*Leeds ladies*

Hi ladies, sorry weve been busy getting settled at home :wohoo:

We were discharged on Monday teatime after the CRP test was repeated and came back lower than it had been :happydance:

Its so nice to have him here and family life is so nice. :cloud9:

Ive noticed that I cant wind Luke very much :shrug: i am breastfeeding - my mum thinks bf babies dont get wind as much :shrug: i dont know...

We had a bad night lastnight with him. He was awake every 45 mins - an hour crying for nothing, he wouldnt feed, his nappy was dry, he didnt want cuddling or anything. We decided enough was enough at half 6 and brought him in the room where he had a snuggle and fell asleep... he's currently fast asleep in his moses basket.

I have been really surprised at how good i have been feeling since birth but ive now started with pulling pains in my lower stomach area and my stitches are constantly feeling tight :( my midwife said the tight feeling around my stitches is normal and that theyre healing. She said the tummy pains is just my uterus contracting back tobnormal and jyst to take paracetamol for it. How long does it take to go back to normal? :shrug: xx

Just saw this thread so thought i'd say hi!

I currenty live just north of Leeds and have just found out that im 4 weeks preg :)

Congratulations on your BFP, it feels like a lifetime ago that i was getting my BFP, how are you finding ur pregnancy so far? is it your 1st baby? x

I've got a dr's appt for Jack on Monday for a similar problem, from about 4pm Jack is so unsettled and cries pretty much constantly, he occasionally falls asleep from exhaustion but only sleeps for about 20 mins at a time and then wakes up screaming again, the health visitor suggested changing his milk from cow and gate stage 1 to cow and gate comfort but it doesn't seem to have made a difference and he's been on it 4 days now, we tried colief but he seemed worse with that, infacol is helping him burp a bit but his stomach is still hard for ages after as if he has trapped wind that we can't get up. He has always been a little bit sick after a feed but the last 2 days we have been getting about half his feed back up, not projectile vomiting across the room but it does come up pretty quick without warning and we usually end up covered cause we haven't grabbed the muslin in time, today he got my hair which was very nice of him. Now Allan is back at work i'm trying to be the one who is up with him thru the night as i can have a nap after taking the kids to school when Jack is calm.
I'm glad ur getting to the bottom of Charlie's problem i'm hoping the dr can help me on Monday xx

Sounds just like Charlie hon I think Jack may have reflux too :( hes now on SMA Staydown a formula especially for reflux babes!

I hope rwll and Luke are ok she hasnt been on since she said Luke was going for some tests :(

I can't wait for his dr's appt on Monday so we can hopefully get some help, i hate to see him so distressed it breaks my heart, i'm going to ask dr if she thinks i should switch formulas again to sma staydown, the cow and gate comfort is for colic but if the staydown is better then maybe we should change again :shrug: xxx

Hi ladies, sorry weve been busy getting settled at home :wohoo:

We were discharged on Monday teatime after the CRP test was repeated and came back lower than it had been :happydance:

Its so nice to have him here and family life is so nice. :cloud9:

Ive noticed that I cant wind Luke very much :shrug: i am breastfeeding - my mum thinks bf babies dont get wind as much :shrug: i dont know...

We had a bad night lastnight with him. He was awake every 45 mins - an hour crying for nothing, he wouldnt feed, his nappy was dry, he didnt want cuddling or anything. We decided enough was enough at half 6 and brought him in the room where he had a snuggle and fell asleep... he's currently fast asleep in his moses basket.

I have been really surprised at how good i have been feeling since birth but ive now started with pulling pains in my lower stomach area and my stitches are constantly feeling tight :( my midwife said the tight feeling around my stitches is normal and that theyre healing. She said the tummy pains is just my uterus contracting back tobnormal and jyst to take paracetamol for it. How long does it take to go back to normal? :shrug: xx

From my experience and other people i know who breastfeed i think breastfed babies don't bring up as much wind cause when they are latched on properly they shouldn't be taking in much if any air so it sounds like you are doing pretty good with the breastfeeding.
Jack hardly slept on a night to begin with it takes time for them to adjust to day and night and even now cause he's colicky on a night he's still up most of it.
My stretching pains and stitches seemed to hurt more after a week so i think yours is normal, i felt like i had a lot of trapped wind after about a week, both my tummy and stitches were still uncomfortable by week 2 but starting to feel better, by week 3 alot better and now at week 4 i have no pain at all unless i stretch s bit too much and where my stitches were is a bit uncomfortable (i say where they were, i'm assuming they've dissolved by now, its hard to tell lol).
I'm glad your both home now, we've certainly all had a hard time having these babies i hope its not a sign that they are going to be naughty little boys when they are older lol xxx
A quick question for you both although i know your both not as many week post pregnancy as i am, how is ur spd now? because the midwife insisted on stitching me in stirrups mine is still bad although not as bad as it was in week 1, it is still like it was when i was pregnant, i can't turn over in bed without pain, if i sit or lay in one position for too long i seize up and can hardly walk and when i'm walking upto school especially when pushing the pram my hips/pelvis and back kill me. I'm hoping giving time it will start to settle, i've got a open appt at the physio mid June so i think i'm going to have to ring them and ask to be seen xx
Hi Ladies :wave:

