*Leeds ladies*

I got my mam bottles on offer in toys r us, we got the starter set for £17.49 and i think its about £28-29 normally these are also self sterilising although we've just been putting them in our sterilser so far, the only prob i've found with them is when cooling the milk down they sometime leak at the bottom (hubby thinks its cause its hot liquid over pressurises the bottle and releases the valve) we have solved this by cooling it with the cap on instead of teat and putting them in the jug of water upside down, till almost cool and then we put teat on and finish cooling right way up so we can keep checking it. We've also found we need to shake it upside down with the cap on too but apart from this the bottles seem to be really good and Jack seems to be a lot better on them xx
Thanks for that info hon :thumbup: am just hoping at long last we have both found a solution :winkwink:
So do I madly I hate to see Jack distressed xx

Jack went nearly 6 hours last night, he had a bottle at midnight and the slept till 5.45am, I hope it wasn't just a fluke and he does this from now on it would be great, i'll be keeping my fingers crossed 2nite.
Planning this break is starting to do my head in now, money is tight so i'm trying to do it as cheap as possible but as its already Scotland's school summer hols up there the beginning of July doing it cheap is starting to look impossible, i'm fed up of looking for somewhere to stay now.
Hope you all have a good day, i'm off to see my friend this aft it'll be the 1st time she's seen Jack since he was born so i can't wait to go see her xx
Hope you find somewhere cheap hon :kiss:

and :wohoo: Jack for sleeping thru ..... I dont feel like Charlie ever will right now :dohh: he went down for 11pm woke at 1.30am and 4am and DH got up with him about 6am :wacko: I dont really feel as tired as I do achey from lack of sleep and DH is out after work tonight for a colleagues leaving drinks do :dohh: so no rePrieve for me and I have both boys today cause Oliver is on a school training day :( hope you have a good catch up with your friend hon :) I love showing Charlie off :cloud9:
I know what you mean about aching i can get thru been tired but sometimes when i'm trying to wind Jack my whole body feels numb and i barely have the energy to move my hand to wind him, i feel like i constantly need a good stretch lol. Hope Charlie lets u have some rest 2nite, Jack is currently asleep so when Harry comes home from his after school club i'm going to let the boys play on the xbox while i lay on the sofa for an hour, even though i got a good few hours sleep last night i'm still really tired today.
It was nice seeing my friend and showing Jack off she bought him some lovely clothes, he is a spoilt little man xx
Morning ladies,
How r u today?
Jack isn't very well and i'm just trying to decide whether to ring NHS direct and try to get a out of hours dr's appointment or wait till Tuesday when they are back open. He's been sick a feed except now its a lot more coming back up and it can still be coming back up 2 hours later he also has really runny poos which are after each feed and also inbetween feeds. He is sleeping a lot more than normal but when he is awake he is crying constantly. I keep checking his soft spot as i know it looks sunken if they are dehydrated and it seems fine and tbh apart from the crying and sleeping more he looks fine. I've posted over in baby club for advise on whether to ring NHS direct or not, i don't want to waste their time and come across as a over concious mother but then i don't want Jack getting any worse either xx
Oh no hon :( I hope Jack is ok it doesnt sounds good :nope: I always say if in doubt get them checked out :thumbup: you know your baby hon and dont give a frig about what people think even if it its owt and nowt its better safe than sorry imo :hugs:

We bought a MAM starter set too :) we got ours from Mothercare it was 18.00 odd in sale :thumbup: DHs work mates had a collection for us and Charlie and they got us a Mothercare gift card so we bought him the MAM starter set, a few packs of 2 teats and two tins of milk :dohh: slightly boring but very practical considering we have spent and arm and a leg on all the different teats and formulas we have tried :wacko: overall Charlie is still doing the guzzling thing on and off BUT with the MAM bottles overall he is taking in less air and is def more settled since I bought the one bottle to try :thumbup:
Aww bernie sorry to hear little Jack is a little off colour. I would call them and just see what they say, we called the labour suite last week as luke just wouldnt stop crying, they said it was just colic but I feel better for speaking to someone.

Weve bought Luke some of the MAM dummies :cry: he's comfort feeding a lot at times and making my nipples sore. We havent given him one yet as im a little reluctant and dont really want him to have one, but i cant keep having him make me sore orelse it might stop me breastfeeding :cry: im also contemplating giving him one formula feed on an evening when he has his crying fits but again im wanting to hold off for as long as possible.

