Lesbian couples TTC

Well, we are totally ready for fertile season to bring it on. If we havent seen the smile before the 4th, we will start inseminations then. Our doner's girlfriend is currently out if state so he has promised that the :spermy: this month are all ours. I'm kinda happy about That because I never felt right asking him not to :sex: with his lady, but I wasnted him "well stocked" :haha:
I joined FF today. We are prepared for next month already- just in case. Next month we tackle charting. I got a thermometer and a book. Now I just have to put it all together. LOL! The funny part is that with my partner being the one carrying and me being the conception guru, I'm not sure how to tackle cm/cp. :shrug: I mean she already pees on everything I ask her to but I don't really want to be partner/gyno. She already said she would temp so maybe we'll just start there and build up to more detail. I'll let you know when I finish the book on charting. :coffee: I have the fever bad. I spent 3 hours researchin products for little ones. :baby: You guys are gonna have to keep me grounded on the 2ww. :wacko:

Awwww bless you! I'm the conception guru and the (hopefully) bio mummy for us.... But DW does often say "How's your mucus?" haha lol :) I'm not temping - just checking CM and using the fertility monitor. I'm not so sure about CP - it's hard for me to feel it cos of my shape (sorry if TMI!!!!) but fertile CM is easy to detect :) I agree the TWW is gonna be a killer.... I'm gonna want to test every day....
Wow! I disappear for a couple of days and the thread goes haywire.

Welcome to the group, HopefulPony!

Okay... so I'm getting vamped up for the pre-ovulation week here on cycle #3. I'm trying to stay hopeful... even though i've been concerned that perhaps our donor is less than optimal b/c he's a bit up there in age (48). Anyway, the plan is that if it doesn't take this cycle, we're going to ask him to get a sperm count. but on the other hand, cycle #3 isn't too far in... so maybe i'm worrying over nothing.

so, there seems to be an extraordinary bounty of hanky-panky :kiss: around here so far this cycle...perhaps it's just the onset of honest-to-goodness summer weather in Germany making us both in a great mood, but i'm taking that as maybe a sign that the universe wants me to get preggo this cycle. ha! Anyway, it can't hurt that we're more relaxed and lovey-dovey, in my opinion.

So... what else is new...i'm going to see an osteopath for a cranio-sacral treatment right before i ovulate this month, because i've heard from a number of folks that the adjustments to your energy flow that accompany subtle physical adjustments have the "side effect" of a lot of patients getting pregnant unintentionally! (I would actually love to see an acupuncturist but haven't found a suitable one yet.)

Othewise, we're going to keep going with the syringe + softcup/preseed + orgasm plan

Question: what do you all think-- orgasm before or after or both?

(as with everything I post-- sorry if it's TMI!)

We are gonna get through the 2WW together, y'all :happydance: I'll prob be ovulating on the 4th or the 5th, if things stick to the schedule...

Baby dust!:winkwink: and hopefully get the BFP's this time!
PS- LeahMSta-- where do you get all your smileys?? and the ovulation ticker? Cause, you know, why not just announce that stuff right at the bottom...
PS- LeahMSta-- where do you get all your smileys?? and the ovulation ticker? Cause, you know, why not just announce that stuff right at the bottom...

If you click on my ticker it will take you right to the page that allows you to crate them. Then you just add it to your signature and TA-DA!!! The smileys are when you click 'go advanced' on a reply and you'll see them on the right. click on 'more' at the bottom of the ones that are showing and you'll find a ton more. :thumbup:

I am going nuts!!! We got our smiley today on our clearblue O tests so today is baby making day. As you can see according to my ticker it shoudl still be a week away but....the body has a mind of it's own. :happydance: The doner has been on alert for a couple days and has been stocking his :spermy: for us. Now if he would wake up and reply to my message I would feel much better. DP has to work a split today so we are working on a time crunch. We are going to try once this afternoon and once tonight. I'm So excited!!! :wohoo: I guess I am going to try and kill time fixing my tickers now. Hahahaha! Baby Dust to all and feel free to send some my way :)
I need to vent and this is the only place I can do it. Our donor is a great guy and I really appreciate what he is doing for us out of the kindness of his heart but I don't think he gets the urgency of a smiling OPK. He's put us off for the day because he "forgot" he had to go help a friend out of town. I am so frustrated I want to cry. What if we miss the eggy?!?!?!
I need to vent and this is the only place I can do it. Our donor is a great guy and I really appreciate what he is doing for us out of the kindness of his heart but I don't think he gets the urgency of a smiling OPK. He's put us off for the day because he "forgot" he had to go help a friend out of town. I am so frustrated I want to cry. What if we miss the eggy?!?!?!

Oh no :( big hugs xxxxxxxxxx fingers crossed you'll still catch the eggy!!! Does he know how important the timing is? If he doesn't it might be an idea to have a chat with him about it :)
Sparklela - I've read that an orgasm before and after is the best way! I want to do that too, at least after, but we won't be at home and it'll be weird I think....
Thanks, hopefulpony!

All this Talk about orgasms is making me warm! Lol. :blush: but i suppose I started that.

Leahmsta, that is so irritating! I totally agree. I mean, yeah, of course he has a life and doesn't probably want to be chained to the bathroom/magazines, but still... If you make a commitment to help, then I'm of the opinion you should do your best to be there at the right time. Otherwise, why do it at all?

I think pony's right... Maybe he's not aware of how intensely important the timing is, and a conversation is in order... I hate confrontation so i admit that it's not a particularly lovely thing to have to do. But in the other hand, sometimes biting the bullet and just doing it is what has to be done.