Sorry I havent been around much been so busy :dohh:

rwll so glad your home with little Luke now the fun really starts :winkwink:

Bernie I hope the Dr is helpful on Monday although we have now taken Charliee off SMA staydown because the milk on top of the new reflux medicine was way too much for his tummy and his bottle feeds started to decline from 2oz every 3hrs to 1oz and sometimes not even that :( the HV tells me theres lots of success with SMA staydown but imo it probably works better for babies who vomit alot more than Charlie does because oddly he doesnt have that sympton of acid reflux :dohh: We have tried so many size teats and are now on our 3rd different formula my boy has us so confused :lol: we have fxed got him more settled now :winkwink: hes on Cow & Gate first milk and hes having the new medication once a day which is called omeprazole :thumbup: It really is hard when they scream the house down though so you have my every sympathy. As for the SPD mine has settled down but I am still getting clicking and stuff in my pelvis when I turn over in bed and on occasion I am still gripping the headboard to turn over :wacko: am too hoping this settles down :thumbup:
hello ladies. Im sorry I havent been in here much to be fair but its because the thread moves along to fast lol

I had my 12 week scan last Friday and all was well and I was over the moon till Monday when I lost my job and have had an upsetting, stressful week but am now back on track and feeling ok. Hope youre all well
Hi Ladies :wave:

Sorry I havent been around much been so busy :dohh:

rwll so glad your home with little Luke now the fun really starts :winkwink:

Bernie I hope the Dr is helpful on Monday although we have now taken Charliee off SMA staydown because the milk on top of the new reflux medicine was way too much for his tummy and his bottle feeds started to decline from 2oz every 3hrs to 1oz and sometimes not even that :( the HV tells me theres lots of success with SMA staydown but imo it probably works better for babies who vomit alot more than Charlie does because oddly he doesnt have that sympton of acid reflux :dohh: We have tried so many size teats and are now on our 3rd different formula my boy has us so confused :lol: we have fxed got him more settled now :winkwink: hes on Cow & Gate first milk and hes having the new medication once a day which is called omeprazole :thumbup: It really is hard when they scream the house down though so you have my every sympathy. As for the SPD mine has settled down but I am still getting clicking and stuff in my pelvis when I turn over in bed and on occasion I am still gripping the headboard to turn over :wacko: am too hoping this settles down :thumbup:

We've tried changing teats and even bottles, we are currently using mam bottles cause i read they were good for colic, i'm just hoping dr can give him something. I'm so tired 2nite i've gone days now with hardly any sleep, i'm grabbing the odd hour during the day but i usually have so much stuff to do while older 2 are at school i don't have time to be having a nap plus i've found during the day i get a burst of energy its just when it gets to evening time i can feel myself falling asleep and i know the fun is only just beginning xx
Hi hon :wave:

Well DH went back to work yesterday and despite a few hiccups everything went well :happydance: its gone even better today :winkwink: I have a clean house, have been doing washing and drying and I currently have spag bol cooking :happydance: plan on just warming it later for tea and cooking garlic bread and pasta to go with :thumbup: am finding organisation goes a long way :rofl: We are taking Charlie back to the GP tonight :( hes settled on cow and gate formula now but we arent convinced about the medication hes on :nope: its a once a day dose which we give him at 6pm he feeds ok with his before bed feed and also his night feeds but from about 5-6am so 12hrs after the medication his feeding becomes poor and he struggles to feed :cry: we dont think the medication is lasting long enough and so for hours on a morning we have the awful shrill crying from him and hes inconsolable.....fxed the Dr can help :shrug:

How are you Bernie hon? and rwll how are you getting on?
Hi :wave:

Were doing pretty good, still working hard on the breastfeeding - i do have times when i think ill get a bottle (mainly at night when Luke gets very angry if he cant latch on) but since we came home hes had one tiny cup of formula on a night where i had a bad migraine and couldnt calm him.
For the past few days ive had really bad knees, they feel like theyre gonna snap when i stand up :shrug: has anyone else had this?? Gonna mention it to my MW tomorrow.
My SPD has pretty much gone now, the only pains i have is my lower tummy aches quite a bit, my kneew and my stitches. Other than that im pretty much back to pre pregnancy pain levels.
We went up to the town hall to register Luke yesterday :D

Weve also got a health visitor coming on the 31st, what do they do? Are they just like a MW??