Luke is such a Mummy's boy already, he's currently fast asleep on my chest as Daddy couldnt settlr him :)
I decided to see how he went on for the rest of the day yesterday but then early hours of this morning his poo turned green and was even runnier so this morning i rung nhs direct and they arranged for him to see a gp at our local walk in centre, when we got there it was a gp from my surgery who just happened to be the one that saw him last week, which was lucky (i think) he checked him over and said he wants me to carry on perservering with the cow and gate comfort, he thinks Jack is just taking some time to get used to it, he did however say and i've never had a dr tell me this before to try thickening his milk by doing 4oz water and 5 scoops of milk apparently this should make his poo a bit firmer and if he every gets constipated i've to put a extra oz of water in when making it up, so i'll try that and see if it helps, comfort is quite a thick milk already though so i'm just hoping he can still suck it out of the teat.
Madly i def think the mam bottles are better his colic has def improved although it might just be a combination of the bottle size 2 teats, the comfort milk and infacol lol xx
Rwll, Jack likes his mam dummy and if it stops him making you sore it might be worth a try, we tried Jack on one formula feed around 11pm before we went to bed, at first it did make him go a bit longer between feeds so we got a little bit more sleep but then i noticed he started going longer between feeds during the day on breast milk so i stopped the formula until i was forced to switch to it permanently after starting on my tablets, i'm starting to think if it wasn't for that inconvenient blood clot i'd still be bf'ing and we wouldn't be having the problems with Jack we are having now xx
Hmm, think ill hold off on the formula unless absolutely needed. Im still holding off with the dummy too. Luke seems to be getting a little better now and im finding it easier to comfort him when he's all colicky. He is still farting and filling his nappies at an incredible rate but he's started bringing wind up and he's just this second thrown up all over me... check me out, covered in baby poo and sick - all ive ever wanted :cloud9:

Aaron has gone back to work today and its so wierd here without him :cry:
I had a bit of an emotional moment earlier whilst cuddling Luke, he was looking right into my eyes and my heart melted and i had a cry, im such a lucky girl to have got everything ive ever wanted... most little girls dream of a big white wedding and a gorgeous dress... ever since i was about 7 ive dreamt about being a Mummy to a beautiful little boy called Luke (thanks to Star Wars :haha:)

Had health visitor here this morning and she was lovely.

Hope everyone is doing good :) xx
:cloud9: rwll thats so lovely :kiss:

I had my moment too the day after Charlie was born and DH walked into the cubicle with Oliver :) My heart burst when Oliver walked in and saw his brother :cloud9:

Glad you have a lovely HV makes all the difference imo :thumbup:
Ah u both made me smile with ur happy moments, i know what u mean about wanting a baby from a young age Rwll, i was the same, i think thats one of the reasons i didn't make more of a effort to get myself a career before starting a family, when i look back now i wish i'd gone to uni and trained as a midwife which i have always fancied but just didn't get round to doing and if i ever look into it again it'll be a lot harder with 3 kids to look after as well.
Well thickening Jack's feeds hasn't firmed up his poo's yet, he's still really bad, i'm just hoping it gets better soon otherwise i suspect he will start to lose weight.
I went to the white rose last night with my friend to get my fil a birthday present, i came away with his present but i also bought some xmas presents and a birthday present for Jack in the sale at early learning centre, my hubby thinks i'm mad to be buying things so soon but with 3 to buy for now it makes sense to take advantage of the sales, i've had 1 of Harry's birthday present in my cupboard since January and it isn't his birthday till August.
I'm off to have my hair cut and coloured today, my best friend does it at her house, she also does my sister's so we will be taking it in turns to entertain Jack while we have it done, hopefully he'll be a good boy.
Hope you have a good day xx
Morning ladies,
How r u today?
I've a busy day planned, i'm taking the boys for their haircutting, then we are going to a picnic at my friends house, i then have to nip to the white rose to buy a christening bangle for my nieces christening on Sunday and finally i get to do the weekly food shop, so i'll be shattered by tonight.
Jack did 6 hours again last night so i'm hoping he's finally getting into a routine, fingers crossed he does the same 2nite.
Hope you have a good day xx
Thought Id just pop in and say 'Hi'!!

I no longer live in Leeds, moved to Leicestershire 3 years ago, but I am Leeds born n bred!! Still go up every few weeks to visit friends and family too!!

Hope you're all doing well!!!

Morning ladies,
How are you?
I'm just sat waiting for Jack to settle so we can go back to bed, i've learnt that during night feeds i can't just go straight back to bed, he has to sit in his swing for half an hour to give his milk chance to settle, when we were going straight back to bed, he was making grunting and wheezing noises and then would always be sick whereas if we wait a while he doesn't seem as bad, only downside to this is i have to wait up with him. His poos are still causing us probs, if i thicken all his feeds up like the dr suggested he gets constipated but if i make normal feeds up then they are extremely runny again, so we are trying to work out a inbetween compromise tp get him back to normal, i have noticed though that on the days his poos aren't runny he just pukes more, upto 2 hours later he can puke at least half of his feed back up and when it comes out it smells exactly the same as it did when it went in, its as though he hasn't even started to digest it and its just been sat there. I'm off to get him weighed this morning then he is back at the dr's this aft to once again see if it might be finally time we switched milk, he's been on this one nearly 4 weeks surely he should be getting used to it now. He has also decided to go back to only 3-4 hours between feeds, during the day its 3 hours its as though because he brought half of the previous feed up he is hungry quicker, i've tried offering him cooled boiled water between feeds and he does drink some but still wants another feed too. On a night he goes 3 and a half to 4 hours and by the time we've sat up extra waiting for him to settle i only get 2-3 hours sleep between feeds. I'm wondering if he needs to switch to hungrier baby milk?
I can't believe Jack is 7 weeks today time has flown by, I don't know about anyone else but since Jack was about a a week old i've been really broody, i was like it with the other too and know its just my hormones and I certainly have no intention of doing anything about it but its really weird to feel like this when i have a baby lol. My friend is pregnant and due in September i just hope my feelings have gone by the time her baby is born or i'll be even worse when i meet her little one lol.
Well i suppose i should go wash the bottle we have just used and go back to bed, hubby is on day off so he's going to get up with Jack for his next feed and take the kids to school so i can get a bit more sleep before we go to baby clinic, hope you have a good day xx
Hi hon :wave:

