*Leeds ladies*

New milk is still going ok his poos are now back to normal and he is sick alot less, didn't go as long thru the night last night he went about 4 and a half hours but we are getting there.
I had a bit of a panic yesterday afternoon when i went to pick the kids up from school i was getting a pain in my chest so decided to see if my gp would see me as i was concerned it might be another clot or that the warfarin was doing something to my heart ehich i was do is a side effect. The gp told me to go to a+e immediately and was going to call a ambulance but i managed to convince her i was fine making my own way there and got my mum to take me while Allan stayed at home with the kids, at a+e they took bloods and did a x-ray which came back ok but there again my x-ray came back ok last time it was a ct scan that found the clot, they also did a trace of my heart and said that seemed ok too, i was sent home about midnight with a warning that if i get palpitations, breathless or pain gets worse to go straight back, i was also told i would get a out-patients appt to go back for further investigations. Allan took the kids to school today and left me in bed till 1pm to get some rest, since getting up the pain has been playing on my mind, its still there and is now round the back of my chest, i am also coughing more today but no blood. I do have asthma and am hoping its just that playing up but i can't help worrying its something else.
Hope your having a good day xx
Glad to hear Jack is getting better now.

Hope you're ok hun? Hope youre not waiting too long for your appointment too.

I discovered Dentinox colic drops yesterday whilst picking up my bounty pack at Boots and its amazing!! Luke has been a little angel today, he's hardly cried all day and ive had loads of time to catch up on tidying. Im hoping this does the trick :shrug:

Weve got out 6 week appointment on the 24th so if this doesnt do the trick ill mention it there.

Hope everyone is well xx
We've got our 6-8 week on the 20th with Jack's 1st injections not looking forward to those :-(
You've just reminded me i've still a emmas diary pack to pick up from Jack's birth certificate folder.
I might have to try the dentinox drops Jack is still a bit colicky on a evening/night and infacol doesn't seem to be working anymore. Hopefully they will carry on working for Luke and you find you can get yourselves a little routine going xx
Hi Ladies :wave:

Sorry I havent been around much for last week :dohh: there just never seems to be enough time in the day :wacko: time is just flying by!

Bernie so sorry to hear you ended up in A&E again :shock: How are you feeling now? Am so glad Jack is more settled on this new formula fxed it stay that way :thumbup:

Rwll I see colic got Luke as well :( Charlie suffers from colic/wind and our saviour right now is gripe water which I add to every second feed :thumbup: Its great when you find something to help even if it does only give you a few hours to get things done :) How are you feeling yourself now?

Well as for Charlie hes doing so much better with the MAM bottles/cow and gate and gripe water combination :dohh: Last night he even slept from 10.30pm to 3.30am :happydance: then went back down until 6.30am with DH getting up with him at 7am leaving me to sleep in and I eventually got up at 10am :winkwink: fxed this `one` night feed is a sign of things to come :lol: We have been getting smiles and chuckles galore over here and hes even started babbling to you when you are talking to him :cloud9: colic/reflux quite often only last for 3 months so hopefully that will be the case for all three of our boys :thumbup:
Hello ladies,
I'm still feeling the same Madly but no worse so not going to bother rushing back to A+E just yet, hopefully my follow up appt will come thru soon and then they can tell me what to expect pain wise etc.
Jack is also smiling/chuckling and babbling to us, it melts my heart when i hear his chuckle which he does mainly to James or babbles to us when we are talking to him, its moments like this that make everything we've been thru totally worthwhile, i don't mind sleepless nights when its just me and him sat in the living room chatting to each other lol.
Don't know if ur interested but i came across a photography company today called whitebox they mainly do sessions in the royal armouries but do other places too, you pay £39.99 for a 15 min session which takes at least 50 photos, you then get all the pics taken on a cd with free copyright to take home and print or take to a shop. The £39.99 is all you pay and then you are free to print what pics you want, this seems better value than some companies out there. I was a bit scepical at 1st and thought surely 15 mins isn't long enough to get decent photos but they seem to have good reviews on their website, although saying this they aren't going to put bad ones on i suppose. I'm going to look into it more and think about doing it Sept time when Jack should be smiling more xx
Hi ladies :wave:

Oooh that company sounds pretty good Bernie, will have to check them out. We want some nice photo's done as we still haven't got a picture of all 3 of us :( Think we will get some done Sept/Oct time.

