Lesbian couples TTC

Hey thanks sparklela! Any updates? I went conception bananas today. Got softcups, test strips, a basal thermometer, preseed and....ummm......collection cups :blush: That eggy is gonna get gotten this month! :spermy:

tons of babydust to all of you this month!!
Hey :)
Still no news. My skin is mad broken out, and I had some cramps yesterday-- probably AF but who knows. test this morning was BPN; I'm due today or tomorrow. No sign yet, but my CM was a little darker than usual, so i'm thinking that's possibly the first sign that AF is about to let loose.

I'm feeling *really* down... Just not sure what we're doing wrong. I thought our method and timing were great this month. I had a major emotional breakdown all over my poor partner on sunday... absurdly sobbing about feeling useless and this whole process never working. probably PMS rearing her ugly head. Sometimes I get that badly.

On top of that, I'm just wondering if I (or our donor) should be getting some testing to see if the attempts even have a shot of working. For some reason, I just feel really down that it's never going to work. That's absurd because this was only month #2, I realize that... but still. If the timing was right, why on earth should it not work if we're both healthy?

:nope: sigh....
thanks for the support, grrlz.
Sparklela...I'm sorry you're feeling so down girl. :hugs: I know this is an emotional rollercoaster with the wanting and the waiting and trying to do everything right but remember, You're trying to make a tiny human. Perfection can take time. If you are worried about your donor's fertility there are home tests you can buy that test count. I bet that the biggest thing holding you back right now is probably stress. Try to relax and enjoy the journey. The best things come to those who wait. :coffee:

Remember: you can do this :thumbup:

Thank you for writing! It means a lot. I am doing a little better this afternoon with feeling patient. Although I also started light bleeding.. So aunt flow must actually be here.

Can you tell me more about the home tests you can get to test the donor's count? This is the first I've heard of that. Don't know if it would be available in Germany, but still... Perhaps something similar could be found if I knew a little about it. :)

On the other side of the process, have you (or anybody reading?) heard about what is involved to find out if my hormones and body are working properly?
It seems like that would also be a wise thing to investigate...

Thanks again for the good wishes. And right back to you...

Baby dust to everyone!
Sparklela: There are several brands. It is a way to start at least. Its not comprehensive testing but it uses the protiens in the sperm to gauge a positive or negative result like a Hcg test. It will at least let you know if the count is in the normal ranges. There is a similar starting point for female fertility as well. I have seen them online. There is an international website called prideangel.com that sells home insemination, books, and testing supplies. :hug:
Awesome!! I will check it out.
You are a doll. The hug is so welcome today.

Ok, gonna try to be less of a Stress bucket Now :)

Hugs back!
Thanks Myalways829 :hugs: I am plugging right along. Got on amazon a few days ago to order supplies, books, etc. I feel way more educated and prepared for this cycle. Our first test this cycle will be on my Birthday and I am hoping for the gift of a lifetime! :thumbup:

:dust: to all! June is totally going to be our month! :happydance:
Hey! that's a cool coincidence: my partner's birthday is also the day that AF would be due for this (just barely started) cycle. We agree-- a BFP would be a PHENOMENAL birthday present.

LeahMSta, I feel it, it's gonna be our cycle this time!! :) glad to hear you're feeling positive... let's both keep the energy up and going!

baby dust!
Seems a month of useful dates. My test day is sister in law's birthday (6 days before DP's birthday) and due date would be two days before my 25th birthday :)
SO June it is ladies! Laura1988 and Sparklela, lets keep this thread good and active through this cycle. We can run the whole month together. From OPKs to BFPs.:thumbup: Everybody needs some support sometimes. I'm glad to have you ladies to share this experience with. :hugs: Now....let's make some babies!!:haha:
That's a plan, stan ;-)

Let's DO it!!! babies here we come!
Well ladies, POAS mania has started in my house. We are ovulation testing and waiting for the smile that means its time for the magic to happen. I don't expect that to happen until around the begining of June but as you all know.....sometimes our bodies have different plans. This month we plan to do several insems. At least once a day possibly more (schedule permitting). We plan to start a day or two before ovulation. We got softcups and preseed this time and plan to alternate the method of getting :spermy: to where it needs to go. I know all of the planning in the world doesn't mean a promised BFP but I feel so much more prepared and confident this cycle. It's amazing how much this process causes growth. I am learning to be both patient and empowered. I love it. Now I just want that birthday BFP. I am well stocked in tests and ready for this month's journey. How are the rest of you doing?

Baby dust to all!
Hiya ladies, may I join? My wife and I are going to be trying for the first time next cycle - just waiting for AF because I'm on CD28!!! We're using a known donor and doing at home AI. Have invested in soft cups, preseed, and a CBFM. So excited! Baby dust to all xxxxxx
Hiya ladies, may I join? My wife and I are going to be trying for the first time next cycle - just waiting for AF because I'm on CD28!!! We're using a known donor and doing at home AI. Have invested in soft cups, preseed, and a CBFM. So excited! Baby dust to all xxxxxx

:wave: Hi HopefulPony! Welcome and come on in. :flower: I am only on our 2nd cycle so we can be newbies together. :happydance: That is as long as you dont mind me using smileys for puctuation. :haha:
Awwww no it's cute! I'm so excited - seriously never wanted my period as much as I do now!!! Can't wait to start seeing some lovely BFPs here :)
+opk today! The soy has moved my first. + from cd24 to. Cd17! Good work soy!

Donor is out of town though. Had donation 4 days ago so fingers crossed that will be enough
Hiya ladies, may I join? My wife and I are going to be trying for the first time next cycle - just waiting for AF because I'm on CD28!!! We're using a known donor and doing at home AI. Have invested in soft cups, preseed, and a CBFM. So excited! Baby dust to all xxxxxx

You were married around same time as as :) we were 03/10.10! Where did u get married? Was old marylebone town hall for us
Well, we are totally ready for fertile season to bring it on. If we havent seen the smile before the 4th, we will start inseminations then. Our doner's girlfriend is currently out if state so he has promised that the :spermy: this month are all ours. I'm kinda happy about That because I never felt right asking him not to :sex: with his lady, but I wasnted him "well stocked" :haha:
I joined FF today. We are prepared for next month already- just in case. Next month we tackle charting. I got a thermometer and a book. Now I just have to put it all together. LOL! The funny part is that with my partner being the one carrying and me being the conception guru, I'm not sure how to tackle cm/cp. :shrug: I mean she already pees on everything I ask her to but I don't really want to be partner/gyno. She already said she would temp so maybe we'll just start there and build up to more detail. I'll let you know when I finish the book on charting. :coffee: I have the fever bad. I spent 3 hours researchin products for little ones. :baby: You guys are gonna have to keep me grounded on the 2ww. :wacko:
Hiya ladies, may I join? My wife and I are going to be trying for the first time next cycle - just waiting for AF because I'm on CD28!!! We're using a known donor and doing at home AI. Have invested in soft cups, preseed, and a CBFM. So excited! Baby dust to all xxxxxx

You were married around same time as as :) we were 03/10.10! Where did u get married? Was old marylebone town hall for us

Awww yay! We got married at the Rose & Crown hotel in Colchester which is where we live :) can't believe this year will be our second wedding anniversary! Here is a snippet of our wedding video if you need some entertainment!


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