Hope you're all well xx
Hi ladies
How did Charlie get on at the dr's Madly? I took Jack yesterday but he wants to wait till he gets weighed again 2moro to see if he's lost weight or hasn't gained enough before deciding what to do, he has now started with really runny/soft poos too, dr said it could just be colic, or reflux or a lactose intolerance, if he's lost weight/not put enough on the dr is going to try baby gaviscon but if his runny poos continue he wants to try a lactose free milk, if he has gained enough weight he thinks we should give his stomach chance to get used to the new formula and take it from there, hopefully i'll know more 2moro.
I've found since having Jack i've been more organised in the house, i've learnt when i have the chance to do housework/cooking to take it and not think ik'll just have a quick cuppa then i'll do some work cause Jack seems to know when i'm relaxing and decides he wants attention lol so i get everything done then chill out xx
Rwll i've not had any problems with my knees just my pelvis, hips and back, hope ur knees stop hurting soon, did you have problems with them before pregnancy? have u been less active since having him?
When my health visitor came she gave me a load of leaflets on things like cot death, contraception etc discussed feeding, filled in some forms, told me about the local baby clinics, discussed injections, talked about post natal depression, i think that was about it, mine was very nice but i have met some in the past that can be quite abrupt and think they are experts on everything, hope ur visit goes well and she is nice lol xx
Hi Ladies :wave:

Bernie Charlie is exactly like that and of some reason everytime I sit down to eat even if hes just had a bottle and is fairly content he seems to know and start to grizzle for attention the little monkey :dohh: As for the Drs we saw the senior Dr from our surgery (its his practice!) and as I thought Charlie does not have acid reflux :hissy: so basically I have been feeding my baby a strong drug he does effing need :trouble: The Drs theory is basically what I thought so my Mummy intuition was right all along I just wish I had paid attention to it more :cry: Charlie has a `wind` issue as in when he drinks his milk hes in taking too much air giving the poor mite belly ache :( hes pooing fine and rarely projectile vomits which is the main sympton of reflux and the main reason why I wasnt convinced :thumbup: So basically now we have found a milk that doesnt seem to cause him as much discomfort its a case of trying to get as much wind up as possible and trying to get him settled on a teat/bottle in which he gets a good flow without trying too hard but all a flow where he doesnt get too much he guzzles :dohh: hes on avent number 2 teats right now which seem to be the best so far but he dribbles loads of milk :wacko: his bibs are always soaking wet :lol: we are also giving him infacol and tbh hes been a lot better today except the poor mite has a little tickly cough ..... I feel so sorry for him but his little cough is so cute :cloud9:

I hope the Dr can be of use where Jack is concerned but I guess as long as both of them gain weight we are doing something to help them :hugs: Charlie is weighed tomorrow too so it will be interesting to see :thumbup:

rwll hon which surgery are you registered at? wondered if was same one as me cause my HV is so lovely infact you can ask them almost anything and they are usually helpful however Oliver HV was a right olde know if all busy body and use to piss me off :rofl:
Hi girls. Im so bored. Im now jobless and penniless and fed up :( We have the kids later on till Friday but Im home alone now and boooooored.
What do those of you without babies or children do to keep amused?
Im registeted at The Light but my HV is coming from Burmantofts surgery, or so the letter says.

Luke is a very greedy baby, im sure he drains both my breasts at times :haha: he's very demanding at times, sometimes he wants feeding after 15 mins of finishing a 30 minute feed. I sometimes wonder if he's getting enough, but my breasts feel a lot lighter after a good feed and he is starting to fill out, he has the most adorable little chubby cheeks now :cloud9:
He does sometimes get himself worked up at times and gets very frustrated and struggles to latch on - to see him do it you would think I havent fed him in a week :dohh: xx
Hi girls. Im so bored. Im now jobless and penniless and fed up :( We have the kids later on till Friday but Im home alone now and boooooored.
What do those of you without babies or children do to keep amused?

