*Leeds ladies*

Im feeling a little strange to be honest bernie... for the past couple of nights ive slept quite well but lastnight I just couldnt settle and was awake most of the night. Luke had a right active night lastnight too, he was punching like mad most of the night, really low but quite hard. Ive got up this morning and have cleared all the drawers out in our bedroom, cleared the kitchen cupboards, tidied around the kitchen and im going to go make a start on the bathroom soon... I honestly dont know where im getting the energy from :shrug: Im hoping its the sudden energy boost that ive read can happen before you go into labour...?

Ive not had any pains really since yesterday but I do have constant period type pains and lower back ache, plus my knees are killing me - I actually feel like im 90 years old :cry:

I deactivated my facebook wall lastnight as I dont want anyone announcing on my wall before I do :haha:

Cant wait to hear from Madly :happydance: xx
Congratulations to you Madly, Charlie is such a cutie :flower:

Im seriously fed up now!!! I want Luke out of my body pronto!!

Keeping everything crossed this sweep works tomorrow, as I dont think there is any sign of Luke coming by himself :cry: xx
Oh by the way, if either of you would like to stay in touch afterwards my facebook is:


Its been so nice sharing my pregnancy with you two lovely ladies :flower: xx
Hello ladies,
sorry i've been awol. i see Luke has arrived too now, i'm off to investigate after i've typed this congratulations to both of you, i can't wait to read both ur birth stories xx

On Tuesday the 3rd of May i woke with chest pains, at first i thought i had slept funny so got on with my day, but by late Tues night i was in agony, i've had pneumonia twice and at first thought it might be that again so rung nhs direct for advice, they asked me a load of questions and then said that as i had recently given birth there was a chance it was a blood clot and called a ambulance. I was taken to Pinderfields a+e and had a few tests but got no definate answer so was admitted to a medical ward, as i was breastfeeding they put me in a side room so Allan could bring Jack in to stay with me while i was there, unforetunately i became quite ill before Jack came in so it was decided until we got a diagnosis and i was well enough to care for him he would stay with Allan. After days of tests on Friday i was told it was a blood clot in my lung, the original clot was in my left leg and part of it had broke off and travelled to my lung, the dr's weren't concerned about the one in my lung as even though it had caused me a lot of pain on Tuesday (when they think it entered my lung) and in the days that followed it was no longer dangerous and would eventually dispell itself, it was the one in my leg that could cause probs as it was quite big and if that travelled to my lung too it could be fatal. They had already been giving me the blood thinning injections since i was admitted, but as they now had a diagnosis they also started me on warfarin which i'll be on for 6 months. Jack eventually joined me on Saturday although i have had to stop breastfeeding cause the wafarin can make Jack heamorage so he is now a bottlefed baby :-( I was eventually discharged on Wednesday evening and have to take it easy and go back to the warfarin clinic weekly.

Hope ur both well, i'm going to come and hunt down ur birth stories now. Rwll i think i requested u as a friend by clicking on ur link but if not i'm Bernadette "Mcneil" Parker and my profile pic is a pic of my 3 boys at the hosp when Jack was born xxx
Omg Bernie am so sorry to hear about your hospital dash :hugs: How are you feeling now?

Congrats rwll on Little Luke`s arrival :wohoo: how are you finding been a new Mummy?

I must apologise for not been around :( my visits have been pretty much to update my journal as I was recieving quite a lot of worrying text messages from bnb members :wacko: I have had a testing time since Charlies arrival and we too have been visiting the hospital with my little man :sad1: Things have started to settle down now and I am back on top of things so I will be around much more :thumbup: I have links to my birth story (quite indepth :lol: ) and my `new` parenting journal in my siggy please feel free to browse :lol:
Oh my god bernie :hug: im sorry to hear about your ordeal. Hope youre feeling better now xx

Hope things are ok with Charlie hun? xx

Well, yeah Luke finally made his arrival on 11th May at 03:09 weighing 7lbs 3oz and hes absolutely gorgeous :cloud9:
We are still waiting to leave hospital due to me developing a fever whilst in labour and my waters being broken for a little over 24 hours after delivery. Were both on a course of antibiotics, Luke is currently waiting to go down for a lumbar puncture :cry: as his CRT (?) levels are slightly raised so they are wanting to rule out meningitus :cry: :cry: sorry im in a bit of a state regarding this at the moment... so i havent been able to do my birth story yet or upload any pics other than my avatar. Theres loads of pics on facebook though :)

I did do a mini announcement in third tri.

Will keep you both updated on Luke xx
Oh rwll I hope you and Luke recover quickly and are home real soon :hug: keep us posted hon :kiss:
Thinking of you Rwll, hope you are both better and home soon xxx
Thinking of you too Madly hope you and Charlie are ok, what are we all like, we can't even have babies without experiencing problems, hopefully thats all the bad stuff we are all going to have and it'll be plain sailing from here xxx
Do you know Bernie its really funny I am a member of a support thread and every baby born so far except one mummy has experienced a difficult time :dohh:

One baby was born 6wks early
We had an home birth which was fab but mummy was rushed to hospital with a retained placenta
Next baby was born sunny side up
Then theres me and Charlie
Followed by another forceps delivery for another mummy because baby was presenting with nose and lips first
Followed by another early baby by 3ish wks due to mummys bp probs and who is still in hospital because baby has sugar level issues
and the most recent baby was born thankfully with no probs :thumbup: mummy was induced but she had a speedy delivery on g&a in the end which was great :)