Luke is settling down with colic since discovering Dentinox and giving him a dummy, but have a bottle of gripe water just incase it kicks off again. Everyone keeps telling me that Luke shouldn't have colic with him being exclusively breastfed :shrug: everyone knows better than Mummy though dont they :roll: :roll:

I went into Home Bargains the other day and they had some teething links that attatch to the pram, cot etc. I bought some for Luke thinking he wont entertain them, I have hung them on his moses basket hood and he lies there for ages hitting them with his hands and trying to grab them :)

Aww Madly, glad to hear Charlie is a lot better for you now.

Luke has just started to smile and make adorable little noises :cloud9: This morning I was standing cuddling him looking into the big mirror and he caught our reflections and looked directly at my eyes in the mirror and smiled and giggled :D it was so cute, just wish Aaron was there to see it but im sure Luke will be doing it more and more now he's started :cloud9: xx
Ah that is so cute Rwll the smiles and little noises Jack does make my day, i can't wait till he's smiling most of the time so i can get some lovely photos, the ones we've been taking he's either asleep or pulling a grumpy face lol x
:wave: Ladies

awwwwwwwwwwwwww rwll that is so cute :cloud9: Charlie is smiling and cooing more and more now and he smiles whenever I say `da-da` to him :lol:

Ladies try max speilman for photo packages :) they did my 37wk bump shoot with Oliver and also the pics in my avatar :thumbup: bloody brilliant and not expensive either :winkwink: I have load more shots on my fb including a family pic of the four of us :cloud9: My name is Charmaine Staniforth if you want to add me :)

As for us we are doing well I think :lol: Charlie seems to be having a growth spurt :shrug: and for the last 3 nights he has only required one night feed after putting him down at 10.30pm :happydance: he woken around 4.00-4.30am and then gone back down until 6.30-7.00am :winkwink: hes also taking more or less a 3oz bottle each time when before he was just taking the odd little bits :winkwink: fxed for this Thursdaywhen hes weighed again :) am hoping hes catching up on his weight gain!
I'll look into max speilman, thank you, ur avatar pic is gorgeous by the way. I'll nip on fb now and add you and then i can have a nosy of ur other pics. Thats good that Charlie seems to be having a growth spurt, how did u go when he was weighed last week? is he still on his normal milk or have they changed him onto the higher calorie one? xx
Hi Ladies :wave:

Will check out my fb Bernie :) havent had time to go on today :dohh:

Charlie only gained 2oz last week :( so 5oz in 5wks :wacko: HV sent us to see Dr who said not to worry he would gain in his own time etc etc hes otherwise well apart from the colic which we seem to be managing well with gripe water and that should the situation be the same at his 8wks check then they `may` put him on the higher calorie milk then :shrug: different people say different things but I think my HV disagrees with the Dr :lol: shes coming out to weigh him again on Thursday about 4pm so I guess we will see but hes doing better so I think his weight may start to pick up now :thumbup:

Hows Jack?

Rwll hows little Luke? btw such cute fb pics .... hes a beautiful boy and such a lovely head of hair :)
Hopefully Charlie will have put a bit more weight on when he's weighed on Thursday, have u managed to get into a routine on a morning yet? its funny i used to be a right grump on a morning, i hated getting out of bed and was always running around at the last minute doing stuff before the school run but since Jack has come along i've had more time on a morning and have been more chilled out even on nights where i've been up with him several times. Jack gets up between 5.30 and 6.30 so once i've fed him i have a good couple of hours to get me and the kids ready to leave the house xx

Rwll, hows Luke? hope ur all well xx

Jack did 8 hours last night which is the longest he's ever done, i think this new milk has made a massive difference, we are back at the dr's today to discuss how he's gone on so hopefully the dr will keep him on it. Well i suppose i should have some breakfast and think about getting dressed, hope you both have a good day, its looking like we are going to be in for another hot one xx
Aww thanks hun, he is a beauty isnt he, but then again all our 3 little boys are gorgeous, in fact both of your children are gorgeous :)

Luke is starting to go very bald now at the back and his hair is starting to grow back a lot lighter, think he's going to have Aaron's hair colour as well as his pale complexion :)

Luke is doing really well through the night now, he has a feed at 11pm and wakes up between 3 and 4am for a feed then again at between 6 and 7am he then will go back down for an hour or so then he wants to get up.

I bought some fenugreek yesterday as I've been a little worried about my milk supply, my boobs have been feeling a little deflated for the past few days and Luke has been very hungry. Ive only taken 4 tablets so far and have noticed a difference already.

