Wow nessah! Congratulations! I can't imagine labouring that fast! I'm excited for your birth story.
Does your little pink princess have a name yet? Who delivered you?
Afm - saw my OB today. Things are looking good! He is super happy that I made it to term and preeclampsia and HELLP seem to be staying away. He said he is cautiously optimistic, and is hoping I will be able to go into labour naturally!

It was a great appt and hubby and I left feeling very confident as we went over some things that we were unsure and a little worried about. To shorten it, I will write in point form.
- if I go into labour naturally, he wants me to go to triage as soon as I notice my contractions are regular. Timing between them doesn't matter as he wants my bp monitored my whole labour.
- normal discharge time here is 24 hours after delivery (48 for c-section) but I am not going to be discharged for at least 3 days post delivery, as my preeclampsia and HELLP spiked 36 hours after the delivery of DD. so he wants me closely monitored and blood work done daily.
- he is okay with me trying for a vag delivery as baby doesn't seem like she is going to be really big (dd had shoulder dystocia and was only 6lbs 9ozs). But he said that if she isn't coming down well and if the delivering dr (if not him obviously) brings up the possibility of forceps or vacuum, than to request (or rather tell them) to do a c-section.
I feel like I am in great hands with him. I wish everyone could be as happy with their dr/midwife as I am with mine.