My appointment went great

I am up about 10 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight which seems to be about on target for 22 weeks?? The HB sounded good, measuring ok etc etc. So, because my cervix hasn't even shortened or funneled even slightly, they decided it isn't necessary to do weekly ultrasounds anymore!! I must admit I am a bit sad

because I obviously loved seeing the little baby in there each week... but I couldn't be happier for the reason

They will give me another ultrasound at my next appointment at 26 weeks just to be on the safe side... so, I just PRAY that the whole cervical issue was just a fluke with the first pregnancy!?

There is still a chance that it will shorten and I will have to go on bed rest again, but I am holding out hope!!!! I just need to stop researching on the internet.....
Leinz, yes I am a teacher. I teach 5th grade (10 and 11 year olds) and I love my job!! Having the summer off is an added bonus for sure.... I used to waitress on my time off from school, but this summer since I have a toddler and I am pregnant, I decided that I could stay home and relax. So, now I know both worlds of being a working mom AND a stay at home mom!!!
My next appointment is
August 9th - Midwife Appointment, Ultrasound for cervix AND the dreaded glucose test (they sent me home with the drink today... I chose the fruit punch flavor again) That will be a busy day for me!
A bunch of other appointments coming up this week and next with you ladies!! Can't wait to read the updates!!!