Im going into Leeds in a few mins to post some ebay stuff and treat myself to a coffee xx
Hi Ladies :wave:

Thank you for your comments Ladies :kiss:

Bernie great news Jack is more settled fxed the Dr keeps him on the milk cause it seems likes it helping :) I havent yet started to regularly do the school run on a morning although I did it yesterday morning and this morning because DH has been working away :dohh: Fri,Sat and Sun Charlie slept 10.30pm-4.00am and I thought that if he stuck with this the school run would be easier to manage because I would have a good bulk of sleep but Monday night and last night he went back to 10.30pm, 1.00am and 4.00am feeds :dohh: The only thing I have changed over the last few days is that I was putting gripe water in every second feed but since Monday I havent done it as religiously :dohh: so am wondering if the colic/gripey tummy is bothering him in the night which is why hes waking :shrug: am going to get back to adding it to every second feed from today and see if it settles him again :winkwink: either that or he had a growth spurt at the weekend which was why he slept more which he is now over because from Fridayish he upped his feeds to more or less taking 3oz every feed :wohoo: which is great compared to previously :shrug: confused.com I really want to start doing the school run cause DH can car share into work with a colleague and save 6.00 parking fees a day plus some petrol costs and over the course of a month will save us quite a bit plus I will be walking there and back twice a day which is about 2hrs walking and even though am back to my pre-preg weight I want to lose the overweightness I was before pregnancy :rofl:

rwll sounds like Luke has the routine am aiming for with Charlie :lol: Glad the tablets are working :thumbup: have a nice trip into Leeds :)
Well i stupidly forgot Jack's drs appt :dohh: the older 2 were driving me mad and it just slipped my mind till 2nite, i'm going to have to ring them 2moro and apologise now and beg them for some more milk to keep us going till i can get another appt.
Well done for getting back to ur pre baby weight madly :happydance: i'm about half a stone off mine but even then i'd still have at least another 5-6 stones to lose to be at a healthy ideal weight so i'm starting slimming world on Tues, i would have joined sooner but my friend wanted me to wait till she could afford it too xx
Rwll, did u have a nice cuppa in Leeds? Jack had nowhere near as much hair as Luke to begin with and so far his hair at the back is still there but he did lose a load off the top when we used baby shampoo for the 1st time :dohh: and cause he's fair he now looks bald lol xx
I managed to get some more baby milk today and its now been put on repeat prescription so i will not have the same problem again :happydance:
How r u both today? xx
:lol: bless you forgetting his appointment .... my mind is so like that at the minute too :dohh: I have to write everything down or I forget too :haha:

Glad the milk is on repeat script should make it so much easier for you to get :thumbup:

I have lots of weight to loose too Bernie (was well over weight pre-preg!) but am not going to focus so much on `how` much ie keeping track of lbs/stone am walking my way to fitness, am going to eat healthily and focus on dropping each jean/trouser size you know aim to get into a size smaller :winkwink: I will be weighed every 3mths at my surgery when I have my depo and that is the only time I will weigh myself ..... that way it will be a lovely surprise when I step on the scales :lol: next weigh day for me is 7th September :thumbup: and for Charlie today is weigh day fxed hes gained :)
I've signed up to walk 5 miles for st gemma's hospice in September and we also have a wedding in September so i've a couple of things to aim for, plus i need to practice walking long distances so that should help me lose weight, i just need this bloody spd to go away completely so i can get into it i've been doing little walks but then after i've rested i've seized up and ended up in pain and hardly able to walk for hours, i'm going to speak to my dr at my postnatel check next week to see if i should carry on exercising in small doses to get my body used to it or rest again till i'm fully recovered.
How did Charlie get on today at his weigh in? xx
Hi hon :wave:

My pelvis is still playing up too :wacko: its clicks on and off when I walk its not painful mainly annoying and you know when you get that sort of :sick: feeling ugh it makes me feel a bit funny and :sick: when it does it :( I have physio again on Monday but tbh I do the exercises I was given on and off and I have found the more walking I do the less it does it :) I think when you are out pushing the buggy around anyway it must be helping in some way :thumbup:

Charlie wasnt weighed yesterday cause the HV called and said she couldnt come she has somewhere else to be :growlmad: was annoyed cause it was short notice and shes re-arranged for lunchtime on wednesday .... am sure she thinks I have nothing better to do than sit in and wait for her :hissy:
I was told by my physio i could ring up for a appt upto the end of June and then after that i'd have to get my dr to refer me again, i see my dr on Monday so i'm going to ask her if she thinks i should go back xx
Hello ladies,
How r u both?
Me and Jack have our 8 week checks 2moro and Jack has his 1st injections, not looking forward to that poor thing :-( x

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