Lesbian couples TTC

Lescouple- yeah! That's good that you get to do it sooner than expected! Still, don't you hate it when your cycle throws in a loop and screws things up lol. My O day stalled for 8 days last cycle grrrr!! So we missed out since we only inseminated before and the day of my first and second positive opk. Really hoping that doesn't happen again this month!

We start trying the insem. on Friday! We are just going to do them everyday or every other day until I KNOW without a doubt that I O'd, hopefully we won't have a repeat of last month!
I have my soft cups and pre seed at the ready! Drinking my green tea every day, started my mucinex yesterday, taking EPO twice a day, and even drinking a little grapefruit juice and pineapple juice daily. DW has been doing reflexology on my feet every night and I've been doing yoga lol! This had better be my month!! Lol!!
Hope everyone else is doing well and wishing you all a Big Fat Sexy Positive!!!
I don't have any advice but I think this is amazing :) good luck to you :dust: xx
Miss white- good luck to you! Hope you see your BFP!
Yeah it does suck when your cycle just wants to have a mind of its own. But now we are 5 days and a wake up until insem time. Ive let the stress go and Im trying to think happy thoughts. It must be working because Ive been getting much more sleep lately, which is always good. I cant wait till i can actually post a :BFP: on here.

<a href="https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com"><img src="https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/tickers/dpo-1334466000z4z28z14.png" border="0"></a>

<a href="https://daisypath.com/"><img src="https://davf.daisypath.com/9za9m7.png" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Daisypath Anniversary tickers" /></a>
OOPs not HTML LOL. Heres what it shoulda been


Lescouple- me too! When I do, I'm going to post the biggest fattest sexiest BFP ever! Lol! Well we did our first insem for this cycle tonight, hoping to O on Monday. Trying to get a few insems in before the big O! I'm so nervous my egg might stall again like last month. But, donor is awesome, said he is willing to give a sample every 24 hrs until I see my temp rise for 3 days and get neg opks for a few days. FX'd this will be our month!
Hi there everybody-- so, it's time for me to stop lurking and actually post something... :)

My partner and I (living in Germany) are trying to conceive, with the help of a known donor, a friend/coworker of mine. We tried for the first time this past cycle. We used instead cups with pre-seed lube, no syringes. He did his part directly into the cup, and then we did our part: my partner inserted the lube into me, then I inserted the sperm-filled cup, then I had an orgasm and remained lying for a long time afterwards. Because of the Easter holiday, he had to travel, which meant that our timing was good, if not utterly optimal-- we did it 3 times: at 4, 2, and 1 days before my O. (which we timed with the help of an Ovacue Fertility Monitor for the first time this month, too-- the ovulation pee sticks have never worked for me.) We're currently in limbo at the end of the first 2ww. (Wow, I never thought the torture of waiting would be this extreme.)

I am due for my period today or tomorrow, but I have nothing yet, not even light spotting. I've tested with the super-cheap internet HPTs, but everything is still negative... and I'm getting really down. (I would have thought at day 27, O+14, I'd have seen a positive or gotten my period by now.

My cycles are usually 27 or 27.5 days, once as short as 26, and a couple of times as long as 28, within the past year. (I've been charting since early last summer, although we just started trying.)

The negative tests have gotten me down, and I touched my cervix with a finger yesterday and swear i saw a slight spot of pink, but then NOTHING at all except some creamy mucous after that touch showed up. And nothing more today-- just a little creamy mucous. (The bit of light pink totally freaked me out-- and now i'm convinced i'm not pregnant, although perhaps I still could be.)

Question #1 is: did we even do this properly??
Nothing seemed to spill... but how on earth do we know if the sperm actually got through my cervix? Should we have used a syringe?
I did orgasm afterwards, all 3 times. We left the cup in overnight, (went to sleep for the night afterwards the first two times, the last time it was in the morning, and I lay down for a couple of hours afterwards, and wore the instead cup the rest of the day.) But should we have used a syringe first, and inserted the cup later?

Another source of confusion: I am taking progesterone cream-- i did that for the first time this cycle, small doses, starting 3 days after ovulation. And I have been totally convinced that I'm pregnant, but I don't know if my symptoms might actually all just be from the cream.

As soon as a day after our last insemination, I could swear that I felt odd things I've never felt before- middle and lower backache, sore breasts (which we both think are larger!), frequent peeing. AFter 5-6 days I also had constipation, occasional twinges in my abdomen (primarily on the left), and I have had massive indigestion (burping, huge and really frequently!), have been really gassy (sorry if TMI), and also sometimes nausea-- never throwing up, but very real and I swear it's not imaginary. I've also been really sleepy-- on a couple of days I ended up taking long naps, quite unintentionally!

