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Leinzlove's The journey beyond our Bumps! (Closed Parenting Group)

Good to see you ICH! :) Jonathan is gorgeous! Are you sleeping much at night? Zoela is still up about every 3-4 hours but it isn't to bad.
thank you!! so is Zoela!! yup, Jonathan is up every 2-4 hours also. However i dont feel tired at all :shrug: maybe cause im used to being up every hour to pee while pregnant. tbh im sleeping better then i was!
I didn't feel the sleep deprivation all that much in the first weeks either. It's harder now for some reason. I think I had more adrenaline on my side then!

How is BF going, lch? Sorry if I missed an update, I'm a little behind.
I'm envious about the sleep. Maybe its because i'm chasing a DD. I wasn't sleeping well at the end either. Hmmmmm
I'm sure chasing a DD has a lot to do with it! I can't imagine doing that and caring for a newborn! Especially when it sounds like Chloe has been getting into everything lately.
I agree!!! With DD I didn't mind waking up early and multiple times at night for some reason... but now I am SO much more tired all the time!!! It's definitely because of chasing after a toddler, it takes so much energy!!!

But, of course, so worth it ;)
DD is testing limits and learning about punishment. We use the stand in corner technique. I tried the sitting in time out but she didn't mind that. Its crazy how much she knows, but she definitley knows "NO". Saying "No" used to be punishment enough. It's amazing what they can find to get into, even in a childproof house.

Zoela gets me up every 3-3 1/2 hours saying "Feed Me". I treasure most of the night feeds as its about all the time we have alone together. There's usually one I can hardly hold my eyes open and I sit there half asleep. I moved up her feeds to 3 1/2 oz from 3oz a few days ago when she didn't seem to be satisfied. She kept that all down. And today we went to 4oz, which seems like a lot for such a small baby. But, so far she's kept it down and who am I to say how much she eats. Maybe its the 3 week growth spurt.
I have been trying to figure out just how much Alexa eats... sadly she hasn't been taking the bottle very easily (which better change when she goes to day care in a month!!) So far we have just tried a few ounces here and there to just have her try the bottle out, then I finish her off by nursing.

At 4 months old DD#1 was drinking 4 oz of breast milk when she started at day care, so I have been pumping and freezing them in 4 oz bags.

And my BIG NEWS!?!?!?!?!
Of course I didn't sleep the whole time because I am so used to getting up AND my breasts became engorged because they were like "um, where's the baby?" haha
Makes me wonder what tonight will hold...
Leinz, it must be a shift to start having to use discipline that way! Must bring in a whole new interesting set of issues to figure out! It sounds like you have found something that works well, though. :thumbup:

Sevilla: 9 hours!!! :happydance: Lucky you! How do you make children like that? DH and I are pretty great sleepers so I thought if anyone could create a child who really liked to sleep, it would be us. But apparently not. :haha: Anyway, that is great! I hope she keeps it up long enough for your breasts to adjust so you can get that much sleep too!

Munchkin varies widely in how much milk he will take from a bottle. Sometimes he'll barely finish 2 oz, but he's also been known to polish off 6 oz. Makes it a little hard to plan for daycare! I freeze them in 2s and 3s.
omg sevilla thats great!

Jonathan is wonderful he had his second pediatrician appt yesterday , he is back at his birth weight + 6 oz - gained 9 oz in 8 days. hope thats not too much lol! they said to make an appt for when hes 2 months old. is that the norm?
We had another appointment at 1 month. It seems like it varies.
Yes I think doctors appointments vary by practice... ours was 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 4 months.

seaweed... I have NO idea how we got kids that like to sleep so much. It's bizarre. My sister has a 6 month old who never naps etc and she isn't doing anything different from me!

The nine hour night was a fluke... last night we were back to 2 am, 4 am and then 8 am. Oh well, it's certainly better than in the very beginning :)
My Appt were 1 week, 1 month and the next is 2 months. DD was every week or two for weigh checks.

Zoela was up to 9lbs 4oz at a month. She was born 6lbs 12oz and is in the 50%.

Its such a whole unique experience this time around. As Zoela is about to say goodbye to size Newborn, but Chloe didn't until she was 3 months old.
Jonathan just upgraded to 0-3 M yesterday! all my newborn clothes were carters. he grew out of them so quickly
Still in Newborn here. However, newborn diapers are gone. Zoela is chunky at the waist and has rolls on her legs. :)
Congrats on moving up clothing sizes! :thumbup: It really does slow way down by 6-9...I couldn't imagine how it would but it did. He's been in 6-9 or 6-12 since 3 months and I think in a few weeks we'll be ready for 12 month.
wow! Yes Jonathan is also in size 1 diapers! lol. my lil man has a hugee belly!

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