snowangel: All the best on your appointment tomorrow. Good thing thinking about birth plans... does not hurt to be extra prepared
Leinz, Ich: I'm also rooting for a boy this time- hehehe! We shall see
GL to those who have apointments this week and next week.
I cannot wait till mine-I am so excited and nervous....I had my MC exactly one week before my NT scan. This time, I pray they see something even tho' I'll be closer to 8 weeks and even better if its transabdominal and not transvaginal.
Switching topics: How are you lovely ladies dealing with MS?
I'm on meds (diclectin) but it
really doesn't take it all away. I find that warm water tastes better than cold. I have also been drinking lots of iced OJ non-stop and eating like a mouse --- just little bits here and there and I am
ALWAYS hungry but appetite is so low!
Well, count yourself lucky if you are MS free. Also, I am thankful, so hopefully, this will be my last vent about MS
Oooo.... talking about dreams- mine have been rubbish

It's like I'm in a different planet and nothing makes sense at all!