So question #2 is: does anybody know about progesterone cream mimicking pregnancy symptoms, or extending your cycle? I don't know if i should stop the cream or not... if i quit, i might miscarry if i'm pregnant. if i don't quit, if i'm not pregnant, maybe i'll never get my period, or screw up my cycle? argh.

My reasoning for the progesterone cream, if you want to know: I do have a shorter cycle and I'm 35, and my periods are light, so I've been afraid that I may have low progesterone. So I wanted to do my best to make sure that if i conceive, it would stick-- I've read many places that the cream can't hurt, and using a little bit, after ovulation only, could help avert early miscarriage. That's how I've used it-- lightly, only after ovulation.

So now, with all the negative tests, I have no idea whether or not I might actually be pregnant. And since this is my first cycle-- we're going a little nuts here :-(

Any advice? I'd love to hear from other couple using the instead cup method at home, or advice on how we should be best doing it. And if anybody has insights into the symptoms and/or the cream, and whether or not I might still be pregnant at this point, without a positive test-- i'd be most grateful!!

Thanks for the help! we are feeling a little alone on this, especially since we're not talking to our friends about the fact that we're trying...a friendly voice would be so welcome...
Hi! Me and my partner are ttc as we speak. It was scary the first insemination, but after that it was a breeze. Then it got to the point where I could do it by myself. Hoping it works!! I will find out if it worked on the 6th! Good luck!
Hey all! Sorry that I dropped out of here for a bit - technical issues :)

Mrslebrew, congrats! Woo hoo! All the positive BFPs are such an encouragement to everyone else.

Meishka - I promised to be TTC buddies and them promptly dropped off the planet. Sorry - I'm back! Which one is you in the pic? I have to post mine soon.

So, I'd love to hear about how people deal with their known donors in terms of discussing and planning the actual donations. We have a lovely guy - has often said it's no bother at all - but he has a very busy life, new job, 2 kids, etc., so I am really conscious of his time.

We started round 4 this month - the first insems after I got a period following the m/c in late Feb. We tried in the interim time last month, but everything was so screwy that I didn't know which day was right.

I was expecting that my best guess for O this month was tomorrow - Wednesday, so last week I sent off an email to him saying that Mon and Tues of this week would be best. But then, on Sunday, I got a huge release of EWCM, and was like - whaaa, this is way earlier than I expected. So he came over Monday and donated, and that morning I saw the most EWCM I've ever seen (in my life!) mixed with a twinge of blood (ovulation spotting?). Sorry if TMI, but you know how closely we end up looking at these things! I've heard things are different after a m/c so maybe this is why. I sort of feel extra fertile.

Yesterday, we went to his place and did a pick-up at lunch. It was so funny - we actually brought lunch, and my friend (his wife) was home too, so we all ate lunch, and then DF (Dear Fiancee) and I went for a walk, returned to get the sperm when he texted, quickly drove home, and got to it! Seriously ladies, we need to write a film about the insemination process, it's too funny.

So that brings us to today. I took my temp this am and it was really low, but then I wondered if something was wrong (lying in bed after, kidding myself that I could fall back to sleep), so I took it again 15 min later and it jumped by 7/10ths of a degree (F). Did it a third time and it was the same as the higher one. So I am totally confused, because I know the best time to take it is immediately upon waking, but can it really shoot up 7/10ths in 15 min? Ahhhhh! The first temp would suggest I haven't O'd and the second suggests probably I have, so ... do I call him for donation 3 or just call it a day? I have said to DF that if the donor lived next door, I would just call anytime, but it takes some arranging with all of our jobs, etc. Trying to use the CM as a guide, but it's not always reliable. And the OPKs are useless for me.

Ok, that was long...sorry!
Hi wipednwired!

I think that it varies from person to person how quickly your bbt shoots up.
Mine is super sensitive, meaning that it will change drastically (as much as .1degree Celsius) if I just stand up. Seriously, if I've gotten up to pee within 2 hours of waking, my temps can be screwy. Or if I wake 15 min later than usual.

My temps are always at a clear low 1-2 days pre-o... Clear dip every month. Dunno if that helps-- but I've heard that's common...

Hope you really are "extra fertile" this cycle! Baby dust to you!
Thanks sparklela - I've only been charting for 5 months, and while I wish that were a lot of info, it's not, really!