Its really funny you would think that considering 4 of the 7 babies born above where born to second time mummies that at least one of us would have a reasonable straight forward birth :wacko: the lady whos birth was pretty much plain sailing after induction is a first time mummy :dohh:
How weird is that Madly? i suppose a forum with this many women on it is going to have quite a few problem cases that we would never have know about if we weren't on here, its funny that 6 out of 7 on one thread all had problems and then the 3 of us on here too xx
Its def an odd one Bernie and me and you been 2nd+ time mummies too but theres not one easy ride for a 2nd+ mummies that I know on bnb as yet :wacko:
Me and hubby had said at the start of Jack's pregnancy he would be our last and after such a difficult pregnancy and time after i am 100% positive there will be no more! I am going to enjoy Jack's baby days cause they go so quick and it doesn't matter how broody i get, nothing will be done about it xx
Charlies our last baby too and I intend to do exactly the same hon :)
Love the name change Madly, have u noticed now u have 2 boys people ask if you'll try again for a girl? or even worse were u disappointed u got another boy?/what a shame he's a boy! A few people have asked me/commented on the fact i have 3 boys and it really annoys me, when i was in hospital 2 of the nurses kept telling me what a shame it was i didn't get a girl this time and asked if i'd try again. I knew deep down when we started ttc that we would have another boy my hubby's side of the family have only produced 2 girls in many generations so the chances of us conceiving a girl were very slim but i didn't care i wanted a happy healthy baby no matter what the sex and after ttc Jack for 20 months he means the world to us and we are over the moon to have him, even his big brothers are obsessed with him and the plus side to him been a boy is at least i know what i'm doing with a boy and i think they are less stressful as a teenager lol.
Well once i've taken the kids to school i've to go to pinderfields for yet another blood test to check i'm taking the correct dose of warfarin, i've to go once a week which i think is going to become a pain i'll have to make sure i can take hubby work so i can have the car and then there's the extra petrol and parking money.
Well i better go get ready otherwise we won't be at school on time, have a good day xx
Thanks you Bernie hon I love my name change too :winkwink: As soon as people realised we were having another boy the comments started especially since we always said Charlie would be our forever baby :wacko: I have heard it all but in all honestly I too am estatic hes a boy I wanted another little man and got my wish :happydance: David is one of 6 boys :shock: and his eldest brother is the only other one with kids and he has a son so theres 3 grandsons :wacko: I knew I was pretty much guaranteed another boy and was happy at that fact :thumbup:

I have just got back from the Drs and I have a viral infection :( I started with a sore throat on saturday and now I just feel damn crap :dohh: The Dr has prescribed something for my terrible constipation and has told me plenty of rest is in order especially since the cough I have is encouraging my bled to be slightly heavier than it was :wacko: easier said than done with a 2wk old baby imo :dohh:
Thank you hon :kiss:

Well we got to the root of Charlies problem :thumbup: He does have acid reflux :( the Dr has switched his medication because the ranitidine was making him projectile vomit and we have also switched his formula to sma staydown :nope: am gutted to say goodbye to hipp organic but am hoping this helps my little man because he is so unsettled its been heartbreaking :cry: he only slept last night from 4.30am-7.30am we went to bed at 10.30pm and he would not settle one of the other of us was up and down with him all night :sad1: I think he only settled at 4.30am for the few hours because he was all cried out :(
I've got a dr's appt for Jack on Monday for a similar problem, from about 4pm Jack is so unsettled and cries pretty much constantly, he occasionally falls asleep from exhaustion but only sleeps for about 20 mins at a time and then wakes up screaming again, the health visitor suggested changing his milk from cow and gate stage 1 to cow and gate comfort but it doesn't seem to have made a difference and he's been on it 4 days now, we tried colief but he seemed worse with that, infacol is helping him burp a bit but his stomach is still hard for ages after as if he has trapped wind that we can't get up. He has always been a little bit sick after a feed but the last 2 days we have been getting about half his feed back up, not projectile vomiting across the room but it does come up pretty quick without warning and we usually end up covered cause we haven't grabbed the muslin in time, today he got my hair which was very nice of him. Now Allan is back at work i'm trying to be the one who is up with him thru the night as i can have a nap after taking the kids to school when Jack is calm.
I'm glad ur getting to the bottom of Charlie's problem i'm hoping the dr can help me on Monday xx

Just saw this thread so thought i'd say hi!

I currenty live just north of Leeds and have just found out that im 4 weeks preg :)

I've got a dr's appt for Jack on Monday for a similar problem, from about 4pm Jack is so unsettled and cries pretty much constantly, he occasionally falls asleep from exhaustion but only sleeps for about 20 mins at a time and then wakes up screaming again, the health visitor suggested changing his milk from cow and gate stage 1 to cow and gate comfort but it doesn't seem to have made a difference and he's been on it 4 days now, we tried colief but he seemed worse with that, infacol is helping him burp a bit but his stomach is still hard for ages after as if he has trapped wind that we can't get up. He has always been a little bit sick after a feed but the last 2 days we have been getting about half his feed back up, not projectile vomiting across the room but it does come up pretty quick without warning and we usually end up covered cause we haven't grabbed the muslin in time, today he got my hair which was very nice of him. Now Allan is back at work i'm trying to be the one who is up with him thru the night as i can have a nap after taking the kids to school when Jack is calm.
I'm glad ur getting to the bottom of Charlie's problem i'm hoping the dr can help me on Monday xx

Sounds just like Charlie hon I think Jack may have reflux too :( hes now on SMA Staydown a formula especially for reflux babes!

I hope rwll and Luke are ok she hasnt been on since she said Luke was going for some tests :(

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