Sorry your still having problems with Jack :( poor little mite! I hope the Dr is helpful today and I agree after 4wks been on the milk she should be use to it by now :shrug: fxed hes gained weight :thumbup: Just my opinion from what I have been told but stay away from hungrier baby right now cause it could cause Jack more problems and say if all the reflux of milk is causing him not to gain weight then hungrier baby milk may fill him up so he take less from his bottle than he does now and if its not all staying down this might cause a potential problem :(

AFM Charlie is to be weighed today I have HV coming at 1pm :thumbup: he weighed 10lb 7oz last Tuesday so only a 3oz gain since birth :sad1: if he hasnt gained enough today then shes going to have me see Dr and have a special higher calorie milk prescribed cause Charlie is still only taking 2oz feeds :( we make 3oz bottles up and if hes been fussy over his previous feed he will sometimes take 2.5oz or on occasion finish all 3oz but mostly he takes 2oz every 2-3hrs which apparently should be more now :cry: fxed hes gained weight because the only plus side to having prescription milk is obviously not having to buy the formula ourselves I would much rather he be gaining weight well himself without the help .... but if needs must and all that :thumbup:
Jack is now 12lb 15oz and still following the 75th centile, the health visitor was not impressed that my dr had told me to do the extra scoop of milk and told me to go back to another dr as she thinks he has reflux, luckily i had a appt booked for 4.20 today for myself so i've rung up and transeferred the appt to Jack, the dr we are seeing is the best one there and u usually have to wait a couple of weeks to see him so hopefully he'll be able to help. I'm happy he's gaining enough weight but i'm hoping it doesn't go against getting help for Jack's problem.
I hope Charlie has gained weight today and doesn't need the prescription milk ut if he does need it hopefully he'll soon be putting the weight on and like you said financially its a bonus. Are you on facebook madly? if you are and you want to add me look for "Bernadette "Mcneil" Parker" my profile pic has the 5 of us on at the moment, if you are already friends with Rwll i'm in her friends list xx
hi everyone,

sorry im getting rubbish at coming on here lately! Luke has been very demanding recently!

Ive given in and given him a dummy today, I had had enough of his constant screaming for 3 solid days. I really didnt want to give him a dummy, especially with me breastfeeding but since I gave him it he's been so quiet - I've washed up and tidied the whole room/kitchen.

Im taking Luke to the baby clinic next week for the first time so we will see how much he now weighs - he's getting heavy and chunky now. My HV didn't say how often to go to the clinic or what happens other than weighing... can anyone shed any light for me please :shrug:

Luke has started to be sick too for the past 2/3 days but he has also been very greedy when he's been in his moods and i've been giving into him all the time just for 10 minutes peace and quiet - even though he sometimes only sucked for a minute before kicking off again. hopefully the dummy will sort him out a little...

I put my birth story on facebook bernie - not sure if you've seen it yet?? xx
At my baby clinic not a lot happens, we go in and are given a number we then sit and wait till our number is called, usually there's only a couple in front of me. When its my turn I get him undressed while the hv is asking if i have any concerns etc we then weigh him and she then discusses his weight, Jack's weight has always been fine so i'm not really there long, although today we did discuss his problem with milk/poos/sick etc at mine there isn't really chance to speak to other mum's as space is limited so usually u get them dressed again and leave although today i arrived near the end of clinic and got chatting to another mum, yours might be different u may even have a area where u can sit a chat. Do you have a childrens centre near you? we have one attached to my boys school and the have a 0 to walking group on a Thursday morning which i think i will try 2moro to meet other mums with babies, it might be worth finding out if you have anything similar.
I haven't seen your birth story on fb i'll go have a look now xx

Well I took Jack to the dr's and haven't come away with anything for reflux but have got lactose free milk to try :shrug: dr said cause he still gets runny poos and is been sick we should give it a go as for the reflux he said unless there is blood in the sick or he's losing weight he doesn't like to give medication, we've just to try to keep him upright after feeds and carry muslins/changes of clothes everywhere we go and to remember it won't last forever, easier said than done when all i seem to do is get covered in sick especially at inconvenient times like when i'm just leaving the house lol. So i'll see how the new milk goes and go back next week to see if they want me to continue with it or try something else :dohh:
Jack slept for 7 and a half hours last night and so far since starting the new milk yesterday teatime i've noticed he isn't as sick, he still brings some back up but nothing like before, so maybe it was the milk that was the problem after all, he certainly seems a lot more settled and a lot happier on it, i'll see how we go over the next few days.
How r u all today? xx

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