Luke is my first hun so cant give any advice, I just tend to sleep and feed him all the time.
I was made redundant at 30ish weeks pregnant and was soooo bored, i passed the time by ebaying all our stuff :rofl: xx
Morning ladies,
Well Jack has been weighed and at 5 weeks old he is now 11lb 10oz and still following the 75th centile so there definately isn't a problem with his weight gain, he's going to be big like his brothers. Upto yesterday he was still feeding every 3 hours but for some reason yesterday he changed and went 3 and a half hours followed by a 3 and 3/4's followed by a 4 and then a 3. So far today since 1am he's done two 4 hours between feeds, we are currently on almost 3 and a half hours but he is just starting to get grizzly so i'm not sure we'll get to 4 hours but tbh by the time i make the bottle and cool it we won't be far off, i didn't think he'd ever change from 3 hourly feeds but things are starting to look good. I also noticed yesterday he wasn't as bad after a feed he only cries for a bit but once we get the wind up he seems fine, like you madly we are using infacol and have been for a few weeks now, i'm hoping he is finally adjusting to formula and everything will be fine in the end we are now using mam bottles with a air vent thing at the bottom these seem quite good and he's definately been less windy with them, we have also had to switch to number 2 teats though.
Rwll, you will find when your bf he seems to feed for a long time and feeds more often than formula fed babies so don't worry u are doing everything right, he will eventually get into a regular pattern on when he feeds, my sister has breastfed all 4 of her babies and in the beginning she always seemed to have the baby attached to her, but they soon got into a routine, isn't it a lovely feeling when after a feed ur boobs feel so much lighter, i might have only got to feed Jack for 2 weeks but i loved the feeling of knowing i'd filled him, i'm still waiting for my milk to dry up completely, i've not got loads or anything but sometimes when Jack is crying for a feed i still leak lol.
Cherry sorry your jobless at the moment, while i was on maternity leave i was bored out of my brain i ended up either watching daytime tv, going to visit my sister or a friend or worse going shopping and spending money i didn't have.
Hope you all have a good day, Jack has now started the full on crying for his feed so i better go and make it, luckily i turned the kettle on just after 12 cause i had a feeling we weren't going to get to 1pm before he wanted it xx
Hi ladies,

I just discovered this thread, probably a little late since my due date is actually today! I've had a nice morning reading through it though :coffee:

I am in pudsey, and having baby in LGI. Got a sweep booked today too at the health centre which I really hope works - getting uncomfortable now!

It's nice to know there is a place to ask q's once the little one makes her appearance, it's my first so I dont have a clue what I am doing!!:shrug:
Hi hun :wave:

Feel free to ask away, im a first time mummy too :)

A few still do post in here, it is a shame you've only just found us as i found these ladies a great help during my pregnancy.

Happy due date to you :) and good luck with the sweep, my first sweep worked - my waters broke 6 hours after it but i was 40+6 and 2cm dilated xx
Hi ladies,

I just discovered this thread, probably a little late since my due date is actually today! I've had a nice morning reading through it though :coffee:

I am in pudsey, and having baby in LGI. Got a sweep booked today too at the health centre which I really hope works - getting uncomfortable now!

It's nice to know there is a place to ask q's once the little one makes her appearance, it's my first so I dont have a clue what I am doing!!:shrug:

Happy due date! Hopefully ur sweep will work 1st time like Rwll's and you'll soon be posting on here as a mummy, good luck and feel free to ask us anything, one of us should have a answer for you xx
Morning ladies,
How r we all today? i'm trying to book a break in July, we weren't going to have a holiday this year, we had looked into a couple of nights in Blackpool just to keep the kids happy but weren't going to go any further or for any longer but all that changed yesterday, my hubby up till last year was in the Royal Air Force and the 1st camp he was based at which is also where our eldest James was born is closing down, it was announced last year it was to close when the new government took over and we said at the time it would be nice to take James back there to see where he was born etc, anyway i thought we'd have loads of time to do this till we found out on Tuesday it shuts the end of July, we decided yesterday we would always regret not going back up there it was mine and Allan's 1st home and we have a lot of memories, only problem is its a 8 hour drive away in the highlands of Scotland, plus with it been so close money will be a issue so i'm now searching for cheap places to stay so we can go. I'll be honest i'm not really looking forward to a 8 hour journey with a baby and a child who gets travel sick if he travels for more than a hour but we'll cope with plenty of stops and a bucket for James lol xx
Hi Ladies :wave:

How are we all ?

Well funny you should mention MAM bottles Bernie cause I was out today and saw them and was intrigued to see if they actually do what they saw on the tin :dohh: and well Charlie has had his last two feeds from the bottle and well fxed it seems to be going well :happydance: hes less windy, guzzles less and we def have less dribbling :rofl: all from teat size 1 :dohh: we have a self sterilising one and have decided to give it a trial until Saturday (with it been the bank hol!) and if hes doing well we are going to pop out and buy some more :) I have already googled and mothercare have them on sale right now so fxed they work for us too :thumbup: lucky you so wish we could afford a break away this year :(

How are you getting on rwll?

Cherry I can sympathise :hugs: I was made redundant as my mat leave started and have no job to go back to :(

Welcome smithsmith sending lots of good labour vibes your way :kiss:

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