Hopefully this resolves itself without too much headache!

On the other hand... Keep testing... Because some people really do ovulate twice, and if O was supposed to be a week from now, then maybe it will still (or also?) happen then! So maybe you haven't missed the window yet...

Thanks ladies! I guess I may have been being a bit of a spoiled brat. :dohh: I feel bad even complaining. He asctually woke us up first thing this morning with a ready to be used donation and appologized and said he knew how important it was and had cleared his schedule for next week to make sure he was "on call". He simply wasn't prepared for the spur of the moment yesterday. He knew it was important so he wanted to find a way to make it work but other obligations and our work schedule didn't line up. He promised to give us as much as we wanted for the next 2 days and had already cleared his schedule. I litterally woke up to :spermy:. LOL! :blush: Anyway we have just finished this morning's insem. :happydance:
Hi girls! I don't think that I have introduced myself here yet, but would love to get involved in an active Lesbian TTC Thread!

I am 9dpo in cycle #3 of ttc with my wife of 13 years via IUI and donor sperm. I'm 36 and she's 45, so we're trying to do this quickly before my eggs expire too! :D :haha: :baby:

So far, I have no signs or symptoms that I can relate directly to pregnancy. The last few days have provided a "lovely" skin breakout, but that is VERY indicative of AF for me...but it could also be the fact that it has been in the 90s here all weekend. Witch isn't due until June 7, so this breakout is early for me, but I'm not holding my breath. :shrug: Temps look fine, but I don't put much faith in that simply because temps stay up through LP with conception or not... who knows. I'm sure I'm over analyzing. :shrug:

I REALLY wanted Pizza Hut today so stopped on my way home from work, and DP is CONVINCED that it is a craving... frankly, I think it's just because I had a stressful day at work and I'm an emotional eater :haha:

Anyways, glad to join you girls!
Welcome HitTheJackpot! :wave:

I think we have a pretty awesome little group of ladies here. I'm glad you joined us. :flower:

FX for a BFP for you! Keep us posted in symptom spotting and and testing. I tend to give blow by blows just because I love being able to share with people who actually "get it" and don't say ridiculous thing like "We tried for 5 months before it worked and we were doing it the old fashioned way." :dohh:
I would like to join the forum. Me and my partner are trying to conceive using a sperm bank and home insemination. i am 39 so I am feeling the clock ticking loudly. This would be my first pregnancy. We are on cycle 3 and today is day 1. i would love to be a part of other lesbians trying to conceive...its quite the roller coaster of emotions..
Welcom JandK! WE just did our home insemination for round 2. My DP will be carrying (to the shock of me and everyone we know) as I had brain surgery 2 years ago and it is no longer safe for me to become pregnant. We've been together for 11 years and I was always the one that would carry "some day". She has put me in charge of "research and development" as we call it and she pees on everything I ask her to. Hahaha!!! We tell our friends I am getting pregnant using my "spare" uterus. She is 34 and I am 33. I'm looking to hear more about your journey.
We are planning the 3rd insemination June 10. I always ovulate on day 12. I will def keep you updated
Thanks LeahM! Glad to be here! ROTFL @ peeing on everything you ask her to. Hys-terical!! :D I am carrying and doing all the research. DP is there to hold my hand during procedures @ doc - She hasn't missed one yet! - and she asks every night to see my FF chart and for me to explain it to her. She is clueless about this reproduction stuff, but she has also NEVER been one to even CONSIDER carrying, so she is just kinda along for the ride in a supportive role! :haha:

We picked our donor based on her primary criteria, so she got to pick out the frozen pop... with my final approval :winkwink:. She REALLY wanted a donor of Danish heritage to get even a sliver of her family gene pool in there and I am CMV negative, so between the two, our donor pool was quite limited :dohh: But we found one we both really liked that had most of the qualities... but it was an exhausting search!

Unfortunately, using donor sperm from a bank, and with our Fertility max with insurance already exceeded this year, everything we do is out of pocket. Sperm alone is $630/month with shipping...gah! So we are hoping and praying that it takes this month. The financial toll is really weighing heavily on us right now. :growlmad: I'm sure many of you know how that all is!

Fingers crossed for each and every one of you this month as well! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Ironic but true that my partner avidly vowed to never carry either. Then one day seemingly out of nowhere when I was crying about my only pregnancy ending in mc, my DP let me know that she had been watching me be "Godmommy and Aunty" to our many family friend's kids and realized that I was born to be a mom. Ugh. I am such a girl. I started crying just typing it. She said she watched me spend the last two years watching me fight to learn to read, write, walk and work all over again (after surgery) and she knew that it was finally time to live my dream. AMAZING. Now we just have to get all of the ingredients needed to make a baby to agree and we will make amazing mommies. :)
Hi guys. I'm a pansexual who prefers the ladies who just happened to find my soulmate in my male best friend... but I still feel like a lesbian most of the time and I just wanted to drop in and offer you all my love and support! And baby dust, of course.
I ov'd 5 / 6 days post donation. Hope I'm still in with a chance of some kind. We'll have to wait and see
I can sympathize with the cost we are doing it the cheapest way which entails 14 for the insemination kit and 500 for one vial of sperm per month. We are using Midwest Sperm Bank. I have mostly liked the service there. I have made an appointment with the fertility center to see if there is anything else we can do. Hoping for a BFP at the end of June. I have described the TTC journey as expensive and stressful. That should sum it up...:)

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