*Leeds ladies*

Aww you do right hun, get some sleep while you can :flower:

Ooh is it worth me buying some formula, just in case do you think? I never thought about that...

Thats one of the few things that worries me - my body afterwards. Im not too scared/worried about actually giving birth but its the mess I'll be in afterwards that worries me. Im not the best person to deal with blood and I presume there's gonna be quite a lot for quite a while...

Cant wait to see a pic of little Jack :D

Im ok, but so fed up of being pregnant now. Still having constant A/F type pains and on a night they're worse, its as if I stiffen up while laying in bed as when I get up for one of my many pee's I feel like im walking like John Wayne :haha: it's such a chore turning over in bed and I just want it all to be over.

Hope you're ok Madly??

Enjoy your sleep Bernie xx
This is the first time i've put photos on here so don't know if it'll work!


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Jack and his big brothers!


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Aww you do right hun, get some sleep while you can :flower:

Ooh is it worth me buying some formula, just in case do you think? I never thought about that...

Thats one of the few things that worries me - my body afterwards. Im not too scared/worried about actually giving birth but its the mess I'll be in afterwards that worries me. Im not the best person to deal with blood and I presume there's gonna be quite a lot for quite a while...

Cant wait to see a pic of little Jack :D

Im ok, but so fed up of being pregnant now. Still having constant A/F type pains and on a night they're worse, its as if I stiffen up while laying in bed as when I get up for one of my many pee's I feel like im walking like John Wayne :haha: it's such a chore turning over in bed and I just want it all to be over.

Hope you're ok Madly??

Enjoy your sleep Bernie xx

I bought formula just in case i didn't manage to bf, i tried to bf with both James and Harry and only managed a few days with James and a few weeks with Harry, plus i'd heard they don't supply it in hosp anymore so bought some to take with me just in case. So far we r not doing too bad but my nipples are getting a bit sore now and when he's feeding it helps ur uterus contract back into place and i'm finding this quite painful but i'm tolerating it and its not like its forever. The blood loss after is just like a heavy period, i def recommend getting the big fat maternity towels for 1st 3-4 days if not a week and at the moment i'm wearing 2 at once but i've noticed today its slowing down now.
I hope Luke doesn't keep u waiting too much longer, i'm still stiffening up on a night at the moment but my spd is still really bad cause they used stirrups to stitch me but hopefully it'll start to get better.
Take care and make sure ur resting plenty, i'll be coming on here daily now watching for any news xx
Wow Bernie congratulations on the birth of little Jack :happydance: Hes a little cutie :)

Well I have been MIA for a few days mainly because on Thursday I thought my waters had broken what a gush but turned out to be a whole boat of watery discharge and not my actual waters :dohh: I was getting irregular contractions they put me on a monitor at jimmies but sent me home to wait it out as no cervix dilation. Still getting these contractions every 3-4hrs but nothing else so its a waiting game :wacko:

Looks like me and rwll are still mamas in waiting :hugs:
Yep still waiting here, i dont think Luke's gonna come early now though :cry:
im having really irregular pains (dont want to call them contractions as im not sure) they feel like my stomach tightens and releases but only lasts a few seconds :shrug: im still getting quite strong BH's though so i dont know whats happening...
Im hoping its the calm before the storm and that it will all be happening soon :shrug:

might have to buy some formula then just in case, never thought about that as ive been adamant im breastfeeding.

Ive bough a fair few packs of the big thick maternity pads so should be ok for a bit, will start stocking up on night time pads for when ive done with them - thanks for the info bernie :hugs:

Hello ladies,
I can't believe Luke and Charlie are keeping u both waiting, come on babies Jack is getting lonely without you. It sounds like ur both having good signs so hopefully it won't be long now.
I'm still struggling a bit with breastfeeding and the night feeds are awful he is literally awake for hours on end so sleeping on a night for me is about 1-2 hours at most of broken sleep, i'm trying to rest as much as poss during the day but its not that easy, i'm walking round like a zombie. Also Jack has decided he'll only feed off my right boob, i've tried alsorts of positions on te left and he won't entertain it so today i've had to express from the left cause my proper milk is now in and my boob had got really sore, lumpy, swollen etc i'll keep trying him on both boobs but its looking like i'll have to feed off one and express the other for now.
Take care both of you, i'll pop back 2moro to see how u both are xx
Hi hon :wave:

Not great sleep :hugs: wonder why the little monkey only prefers your right (.)(.) but then hes a male :dohh: they are damn odd :lol:

Am ok in good spirits I suppose but getting a tad desparate to meet him now :) We have tried a curry, :sex: I had the internal on Thursday and nothing so I have turned to pineapple :dohh:
Well the picky little bugger :haha: but yep hes a bloke lol

I had an awful night lastnight, had awful back ache and nothing would budge it. Tried a bath, hot water bottle, paracetamol and OH even tried massaging me but i ended up in tears with the pain and then was sat in the garden with a mug of horlicks at 2am while OH went down to the garage for more paracetamol, chocolate and lucozade :rofl: bless him, he thinks chocolate is the cure for everything with pregnant women :roll: :haha:

Im so fed up now, got MW coming out on wednesday and im hoping she does a sweep... think Luke is far too comfy where he is :dohh:

Think im gonna have to jump on aaron tonight to try and get Luke to come out :rofl: xx
I think the last few weeks r def the hardest Madly, i think it was the stress of worrying about my c section that set me off i was starting to panic. I had bad backache the evening b4 my waters went Rwll so it might be a good sign? x
Bernie hon I had horrendous backache all day yesterday a terrible night too :hugs: rwll :( and have woken up with this dull back ache again although the niggles pains around the front have gone....am feeling depressed today I mean really depressed :sad1:
Backache could very well be a good sign, on Tuesday i felt weird most of the day but couldn't put my finger on what it was that was making me feel like that. I kept joking that i would prob go into labout that night. Good luck both of you i hope ur not kept waiting much longer.
I had a better night last night, i had some expressed milk in the fridge so i went to bed at 9pm and Allan gave Jack the expressed milk not long after, he then gave him formula about 12.30 and brought him upto bed, i woke up as he was putting him in the crib and my boobs were already full and getting sore, i did consider getting up and expressing but i was so tired i decided not to, Jack didn't wake for a feed till 4am :happydance: so i got quite alot of sleep probably the most i've had since he was born, i've now been up since 4am cause he fed constantly from 4 till 8, so i'm getting a bit tired now but as i've promised the kids i'll try to pick them up from school so the can show Jack off i better not have a snooze xx
Hi ladies :wave:

Ive been in so much pain over the past couple of days but Luke still shows no sign of coming early :cry:

My MW came out today and has booked me in for a sweep on May 6th if he hasn't arrived. She told me they wont do them on first time mums unless they get to 40 weeks :shrug: so were now hoping he comes a day late as were both HUGE Star Wars fans (hence calling him Luke :haha:) so for him to be born on May the 4th (be with you) it would be so awesome :rofl:

Had a good chat with my MW today , she told me that I am now classed as low risk for labour, the only thing they need to be concerned about is if my BP goes up whilst in, but she told me that they have things for me if it happens. She advised me to buy a few of the ready made formula cartons "for emergencies only" she also had a good poke at my bump and told me that Luke isn't a "chunky monkey" but that im probably looking at 8-8.5lbs which im sure I can handle. I also asked about something I received from the hospital - I was sent information due to my high BMI (43 at booking in appointment) which said they would rather you had an epidural as soon as you're admitted into hopsital incase of emergency c-section :shrug: she told me its all nonsense and that I can have whatever pain relief I like :wohoo: gas and air for me for as long as possible :happydance:

Awww Madly :hugs: I haven't had any sleep at all for about 3 nights now due to constant back pain :cry: Aaron came home from work lastnight with a bad migraine so went straight to bed, I sat with my mum and started having sharp shooting pains in my vagina - she was convinced I was going to go into labour but :nope: still here :dohh: she went home and I laid in bed, wide awake for hours upon hours... Hope Charlie doesn't keep you waiting too much longer hun

Im glad you're getting a little more sleep now bernie :hugs: I didn't want to use bottles for a while but after hearing your experience I may have to have a rethink.

Stupid question....
With breastmilk that you have expressed and stored in the fridge/freezer does it need warming before giving to baby or is it given at room temperature?? I keep meaning to ask my MW xx
Still here too hon :dohh:

Lots of niggles getting more and more intense and frequent but still my little monkey stays put :wacko: was sent back down to jimmies maternity unit yesterday as I am still losing watery liquid :blush: we have now gotten to the bottom of the issue as after several not very pleasant internals it was found it was not my waters as they are still intact....I apparently have thrush :dohh: not one sympton of it though except the swab came back positive for thrush :dohh: but this is causing the watery loss am experiencing....no exageration when it first happened last Thursday it was a lot to lose hence why I thought it was my waters but nope THRUSH :saywhat: not totally convinced as you can see but happy to except it nots my waters thankfully or I could have been sat here infection growing for 5 days doesnt bare thinking about :nope: so I had a nice pessary treatment to administer last night and fxed it buggers off...apparently the thrush could be curtoisy of the antibiotics I had last week for that UTI I cant damn win :cry: treat one thing and get another :wacko: total madness. Am sleeping a bit better but my back is killing me almost constantly and the heartburn is like a raging inferno :sad1: DH has taken some time off this week because its gotten me down back and forth down to maternity unit :sad1: and hes not back to work now until Tuesday so am hoping my boy gets his little butt into action cause if he comes before Tuesday DH can start pat leave as of Tuesday which would be perfect :happydance:

rwll how bizare I have a sweep booked for 6th May too :dohh: we might just meet at jimmies :winkwink:

How are you Bernie hon and little Jack?
Wow!! I would have never thought thrush would cause such a lot of watery discharge either, especially when you've had NO symptoms what so ever.

:hugs: hun
I can't imagine how you're feeling, I've only had one experience at the day unit at Jimmies and that was enough for me! but at least they've finally got to the bottom of it :flower:
Im glad you're sleeping a bit better too, im hoping I can get some much needed sleep tonight after we possibly :sex: to try and get things moving. We tried the other morning but it was so uncomfortable :cry: and Aaron keeps asking me if I actually want to do it or if its just to get Luke out :dohh: I feel a bit bad saying "to get your bloody son out" :haha:

Im not really looking forward to having the sweep, eventhough Ive been wanting anything to get it moving, but that would be so wierd if we ended up at jimmies at the same time :haha: xx
Thats why am not convinced hon .... apart from this watery loss which isnt great no other signs and tbh I have never had thrush in my adult life so :shrug: damn right puzzled!

I had a nap earlier I suddenly felt so tired :haha: so lazy!!!!!!! No :sex: for us :( would like to simply because we wont be able to for weeks after Charlie comes but not right now with thrush ugh so glamourous :dohh:

I will be the demanding woman if we meet in Jimmies who questions everything and refuses most things :rofl:
Hello ladies,
Sorry ur both still having aches and pains i hope they don't keep u waiting too much longer now. What a cool birthday May the 4th would be for u rwll although i hope he doesn't make u wait till then. With my breastmilk we warm it in boiling water till when we tip a bit on our wrist u can't feel it, its neither hot nor cold iykwim? Jack seems to be fine with this, we seem to be getting into a little routine with doing both breastfeeding and expressing and its great that allan can feed him on a night and i can go to bed early. Sorry you've got thrush Madly but at least now u know it isn't ur waters and like u said u don't need to worry about having a infection. How cool would it be if u both give birth on the same day in the same hospital? especially if u end up in the same bay and realise who u both are.
My nursing bra arrived yesterday i've had to order one online cause i couldn't find one big enough in the shops i am mortified that i am now wearing a 42L and it fits perfect, i hope they go down a lot after breastfeeding that size is rediculous. I'm having a good day today, i've been up since 2am with Jack (but did sleep 10pm till 2am) and so far i've done 2 loads of washing and got it out on the line, i actually got dressed before lunchtime and drove the car for the first time since having Jack to my work to show off Jack, i'm now back home wondering if i should grab a hour on the sofa while Jack is asleep or do some housework to give Allan a break. But first i'm going to go to the birth announcement bit on here and write my birth story seen as its been 8 days now.
Take care both of you xxx
Oh no, I bought nursing bra's a couple of weeks ago and I bought 1 size bigger than I am so got 40E - im now thinking they wont fit... :dohh:

Im hoping Luke comes before my sweep, infact im more than happy for him to come right now :haha: the amount of lower back ache had increased and also the shooting pains in my vagina and around my cervix are more painful and frequent so hopefully this is actually going to lead somewhere... :shrug: but then again probably not :cry:

Thanks for that bernie, I thought as much but wasn't certain :)

well ive just got out the shower as my back ache is really bad at the moment so gonna go have a lie down and try and get a few hours kip before Aaron gets home from work.

Hope you're both well xx
While pregnant i went up 1 cup size and now i've just gone up another 2 cup sizes, i always thought u went up 1 cup size for ur nursing bra so it might just be me thats unusual have u tried them on recently? if they are still too big u might be ok, but if they r fitting you at the moment u will probably have a problem when ur proper milk comes in. All the pains you are having are really good signs especially as the backache is getting worse, i hope Luke is getting ready to make a appearance i feel for u suffering like u are xx
Hope ur ok Madly, happy due date to you, come on Charlie ur time has come xx

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