister to come and keep me company, i was allowed 2 birthing partners so we decided Allan would come back after a kip and i'd have them both at the end. Allan left at 7.45am and my sister arrived at 8.30am, during my 45 mins alone the pains were getting bad and were rolling into the next i was getting no break but as i have never gone into labour naturally i thought this was normal. When my sister arrived i asked her to come to the toilet with me and while on the loo decided i needed to poo, at 1st she thought i just needed to poo but then when she saw i wasn't getting a break from contractions she started to suspect i may be a bit closer to giving birth than we thought. She called a dr and i was eventually persuaded to go back to my room to be checked but for some strange reason the dr decided to try and take some blood 1st, so i was sat on the edge of the bed telling them i needed a poo, my sister was begging them to check me and the dr was adamant she was having blood 1st, a mw finally walked in took one look at me, ripped my knickers off and discovered baby was crowning. This was about 9am they literally threw me on the bed and we sped down the corridor to delivery, by this time my body was already pushing, i was screaming he's coming out the mw was trying to stop me pushing and my poor sister was trying to phone Allan. We got to my delivery room at 9.04am and Jack arrived at 9.10am it was surreal i felt like i was dreaming and it was someone else it was happening to. It took longer to do my stitches than it did for me to give birth and in fact my stitches hurt more they were awful. Allan arrived about half 9 to meet his son, i felt so guilty i had been the one to suggest he went home therefore causing him to miss the birth, i think i must have been in shock for 2-3 hrs after cause everytime someone tried to give me Jack i wouldn't hold him, i was still in pain and wanted to be left alone, eventually i seemed to come back to earth (probably the gas and air wearing off) and i've been fine with him since. He weighed 8lb 4oz more than a lb lighter than my eldest and i was worried he'd be bigger. He's gorgeous and so far has been a really good baby.We came home this aft and are just getting used to having a baby in the house again. I'll try to put pics on over the next few days.
Hope ur all well xx
Aww bernie im so happy for you :D

I cant believe it all happened so quickly!! And wow! I would never have thought there was THAT much water...

Jack sounds adorable :D cant wait to see pics of him :flower:

Im keeping my fingers crossed for a nice quick birth :D xx
Thank you Rwll, it still doesn't feel real that he's here and i had a vbac i still feel like i'm dreaming. Had a hard night with him last night he fed for hrs on end, i'm breastfeeding and he kept falling asleep while he sucked but as soon as i put him down he'd wake up and scream the house down till i latched him back on, in the end at half 7 this morning after no sleep i gave him some formula, he took about 25mls and then slept till about half 10 when the midwife arrived. I passed a tennis ball sized blood clot this morning so i kept it for the midwife to see, she said it is a bit big but as long as long as i don't have anymore not to worry about it however if i get more to give the hospital a ring, so far there's been no more so i should be fine. Allan and the boys are about to go for a walk to the shop with Jack, i'm going to stay here and try to have a kip. I'll get Allan to put pics on 2nite.
Hope ur both ok xx

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