Birth Story:
As you all know, I was 40 weeks and 5 days overdue before I had my baby. My

bean was only 2cm dilated on EDD, Feb, 23rd. I did everything (walking, lunges, squats, Bding-lol) before my next Doc's appointment, Feb 28th.
Thursday, Feb 28th
My Obgyn checked me around 2 p.m. on Feb 28th and I was 4cm dilated, and had a bloody show. However, cervix was ripe but still posterior.
I went home, still no regular contractions until around 7 p.m. I started to feel real mild contractions every 10 minutes, only lasting a minute. I decided to let OH get back from work, have a late dinner, put DD1 to bed and then head out to the hospital (as long as contractions were still regular).
At 10:45 p.m. we headed to hospital, got into triage and got checked, around 11:15 p.m. I was told I was still 4cm and water was intact. Then I chatted with nurse about getting an epidural (it did not work with my DD1 because it was given to me at 9 cm!!! and was a total waste).
So, while the nurse headed out to go set up my fluid IV lines and order me a blood test, things started to get worse! My contractions were more intense and I felt my water break. Told DH I was feeling uncomfortable and could not lay down on bed anymore.... I wanted to walk it off, but was hooked up to fetal monitor, blood pressure cuffs etc.
Then, another 15 minutes later, I started to moan through contractions and kept saying they are no longer in the back and that something's different. Nurse walks back in, starts to put IV line. I also told her my water broke, but she kept saying it was the gel she used to check my cervix!!!
Then her co-worker kept looking at me and I kept trying to convince her that my contractions were getting worse, so she checked me and I was 6 cm!!!
A few minutes later, worst pain ever, I didn't know when the IV fell off and I started to bleed. I told the nurses I had to poop real bad and I think it's baby. Then they said, breathe, we need to fix your IV and take blood.... Honestly!!! I started to panic, 'cos the urge to push was sooooo intense and the nurse still insisted that I was exaggerating.
When she checked again, she panicked and I started to move or should I say RACE down the hallway in my triage bed! I remember grabbing a janitor on the hallway as I tried to fight the urge not to push baby out right there!!!
We got into delivery room around 11:54 pm and things were barely ready. They were just getting the epidural cart in and there was NO TIME!!! My ObGyn was on call (thank God!!!) I started to beg for pain killers!!ANYTHING!! I could not possibly do this without any meds??? They were all encouraging me and I kept telling them they were all liars and I really don't mind any painkiller, just make it stop!!
Try to picture this: The triage bed is NOT COMFORTABLE. It is not a delivery bed and I had no time to switch beds. I had nurses holding my legs and I was hopping up and down the bed. Tried climbing off a few times!! They kept pulling me down the bed-

For some reason, dilating so fast made things feel different compared to my first baby! I had time to rest, think, focus! Oh boy!
Good thing? I found a way to rest between contractions, every 2 seconds and I only pushed through contractions, yelling with everything I got!!
I just had to suck it up, but with so much fear!
Exactly 6 minutes later, 12:00 a.m. March 1st, I felt the head pop out and shoulders next! Pain went away, I grabbed baby myself and she was soooooooooooo warm!!! I didn't even ask for the sex, everyone else was checking

All I said was "So, it was you lil' thing causing me all that pain!!"
My body and nerves were so shot that I was shivering for 2 hours and had to be covered with warm blankets. Vitals were fine, but the shock and speed made my body shiver vigorously. Of course, 30 mins later they gave me motrin and tylenol- SHeesh!!! I was hoping for more, but I really could not feel anything but shivers.
Well, we got discharged 24 hours later and baby and I are fine. It really is fast natural, but I will NEVER do it again!! I am recovering well tho' and also nursing non-stop. The first few days, nursing hurt 'cos my uterus would contract every feed
Baby ARI is such an eater, she was 7lbs and she started to nurse 10 mins after birth. My molk came in on day 3, so I was happy I didn't have to wait it out too long because she had to take formula at hospital.
Big Sister Anji is loving every minute of it. She does get the tantrums when we don't give her attention (She's 2.5 yrd old) but we are working on it
Thank ladies for being a part of my journey!!

SO excited for all the new moms and the ones waiting to pop!!! Can't wait to see more pics and read more birth stories!!!