But this morning was just so confusing. I've decided that if anything resembling fertile CM shows up today, we'll make an appointment with the donor tonight. Otherwise, I am going to guess that ovulation was happening last night/this am, and that's the cause for the temp ambiguity (all things else equal). I really wish we could temp at any time in the day (this process is making me even more of a control freak, haha).
:wave: to all the newbies joining, and plenty of GL and :dust:

I just wanted to drop in with an update;

AFM... I need 1-2 more temps to confirm it, but I think that I am in the TWW for sure! I had 2 donations at the beginning and end the suspected fertile period, so we shall see. My monitor gave me 2 peaks and so I wait!! Still soooo much going on, we are moving into our new house, should be there by the weekend, and work has been super busy, not to mention our DD is finishing up the 3rd grade. I'm updating my journal...:dust:
Hi all--
So, the sad update is that AF arrived, just late. Sigh. Ok, starting a fresh month.
sparkela - damn AF! I remember when getting my period was a pain only if I was going on holiday...means so much more now.

MrsMM24 - I think we're on the same schedule. I figure I am now 3DPO.
I'm so glad that I found this thread! I hope it's okay if I join you. And I apologize if this gets long.

Me and my wife have been together for 11 years and married for 2 years in July! We're both 31 and have wanted a child badly for a few years, but wasn't sure how we were going to go about it. I recently found someone willing to donate to us, problem is he lives about 2 hours away from us. He makes random trips into the city and does his thing at his families and then the sample gets brought to me. I really have no warning about when this is going to happen. First time was a week before Ovulation and the second was the day after. i need to see if I can get some control over his visits, but I don't want to sound ungreatful either.

I'm currently sitting at 8dpo and I've had a lot of symptoms. I very stupidly took a pregnancy test this morning and I saw a faint line as the color past over the test. I got super excited but then it faded into a white line then was gone. So i tried another, lol ... just in case that one was defective and it was negative. So now i'm going to try and hold off for another 2 days. My temperature took a huge spike over the last two days so I'm trying to remain optimistic, it's just fading as fast as that pink line on my test. my wife thinks i'm nuts. She doesn't want to hear about the whole process, or all of my symptoms. If I mention it she's like, you're going to keep obsessing about this aren't you? I know she's just as excited as I am to have a baby, but where it's not her trying,she don't completely get it. So I'm trying not to talk to her about all of this stuff, which is why I'm super thankful for places like these online!

One of major symptoms, and i apologize if this is TMI is I have IB. And I'm usually super regular, but not anymore. What used to be 5 times a day has gone down to 1! I've had bouts of nausea but it's not a constant everyday thing. I've also had some pretty nasty cramps a few days ago, and sometimes I don't even get cramps when my period arrives. Also, and again sorry if TMI but I have no cm right now,and usually i have an abundance right up to my period arriving. I have other symptoms but they can be written off as an every month thing.

I'm really hoping that 8dpo is just really too early to test and that there is a positive test right around the corner.

if not i guess i just have to gear up to try again next month! it's really taking a toll on me though. I don't know how women can do this month after month coming up with the same results. Just writing about this turns me into a blubbering mess!

I need to see if I can find me some instead cups online for next month, I'm hoping that might help things out. Also, do any of you use preseed? I've heard lots of good things about it, but am wondering if I should make the plunge and get that too? I've looked in all my local stores and they don't have any, so i'll have to look online for that too.

Sorry for all the rambling. Thanks for taking a peek if you made it to the end!

Finger's crossed for everyone!
WAITING nice and long post, loved it though so don't apologize for the length! I am happy that you found this thread as well. I know there is ALOT you can gain from these threads and hope you see your dark pink BFP soon! If you want to take a view at my journal, feel free, it is in my siggy. GL FXD!!:dust:

WIPEDANDWIRED GREAT! Let's finish this wait out together! We are getting anxious, but will allll that we have been through in the last year, we are holding strong to wait to test. Wishin you luck!:dust:

SPARKLE So sorry AF flew in, I hope that your next cycle is the ONE!! :dust:

AFM... Well... my temp is still elevated, AF is likely due this weekend. Not sure how my cycle will rebound after the last MC so we shall see. I am feeling fine, all the moving, and working, and organizing, I am not only so busy that I haven't been regularly on BnB, but also not thinking much of SS... FXD for myself and everyone through this weekend, I will see you back on Monday!!:dust: I'm updating my journal...:dust:
Hi all! I have been lurking in the background for a few weeks now and since there hasn't been much activity I figured I would take the opportunity to introduce myself. :flower: My Partner and I have just completed our first at home AI. I was always the one that was supposed to carry but 2 years ago I had to have brain surgery and was dianosed with a condition that prevents me from safely having kids. Perk of being gay....it's not like it can happen on accident. :rofl: My partner offered to carry to the shock of myself, friends and family. I can't stop reading, researching, and asking her if her boobs hurt or she has to pee. LOL!! She said if I ask one more time if she took her folic acid she was going to loose it. :blush: I love heraing all of your stories. AF should be here around the 16th. Meanwhile I will climb the walls. Baby dust to all!!!! :dust:

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